No Complaints About "At Par" Deals Please

jersey shark

Feb 13, 2003
Just had to give all of our northern neighbors a little reality jolt concerning some recent complaints that have cropped upon this board re: the perceived lack of some "Cdn dollar at par" deals....

Please keep in mind the following:

1. "At par" rates are not a God-given right....Disney is one of the best when it comes to keeping "rate integrity (i.e. avoiding widespread discounting) in their ticket prices....I live in the New York City area and just purchased annual passes (APs) for a family of 4 and was somewhat surprised that I couldn't get any discount (not even 5%) via ANY means! I was just happy to purchase in NJ as if I were to have bought in Florida some additional "amusement park tax" would have applied!

2. Many Disney fans are still trying to figure out the legalities of the "Florida resident" rates. The historic "special favors" that have been given to Florida residents and Canadians (via the at par deals) leave the rest of us...the majority of visitors.... just a little miffed and bewildered.

3. If the lack of "at par deals" are making the difference between going to Disney and staying closer to home....well, this makes no sense to me...why not just try to save in the other aspects of the trip (food, accomodations, transportation expenses etc....)

4. If you like many on these boards are "real Disney nuts" and REALLY want to save some bucks... why not consider...
a) purchasing APs and making your 2nd visit 11 months later
b) buy into DVC (the only appreciating timeshare that I know of) and either keep it or sell at a profit later...all the while staying in
spectacular accomodations.

5. Keep in mind that the reciprocal situation...US dollar incentives offered by Cdn businesses to get US visitors into Canada are practically non-existent....i.e. let's say I own a Toronto'd think that an incentive to get US visitors to stay at my property would be a reasonable promotion (offering a more than generous exchange rate...let's say 50 cent premium instead of the 33 cents it is right now)....the reality is that this is extremely rare! There seems to be a general lack of creativity in Canada when it comes to offering any sort of "package" deal to any visitors.
Unfortunately, instead, many US visitors are greeted in Canada by merchants (esp taxis and mom and pop outfits) who so obviously try to rip you off with an unfair exchange rate....

The bottom thankful for ANY kind of special promotions offered especially for Canadians, don't expect promotions in 2003 to be as generous as in the past, if you spend a little more (in the grand scheme) who cares!, and most of all ENJOY YOUR TRIP!

just had to throw my 2 (US!) cents into the mix here....woul love to know if I touched a nerve...
What you said about the deals in the Tdot are how we feel! Don't forget the majority of the Hotel Chains here are US owned!

Like anything, you must shop around! There is a new website, supposedly deals!

It's just when something has been around for year after year, you kinda expect it and when it is not offered again, it kinda throws a wrench into your plans!

That's why with the trends going towards less and less incentives, I bought into DVC and with my Disney Club ending at the end of this year am going to buy passes, which ones have not decided, to take advantage while I still can.

I also know someone who lives here but has been able to take advantage of the FL Residents Incentives! Go Figure!

As you well know, Cdns are not one to complain, but we are learning!LOL
::yes::yes:: ::yes::

1)In my opinion the exchange rate alone would be incentive enough for a fellow American to visit our neck of the woods. (mind you it is not as profitable as it was last year).
2) Keep in my mind that last year my trip could have been identical to yours, but cost me 11/2 times what it would cost you because of the exchange rate, making it incredibly hard to go to an already very expensive place so you can't blame Disney for trying to draw in as many people as they possibly can.
3) I see many discounts out there from time to time for other states, not just Fla, and Canada.
To me discounts play no part in my decision, if I get one great and if not my trip is still a go.
4) Many Canadians do own DVC and buy AP's, or 7 day hoppers to get thier moneys worth.
5) Reality check-cab drivers around the world prey on tourists.

From the other side of the fence though I can see where others would get a little upset if discounts never seem to be offered in their area.
Originally posted by jersey shark
Just had to give all of our northern neighbors a little reality jolt concerning some recent complaints that have cropped upon this board re: the perceived lack of some "Cdn dollar at par" deals....

Please keep in mind the following:

2. The historic "special favors" that have been given to Florida residents and Canadians (via the at par deals) leave the rest of us...the majority of visitors.... just a little miffed and bewildered.

Your trip isn't going to cost you almost 1.5 times extra on everything you purchase. Canadians make up a good portion of Disney's business. This is obviously a measure of goodwill to keep Canucks coming back. Ditto to everything else Hockeymom said.

5.Unfortunately, instead, many US visitors are greeted in Canada by merchants (esp taxis and mom and pop outfits) who so obviously try to rip you off with an unfair exchange rate....

That problem would be solved entirely if you simply converted your travel funds to Canadian dollars in the US prior to your trip. Voila. Problem solved.

I personally think the current deal is good.
Well said, Hockey mom, and Scratch...

Jersey Shark, come and enjoy our Celtic Colours here in Cape Breton....Maritime Canadian Hospitality that you won't find anywhere else!:sunny:
I'm sure it's very frustrating for you to see codes for Canadians, Florida residents, and other states when you can't seem to get the deals yourself.
I don't think anyone believes it is their "God-given" right to at-par rates. We do however have the right to complain if we want to, or to make plans to vacation elsewhere.
I have APs and while I'm hoping for a discount for my next two trips, I am not counting on it. I'm going anyway:Pinkbounc
Just wondering though - have you been on the resort board to tell the AP holders to quit complaining about the lack of AP rates?;)
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a good code rate for your next trip - or maybe you'll be sent an awesome postcard deal:earsgirl: With or without codes, a vacation at Disney is always magical.:sunny:
Canadians have been getting approximately 25% discount on their Disney passes for several years. Previously it was 50%.
It appears that Disney is not only not giving discounted passes to Cdns. but indeed trying to promote their packages to both Cdn. and anyone else. They are getting greedier and want you to spend all your holiday budget intheir parks, hotels, restaurants etc.

This said I must comment on sesveral of the other points made in the original post.

1. The fact that a Cdn. taxi driver would take US currency at all is a courtesy to you. If we even accidently include a Cdn. dime in a purchase inthe US it is rejected. We must and do carry US currency when in the US. American tourists come to Canada and expect us to take their currency and the business must then take a "hit" at the bank converting it to Cdn.

2. Regarding "deals" there are many specific marketing promotions to the US market that are cheaper than what we can purchase at home.

3. Any tourist to Canada can fill in a form at the border to mail it in after returning home and have their GST tax refunded on their purchases. When we travel in t he US we pay statesales tax and do not get a refund.

I will still visit Disney but I will not be drawn in to buying packages that do not suit my needs. I will purchase at full price if necessary the days I want at the parks but I will spend time at both Universal and Sea World this year.

Lets not forget that we ALL used to get discounts with

the Magic Kingdom Card.:confused: :confused:

When that was cancelled and now replaced with the Visa card -

Which Canadians can not apply for! :mad: -

We now have to look for deals somewhere else. ::yes:: and

what we are finding are not all that great!! :earseek:
Ouch. You make us sound so "greedy" - we're only looking to spend our hard-earned dollars as best we can. As an American, you think you'd be happy people from other countries want to spend time in yours. I know for sure, we here in the Maritimes sure appreciate our neighbours from the south paying us a visit - no matter how much money you spend!
a) purchasing APs and making your 2nd visit 11 months later

AP Discounts are not guaranteed and quite often AP holders book AAA rates as there is no other discount available.

I have seen so many threads with DIS'ers speculating when rates will be released and what they will be. There is nothing with the AP literature that says you will get a discount.

........Americains can claim back the tax on accomadations and large purchases they had while in Canada when they go back to the States.....

:eek: We can't do this when we get back from a holiday to the States!!!! :p and the 25% off tickets always expire so it's not that great of a deal...

Just my 2 cents (Canadian 2 cents that is...:teeth: )
I think a big part of the problem is that even though they share the same name, our dollars have been very different things for the last 15 years. In some respects, I guess I have to agree with the original poster - it seems a little trite to be "miffed" by the lack of at par deals. Here's why (in my opinion): until the dollar hit above 60 cents US, an @ par deal amounted to a 40% discount to what an American would pay. Why should a DISer living in Ogdensburg, NY, 20 minutes from the border not enjoy a similiar discount? WDW can and should offer incentives to all (as juniorbugman noted used to be the case), but 40% (or 25-30% currently) is a LARGE subsidy and to restrict it based on nationality seems, in my opinion, unfair if not wrong. FLA resident discounts I can understand - WDW should give back to the community in which it conducts its theme park operations.

Put another way, if you owned a hotel and some of your clientele were Japanese, if the yen absolutely tanked, would you offer at par deals if it was going to mean 30-40% less profit? I love the Japanese, but I don't think I'd be sticking my neck out that far. WDW, my favorite place in the world, and arguably the happiest, is still a business.
I think some of the frustration that has been noted about the current at-par deal is that it is a package only deal. As noted here already, that doesn't necessarily help quite a few of us, depending on our situation. And the frustration about package-only is not exclusive to Canadians. What happened to the days (not so very long ago!) when we could get room-only that could be used by various groups, including AP holders?

Honestly, I think the current at-par deal is a great opportunity for Canadians that are specifically a family of 2 adults and 2 kids, and want to do an entire Disney trip (no offsite activities). For us, it's useless because we are a family of 5.

The suggestion about saving on other aspects of the trip? That's exactly what we're doing...and Disney is losing. We're staying offsite this trip ($76 US/night for a 2 bedroom condo vs. $154 US/night for 2 rooms at the AS's); we're going to take advantage of a great Universal ticket deal, and we're only doing 2 Disney park days. Had there been a Disney pass deal, we would have spent no days at Universal and 6 full days at Disney parks.

I think all the points in the original post have been covered well by other posters, but please consider this: last year we took advantage of the "pass deal" that saved us some money...and we spent more in our own dollars for passes than a US citizen would have paid. Example:
2 Adults, 3 Children 7 day PHP's WITH the Disney Club Disc: $1,357.86 direct from Disney CRO price to any US citizen.
2 Adults, 3 Children 7 day PHP's buy 1, get 2nd 1/2 off: $1,605.00 Canadian.
So, did we really get a better deal than our US friends? Please don't forget that we work for, and get paid in Canadian $'s.
And note that the passes WE bought expired. Use it or lose it. The US citizen's pass unused portions are good until they choose to use them.

So, I don't EXPECT a deal...I work around what they offer. This year's offer isn't any good for us, so we're scaling back the Disney portion of the trip. Only time will tell if Disney decides this deal was a good marketing strategy.
Oooh, I DID seem to touch a nerve!

The basic point I was making I'll still go with....philosophically speaking in a land of equal rights/priviledges....I just can't accept special pricing for people from all over FL or opinion.

Let me back-peddle a little, to some degree, I'm okay with very local Orlando-area residents getting a price break (but this should only be to drum up frequency of visits as in the AP rates- clearly they have the means to easily visit frequently being very local.) The problem is where do you draw the line is ironic that it is easier to get to Orlando from New York (a thousand cheap flights available at 2 hours duration etc....) than it would ever be to get to Orlando from the Florida panhandle (in the Pensacola area, for direct flights, 6 hour drive), yet those FL residents up there qualify for the FL discount despite not being "local" at all.

Contrary to what was perceived, I'm all for Cdn visitors coming to the US...I'll be the first in line to welcome you all. I don't think anyone who wants APs at par is "greedy"...of course you have a right to compare this year's offer with past offers and be disappointed....I'm just saying one shouldn't EXPECT the moon in these tough days.

Disfan2 gets my point, the exchange rate "argument" isn't really one because it's one of those things in life that "is what it is"...

Oh, and as a frequent visitor to Canada on business...I must let you know that the exhange rate benefits (30% discount for US visitors) isn't as big a draw as you might think because as savvy US visitors look at the numbers (prices) you can't help but notice that the prices are generally at least (30% or more!) higher in Canada. The Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel's corporate rate is $249 Cdn....what is that...about $169 US....yep, that's about what it should be....etc....

A few more things about travel inside Canada....

Re: travelling with Cdn money in Canada....very few US banks carry any Cdn cash for this purpose (unlike in Can where every bank I've noticed carries US cash for exchange) attitude is that I don't even worry about it, haven't got time for this anyway...use credit card with anyone who will take them....if I can't, no one has refused US bucks from me in Canada

Re: the courtesy of accepting US cash....absolutely, couldn't agree more....this is very nice of Cdn merchants to accept US dollars in the first place but of course it is also good for their business to do this!!!!

Re: solving the problem in the first place....well, if cabs were set up in Canada to take credit cards...(there must be some but I haven't found any!!!) THIS would avoid the problem in the first place!

Re: travel refunds on taxes....I wasn't aware of this, but do people actually take the time to do this??? (I can't picture me being one of those people who would do this!)

Here's the good news....I love travelling in me it's somewhat like a time warp....people are very friendly, the cities are very clean, and folks don't mind "breaking the rules" to help you in your only real "beef" is that generally speaking the restaurant food quality is a little off, but I may get into trouble with that one so I'll stop!

Have a nice week, everyone!
Hi Shark hope your week is going well. I just wanted to say a few things from us as a family of 5 and yes I still get 2 children in the parks free until next year that is. We would never ever dream of buying the buy 1 get one half price tickets anyhow we only ever buy the AP's (now) and used to only ever buy the 7 day PHP pass with no expiry on it. I feel that with the frequency we travel to Disney almost every year that it is better for us financially to get the non expiry tickets that way if we choose not to spend 7 days at the parks we don't have to worry. Also we used to book at the All Stars and some moderates nevery really worrying about codes etc why worry about it just go to Disney and have fun that is what the place is really all about anyhow. We have now purchased a DVC membership as we looked over the money we had spent on past resort stays and decided it was far more economical to get the DVC membership and we also get to stay in the deluxe accomodations now for what would end up being less than a moderate and on par with the cost of the value resorts. So no mater what deal or discount is out there or lack of one we would go to Disney regardless as it is the only place other than the cottage that we really enjoy going on vacation.
There probably wouldn't be a problem if Disney wasn't a huge price gouger to start with. I've never seen a Canadian discount at Universal or their hotels and would never expect it since their prices are so reasonable to start with. I can get an annual pass for $110 US. I can get a premium quality resort for $110/night. Perhaps if people would stop going to Disney in hoards, their prices would drop. It is a supply and demand environment. Prices keep going up but people still keep going.
Inearly fell over laughing when some poster said that canadians never complain. It's the national pastime.


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