No zombies here, just 10+ years of trip reports!!!

While on the carousel, I was able to reach one of our fellow DisDads by text. We knew we were going to be at WDW, but we all try to meet up and take a picture when our paths cross at WDW or anywhere else. And, my family permits some time to allow me to do this. So, a big thank you shout out to everyone.

I was able to meet up with Lee and his family from New York. Lee was with his family and extended family, and while I like to get a picture and chat, I certainly don't want to interfere with family time. So, we had a brief meet inside the exit area of IASW and would bump into them again at Dumbo, so after a brief conversation, we rejoined in our Disney adventures. You all seemed like a great family and we wish we could have spent some more time together. But, I think this was their day to go home, so they may be on a plane now. Thanks for the meet up.

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After Peter Pan ride, we went to Pooh. We missed Philharmagic, but the party was a little more crowded than usual. We really like the new cue at Winnie the Pooh.

Gophers and Ping pong balls.



So, while having fun on the cue, the ride gets shut down. The explanation in that Pooh spilled some honey. I don't buy it. I mean, because Pooh loves honey and wouldn't spill it. He would eat it. Something else must have happened. So, we finished playing at the cue and left to go to Mad Hatter Tea Party. They refurbed the ride and made the tea cups smaller. Yeah, that's it.


Then, onto the new Dumbo. This is our first top under the new big top. While there is no line, dds run ahead and go to the play area. We have to drag them out and go to get on the ride.


So, while we are outside on the ride, the power goes out. Huh? Two rides in a row. After 5 minutes, they walk around and say to leave. Just as hit the exit, the power is back on. So, we decide to be the test dummies (Along with most everyone else) and we jump back in for a ride. Maybe not the smartest plan.

Then, the barnstormer and new water play area are right next door. We skip the water area at night, but both dds go ride Barnstormer. Again, the refurbs make those cars smaller, so I watched while they rode it.
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It is the MNSSHP and we haven't done any trick or treating, so let's get some candy. The best area is over at the train station walkway from Fantasyland to Tomorrowland. There area 3 multiple stations, and if you trick or treat one station, you then go to the next one and get some more candy. The cards are standing guard, but don't do the best job.

Onto Space Mountain with a 10 minute wait. Certainly, one could just ride SM repeatedly throughout the night. We had thought of that strategy, but decided against it.

After Space Mountain, onto the People Mover, one of my favs. Managed a couple good pictures from the backwards seats. While I don't like this Stitch ride, I like this photo op.

And, the castle is just awesome at night.

Not bad from my cell phone. Then, it is on to the bridge over to Tomorrowland where we watch the fireworks. There are seats there. Depending on your angle, the tree blocks some of the fireworks, but you can still see the castle, light images there, most of the fireworks, and of course, feel the explosions and listen to the loud music. Hallo wishes is my favorite firework show and it does not disappoint.
After the fireworks, we head over to LTT for the parade watch. We like it over there because you can sit on the stone wall or benches if lucky (or rocking chairs at back of Presidents) if really lucky or early, and dds can sit on ground for front row if they want.

The parade did not have the headless horseman tonight, which was disappointing. Not sure if it was the weather or the ground was wet, but it is still a great parade.

We also like this area as the parade starts at Frontierland (opposite the others), and as th parade ends, either ride rides at Frontierland, escape to Adventureland, ride Haunted Mansion again, or escape to Fantasy Land easily.
I was able to connect with another DisDad. Again, we knew we would be at the party at the same time, and just had to figure out how to meet up. Philip, his daughter, and mother came and joined us at the parade. Before he got there, we inadvertently sat with another family from our home town, with a child one grade older than my oldest. So, we chatted about middle school tips.

Philip and his family got there, and I could tell his little girl, all dressed up from BBB, was tired, but she seemed to do well with my dds and once the parade got there, was standing and waving to all the characters. It looked like they all had a great time. Philip, it was great meeting you and your family. Thanks for spending time with us at the parade. Of course, the picture.

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To end the night, we went and finished the mountains. First, a 10 minute wait at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Then, Splash Mountain.

And, finally morer trick or treating. Splash Mountain has several multiple candy stations set up. We shut the party down at midnight and finished up with our short walk to BLT and no bus lines. :thumbsup2.

Youngest dd slept to 10:00 AM. She has not had breakfast and we are ready for an easy day at the pool before dinner tonight at Citricos. Until then, later everyone.
great meets and looks like your having a great time!!!! have a nice trip norm! :thumbsup2
Had a fun day of swimming today. The CR pool is still way less crowded than Bay Cove pool. And, as DVC Membs may use CR pool, but people staying at CR aren't supposed to use BLT pool, I don't get it. Well, as long as we get to use the less crowded pool, it works for me.

Played some more pool games. Apparently, the CR crowd isn't much for games or they just new I was there and it was once again futile. It was name the attraction from the song, and we played parents against kids. Of the eight songs, I got 8 attractions and missed the one from Buzz light year. But, that was a ride we missed last night, so I guess I just wasn't thinking about it. I did get a song from Mexico in Epcot that no one else did.

My prize? A lion. Youngest dd traded her frog the other day for my lion.

Oldest dd wins at bingo - I didn't play that one - and her prize is? Giraffe.

I have thought this Year's group of WDW patrons has been much ruder than years past. It seems to go in cycles. Today, there was a group of 5 boys, ranging from oldest around 17 to 7, as well as a younger sister. The boys were being jerks on the water slide at CR and lifeguard kept getting on them. Parents? Absent of course. They kept cutting in lines and running up the stairs and pushing younger children. A dad went upstairs and stood on the water slide platform to direct traffic. The CR pool finally put a 4th lifeguard on top of the slide. They didn't go near my dds, or I would have went and pushed them back.

Finally, I saw them with their parents, drunk outside the bar, and the dad put on a New England Patriots shirts. Coincidence? You decide. :stir:

Anyway, we are going to Citricos for dinner tonight. I'll get some pics of the food (if I remember and post later).
Late to the party...been occupied lately, but this is making for a welcome break. Glad you are having a blast!:thumbsup2

The food has declined there over the years, but the girls still love the characters. The croissants were excellent.

How odd, last time there I preferred the food to the character, they were barely going through the motions last time. Rather do dinner there anyways...

I remembered that we missed each other arriving and departing. So far, no problems other than two dds who just want to fight with each other all the time. I was hoping the sleep would have made things better, but not yet. If they continue much longer, I may post my kidney on eBay and see how much all day babysitting costs :furious: :scared: :crazy2: :sad:.

Instead of selling the kidney we will mail them to their paternal grandparents. We will scalp their MNSSHP to pay for part of shipping and we will break even from what we would have spent on Epcot tickets, food, & souvenirs. I have been putting a lot of thought into this.

I sympathize, my two girls seem to love to fight. I was shocked they got along so well last trip, but it was too hot to anything else. :rotfl2:

Ah, since I am a Commando member and DisDad, I guess I need to better reference the code. The DisDad code is that no able bodied DisDad, except for those carrying children, should take a seat on the bus when women, children, elderly, or disabled are standing.

Last trip we stayed at EMHs and the bus was crammed. Audrey had already passed out so I had her in one arm, the stroller in the other, and a near-passed out Amelia. One amazing family offered me a seat but I let Amelia use it, another dad held my stroller for me so I could hang on to balance. Amelia passed out too, the other fam kept her from falling over in her seat. Wonderfull, wonderfull people to help out.
How odd, last time there I preferred the food to the character, they were barely going through the motions last time. Rather do dinner there anyways...

Last trip we stayed at EMHs and the bus was crammed. Audrey had already passed out so I had her in one arm, the stroller in the other, and a near-passed out Amelia. One amazing family offered me a seat but I let Amelia use it, another dad held my stroller for me so I could hang on to balance. Amelia passed out too, the other fam kept her from falling over in her seat. Wonderfull, wonderfull people to help out.

Character interaction was again superb. Last time, we had Alice and Hatter together and they put on a show for our table. This time we were seperate, but Alice did a special pose with oldest dd (dd told favorite character) and Hatter was quick to make up jokes on the spot. Both were wearing their Highland Elementary shirts and he asked if they lived in the Highlands. When they answered they were their cross county shirts, he gasped that they ran across the country!
Dinner tonight was Citricos. This would be our first and last time here. Here we are at CR on the way over. I nice enjoyable monorail over.


Here we are in front of the restaurant. There is a sign to Victoria & Albert's.


Now, the restaurant is 3/4 EMPTY, and we get a remote buzzer to alert us when our table is ready. We were 10 minutes early, and it went off before DW could tell me why we had a buzzer. Too pretentious for me. We split a bottle of wine.

Bread started out good.

First course was sauteed shrimp. Yummy.

Second course was charcuterie. Cherizo and almonds excellent. Other choices were not very good.

I had filet. Prime Rib at SSR was better and cheaper.

DW had veal. I thought it was dry.

Oldest dd had braised short rib (1) over pasta with mushroom. The menu was plural (ribs). Really, one rib. Pretentious. She didn't like it on top of that. I thought the pasta and mushrooms were good.

Youngest dd had pizza. She didn't like it. So, we all rotated dishes. I ate pasta, fed youngest steak, and oldest ate pizza. That is not really a problem, but again, I just expected better for the money.

DW and I split banana chocolate torte with chocolate tiara. It was good.


The dds had a lemon cheesecake. It was ok.

The meal was average by WDW standards, and I could have had a better meal at far cheaper prices. It was a nice experience for us and dds, but Citricos falls down on the Signature list by Flying Fish and Artist Pointe. Been there, done that, won't be back. Of course, since V&A's is right next to Citricos, I am wondering if the food is actually worth it, or if it will just be small portions of overpriced food that I can get elsewhere. I really was thinking of V&A next year, but now, probably not.
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After a not so great, but super great priced meal, went shopping at CR. I thought this was cool, but I passed on it.n I would rather buy the Dole Whip. I did buy these. I think crocs are the most comfortable shoes ever, so I'm sure the Mickey crocs are even better.Then, we dropped off my shoes in the room and went up to the TOTWL. I had a Yuengling, DW had a Mai tai, and dds had lemonade with glow in dark ice cube.

Now, there has been a lot of chatter about losing access to it, but now, I am one who is ready to have it gone. We walked in the door and found a great window seat at 9:08 AM. And, they pipe in music and we could see the fireworks from inside. However, the waiter had not returned to pick up our check after Wishes ended. Really? Disney can't provide quality or enough staff so that in one hour, someone couldn't take a drank order and cash out a ticket? We wanted to go to bed so we could get up early for Epcot commando day tomorrow. So, I unhappily threw in my cash, DW walked it up to bar, and we left. Wishes was really nice, but I'd just assume have the terrace or use terrace at CR and just close it down as opposed to wasting dues on it. Pathetic.

Sorry for the griping. It is late and today was not as magical as the rest. Tomorrow is 8 to midnight at Epcot, and probably won't post a lot of pictures, as I'll need to conserve battery. Have a good evening and post more Thursday morning.
Sorry for the griping. It is late and today was not as magical as the rest. Tomorrow is 8 to midnight at Epcot, and probably won't post a lot of pictures, as I'll need to conserve battery. Have a good evening and post more Thursday morning.

Sorry that the day wasn't as magical, we've all had them I think. (I can think of some off the top of my head). Epcot with the Food and Wine should lift your spirits. There are a few "beer-only" booths, you can enjoy, but sorry, no Yuengling :confused3 I could have sworn La Maudite or La Fin Du Monde was in one of the booths, but a quick look-up says no, I'd heartily recommend either.

Really enjoying the updates, still sounds better then what I'm doing at home! :thumbsup2
Thanks for the updates Norm.

Sorry your meal wasn't great. I've thought about Citrocos a few times but I always read mixed reviews.

Hurry on the Yuengling! :thumbsup2

Enjoy Epcot tomorrow! pixiedust:
Just now catching up. I truly hope your day at Epcot was better! Glad to know I am not the only one who values manners and respect. People who don't give up their seat to older/disabled just have no home training. Your family is gorgeous and you all seem to be enjoying yourselves so don't allow the stuff that goes wrong to interfere with all the magic that goes amazingly right. Keep on keepin on Commando style!!!:cool1:
Been away for a while and just now caught up. Sorry to hear about Citricos. Haven't eaten there yet and still might give it a try. Don't let it damper your idea about V&A. Separate chefs and kitchens. Although V&A is also pretentious but it is supposed to be.

The kids look like they are having a good time. You better get the shotgun out for when they get older. Enjoy the rest of the stay.


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