Not really sure why this board needs brand-specific PotD threads


DH of Lease, Father of Triplet Boys :)
Aug 4, 2007
Something that has been bugging me every time I visit this board lately...

Why do we need brand-specific PotD threads?

One of the things I like about this community is that the brand partisanship is usually kept to a minimum... it's more about the love of photography and taking great photos at Disney. It's not like you can look at any given photo and say "Oh that was definitely taken with a Canon/Fuji/Nikon/Olympus/Pentax/Sigma/Sony/etc/etc/etc". Given similar glass, gear, and class of camera, these little electronics packed boxes we love so much are all capable of the same things regardless of what is printed above the lens.

I'm not saying that brand-specific discussion threads are bad, just threads that are specifically for sharing photos from day to day. My suggestion would be to start a new "Photo Board Community PotD" thread or just continue using the Your best shot from the last time you used your camera... thread. If you want to include camera info alongside every photo, go for it! But why segregate photo sharing by brand?

Your thoughts?
:lmao: The thing that gets me about them is that I find myself never visiting the nikon one because I am a Canon owner. Does that make any sense? I am sure there are others like me. I agree with your point due to the fact that I am probably missing out on some nicely taken Nikon shots (but hey we all know that the Canon photos are better :snooty: ) Just kidding!
Funny thing is I never looked at any Canon and Nikon threads until this morning and that was by mistake. I clicked onto the Nikon thread, BTW I liked the colors and tones in Jeff's photo. I like the idea of just one POTD thread. Too much equipment bashing over at DPREVIEW!
:lmao: I agree with your point due to the fact that I am probably missing out on some nicely taken Nikon shots (but hey we all know that the Canon photos are better :snooty: ) Just kidding!

true canon is better, but Sony is best....:lmao::lmao:

seriously though, I think the brand specific posts are a good thing, I believe they help keep brand wars to a minimum, if someone is thinking about buying a specific brand they can go to that thread to see examples of photos taken with it, and ask owners what they think of that brand, without getting bombarded by owners of other brands..

anyone can view the pics regardless of the brand camera you use, just as I view the contests whether or not I choose to enter..

I just view those threads as any other on the boards, if it's a topic I'm not interested in I move on to the next thread.

there are some threads on here that get deep into the technical workings of digital cameras, I rarely read them, after 30+ years I usually know how to get the shot I want, I don't need to know how my sensor captures that image, just that it will when I apply the proper settings, but it doesn't bother me that those threads exist...:confused3
It doesn't bother me, but you get a lot of people who just need assuaunce that their pictures are like everyone else's who bought the same camera (or hopefully better). It's like little clubs.

Soon, I'll start a Sigma thread and dominate it! :)
I don't like it b/c I use Pentax, Nikon, and Canon. What am I supposed to do, take all shots with all three cameras!!!!! ;)
I look at all of them pretty regularly. It's half a dozen one way or the other to me.:) I come here to learn and admire everyone's work.

A weird thing though, I go to a blog called Pioneer Woman, she shoots w/a Nikon but then picked up a Canon. She posted pics from both and asked if we could tell the difference. Swear on my kids I picked the Nikon shots from the Canon shots every time. Not that I think one is better then the other (really, I don't) they're just different in a subtle way.
I don't really mind one way or the other. Sometimes I think it is nice to have a brand specific thread to discuss specific in-camera settings, adjustments, a particular lens, etc. I don't see it as elevating one brand over the other just those who have similar equipment sharing tips, helping newbies learn their particular camera, understanding what in-camera settings can be used to achieve a certain look, etc. So, I think there is a place for brand specific discussions. I do enjoy seeing photos from others that have the same camera as me and learning from what they did well.
I look at all of them pretty regularly. It's half a dozen one way or the other to me.:) I come here to learn and admire everyone's work.

A weird thing though, I go to a blog called Pioneer Woman, she shoots w/a Nikon but then picked up a Canon. She posted pics from both and asked if we could tell the difference. Swear on my kids I picked the Nikon shots from the Canon shots every time. Not that I think one is better then the other (really, I don't) they're just different in a subtle way.

I agree. I look at all the threads to enjoy the pictures and learn.

I love Pioneer Woman, but I missed the Nikon vs Cannon pictures. I did see where she gave her camera away, but I never caught what she is using now.
I am not sure I know how to respond to this thread. Do I trash Canon users? Sure all the time! I realize they have made a horrible mistake in their photography choices and I try as I can to help them see the way. And those other brands!!! They just do not get it!

Now if a little sarcasm upsets you I am sorry. I see no reason why a canon thread or a Nikon thread would make any difference to anyone. I love the photography of Mark Barbiari and Jeff Filmore as well as many others on this board. Yes there are people here that have little experience and those that have decades. I like the fact that I can post a picture to people that have the same equipment I have and can get input as to how to work it better. There are differences between brands and it is not brand mongering to identify them and discuss them. I look at all the threads to see what others are doing.

I have seen other photography boards get nasty in brand trashing and that has not happened here. As long as we are adult in our approach to our answers it should remain that way.

BobQuincey is a Canon user. I am a Nikon user. We live in the same area and actually are seen in public together and eat lunch! Who da thunk!
I actually am now enjoying the photo boards less b/c of the individual threads. I really like seeing everyone's photos and still look at the best shot thread but haven't at the Nikon and Canon threads. Why? I guess I don't care to look at something I'm not "allowed" to post on. I preferred to look at the exif data (hoping they weren't smugmug users! ;) ) if there were photos that really caught my eye - or at the posters signature line to see what equipment they use.

I never had those thoughts about the individual brand discussion threads which I think can be very helpful but everyone can still participate - even if they don't own the brand. That isn't possible on the photo threads. Maybe if I started using the Nikon that is in the house I'd feel differently.

I just think there are enough other forums that segregate and enjoyed that this one didn't. It is nice though that there is little to no serious bashing of brands.

Maybe I'm just feeling a little shunned and left out. I guess that feeling will be staying b/c I'm not trading my Sony. :sad2:
I enjoy looking at all the camera specific threads just as I enjoy looking at the thread for the Photopass photographer POTD thread or the best shot from the last time you used your camera thread. I dont see it as a shun to anyone just to have the camera specific threads bc there are enough other threads to post in no matter what camera you use or like. I regularly look at the new posts in the Canon thread and post in the Nikon thread. I am in awe of many of the photographers here and look at their pictures in hopes of learning something from them as opposed to thinking about what camera it was shot with. The camera specific threads dont bother me at all .. I enjoy them all equally :goodvibes
I agree, photography is photography.

I do visit the Canon one though. I'm a Canon user. Nothing against the Nikon guys/girls, through. I would feel like I'm cheating on the camera.
I kind of like them as well. I visit the Canon thread on a daily basis to see what kind of photos people have taken and contribute to the Nikon thread when I have the chance.

I agree with Steve'sGirl that I like to see shots taken with specific Nikon lenses and equipment to see what kind of images they produce and get feedback in case one day I'm interested in that particular lens.

There have been Canon shooters that have posted on the Nikon thread (like Jann) and vice versa offering input on how to improve things like technique, offering compliments on photos, etc.

I wouldn't care one way or the other if anyone decided they should be stopped, but I do think it's nice as a brand specific user to have one place to click to find a selection of their camera brand's photos.
if someone is thinking about buying a specific brand they can go to that thread to see examples of photos taken with it, and ask owners what they think of that brand


At first I didn't like it, but if you look at it this way, it is very helpful to alot of people who come here with questions when they are thinking about buying.
Just wanted to point out that I was talking about PotD threads specifically, not about ALL brand specific threads. I still maintain that if you didn't know what my camera was, I could strip the EXIF and start posting on the Nikon or Canon thread and nobody would know the difference.

Also, think of it this way... Say I decided to start a Sony PotD thread, then someone made a Pentax thread, then someone else an Olympus thread... there would then be five different brand-specific PotD threads to look at every day.
I don't like it b/c I use Pentax, Nikon, and Canon. What am I supposed to do, take all shots with all three cameras!!!!! ;)

yes of course but the best will be the canon ones ;) :rotfl2:
i post on the canon one and have gone to the nikon one a couple times but kind of agree with the op, i'd rather see a mix of photos and feel like i am sneaking over to the "dark side" if i view any but canon but i do it anyway sometimes.
in all honesty i don't think the brand you buy is going to impact your photos all that much(by that i mean less than the particular lens or body you buy in whatever brand you choose) and would rather see everyone's style so i can blatantly copy the ones i really like without having to go to multiple threads
that plus the fact that with the canon tread, the post your best photo thread and any other photo posting threads that come along how many decent photos do i have to take to post to all of them? it gets time consuming to keep up unless i just post the same one over and over again
I like when everyone shares in one place. It's so not about the camera, it's about the photographer. :)
I think a better rule of thumb is to label your pictures with the exif data so that when you do share a shot, all the information necessary is right there for the viewer to read. It's much more helpful.

Having separate camera threads makes sense if you are talking technical aspects that are specific to camera brand; although even then there are limitations as I could probably give as detailed of an explanation of a Canon even as a Nikon shooter. :)
Just wanted to point out that I was talking about PotD threads specifically, not about ALL brand specific threads. I still maintain that if you didn't know what my camera was, I could strip the EXIF and start posting on the Nikon or Canon thread and nobody would know the difference.

Just to be clear - this is also what I was referring to. I find that I can probably better identify the photographer than the brand from pictures posted.

Thus POTD/Last best picture without brand specific is my preference. I'm not seeing pictures from many of the posters now that used to go on a single POTD and that's a bummer.



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