No more saving seats for the parade

? There is a $45 pizza cart?

Not sure if it was just a test or something they kept around. It went along the parade route. I think it was $9/slice of $45 for the entire pizza. :faint:
I love the "HELLO?!". What a closed minded person this blogger is. I, too, enjoyed "camping" out for the parades
at Disneyland. I'm sorry you feel the same way, LizzyS. To me the "purpose" of Disneyland is what each individual
makes of it. Waiting for several hours (clogging the street as some call it) was a big part of our trip - perhaps even
a favorite things to do there.

But clearly most of you feel that is not what MY family should like to do. And Disney is now keeping us from doing it.
We'll get over it. I only wish people were more accepting of others favorite things to do.

Not arguing your position, but am wanting clarification. Is your favorite part the great seats you secure by waiting so long or the waiting itself? Would it still be fun for you if you got the same seats but with less wait?

I'm split on this myself. It is annoying to me to have maneuver around people who sit on the curbs hours (3+) ahead of time. On the flip side, if I've had a napping/tired child, I'm happy to sit and wait with them while resting my feet. Although I think the only parade we waited longer than a hour for was PTN.
When we were there in November, there were blankets galore spread out on the curb waiting for the parade, with one person sprawled out. People were stepping on the blankets to get over the curb. We ended up standing behind the blankets about 30 minutes before the start of the parade and as the parade started and no one showed up, we politely asked for them to move their blanket for us so that we could sit on the curb. The rest of their party never did show up for the parade. So maybe this new policy will be a good thing.. we will find out in May!
This reminds me an interaction I had with another guest that was waiting for a parade at MK.

My wife was in an ecv and I was walking in front to clear the path. Near the castle was boarded up for renovation and left a narrow sidewalk that was lined with people leaving a very narrow path. A CM was trying her best to keep the path open but was fighting a losing battle.

On that path I came across a leather purse on the ground. I called out 'someone lost their purse.' I woman says it was hers, so I suggested she pick it up.

'No, I am saving the space' she said

Me: 'OK, well don't get pissed at me when I step on it and my wife drives over it'

She promptly picked it up.
I love the "HELLO?!". What a closed minded person this blogger is. I, too, enjoyed "camping" out for the parades
at Disneyland. I'm sorry you feel the same way, LizzyS. To me the "purpose" of Disneyland is what each individual
makes of it. Waiting for several hours (clogging the street as some call it) was a big part of our trip - perhaps even
a favorite things to do there.

But clearly most of you feel that is not what MY family should like to do. And Disney is now keeping us from doing it.
We'll get over it. I only wish people were more accepting of others favorite things to do.

If you could camp out and not congest Main Street, I honestly wouldn't care if that's what you wanted to do, in all honesty.
Just curious how long this saving spaces with blankets thing has been going on?
Just curious how long this saving spaces with blankets thing has been going on?

I remember when I was a kid my babysitter brought a blanket for us and we would sit at the railing by the river for Fantasmic 25 years ago. I only really noticed the full on clogging of main street in the last few years though.
I remember when I was a kid my babysitter brought a blanket for us and we would sit at the railing by the river for Fantasmic 25 years ago. I only really noticed the full on clogging of main street in the last few years though.

It doesn't help that Fantasmic hasn't been showing (to divide the crowd).
If Disney allows people to camp out, and I don't like that it clogs Main St I either avoid Main St or deal with it. I wish they would keep the bypasses open before and during parades, or at least the one to get to TL, but they don't. I don't really blame the people camping out because Disney has allowed it. I wish some of them would be more considerate, like stop your kid if they're aiming a bubble gun 8 inches from someone's face or don't park your stroller blocking the drinking fountain, but those are all individual people, not the whole issue. My guess is with the RR down they finally realized people weren't making their way into the rest of the park to spend money.
Not sure if it was just a test or something they kept around. It went along the parade route. I think it was $9/slice of $45 for the entire pizza. :faint:
Be still my heart! What the heck did they put on that pizza to = $45?! Or even $9/slice?!
Be still my heart! What the heck did they put on that pizza to = $45?! Or even $9/slice?!

The regular price of pizza at Boardwalk is $8 a slice or $40 for the whole pizza. When we went to SF Magic Mountain this summer we bought a $40 pizza deal. It was one large pizza and 4 drinks. It's ridiculous, but all the food was $10+ a plate (they don't have kids' meals). We never ate a meal at our local SF park, but that was a special trip that started at 9AM and we did not want to leave midday to eat.
A whole pizza at Boardwalk is $40 plus tax. But I think that price has gone up $2-3 so if they still have the pizza cart it might be a little more now. I was just at Knott's and was shocked by how expensive the food was. But, they are have a lot of outside brands, so I'm sure they're paying licensing. Disney has raised their prices to where most CS entrees now top $10.99. I think they tried to stay below the $10 mark for as long as they could but $9.99 wasn't enough anymore without further reducing the portions. They all still beat movie theaters and stadiums, so it's sort of a relative.
I love the "HELLO?!". What a closed minded person this blogger is. I, too, enjoyed "camping" out for the parades
at Disneyland. I'm sorry you feel the same way, LizzyS. To me the "purpose" of Disneyland is what each individual
makes of it. Waiting for several hours (clogging the street as some call it) was a big part of our trip - perhaps even
a favorite things to do there.

But clearly most of you feel that is not what MY family should like to do. And Disney is now keeping us from doing it.
We'll get over it. I only wish people were more accepting of others favorite things to do.

I know, right? My favorite thing to do at Disneyland is stand at a urinal in the Adventureland restrooms. Not necessarily to relieve myself, though I'll certainly do that if the need arises. I just like taking in the sights and sounds of Disneyland while standing at the urinal. I could do it for hours, and I frequently do.

But people get so mad! They yell at me because there is a long line of people waiting to use the restroom and they say that I'm hogging the space even though I'm not using it. (But I will be later tonight!) If they were only mad because I'm blocking one of the prime spots for urinating (they should have gotten there sooner and waited, like me!), I guess I could handle that. What really makes me angry is the way people act like I'm weird or like my choice is somehow illegitimate. HELLO?!? I paid my admission, if I want to stand at a urinal starting at 9:00 a.m. and stay there until after the fireworks, that's my choice! Stop judging me and insulting me and bullying me! CM, mind your own business and stop calling security on me!

It's nice to see others out there agree with me on this!
The regular price of pizza at Boardwalk is $8 a slice or $40 for the whole pizza. When we went to SF Magic Mountain this summer we bought a $40 pizza deal. It was one large pizza and 4 drinks. It's ridiculous, but all the food was $10+ a plate (they don't have kids' meals). We never ate a meal at our local SF park, but that was a special trip that started at 9AM and we did not want to leave midday to eat.
I totally get that- time is money on vacation!
I know, right? My favorite thing to do at Disneyland is stand at a urinal in the Adventureland restrooms. Not necessarily to relieve myself, though I'll certainly do that if the need arises. I just like taking in the sights and sounds of Disneyland while standing at the urinal. I could do it for hours, and I frequently do.

But people get so mad! They yell at me because there is a long line of people waiting to use the restroom and they say that I'm hogging the space even though I'm not using it. (But I will be later tonight!) If they were only mad because I'm blocking one of the prime spots for urinating (they should have gotten there sooner and waited, like me!), I guess I could handle that. What really makes me angry is the way people act like I'm weird or like my choice is somehow illegitimate. HELLO?!? I paid my admission, if I want to stand at a urinal starting at 9:00 a.m. and stay there until after the fireworks, that's my choice! Stop judging me and insulting me and bullying me! CM, mind your own business and stop calling security on me!

It's nice to see others out there agree with me on this!

:love: :flower1:
We were at DL a month ago. We noticed the camping out for the parade and commented on it to a CM inside one of the stores that it reminded us of the homeless people pitching their tents on the steeets of Hollywood that we had seen all week on our trip and jokingly asked if there would be tents next. CM held back her amusement and said because of the popularity of the parade people were setting up earlier. Then offered us some VIP seating, with a wink and a smile. We declined, we've seen the parade many many times as MK. Put it this way, it is to Disney's advantage to have the sidewalks blocked because it forces guests into the stores to navigate up and down the street. But it was blantantly over the top.
I don't like that Super congestion of people... and typically avoid Disney at those times of the year ( which seems to be getting longer each year). I have a family member that will be at a parade Spot an hour before the parade to stake an area...
Uh, no thx... and blankets/towels/comforters to hold spots... it's not a national park, lol.

I actually like the idea of "no holding" though enforcing it will be interesting.
Me.... I prefer to take advantage of the shorter lines while others wait and ultimately Watch a parade! To each his/her own.
My family and I spent 6 days there in February. And, as I am a Disney-nut, my husband hasn't spent longer than 3 seconds thinking/planning/scheming/obsessing (just a bit:rolleyes1) on anything Disney. When we walked onto Main Street a little past 4pm on our 1st day he asked me "What's going on with all the blankets? It looks like Tent-City on I-5 in Seattle". When I told him it was for the parade he asked when the parade was. Needless to say when I told him sometime after 7pm he had quite the reaction:rotfl2:.

Honestly, if a family/group wants to wait together for a parade it doesn't bother me. But, mostly all we saw were blankets, strollers, and sometimes just a leg sprawled across a curb or bench with a lone adult defending the territory. If the parade is that important to everyone then everyone must wait.
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