No crowds at Wonderland!


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Since I spend so much "mommy and me" time with dd(8), I thought it would be nice for ds(2) and I to do Wonderland today.

We arrived at 10am and it was DEAD! I saw a few school buses, but still, very low crowds. I know that weekends are busier, but I thought if you seasons pass holders are thinking of a day trip WONDERLAND IS THE PLACE!

ds and I stuck to the kiddy rides, did 11 rides in under 2 hours! There is a lot to do with a 2 year old there!

Only 48 days until we see Paramount King's Island! Looking forward to it too!

Have a great day! S
Glad you had a great time Sandra...don't you wish Disney was so "uncrowded" ...imagine having it all to yourself :D.

What a great mom you are sandra,

You just brought back a great memory for me, I can still remember taking my two for the first time to wonderland, when d son was 2 and d daughter was 5, it was kind of cute, she would hold onto his shirt at the shoulders, with him in front of her while they were getting on the toddler rides.

Now that they are grown up, he looks out for her well being.

Sandra, thanks for letting me know that there is a lot for a 2yr old to do. My dd(5) went with her sitter last fall and had such a wonderful day. We wanted to take her back ourselves but weren't sure if our ds(2) would enjoy it. I'm sure it will be a lot more crowded when we go, since neither of us have any vacation until July. Other than NOT going on a Sat or Sun, is there a day of the week that would be less busy than any other weekday?

Mary Liz
dh and I went alone on a Tuesday night last summer just to do the ADULT rides that dd won't/can't do. We walked onto TOP GUN and waited abuot 10 minutes for the 3D movie. Walked onto the stand up roller coaster ~ just about everything was a walk-on or wait one train wait.

There are 3 kiddie areas plus the water park ~ so 4 areas really for the little crowd:

Swan Lake ~ swan ride, or as my ds(2) calls it, the DUCK RIDE
Rocketport ~ up and down round and round
Aerofield ~ airplanes
Merry go round ~ self explains
Scoopy Doo Haunted Mansion ~ like Buzz Lightyear
Ghoster Coaster ~ VERY cool little BIG kid roller coaster!
There is mini-gold too, extra cost.
Raceway ~ cute little cars
Boulder Bumper Cars ~ bumpers for the kiddies only
This area had a sea lion and seal show ~ hope they have it again this year!

Silver Streak ~ very cool suspended roller coaster, not a pre-schooler ride.
Jumpin Jet ~ excellent tummy turner for ALL AGES!
Blast Off ~ kiddie Drop Zone ~ or kiddie ToT

Candy Factory ~ play ground
Kidzville Stn ~ all ages train ride, nice and long
Taxi Jam ~ roller coaster, I think ds got on it when he was about 16 months old
Flavourator ~ TEA CUPS! All Ages!
Jokey's Jalopies ~ old fashion cars, ds can stear this year!
Chopper Chaser ~ excellent helicopter ride!
Swedish Berries Bounce ~ jumping bouncey thing in Candy Factory playground
Swing Time ~ little kids only swings
A-mazing Adventure ~ let them get lost in a maze.

Just too much to mention about this water park! It's a very cool and fun place and I don't love water parks. The water park opens at 11am.

So we get to PCW at 10am to open the park, walk-on to 3 or 4 rides then off to the water park at 11am ~ no one is there at 11am. We bring a lunch (you are allowed to opening eat your brough from home lunch). After lunch we do some kiddie rides ~ so big rides in the morning, swim, lunch, kiddie rides in the afternoon and maybe one or two bigger type rides to end the day!

dd and I go with other gals and moms a few times during the year so she and I can ride the GIANT rides! This year, I'll be bringing ds(2) a couple more times before the end of the school year too!

I enjoy PCW and can help you out with any info! SEE YOU THERE! Sandra
I can't wait for you to do PKI so I can get all the info. Glad you had fun at Wonderland. We haven't been back but will probably go soon. Talk to you later. Kathy
HEY THERE KATHY! I am hoping to get to PCW this weekend with dd. If not, I'll get there during the week next week with ds.

I am looking forward to PKI too! Did you visit the web site? You can request info ~ I have the new park map ~ it's different enough from PCW to make it worthwhile.

Our parking pass isn't good at PKI, only the season's passes, I emailed them to be sure. I think parking is $8 USF ~ OUCH! There days! WOW!

I have been surfing for reviews on the park and hotel in Ohio ~ had some great reviews.

We are REALLY looking forward to the August DISmeet at PCW! Sandra


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