No more use at Y&B club work out room


Jan 2, 2000
I was a bit saddened to show up a Y&B club work our facility (can't remember name) to find out they do not allow DVC'ers to use the
facility for free any more. I was there in July and I was told that it bacame a problem when local DVC'ers were actually using it as a daily
health club and it was an abuse of their privilages. So the closed the use of it to all DVC'[ers. It made sense to me that they
made the decision to close because obviously the local members were obviously getting a nice deal on healthclub benefits.
A way around it, but probably unmanageable option would be to llimit ones use of the facility on an annual basis to say about
5-10 days of use.

Just a thought
Please let me begin by saying.........there are always a few that tend to take avantage regardless of the situation. (We have the same problem at my school).

However, once again, I am hearing about the "local DVC'rs". Last spring break we were talking to a CM at the SAB pool, and he shared that they had been having trouble with local DVC'rs. One lady in particular rounded up all the neighborhood kids and dropped them off for a day of fun in the sun. She did stay at the pool most times. It almost took an act of congress (and I think local police) to stop this problem. Why can't we police ourselves-I see our benefits (or perks) going slowly down the drain with every abuse!!!!
Wouldn't it have been easier to simply require a current WDW room key along with the DVC card? Well obviously closing it off is easiest but this would seem to be the next best thing.
I never knew about any DVC perk that allowed the use of another resort's health club. But it has always been my understanding that to pool hop you had to have a current DVC resort room key that said DVC member on it as well. In other words, you had to be staying at a DVC resort on points. A DVC membership card alone does not get you pool hopping priviledges. In the case above, it sure sounds like the CMs needed some training. As far as the health club situation goes, maybe it just costs too much to "police" these areas.

I am only familar with the facilities of BWV. Is the YC much nicer or different? Just wondering why someone would prefer the YC facilities over those at BW.
While in these instances, it may be local DVC'ers, there is also a problem with 'locals' in general. and not just at WDW. They've had to take measures to stop locals from using facilities at HH and VB as well.

And what about the locals that don't want an AP, even though it is highly discounted, but will park at DD to use Disney Transport to the parks via changing at a resort to avoid $6. :rolleyes: :(
Maybe DVCers could be issued a yearly coupon book that would allow admission to some of these special privileges (based on capacity/ blackout periods). Especially perks that are being overused and under the risk of being lost from the program altogether.

The number of pool hops and health club uses etc. would be based on the number of points in your contract. I assume that there are attendents at most of these facilities that could monitor such a program.
I'm not sticking up for the local parasites but AP holders can park for free,at least out-of-state'rs.I assume that's also true of Florida res AP's.
I was referring specifically to the locals that don't get an AP because they don't want to "Put out that money all at once." I know it is dumb, but there were several at EPCOT during our last trip, and they were 'proud' to have put one over on Disney.
Sounds quite easy to me. When you enter the fitness club, there should be a receptionist who asks for our DVC card and the room number you are staying in. They can pop up this information on their screen and then ask you if you want a towel or something. A subtle way of verifying that

1) you are a DVC and
2) your not a local sneeking in to save a buck!

They can also post a notice on site as well as have a notification in an FLA resident AP newsletter or something.

Question: Now that they are charging DVCrs at Y&B fitness ~ are they doing the same for Boardwalk and OKW?

Also, does Disney employees use the resort fitness centers, (many are local DVCrs too)?
I think Disney needs to tighten security all over, because of too many people trying to get something for nothing. They need to put gates at all the resorts that can be opened by your room key to stop people from trying to park for free. At the pools they could put up fences with gates that can only be opened with your room key, to stop locals and people not staying at that resort. At DD they could put turnstiles at the bus loading areas that can be opened with a room key or a park ticket that has already been used at one of the parks that day, that would stop locals from parking there. The technolgy is out there, it is being used at many places across the country now.
When BC villas open up, then DVC members should be able to use the facilities when staying on points.
Unfortunately, vouchers will cost money to print and post, staff at reception will cost money, extra fencing etc all cost money. I think Disney has no choice but to cease allowing this type of thing.

I must admit I'd have thought this type of benefit was ONLY when staying on site using points. If it wasn't it should be. There are just TOO many DVC members to be able to offer this type of thing nowdays.

As all the DVC resorts have gym facilities I can't think why anyone would want to go use the Y+B, unless they were using the pool ( in which case they should be staying using points anyway)


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