Nina's Not So Scary Birthday October Trip Report - Villians Dance Party 4/30

Hello friends, and thanks for sticking around, or at least popping in occasionally to see if I’ve actually made an update. I have been so distracted by other things that I’ve not been on the DISboards nearly as much as I’d like to. There is only so much downtime for me, and I confess to having gotten completely addicted to the Game of Thrones books as well as the Divergent series, not to mention a few other really good books in between.
I think I will be more photos as I am challenged to remember our trip. October seems so long ago. But there are only 75 more days till we are back as a family, so I’d better get to writing!

Monday was a day we were all looking forward to – PARTY DAY! Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party to be exact! But I am getting ahead of myself.
Joe and I woke up pretty early & headed off to the gym. No photos – it’s a gym, and I didn’t bring my phone over with me. Sorry.
After getting our work out in, we headed back to the room to shower & dress. Katie and Nina were still sleeping. We sat out on the balcony, chatting, enjoying breakfast, taking in the scenery, looking at the photos we’d taken. Okay, we were there for quite a while. And finally we were done relaxing. I mean COME ON! Its vacation! You can only relax so much! With the girls still sleeping, we decided to take a ferry over to Downtown Disney by ourselves. It was 11 am already!!!

è I failed to mention that when Katie and I returned to our room Sunday in the wee hours, there was a big box with my name on it, sitting on the kitchen counter. OOH GOODY I love presents!

Want to guess what my sweet hubby bought for me? Here’s a clue….its a page from Cynthia’s book. J

Yup, got me a new Mickey Mug. I love this mug – could not wait to use it with my morning coffee, which could explain how we were able to linger for so long on the balcony. Who would not want to enjoy their coffee out of this mug?


Mean mom that I am, I left a note for Katie to do a page of homework when she woke up.
The ferry ride over was so pretty and it was bright and sunny (of course it was nearly noon!!!)




No particular destination in mind, we wandered around, taking in some stores we’d never seen before.



The Candy Cauldron, Blink, D Street, Hoypoloi Gallery – we just enjoyed walking around, looking at everything, making those mental wish lists of what we would purchase if money were no object (and someone else had to dust all that stuff!). Joe and I have always been window shoppers. Before Katie would come along, we would go to farmers markets, flea markets, “knick knack” stores, galleries, outlets, etc just browsing through, commenting, making up stories, whatever. We don’t get to do it that a lot any more because I have a great fear of having to spend $300 on a broken doo dad because Katie has to touch everything. So we like to browse and meander through shops.



There was a very pretty fall display, of course we had to take a few photos




We wandered down into the main DTD area and had to stop at Pollo Compero. I am SO SAD that they are closing this already. I picked up a small side of fried plaintains, and Joe opted for a liquid treat…..Bailey’s Banana Foster shake. Mmm so yummy.





About 12:30 or so we called over and found that indeed Katie and Nina were up and about. I felt guilty because apparently Katie was giving Nina a hard time about doing a sheet of homework, and Nina had to put on her bi&ch hat (all moms get one!). We made our way back to the ferry & headed over. Joe was going to meet Nina for lunch at Artist’s Point while I took the Bi7ch hat from Nina to ensure said homework was done.
After homework, Katie and I met up with Joe and Nina at the pool for a while. I think we might have gone back to the Community Room for another craft. Yes, we did. We made really cool fabric banners. I didn’t take a photo then and don’t know where Katie’s is, but mine is hanging by the front door, so here it is. (well here it will be when the photo uploads for me!)

If you are staying at a DVC resort, I recommend visiting the community center at least once. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves there. And, for inquiring minds, the banner was free. We also made magnets and post cards, which were also free. We only paid for the ceramics that we did the day before.
We all enjoyed the pool for a while, especially the hot tub! There were games going on in the pool area again, and Katie enjoys playing those. There was a trivia game going on…we got there after it had started so didn’t officially play. Too bad, we would have kicked butt…but we used our Disney trivia to help out a family who looked like they were struggling. Its all in fun anyway!
Eventually we headed back to our room to get ready for the party. I think we headed back later than I wanted but apparently you cannot rush leisure time. (Did I mention that there may have been a bit too much leisure time for me? )
It took us a little while, but eventually we were made up, dressed up, tattooed -- we were a roudy hearty bunch of scallywags if ever you did see one.


And we headed out to the bus. No one else waiting at our stop was in costume. I think Joe & Nina were doubting me that people dressed up for the party. But once we got on the bus we saw quite a few people in costume, and more got on as we made our way through the resort. This one guy was dressed as Hades ----blue shiny paint and all. He looked awesome but freakin hot! We were pretty glad that we had selected light weight costumes and were pretty comfortable.


Now unfortunately, when I bought our AP’s on Saturday, I was not able to get our tickets for the party. I had forgotten to bring my pocket planner with my confirmation numbers. So we had to get in line. Quite a long line frankly. Just to get our tickets. Then we had to get in a different line to actually be admitted. And it was rather chaotic. And crowded. Finally we got in. I was disappointed that there were no photopass photographers at the entrance of the park at that time. Oh well. We headed in with the masses.









I will admit I could have had a better plan, but this was our first party at DisneyWorld. We had decided that while we had some rides that we had to do, we really wanted to trick or treat, see the parade and fireworks, and the Villians’ Meet & Greet. I wanted to get the Halloween Magic Photos at the Haunted Mansion, and was hoping to get some villain autographs, but that did not work out so well. Oh well.
We alternated trick or treating & going on rides. Of course we had to ride Pirates of the Caribbean – we were pirates!!! I think we actually rode it several times over the course of the night. My photos are a bit sketchy as is my memory at this point!





I know we lined up early enough up by the Magic Kingdom so that we could see the Boo to You Lightshow, Fireworks and then the Parade. Joe and I took a gazillion fireworks photos. The colors were great – greens and purples and oranges. I’ll just let the photos do the talking. Sorry, I really did pick and choose the ones I took, there are so many more!!!




















I just love this picture of my sister in law, taking in the fireworks.





up next, dance party & parade...
Yay! An update!

What a great day! I love your new mug! Perfect for party day!

What a nice morning at DTD.

Ugh to the homework. As much as a kid doesn't want to do homework at WDW, a print does not want to urge said kid to get it done.

Love your party outfits. You guys look great.

Last year when we picked up tickets it took FOREVER in will call line. Next year I plan to go in right as the party opens and avoid that mess.

Beautiful castle pictures!
Yay! An update!
I really have been SUCH a slacker. I need more hours in the day!

What a great day! I love your new mug! Perfect for party day!
I love that mug. I have decided to ditch my non-dis mugs & slowly replace them with new ones. I was eying up one from Animal Kingdom in February that I think is going home with me in June!
What a nice morning at DTD.

Ugh to the homework. As much as a kid doesn't want to do homework at WDW, a print does not want to urge said kid to get it done.

We had a nice time walking around. There are some benefits to having a friend/family member join us on vacation with a young one. Soon enough Katie will be okay for a while on her own, but it was nice to have Nina there. Though she was not happy with me for leaving the homework note either :rolleyes1[/quote]
Love your party outfits. You guys look great.

Last year when we picked up tickets it took FOREVER in will call line. Next year I plan to go in right as the party opens and avoid that mess.

Beautiful castle pictures!

well we couldn't beat your duck costumes:) but we had fun! and we practiced pirate speak for weeks before. so silly!

that line was a MESS for sure. I wonder if now those parties will just be attached to your magic band and that whole mess will be eliminated?

the castle show was just gorgeous. more photos later if I have time and energy after Zumba tonight!

thanks for popping over!
Great updates, Mary Ellen. I will say that anyone in my room sleeping until 11:00 a.m. would have been left behind LONG before that and would be fending for themselves. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

But it's nice that you and Joe got some alone time to browse the shops at DTD.

I LOVE your costumes. You all look great.

And wonderful firework and castle show pictures.
Great updates, Mary Ellen. I will say that anyone in my room sleeping until 11:00 a.m. would have been left behind LONG before that and would be fending for themselves. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

But it's nice that you and Joe got some alone time to browse the shops at DTD.

I LOVE your costumes. You all look great.

And wonderful firework and castle show pictures.

Truth is, if it were just Katie, we would have woken her up as soon as we got back from the gym. But For much of the week, Nina was not feeling 100% so we went easy on her.

It will NOT happen in June, trust me:lmao:

the Halloween light show & fireworks were awesome, I really enjoyed them.
After the fireworks we moved up to see the Villain’s Dance Party & Meet & Greet. Now, I will tell you that when they have a “Dance Party” over in Tomorrowland, it’s a dance party. The characters are out there with park guests, dancing & having fun. For the Villains however, its less a dance party and more a dance show. I was a bit disappointed at not getting to see them close up and personal but we did enjoy the show.









After the meet and greet (which I missed because Joe’s batteries died and the spares were back the room. DOH! So I was on a mad rush battery run into tomorrow land!) we tried to find spots for the parade. Joe is lucky …his 6’5” could go up to the curb and get photos over everyone’s heads. Katie, Nina and I climbed up on a railing (I know, bad example) so we could see over everyone.












the float and dancers for the Haunted Mansion were my favorites by far












and a few photo pass pictures from the party


serious pirate faces...




Once the parade cleared out, Katie was anxious to get out of her costume. Nina was not feeling great (and it was midnight) so she headed back to the room loaded down with candy, costume, and I think Joe’s camera. I took only a few random photos as we took in a few more attractions and sites for the evening









We rode Haunted Mansion as well, catching some of the tombstones on our way in. I can’t tell you why we didn’t get photos at the horseless carriage.





as I have no more photos I have no proof as to what else I did ... I think we rode Space Mountain, and Carousel of Progress. We saw a little of a "real" dance party, but we were in line for something else so didn't get to dance with them. I remember we were at the park til just about closing at 1 am but sigh, no clue what else we did!
Love the Villain Dance party pictures. We've yet to see that in our two parties, but hope to rectify that in September (we weren't going to do the party but it is an opportunity to spend time with Tim and family--that's nice--that we couldn't pass it up).

It looks like a really fun evening. :)
How cute does Katie look in her costume? :thumbsup2

I'm really looking forward to the Halloween party in October. It's such a great event and that parade is so much fun!

Do you think I can get Denny to dress up? :confused3 I better start working on that now.
Hey there! Just found your TR today and have read all the way through. Great job! Can't wait til our trip!!!!! Don't worry about me - I don't sleep at Disney! I'm ready for rope drop and late nights:cool1:
Love the Villain Dance party pictures. We've yet to see that in our two parties, but hope to rectify that in September (we weren't going to do the party but it is an opportunity to spend time with Tim and family--that's nice--that we couldn't pass it up).

It looks like a really fun evening. :)

I'm so glad that you're going with Tim & family -- you will have a great time. Is this the first time you are meeting the whole family? I feel like it is but I am so behind that maybe I missed something!

I only wish that they did the meet & greet the way the princess meet & greet used to be in the ToonTown Tent - where you get in one line and get to meet several villians. As it was we could only pick one villian, and we just happened to be standing right where Cruella's line started. I personally wanted to meet the Queen of Hearts!!

How cute does Katie look in her costume? :thumbsup2

I'm really looking forward to the Halloween party in October. It's such a great event and that parade is so much fun!

Do you think I can get Denny to dress up? :confused3 I better start working on that now.

I think Katie make a great pirate - her "mean" face really was mean too!!:rotfl:

My cousin's (below) hubby is not big on dressing up --- she got him to wear a t-shirt that said "the beast" or something was funny! Linda, share!!!

Hey there! Just found your TR today and have read all the way through. Great job! Can't wait til our trip!!!!! Don't worry about me - I don't sleep at Disney! I'm ready for rope drop and late nights:cool1:
:wave2: Hi Cuz!!!

We are so psyched! :hyper:I have all the t's & tanks ready to tie dye, as soon as yours comes in the mail. And of course I keep tweaking our fast passes. I'm trying to plan all early ones for the most part so that we can get more later in the parks.

(back story -- next month, Joe, Katie & I are meeting up with my sister & her family who live in CO, and my cousin Poly1985 is joining us as well. We have all sorts of fun stuff planned. My sister & her family (hubby & 2 20 year old girls) have never been to Disney so we are doing all sorts of fun things!!! It is a wild birthday, sisters/cousins family reunion, first timers, not to mention 2 weeks after Joe & I celebrate 22 years of marriage week long Disney-pa-looza!!!:banana:
I'm so glad that you're going with Tim & family -- you will have a great time. Is this the first time you are meeting the whole family? I feel like it is but I am so behind that maybe I missed something!

Yes, it is. Tim and I have been DIS friends since the very early years and we have NEVER met. We've talked a zillion times on the DIS, on FB and on the phone. I am looking forward to meeting all of them.
hhelloooo hello hello hello :flower3:

Is there a prize for the worst dis'er ever? can you believe its been 3 months since I have even come over to my own TR? I have just had so much going on, and have not had much time for reading, posting, or updating anything on DIS. I have been indulging the book work in me when I do have a little spare time.

but its been bugging me that I haven't been back to finish.

so, for my own peace of mind (and for anyone who is still occasionally peaking over here) I will post a largely photo heavy update for the rest of our October 2013 trip.
When I last updated, we had gone to MNSSHP and had a blast.

The next day, October 16, we (at least Nina and I) had a more grown up thing planned.

We did not rush out in the morning - we kicked back at the resort and took our time getting ourselves together. I actually think that Joe Katie and I left the resort earlier than Nina. Throughout that week she was not feeling 100% every day so there were times when we just left her have some peace and quiet.

We ditched the original plan to hit Hollywood Studios early, and headed directly to Epcot


and headed over to visit our favorite Purple Dragon






Nina caught up with us at the Land where to took a tour of Epcot's famous hydroponics. Its so cool seeing everything growing there.





We took a boat across the lagoon to make our way toward our late lunch reservation.




nope, not eating in China




mmm dessert first?




liquid lunch? :goodvibes

(more coming, honest!)





okay not just liquid




well okay one of us did have a liquid lunch...


seriously, that was my lunch. Remember that I can only eat about a cup of food in total at one time, usually not even that much. so the concept of paying $30 for a buffet was not that thrilling to me. I called ahead and was told that I *should* be able to go to the lunch and not eat (its manager's discretion). When we checked in I explained everything to the hostess, and again to the manager, and finally they listed me as an infant on the menu item. LOL I supposed that infants also take liquid lunches, but certainly not a wine flight!

in case you were wondering, this is what happens when you have a wine flight for lunch


Our lunch reservation was actually on the late side - 3 pm because we wanted our "big meal" to be timed right for our evening.

After indulging in yummy wines for me and delicious German cuisine for the rest of the gang, we headed out & around the showcase once again.




I have no photo evidence, but am pretty sure that Joe & Nina has slushies as we passed France. Really, who can walk by France and NOT stop for one? well I could but only because I knew that I really needed to eat something and have it "settle" for an hour before our next liquid related event LOL

So we continued around the world to England, where I stopped at a F&W Kiosk from Ireland to enjoy this dinner


Fishermans pie and


Kerrygold cheddar and a fig relish. There is an Irish Tea room near me that serves a "ploughmans lunch" -- Irish cheddar, fig relish, hearty bread, fruits. I just love it!

so I indulged what I could, and saved the rest for later and for sharing (no breads...sigh).

Nina and I had separated from Joe & Katie, who were off for some Daddy Daughter (and Tigger & Pooh) time




Nina and I had plans to attend a mixology seminar at 6. woot woot!!

We arrived early and had time to wander around looking at all of the Food & Wine swag and different offerings. I resisted the urge to make a dozen purchases..although now I am sorry because I really meant to go back later with Joe and make some of those purchases and we never made it. DOH! Next time shop immediately!::yes::
so wandering around the F&W Center I found a few things that I wanted but didn't buy..




and discovered this little showcase area


All of the displays below are made completely of chocolate and a little sugar. Beautiful and yummy. oh and did I mention there were free samples? YES life is good.









Finally we could go in for our Bacardi Mixology Seminar.








We sampled and learned three new recipes, and received a lot of information about different types of rum, how to mix it, what to mix it with, the difference between mixing and muddling....

If you are at food & wine, I highly recommend taking a seminar. it was great!

and now I have to go make a recipe and get ready for a picnic. but I really will be back...and much sooner than 5 months!


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