No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try. - ToT 10 Miler & F&W - Updated 12/21

Not A Good Start

Our first day of this trip did not start out well. I had planned on leaving work at 3:00PM. I didn’t get to leave until 3:25PM. That’s doable at least. I was home & we were on the road to take the dogs to the boarding camp by 3:45PM. We got them checked in & headed back towards I-75 to drive up where we hit traffic in at least 3 areas. We did stop after Sarasota as it was around 5:30PM and I had hit that point where I was hungry enough I was going to be cranky if I didn’t eat soon, it was going to be a horrible rest of the ride as I was driving. Guess that is what I get for eating a single sushi roll all day. We made it to the Boardwalk to Check In by 7:20PM and were given a studio on the 3rd floor overlooking the feature pool. Luckily, the clown is blocked by trees though!

We got 2 of our bags unpacked (the shoes, the computers and the ‘other’ various running type things) and left at 8:00PM to head to our 8:15PM dinner reservation at Todd English’s bluezoo. We hadn’t been to bluezoo since our honeymoon where it was an awful time but we figure 6.5 years was enough time to pass that we should give it another shot.

We checked in and were immediately shown to the worst table in the restaurant. It was in the middle of a walkway on the way to the kitchen & bathroom next to a waiter station and yeah, it was not relaxing at all as we kept getting service trays, people talking over our table on the way to the restroom and people stopping to have a conversation next to us. I had mentioned it to the hostess that sat us but those other 8 acceptable tables were reserved. During the time we spent in the restaurant, only 1 of those 8 tables were sat. I was rather annoyed.

So menu:


We got to study the menu a good 15 minutes until we got our initial visit from the server to take our drink order and not explain any of the specials yet for the menu. It took him another 10 minutes to come back for the specials and another 5 minutes after that to actually take our food order. Because of the utter slowness of the server and the horrible non relaxing spot we were in, we went with a single course of food as we were starving but wanted to get out of there.

Once our food orders were in, my drink did arrive. It was a very smooth manhattan but for the $13 price tag, it was very small.


The World’s Smallest Manhattan

Our bread did arrive from not our server & that was tasty.

I had ended up ordering the chef’s special of the day that was delivered by a kitchen runner. The steak was amazing for flank steak but for a dish that was supposed to have white cheddar grits as the main side, I was expecting more than a tablespoon of grits on the plate.


Kobe Flank Steak w/ White Cheddar Grits & Tomatoes

My husband went with a soup & a side item. Both of them were tasty to him as he cleaned off his potato plate very quickly.


’Brothy’ Clam Chowder & Lobster Cheese Baked Potato

As you can see from the next picture, I did enjoy my food at least.


Enjoying the food; however, didn’t make up for the awful service and the horrible table. We skipped on dessert as we figured we would have a better time getting something at the Boardwalk Bakery or Shoreside Sweets that was cheaper and way quicker. We will not be back to bluezoo anytime in the near future or possibly ever. We walked to the Boardwalk Bakery where I did pick up a snack, that still hasn’t been eaten.


Salted Caramel Ganache

I haven’t eaten it as my husband wanted ice cream from Shoreside Sweets and I decided to get ice cream as well instead. He had a double scoop of mint chocolate chip while I had a single scoop of cookie dough in a waffle cone & with rainbow sprinkles. These were very tasty options & we spent less than $10 on the ice cream!

Eating our ice cream, we headed back to our room to fully unpack for the rest of the trip and watch this week’s edition of Mindy Project & Chopped before heading to bed.
Alright, I'm gonna do my best to follow along here!

Sorry you had sort of a bumpy first day. bluezoo sounds BLECH! :eek: I didn't even see any grits in your picture! Great idea to get some dessert from the Boardwalk instead. :thumbsup2

Hope you're having fun!!
Alright, I'm gonna do my best to follow along here!

Sorry you had sort of a bumpy first day. bluezoo sounds BLECH! :eek: I didn't even see any grits in your picture! Great idea to get some dessert from the Boardwalk instead. :thumbsup2

Hope you're having fun!!

I think that first night stole all the bad luck so far this trip so if thats the worst this trip has to bring us, I shall survive.

We are having lots of fun! Our wine dinner didn't take as long as I was expecting so it means a very nice relaxing evening to play on the computer & watch tv which is perfect.
Misty Morning

Our alarm went off at 7:00AM & we decided to be healthy people and head downstairs to the gym. I spent 40 minutes going slow on the bike. I think I did 8 miles by the time it was done.


When we got back to the room, I organized a room a little more and realized that we kinda overpacked our running fuel. I mean, look at this:


What that doesn’t show is the 5 other packs of beans + 4 more gels that I put back into our suitcases. My husband thought I didn’t pack anything and packed what he thought was a reasonable amount for both of us. We cleaned up and got dressed for the day and headed over to EPCOT right around 8:50AM. We didn’t bring our ponchos as the weather app had told us that it was going to be a clear day until 2PM. The weather app lied. It was misty rain all morning long!

Our first stop was Starbucks where we tried the new seasonal flavor, Golden Maple. I never need to have that flavor again because it tasted like maple syrup with no other flavor profiles whatsoever. It at least kept me from starving (thank you new pre-workout pill that makes me cranky if I don’t eat within two hours of having it.) My husband had his own Golden Maple that was thrown away along with a chocolate croissant that he did eat.


We headed to The Land to fly over California where we had little wait with our FP+ selection. After our visit, we headed over to Imagination to see if we could actually ride it this time around as on Trip #1 of the F&W weekend trips it was closed every time. We were lucky it was up & we were solo on the ride vehicle for our trip around the senses!




We then went shopping in Mousegears & were amused to see the new trend in the hat section of the store of Disney Tails!


I guess that can make it easier to dress up or Disney Bound if you want.

We headed to the Festival Center where I had a new purse in my mind!


I wanted the wristlet when I realized I forgot our AP tickets and our DVC Cards back in the room. Luckily, we had our Disney Visa with us so I could still get my 10% discount on the purse!


At the festival center, I learned my favorite band ever now makes beer.


Sadly, with it being a pale ale, I will never try it as I tend to hate the bitterness of it.

It was raining outside after we left the Festival Center on our way to Club Cool so we decided to use those restrooms in that building and I saw a very lonely Chip & Dale.


We had to wait until at least 10:30AM for Club Cool to open so we stayed on the benches in that building & each dealt with work emails (aren’t we exciting?) When that excitement was over, we visited Club Cool where I had 2 servings of the Melon Frosty soda that still doesn’t make up for the Watermelon China soda that used to be there.


It was nearing time for the booths to open so we headed towards the booths to begin Round 3 of tackling the booths as we still had 12 more to get through to finish the passport!


Booths Vs Dis_Yoda & DH - Round 3

At 11:00AM the booths opened and we were on our quest to finish our passport. The first stop was Puerto Rico and we decided to split a dish here. It tasted like a homemade pot roast which was fine but nothing special. My husband enjoyed most of it!


Carne Guisada Con Arroz Blanco - Slow Braised Beef w/ Puerto Rican Grown Rice

Next was Greece where we got some wine that I mostly drank. It was definitely better than some of the other wines from last trip!


Alpha Estate Axia Syrah - Xinomavro

Our next booth was Canada where I enjoyed a nice sweet wine and my husband had the soup which he quickly finished off!


Neige Premiere Apple Ice Wine & Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup

In Scotland where I decided against getting food there & just went for the Scotch which was fine but I enjoy my Laphroaig 18 year better.


Glenfiddich 12 year

I feel that the Patagonia is just a rip off for being considered ‘new’ as it has many of the same items Argentina had in the past. The beef was well cooked but I only got a bite of it as my husband enjoyed most of it. The sauce was a bit oily though.


Grilled Beef Skewer w/ Chimichurri Sauce & Boniato Puree

As we headed to the next booth, it started to down pour so we got the item & ran into Mexico so we could go on the boat ride. In New Zealand we went with the chardonnay which was nice but by the time we got to drink it out of the rain, it was a bit watered down.


Kim Crawford Unoaked Chardonnay

In Mexico, we enjoyed our lovely boat journey of trying to find Donald as he kept running off from the group.



We then enjoyed our FP+ selection for Maelstrom & enjoyed our final ride ever on this ride in its current form.



Already selling Sven Ears I see

I was back to working on the booths & we stopped by Refreshment Cool Post where my husband got to enjoy one of his favorite things ever - ice cream, well really frozen yogurt here but it works. I was allowed to enjoy a bite where it tasted like a Werther’s Caramel.


Dulce de Leche Frozen Yogurt

Next was Singapore where I really enjoyed Chicken.


Lemongrass Chicken Curry w/ Coconut & Jasmine Rice

As Espresso, Coffee & Pastries @ The American Adventure we got the only option that was allowed - a spiced latte that was ok. It was definitely maple spiced & we were both over our maple allotment for the day from Starbucks that morning!


Apple Maple Spice Latte

At Block & Hans we got a chardonnay which felt cheap.


Great American Wine Company - Chardonnay

In Morocco we had a decent alcoholic beverage at least!



We then stopped by Brazil where I got another serving of my favorite items from Trip #1! It was just a great this time.


Pao de Queija - Brazilian Cheese Bread

We had 1 booth left to go to but it was at the beginning of the loop so we decided to call it a day & head back to the Boardwalk.
I saw your post about "the seasoners". We don't have that where I live because the cost of living is so high. However, Palm Springs has what they call snowbirds. Why do the seasoners make going out unfun? Do they crowd up the restaurants and increase wait times or are they just a giggity bunch of seniors who are unruly and loud?

Really they added Patagonia and gave it the signature dish from Argentina? :confused3

I don't even try the funny Starbucks drinks. Just not into flavors that aren't coffee. Good job on the booths. Im sure by now you've finished them up.
I saw your post about "the seasoners". We don't have that where I live because the cost of living is so high. However, Palm Springs has what they call snowbirds. Why do the seasoners make going out unfun? Do they crowd up the restaurants and increase wait times or are they just a giggity bunch of seniors who are unruly and loud?

Really they added Patagonia and gave it the signature dish from Argentina? :confused3

I don't even try the funny Starbucks drinks. Just not into flavors that aren't coffee. Good job on the booths. Im sure by now you've finished them up.

We stop going out so much when the snowbirds are in as wait times go from 10 minutes max to at least an hour if not more. They don't drive the speed limits and cause an increased amount of accidents on the road between their slower reaction times and just not caring about things like red lights, stop signs or yield signs (like last year when one snowbird just didn't hit the brakes in over a block and rear ended my husband with enough force to have him hit the car in front of him despite there being enough spacing between the cars) The commutes increase by two times or more to various areas of town along with parking being nonexistent at certain areas.

There also is an entitlement factor. At my husband's work, his customer base becomes more rude (they only want to talk to a manager to 'sell' to them & at times don't believe my husband is the manager as he has tattoos), they bring in their 'service' dogs that like to just use the restroom on the floor & bark at people, and have unrealistic expectations at times.

Yes, Patagonia has two of the signature dishes from Argentina. Doesn't seem very 'new' does it?

I love some of the flavored Starbucks Drinks - Caramel Ribbon Crunch that they have in the summer and my Starbucks currently has Salted Caramel Mocha but they don't have it at WDW.

Once we were back at the Boardwalk, we realized we need to have a real lunch as our dinner reservations weren’t until 7:45PM that night. We were able to walk in at ESPN Club and were seated at a 4-top by the bar.

I made a bad life choice & got another beverage. It was nice selection that I did enjoy but I totally felt the alcohol hitting me by the time I was done with this drink.


Unibroue Trois Pistoles

My husband was smart & got a water and a salad. He really enjoyed his salad.


Chicken Caesar Salad

I went with a pork sandwich but ended up just mostly eating the meat without the buns as I figured eating the good stuff was better than eating the bland bun.


BBQ Pork Sandwich

After lunch, we headed back to the room where we relaxed some. Eventually my husband went to the gym & I went to the pool to enjoy the hot tub along with the pool for about an hour and a half. Once back in the room, I took about a nap and got ready to head out towards EPCOT for our final booth, maybe another ride and then finally dinner.

Hey! Joining in from your cruise TR. Loving all the food pics. I also find your workout stats very enjoyable. I have lost 22 lbs since June so seeing your daily plans is giving me ideas to step up.
Hey! Joining in from your cruise TR. Loving all the food pics. I also find your workout stats very enjoyable. I have lost 22 lbs since June so seeing your daily plans is giving me ideas to step up.

Thanks for joining in over here! Keeping the workout logs definitely kept me accountable for training for the Tower of Terror Run. I think once I'm done with this trip report, I'll have to figure out if I want to keep my training plans here on the Disboards or just keep it on a blog.

I've actually gained some of the weight back thanks to all these vacations but at least now I have a 3 months to clean up my act again especially since we're back at that time of year where my husband works all the time and thus I barely eat dinner as I get busy with other things to entertain myself.

Great job on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!
Booths Vs Dis_Yoda & DH - Round 4

We got ready for dinner & headed out of the room around 5:30PM.


We walked back to EPCOT & headed straight to our final booth to complete the Passport: the Odyssey Coffee Cart We were actually pleasantly shocked that the smoothie was better than expected, in fact my husband stole most of it from me.


Tropical Delight Smoothie w/ Grey Goose Vodka

Mission accomplished we headed back to the Festival Center to get our final completion stamp.


Mission Completed!

It was a bit anticlimactic but we were happy to get it completed! At least now when I go on the trip with my mother, there won’t be anything we have to do for the sake of finishing the passport and we can just enjoy what she desires.
How Dinner Should Be

After we got our completion stamp, we realized it we still had about an hour until it was time for dinner so we headed to the Green Side of Mission Space as we like not feeling nauseous especially since we were about to head to dinner!

We were alone in our pod so I got to play two parts - I took the side that fits me the most ;)


After the ride, we leisurely strolled back towards Italy to check into our dinner at Tutto Italia. After our dinner at BlueZoo that was so bad the night before, my husband really wanted something that we thought would turn out better but wasn’t something we always go to. We hadn’t been to Tutto Italia in years but we remembered we really enjoyed our lunch there. I had been able to get a 7:45PM reservations. We arrived right on time & were seated at a two top in one of the side rooms of the restaurant towards the back. It was relaxing and nice to be able to actually talk to each other and not have interruptions like the night before.

We reviewed the wine list & picked a decent bottle of chardonnay. Eventually, my husband will branch into red wines for a full bottle rather than a glass Overall, the wine list here is very reasonable in their prices!



I started with the House Made Mozzarella Appetizer. It was a fresh tasting warm mozzarella that was amazing. Think the inside of a fried mozzarella stick without the grease and just the cheese goodness. Placed on some of the focaccia, I was in heaven!


Fiori di Latte Calda - House-made Whole Milk Mozzarella Served w/ Warm Roasted Pomodorini, Extra Virigin Olive Oil & Focaccia

My husband was less exciting with his appetizer - a caesar salad. The dressing was runny but there was a lot of flavor in it at least!


Caesar Salad

We both got the same meal for our dinner. The ravioli felt homemade which always helps make them taste better. The sauce with the pancetta and chicken had a ton of flavor and both of us were members of the clean plate club by the end!


Ravioli di Ricotta - Chicken, Pancetta, Parmesan

As we had finished our bottle of wine, we order a glass of moscato for our desserts. It was just sweet enough to work well with our chosen desserts.


Sparkling Wine

I love a good tiramisu. I knew I would be getting that here thanks to the dessert wine & dessert pairing they did here a couple years ago.


Mocha Tiramisu

My husband also knew they had great cannolis from that same event so he went with what he knew he loved!



This dinner totally made up for the horrible dinner at bluezoo! Our bill ended up being over double what bluezoo was which is always amusing considering Tutto is a 1 TS type restaurant. We will place this back into our dining rotation & won’t wait so long until we go back next time!

We left before Illuminations went off so we were able to get to our room prior to the crowds leaving EPCOT. In our room, we both finally got around to checking our emails for the day and we were notified by rundisney that it may rain in Florida on race day. Are you shocked? I’m not but I live here.


Email from RunDisney
Not Keeping To The Plan

When we woke up this morning, we were both good and headed to the gym. I was unmotivated to do a full 45 minutes & quit after 25 minutes.


Looking back, I really should have tried to finish the rest of the run as my laziness in training the two weeks prior to the race came back to bite me at the end.

We cleaned up after our workout and walked over to Hollywood Studios, aiming to get there about 10 minutes after opening. Well, we suck at checking the time as we arrived before opening and had to wait about 5 minutes until we were let into the park. We headed straight to Rockin Roller Coaster to enjoy some Aerosmith while being twisted and turned around. We had FP+ for Tower of Terror but we were both starving so we decided to skip it & head to breakfast at Starring Rolls. This was the first time we’ve gone to Starring Rolls where it wasn’t a crazy madhouse and we were able to get in and out in less than 2 minutes. My husband had a bagel while I had a more unhealthy option that I could only eat half of before my husband finished it for me! We split a water.


We then headed to the Great Movie Ride where I actually got annoyed during the ride. We were placed in Row 1 and in Row 2 & 3 a group of Disney New Hires (you could tell by the badges) were behind us as part of their onboarding process. The lady directly behind us began talking loudly to the person next to her starting after the Gangster Room. I was getting annoyed. When we were in the Temple of Doom section, I finally turned around and said something to her about wanting to be able to enjoy the ride experience and she had a look of annoyance on her face. I really wish I would have thought of a better comeback about Disney Magic and their role in that now but I was seething too much.



We then headed to MuppetVision 4-D to learn about their new technology ;)


I wanted to visit Oaken’s Trading Post and see the Frozen Snow Playland but they were not open quite yet to play plus we were wearing flip flops so that probably wouldn’t have been smart to play in the snow in flip flops Back in my college days & I lived where it snowed, I once was dumb enough to get the mail in flip flops and ending up 2 houses down the hill as I slid on my butt


We then headed to Toy Story Mania for our next FP+ where I beat my husband!


We had time to kill before our Star Tours FP+ so we headed to the Animation area where they actually had an animator drawing in the studio area (the olaf they are now selling as a limited edition cel)


We then looked at the displays for Big Hero 6. My husband is excited for this movie as its based on a Marvel Comic. I took the quiz for which Disney Character you are as I haven’t done that in a long time. Apparently I’m evil.


We stopped by Tune In Lounge as we still had time to kill & they opened at 11AM. I got a Kona Longboard while my husband got an Angry Orchard. The service was a little slow here but we had some time to kill.


Around 11:30AM, we headed to Star Tours to use our next FP+ although it was 100% a waste as there was no line for the ride. We windowed shopped as there wasn’t anything new to be had. We headed to Brown Derby as they were about to open & our reservation was for 5 minutes after opening.

Our meal was basic. I had a sweet limoncello martini (it was no Shipbuilder’s Wife from O’Gills though ;))


We both got the same entree. It was as enjoyable as it has been the last couple times we enjoyed it.


Fettuccini Alfredo

We skipped dessert & started leaving the park.
I'm catching up now!

Flying Fish looks good. My husband and I both love seafood, so we definitely have to try eating here sometime.

I'm sorry your trip got off to a rough start! That does sound like an unfortunate experience at bluezoo. I would've been very frustrated.

Love reading about more of the Food and Wine booths! I didn't get around to trying the Canadian soup, I think because it was so hot while I was there and I just wasn't in a soup mood. And your Singapore dish looks so much better than mine - I had the smallest serving size ever and I think one tiny piece of chicken. I wish I had gotten yours, I probably would've enjoyed it more! I did get to enjoy the cheese bread - so good, and I know if they have it in the future when I visit with DH he'll love it too, so it's a good thing they give you two pieces!

Congrats on your passport completion stamp!

Tutto Italia looks amazing. I'm bummed I haven't been there yet and wasn't able to convince others to make a reservation here during Princess weekend. Brown Derby looks good too - is that prosciutto in the pasta? Yum!
I'm catching up now!

Flying Fish looks good. My husband and I both love seafood, so we definitely have to try eating here sometime.

I'm sorry your trip got off to a rough start! That does sound like an unfortunate experience at bluezoo. I would've been very frustrated.

Love reading about more of the Food and Wine booths! I didn't get around to trying the Canadian soup, I think because it was so hot while I was there and I just wasn't in a soup mood. And your Singapore dish looks so much better than mine - I had the smallest serving size ever and I think one tiny piece of chicken. I wish I had gotten yours, I probably would've enjoyed it more! I did get to enjoy the cheese bread - so good, and I know if they have it in the future when I visit with DH he'll love it too, so it's a good thing they give you two pieces!

Congrats on your passport completion stamp!

Tutto Italia looks amazing. I'm bummed I haven't been there yet and wasn't able to convince others to make a reservation here during Princess weekend. Brown Derby looks good too - is that prosciutto in the pasta? Yum!

Welcome back! Hope your ToT trip went well.

Flying Fish is great for seafood! You too would love it!

I think most people would have been frustrated at that - I was complaining on Facebook as it happened and the string of conversation made me feel better during my frustration as people were encouraging me to just go to Shula's instead. From that, I also learn just eat at the bar there rather than the restaurant. They seem to have better reviews for service.

It was really hot during ToT weekend. I was shocked my husband wanted it but who I am to judge seeing some of the stuff I went for. F&W Booths seem to have horrible consistency at certain booths. I would have been upset if I only got 1 tiny piece of chicken as well. The two pieces does make that wonderful bread great for sharing.

Are you doing Princess in 2015? I'm debating on my restaurant choices now but I have to figure out if the person I'm doing GSC with is going to buy a park ticket or not. I have Ohana's set for Thursday night but haven't figured out Friday or Saturday yet. If she gets park tickets, I'm so going to Tutto again. Hopefully you'll be able to convince others to enjoy Tutto! I enjoy it more than Via Napoli. Brown Derby does have prosciutto in the pasta - they only serve that item at lunch which works well for me as it is just enough for a park lunch.
Why Laundry, No People Suck

As we left the park, I purchased a popcorn as nothing is better than Disney popcorn to enjoy on the walk back to the resort.


We enjoyed this walk a nice leisurely pace. It was getting warm out so we both wanted an adult beverage to cool us off. I had an Island Moonshine while Shaun had the Moscato Colada.


Once back in the room, I changed to enjoy the pool and hottub while my husband went back to the gym. At the pool, I enjoyed another adult beverage - this time the Moscato Colada


When I could feel I was getting too much sun, I headed back in & my husband was already back in the room. As we had 2 gym visits of dirty clothes for me & 4 visits of my husband, I figured it was time to do laundry. I took all our dirty laundry to the DVC laundry room on the first floor & set it in the washers. They had upgraded the room to the nice Steam LG versions! I set up two of the washers with one delicate & one hot wash. I had 45 minutes until it would be done so I headed back up to the room til it was done. When I got back, the hot wash was actually completed prior to the delicate wash (which apparently still had 20 minutes left ?!) I placed my stuff in the dryer and walked the boardwalk and played some in the arcade.


When I got back to switch over the delicates to the dryer, someone else had used the other dryer at this point so I stopped my hot clothes dryer placing in the wet delicate clothes and resetting the dryer for *low* heat (delicate setting) and it stated it would take about 45 minutes to be done. So I wandered the boardwalk some more and eventually I went back down and about had a hissy fit. Someone had changed my dryer to ‘speed dry - high heat’ sometime in the last 15 minutes. I freaked out as my clothes that shouldn’t be dried that way were in there so I took my still damp clothes and just went back to the room and had them hanging throughout the room until we would be done with our wine dinner that was in 30 minutes!
Oh wow, who changes someone else's dryer? Seriously? People are messed up in the head.

Those are some pretty blue drinks. What is on the Moscato Colada?

I want to eat that Fettuccini Alfredo right now!
Oh I would KILL anyone putting our clothes on high heat. We dont even put our shirts in the dryer any more. We dry everything on low heat so as not to shrink it. Thwy must habe been all trendy people who throw out their clothes each year and dont care how long they last. We last our clothes many years by washing them in cold water and not using shirts in the dryer, we hang dry them.
Disney drinks are so good. People suck, they really do. Too bad you couldn't have caught the person.

I do love Disney Drinks although I'm not sure my wallet does ;)

I guess I learned my lesson about not watching my laundry while its being cleaned but sitting around the laundry room is no fun! At least next trip is only 3 nights so I shouldn't have to do the laundry unless its a monsoon like it was in early May.

Oh wow, who changes someone else's dryer? Seriously? People are messed up in the head.

Those are some pretty blue drinks. What is on the Moscato Colada?

I want to eat that Fettuccini Alfredo right now!

I agree! Someone else that doesn't want to wait a reasonable amount of time? Although, it does make no sense why they have 4 washers and only 2 dryers. People suck - too bad language filters keep me from saying what I actually want to say.

The moscato colada has a passion fruit foam on top. The colada itself is a Grape Vodka, Blue Curacau, Pina Colada Mix.

I've been craving a good alfredo since this trip - luckily, I currently have a fridge that doesn't work (replacement is delivered Friday) so it should be easy to convince my husband we are eating out tonight!

Oh I would KILL anyone putting our clothes on high heat. We dont even put our shirts in the dryer any more. We dry everything on low heat so as not to shrink it. Thwy must habe been all trendy people who throw out their clothes each year and dont care how long they last. We last our clothes many years by washing them in cold water and not using shirts in the dryer, we hang dry them.

Oh - I wanted to Kill/Scream/Kick that person but they weren't there. The only things I dry in high heat are jeans, gym clothes, socks and cotton undies - just like those are the only things I wash in high heat as well. As it wasn't a ton of clothes, everything else was put in delicate with low temp as all my normal clothes were there. I hang dry at home but on vacation in a studio, there really isn't room to hang dry everything.


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