No Dreams, No Magic

Maybe Disney was too busy granting dreams for everyone else, they felt they didn't need to take care of us.

I guess the Universal Team Members don't need a stupid promotion to provide great experiences for their guests...

Wow. You sound really jealous of the people who experienced the magic that you felt on your last visit. That's unfortunate. Try to remember that each trip is different and the magic is random.
Let me see if I can summarize.

You have had wonderful vacations at WDW in the past. You expect (as most of us do) for Disney to provide you with a superior vacation experience. You had a good time this trip, but it wasn't as spectacular as previous visits.

Do I have it in a nutshell?

You also suggested that perhaps the focus, because of the YOAMD promotion, was on giving a few individuals a spectacular experience and the rest of the guests are left getting an average one.

Am I following along correctly? It was difficult to keep up after you hit the hot-button-don't-you-dare-mention-YOAMD topic. As soon as you mention that and suggest anything might be off because of it, you automatically will get the, "You're just mad 'cause you didn't win something and you went with overblown expectations and that's not Mickey's fault so there" stuff.

Personally, I think THAT is getting old. I'll be glad when the whole promotion is over so the whining about the whining can end.

If I've got my story straight, you had a good time but felt you had better ones in the past. It happens. I've been a lot of times over the years. Sometimes the magic is overwhelming. Sometimes I walk away thinking, "Eh... I've had better." It's not the end of the world. (No pun intended... okay, maybe I giggled at the pun...)

As for your enjoyment of Universal, what a wonderful thing to find magic at more than one place! I've enjoyed ALL the parks in Orlando for many years and intend to keep doing so.

Thanks for your report and I'm glad you had a good vacation overall. :goodvibes
You are right it is about customer perception and I think your perception was a little out of sync.

You obviously have been lucky enough to experience something in the past that you could label Disney magic. What you experienced might be something that someone else might not even classify as "magical".

I think this trip your perception was that due to the Dreams promotion, you personally were going to experience something beyond your previous trips and you didn't.

Is that Disney's fault, absolutely not. Is it yours, most definitely, but it is also understandable. You feel they built you up only to let you down.

I saw alot of people on our trip this year disappointed in the fact that they were not recepients of "Dreams" magic. Is that a sour grape attitude, probably so.

But I also somewhat blame Disney marketing for making it seem on their commericals that it would be next to impossible not to get something during this promotion.

Also I think there has been alot of whining brought on by this that has even some of the best CMs a bit tired of it.

I for one will be glad when the dang thing is over.
I can understand the issue with the YOAMD promotion...before it, magic wasn't something scheduled or randomly picked by a computer to win a free hat, fastpass etc. it was just part of what you expected at Disney.

Perhaps CM's are trying too hard to worry about doing the YOAMD stuff they're lacking their responsibiliy of making sure every person is treated as an honored guest.

I think besides very few top prizes, most of the YOAMD stuff is just not that exciting...a certificate, a hat, a fast pass...where's my churro? But of course, Disney marketing wants you to think its the best thing since sliced bread!
Let me see if I can summarize.

You have had wonderful vacations at WDW in the past. You expect (as most of us do) for Disney to provide you with a superior vacation experience. You had a good time this trip, but it wasn't as spectacular as previous visits.

Do I have it in a nutshell?

You also suggested that perhaps the focus, because of the YOAMD promotion, was on giving a few individuals a spectacular experience and the rest of the guests are left getting an average one.

Am I following along correctly? It was difficult to keep up after you hit the hot-button-don't-you-dare-mention-YOAMD topic. As soon as you mention that and suggest anything might be off because of it, you automatically will get the, "You're just mad 'cause you didn't win something and you went with overblown expectations and that's not Mickey's fault so there" stuff.

Personally, I think THAT is getting old. I'll be glad when the whole promotion is over so the whining about the whining can end.

If I've got my story straight, you had a good time but felt you had better ones in the past. It happens. I've been a lot of times over the years. Sometimes the magic is overwhelming. Sometimes I walk away thinking, "Eh... I've had better." It's not the end of the world. (No pun intended... okay, maybe I giggled at the pun...)

As for your enjoyment of Universal, what a wonderful thing to find magic at more than one place! I've enjoyed ALL the parks in Orlando for many years and intend to keep doing so.

Thanks for your report and I'm glad you had a good vacation overall. :goodvibes

I'll second this!:thumbsup2
I'll second this!:thumbsup2
I'll third it! We've gone 10 times in the last 7 yrs. and it seems there's always some promotional thing. The big millenium party in 2000, then the big anniversary party, now YOAMD. You probably have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than winning something. I haven't been to YOAMD but in the past I couldn't really tell the difference between a regular visit and a promotional-party visit. I guess I missed it. :laughing:
Dh has been noticing in the last 2 trips that the parks don't seem as clean as they used to and that the food isn't as good. They are definitely cutting back in quality.
I wouldn't say it's bad or that we'll never go back. I think we'll just long for the good ol' days when it was better.
Now, I know, Disney can't control the posted wait times or the rides going down . . .

If Disney doesn't control the posted wait times or the ride uptime, then who does?

We are heading down to Disney in less than 2 weeks! I am expecting less "magic" than our trips in recent years. Not so much less that I don't want to go, but less simply as a function of the economy.

The economy is booming and demand for both Disney time and employees is up. Visitors don't need as much magic because demand is so high to go, and employees don't need to outperform to keep their jobs because their work is in great demand.

That doesn't mean we still won't experience tons of magic (especially with a 4 year old princess!) and have a blast on our trip!
See I don't get it! Why do people expect to receive something? I have read several posts from people who do not receive anything and say that it ruined their trip or they are very disapppinted. The whole dreams thing is an added bonus - you might get a dream granted you might not. We have been to Disneyworld 2 times, Disney Cruise once, and Disneyland once since the whole Dreams theme started. I was awarded twice at WDW. Did the fact I did not get anything at Disneyland ruin my vacation - absolutely not! I simply did not go into my vacation expecting a thing. If it happened - great - if it did not - great too! I love Disney, and if people start whining and complaining because they did not get a dream granted - then I think Disney might stop doing these very special give aways. Just my opinion.
and employees don't need to outperform to keep their jobs because their work is in great demand.

As in "Disney is having a hard time recruiting and keeping CMs so they know no matter how they perform they won't be fired?"
We just returned from Disney, and I feel that Disney's customer service in general has dropped (based on OUR experiences while there). We had trouble at check-in and it was almost 5 PM before we could get into our room; then the floor was so wet it soaked our socks. Repeatedly talked to front desk, managers, etc. I was told nothing could be done by all. I was crying and ready to go home after they talked to me. Housekeeping not done several days at Pop and CBR. When we complained, they threw some towels on the bed for us, did not even straighten beds, etc. Problems with DDP credits the day we checked out. We had plans this morning and it took over an hour to straighten out; and I didn't even get to eat after all that. Many other minor issues together made for a very unpleasant trip. I am a huge Disney fan that usually will defend Disney to no end, but we left this trip stating we are not sure we will return for a while. I have been planning to renew my wedding vows at Disney in 2009 and now I'm not sure I want to.

As far as the dreams go, we were not expecting anything, as we have been several times and I try to teach my children that we are lucky to have been to Disney like we have. Most of their friends cannot even afford to go. I would have been excited to SEE others get dreams and realize the magic is still there. We did not, however, see one person get a dream the entire nine days we were there.
Ummmm...Hate to spoil your nitpicking but yes, it IS measurable. It is called customer perspective. I work in a service industry and we measure our service or "magic" every day (in fact we happen to call it MAGIC - Make A Great Impresssion on your Customer)
Actually, perspective is not measurable. It's relative. There's a difference. What I may find to be spectacularly magical, you may find to be spectacularly dull. It's relative....and therefore not measurable. Some people have been experiencing quite magical trips, and you apparently feel you didn't (even though you said you had a great time...which confuses me, was it great or was it lacking magic?). Right there that shows that you have a different perspective on the magic...which shows that it can't be measured because you may have a polar opposite view from another guest. You define some of your magic moments as being part of the AK parade for example...well DH & I have never been invited to be in one of their parades yet I don't post here on how nonmagical our trip was. We can't always be the star of the show. ;)

I've worked in retail for 10 years and 4 of those years have been spent at The Disney Store. Any time a guest has the slightest thing not going in the way they hoped, all of a sudden we have lost our magic touch. Want a silly example? One older couple got angry at me because they wanted to return something and all I said was "sure! Do you have your receipt with you?" (since that's the only way I can give back original form of payment). That made them go into a rant about how if Walt was still alive, this nonsense wouldn't be happening and it's so rude to ask for receipts, blah blah blah...and how we lost our magic. Huh? Because I asked for their receipt?? :confused3 But anyway, it goes to show you that you certainly can't please everyone...there will always be someone upset about something, no matter what you do. Why? Because satisfaction, or "magic", is not's not something you can pin down and say "ok, we just need to do this and that means we have all the magic in the world!" No that doesn't even make sense....because the magic is different to everyone.

Now I'm not saying that Disney can do no wrong, but I also believe in picking and choosing battles. You weren't happy that CMs said there was nothing they could do...well I'm sure you understand that sometimes employees can only do what they have been given permission to do. It's quite possible that the CMs were not given the ok to do anything. And you can't say "no they weren't" because quite honestly, you don't know that. So instead of becoming angry at them, cut them some slack and perhaps realize that you don't know the whole story on what the CMs have been instructed on...and just move on.

You also said it wasn't about winning dreams but your subject line says "no dreams, no magic" and the very first sentence seems to complain over the fact you didn't win any dreams...then you talk about the ride mishap. Honestly, it makes you sound bitter.

Anyway, we of course had a great time at Disney, but we experienced a heck of lot more "magic" during the second part of our trip which was three nights at Royal Pacific at Universal. It was our first trip to Universal and I hate to say it, but we had a better time there. I guess the Universal Team Members don't need a stupid promotion to provide great experiences for their guests...
Just an FYI, no company is perfect...there will be bad moments everywhere. Even the Royal Pacific at Universal has those moments and you'll find complaints about that too. It has nothing to do with a "stupid promotion" (again, sounds rather bitter).
To be honest I was not going to respond to this post but then decided to put in my 2 cents. I was just telling my DH the other day how EXCITED I am for our upcoming wedding anniversary trip next month and wouldn't it be wonderful IF we won something with the YOAMMD...but GUESS WHAT if we don't (which is more likely than we will) we will have a WONDERFUL time because we are grateful for getting to go to WDW to celebrate our wedding anniversary (we went on our honeymoon and have been lucky enough to go every Sept since to celebrate). It seems to be that instead of just being happy and hopeful that "hey maybe we will win, but if not be happy that we are here of vacation" it seems like it is all "I should win, they owe me etc etc". I read one post where because it was the persons anniversary they expect to win!!! Do you know how many anniversarys, honeymoons, birthdays, engagements go on at WDW! Lets be realistic! See the way I look at it I am thankful for a beautiful anniversary with my DH and thankful that we can celebrate with Mickey that is IT! Less whining and more smiles is too short and if this is the worse thing you have to complain about get on your knees and thank God. I just don't see getting so upset over not winning a prize! Just my Point of View......BE HAPPY PEOPLE!!!!!:rotfl:
o be honest I was not going to respond to this post but then decided to put in my 2 cents. I was just telling my DH the other day how EXCITED I am for our upcoming wedding anniversary trip next month and wouldn't it be wonderful IF we won something with the YOAMD...but GUESS WHAT if we don't (which is more likely than we will) we will have a WONDERFUL time because we are grateful for getting to go to WDW to celebrate our wedding anniversary (we went on our honeymoon and have been lucky enough to go every Sept since to celebrate). It seems to be that instead of just being happy and hopeful that "hey maybe we will win, but if not be happy that we are here of vacation" it seems like it is all "I should win, they owe me etc etc". I read one post where because it was the persons anniversary they expect to win!!! Do you know how many anniversarys, honeymoons, birthdays, engagements go on at WDW! Lets be realistic! See the way I look at it I am thankful for a beautiful anniversary with my DH and thankful that we can celebrate with Mickey that is IT! Less whining and more smiles is too short and if this is the worse thing you have to complain about get on your knees and thank God. I just don't see getting so upset over not winning a prize! Just my Point of View......BE HAPPY PEOPLE!!!!!:rotfl:
See I don't get it! Why do people expect to receive something? I have read several posts from people who do not receive anything and say that it ruined their trip or they are very disapppinted. The whole dreams thing is an added bonus - you might get a dream granted you might not. We have been to Disneyworld 2 times, Disney Cruise once, and Disneyland once since the whole Dreams theme started. I was awarded twice at WDW. Did the fact I did not get anything at Disneyland ruin my vacation - absolutely not! I simply did not go into my vacation expecting a thing. If it happened - great - if it did not - great too! I love Disney, and if people start whining and complaining because they did not get a dream granted - then I think Disney might stop doing these very special give aways. Just my opinion.

:thumbsup2 I completely agree with you. We've been to WDW three times during the YOAMD and never once met the DT. We also had some minor issues during out last trip with check-in (took us at least an hour), we had to wait outside our room while the carpets were being cleaned which would have soaked our socks but we dropped the luggage off and left for a park to give the room time to dry & messed up DDP credits but we were just happy to be at WDW. Just driving under the gates is magical, walking into the various resorts still catches my breath, interacting with the CMs is always a treat (can count on one finger the number of less than magical CMs) and watching my kids' faces gets me right there. Would I like to have the DT bestow a YOAMD gift on my family? Sure would!! But do I expect it? No.

My family has been going to WDW two to three times a year since 1999 and I like I mentioned above I can count on one finger the times I've dealt with a less than magical CM. I also haven't seen a decline in Customer Service, park cleanliness or anything like what I read about here. Or maybe I have somehow noticed but have subconsciously blocked it and not allowed it to affect my visit because I'm usually happy as a lark while at WDW. A trip is what you make it and if you allow the small things (wet carpet - I'm thinking be thankful that they clean it which is more than I can say for some other hotels) to bother you then you won't have a magical time, DT or no DT.
To be honest I was not going to respond to this post but then decided to put in my 2 cents. I was just telling my DH the other day how EXCITED I am for our upcoming wedding anniversary trip next month and wouldn't it be wonderful IF we won something with the YOAMMD...but GUESS WHAT if we don't (which is more likely than we will) we will have a WONDERFUL time because we are grateful for getting to go to WDW to celebrate our wedding anniversary (we went on our honeymoon and have been lucky enough to go every Sept since to celebrate). It seems to be that instead of just being happy and hopeful that "hey maybe we will win, but if not be happy that we are here of vacation" it seems like it is all "I should win, they owe me etc etc". I read one post where because it was the persons anniversary they expect to win!!! Do you know how many anniversarys, honeymoons, birthdays, engagements go on at WDW! Lets be realistic! See the way I look at it I am thankful for a beautiful anniversary with my DH and thankful that we can celebrate with Mickey that is IT! Less whining and more smiles is too short and if this is the worse thing you have to complain about get on your knees and thank God. I just don't see getting so upset over not winning a prize! Just my Point of View......BE HAPPY PEOPLE!!!!!:rotfl:

In total agreement. :thumbsup2

I can not believe someone actually has posted a thread complaining about not winning a prize, which is neither guaranteed nor should be expected. OP can say over and over that the thread is not a thread about not getting one of those "million dreams", but the title of the thread, and the first and subsequent whiny posts, speak for themselves.

I do dislike the promotion, however. A) It's not a single quantifiable discount, which is what I'm looking for. Being at WDW is "magic" enough for me. B) It leads to unrealistic expectations, like those of the OP.


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