November 2020

Well it’s 29 days for us but we were there less than a month ago so it’s ok! Although this time the kids are coming with and that always makes me more excited :flower1: I’m so happy the Friendship boats will be running again for all of us! The lake looked so lonely without them in July and September, even though we aren’t staying in the Epcot area we may take one to HS after our Ale & Compass breakfast.
Quick question for everyone - is anyone getting cold feet due to Covid? I am 2 weeks away and we haven't gone anywhere other than the grocery store since March. So, our trip is a bigger deal than usual. I'm getting some "You are crazy" responses and of course it's making me doubt myself.
Quick question for everyone - is anyone getting cold feet due to Covid? I am 2 weeks away and we haven't gone anywhere other than the grocery store since March. So, our trip is a bigger deal than usual. I'm getting some "You are crazy" responses and of course it's making me doubt myself.

I was there with the wife the week before they closed for COVID, there's no way the parks are less safe NOW than they were THEN and I did not really feel unsafe then. Just practice social distancing as best you can and keep your hands clean and you'll be fine. Truthfully, the hand thing is the most important. Still now, I guarantee you there are people going into WDW restrooms and "peeing and fleeing" without washing their hands.

Oh...And avoid the popcorn. You'll touch a thousand things between the handfuls of popcorn you shove into your mouth. That's just not good...Buy the bucket if you must, but leave the popcorn for the ducks and birds.
I was there with the wife the week before they closed for COVID, there's no way the parks are less safe NOW than they were THEN and I did not really feel unsafe then. Just practice social distancing as best you can and keep your hands clean and you'll be fine. Truthfully, the hand thing is the most important. Still now, I guarantee you there are people going into WDW restrooms and "peeing and fleeing" without washing their hands.

Oh...And avoid the popcorn. You'll touch a thousand things between the handfuls of popcorn you shove into your mouth. That's just not good...Buy the bucket if you must, but leave the popcorn for the ducks and birds.
I am not into popcorn so that won't be a problem! :earboy2:
Quick question for everyone - is anyone getting cold feet due to Covid? I am 2 weeks away and we haven't gone anywhere other than the grocery store since March. So, our trip is a bigger deal than usual. I'm getting some "You are crazy" responses and of course it's making me doubt myself.

Hi. My dad is in treatment for lymphoma and is 86; he isn't going on the trip... however, his doctor's advice makes me feel comfortable in our trip. Doctor said the biggest risk is being close to someone (talking distance, eating next to) without both folks wearing masks. As we are only going to be in close contact with our group, we and others have to wear masks at Disney (thank you, Disney!) and hand sanitizer/washing (which is good hygiene any way - yuck to anyone who never used to wash hands), we are comfortable with our upcoming trip... in fact, can't wait!!!! To be cautious, we are going to wait 14 days after return before we resume our porch visits with my dad.

Good luck in your final decision - just make an informed one and don't doubt yourself. :)
Quick question for everyone - is anyone getting cold feet due to Covid? I am 2 weeks away and we haven't gone anywhere other than the grocery store since March. So, our trip is a bigger deal than usual. I'm getting some "You are crazy" responses and of course it's making me doubt myself.
Not at all but totally understand having concerns. We've been twice since reopening; July and September. We had a great time both trips and felt extremely safe; we also did Universal in June a few days after they reopened and I'll be back there for a couple days in Dec. for work. I will say neither DH nor I have issues quarantining when we get home for work (we're in NY so it's a thing right now) and we do go pretty much everywhere we want at this point. I know folks who are much more cautious than we are who have also gone to Disney since reopening and ended up glad they did! The one thing that can be difficult is to 100% of the time be 6 feet from others but it's fleeting when we have been and we just always tell ourselves we'll remove ourselves from any situation that makes us feel unsafe but it hasn't happened :)
18 Days! Can't wait for Beach Club and tons of EPCOT/DHS coverage for my Dude page. Super excited. I'm back on my diet hardcore to combat the Disney-20 I will be gaining. Someone has to post all these food reviews after all... 😂 😂 😂
I've been back and forth on going, especially since my kids are just getting back into the school buildings. DH is all for it and said nothing will stop him. He works in the largest factory in the area and things have been fine there so he's pretty relaxed about everything and ready to travel. I've had 2 different doctors tell me go for it and just wear the masks and do hand washing and we will be fine. I am just ready to get away and go somewhere! This year started off with me recovering from an emergency appendectomy that occurred Dec. 23 and now will be ending with me recovering from a hysterectomy - which is scheduled for mid December so my doctor even told me no worries about going, to go and relax and enjoy. I'm sure once we get there I will be glad we went.
So everyone who is getting nervous with the numbers - just know that whatever you are feeling - it's ok. It's ok to feel weird about going. It's ok to feel GOOD about going. There's a lot going on.

I'm only saying this because - we are going into this trip with the following mindset:
If at any time we do not feel comfortable and we are able to leave wherever we are - we are leaving and going back to the resort/room. We booked a one bedroom, we are getting groceries delivered, and we are fine with staying in a deluxe resort and hanging out in a pool area.
We accept that we might be in a park for an hour and feel weird about it and leave because this trip is less about the parks and more about just being in WDW and getting away together.

I have been watching tons of live streams, vlogs, listening to trip reports, reading the boards here, and I feel good about this choice. I haven't read, seen or heard one report where people felt unsafe - or that they felt they were unable to remove themselves if they needed to. The most repeated thing I've heard is - avoid Disney Springs on the weekend.

We are going to keep our son home from school for two weeks when we get back, they have a robust and interactive virtual program so he wouldn't miss anything substantial - and we are also able to stay home and continue working. I feel like my choice to go on vacation shouldn't impact other people who stayed home. But - not everyone is able to pivot like that.

Also - I'm not really telling people. I shouldn't have to defend or validate my decision or tell anyone what I'm doing to mitigate risk - I'm just doing it. The same reason I would never suggest that anyone shouldn't cancel if they don't feel right about it. It isn't my job to educate people about my choice and my family's trip - that's my take.

I've been back and forth on going, especially since my kids are just getting back into the school buildings. DH is all for it and said nothing will stop him. He works in the largest factory in the area and things have been fine there so he's pretty relaxed about everything and ready to travel. I've had 2 different doctors tell me go for it and just wear the masks and do hand washing and we will be fine. I am just ready to get away and go somewhere! This year started off with me recovering from an emergency appendectomy that occurred Dec. 23 and now will be ending with me recovering from a hysterectomy - which is scheduled for mid December so my doctor even told me no worries about going, to go and relax and enjoy. I'm sure once we get there I will be glad we went.

for what it's worth - my cousin is a pediatrician in Tampa and she said the same thing. She goes very often with her husband - especially to Food and Wine this year - and she said they have tons of hand washing stations, sanitizer stations, and enforcement for masking. She said wash your hands before you eat, touch your face, etc, wash wash wash, and wear a mask, and you'll be fine. She said Disney was the most consistent business as far as enforcement, communication, and providing safe spots to eat, de-mask, and clean your hands, she's frequented during this whole thing and that's why they go so much.
19 days and my biggest fear right now isn't getting sick FROM Disney... it's getting sick BEFORE I leave for Disney. :( I am trying to stay home as much as possible between now and the day I leave.
This is my big fear right now as well! With having 2 kids back at in person school now, I am hoping we won't have to throw in the towel last minute due to close contact exposure or worse yet, illness. My youngest had to transition back to remote learning just last week due to close contact with a person in his school who tested positive. We are all so ready for a break that this would be pretty devastating since we would have to wait until spring break for a reschedule.
It's great seeing this thread alive today/yesterday! must mean we are only 4 days away from NOVEMBER! :banana:

Some excellent advice/perspective from all of you! Thanks to everyone for being so open and honest. It is so helpful to the community here.

My take is very similar to most here. CruellaNY has some great input and her TRs/Food report do give some level of comfort for those that may feel cautious. MrsBooch is spot on. As much as this sounds crazy.....we booked an offsite hotel with a massive pool/grounds area....the price is barely cheaper than an onsite hotel (Caribbean/Pop/AofA); but in case we decide to limit our park time, I wanted the kids to have resort options (this resort includes: 8 hole course, 5 hole put-put, water sports, bikes, etc.....and it is in a private area). I never thought I'd choose an offsite hotel when the pricing was similar....but it's 2020. I've told the kids, we will do whatever they want. So if that means we only ride 2 rides in a day and call it quits, I'm ok with that. We need to get away and my hope is that going to WDW will be the escape from 2020 we need! Hoping to come home refreshed and ready for a much smoother 2021. Regardless of political stance; the other factor is the election will be past us (we hope); which we can all hope/pray leads to some type of calm.
Not at all but totally understand having concerns. We've been twice since reopening; July and September. We had a great time both trips and felt extremely safe; we also did Universal in June a few days after they reopened and I'll be back there for a couple days in Dec. for work. I will say neither DH nor I have issues quarantining when we get home for work (we're in NY so it's a thing right now) and we do go pretty much everywhere we want at this point. I know folks who are much more cautious than we are who have also gone to Disney since reopening and ended up glad they did! The one thing that can be difficult is to 100% of the time be 6 feet from others but it's fleeting when we have been and we just always tell ourselves we'll remove ourselves from any situation that makes us feel unsafe but it hasn't happened :)
I am in NY as well so I appreciate your feedback. We have the return quarantine covered although it stinks to keep my 1 child out of school 2 days, but that's the only in-class time she will miss. Considering they do 3 days on the computer with no live instruction, I am not too worried about it. We have been rather conservative during the whole ordeal so it's sorta like pulling off a bandaid, but I feel like I wouldn't go anywhere other than WDW. I have read the reviews and seen the vlogs, etc. I know they do as good a job of keeping everyone safe as any place in the country.

I'm happy to hear you have already had 2 good experiences this year. Wish me luck!
CruellaNY has some great input and her TRs/Food report do give some level of comfort for those that may feel cautious. MrsBooch is spot on.
Thank you! I do have my Sept TR started as well but not linked in my signature yet if anyone wants to read it:
While we are cautious enough to do our part as far as wearing masks, keeping our distance and washing our hands (I like to think the majority of us were washing our hands prior to 3/20 lol?) I will say in all honestly we were never super nervous about the virus. We had our 2 youngest with us at Universal in June (18 and 14) but not to Disney in July and Sept as they didn't want to come in July and our oldest was away already in college in Sept. We did however travel with friends of ours from the DIS on both trips. One couple from Chicago who are pretty much the same as us in comfort level and in Sept a couple from Georgia, also from here on the DIS, who are definitely MORE cautious than us and were not comfortable eating inside. So for that trip when we ate with them we ate outside! They also didn't take Disney transportation so you just modify as you see fit to be comfortable. One night in DS in July we felt it was too crowded so simply walked to and from our ADR; the restaurant was fine. It's definitely a huge change if you haven't been out and about in the last 6 or so months! However I truly feel going to Disney is going to as safe a public place as you pretty much can :goodvibes
but in case we decide to limit our park time, I wanted the kids to have resort options (this resort includes: 8 hole course, 5 hole put-put, water sports, bikes, etc.....and it is in a private area).
Good idea! That's a good mindset to have; just remove yourselves if you feel uncomfortable. And for those staying on property mini golf is open and is a pretty socially distanced thing all the time! Resorts have been showing their movies on the lawn too so that should continue into November and is another evening option. Even pre-COVID this never got too crowded.
I'm happy to hear you have already had 2 good experiences this year. Wish me luck!
Three if you count UNI in June! Are you in NYC? We're in the Hudson Valley and our school district is also currently 2 days in person and 3 remote for elementary with jr high and high school FINALLY going back in person 2 days in early November.
Three if you count UNI in June! Are you in NYC? We're in the Hudson Valley and our school district is also currently 2 days in person and 3 remote for elementary with jr high and high school FINALLY going back in person 2 days in early November.
Hiya Hudson Valley! (I lived there for my first 30+ years before moving to the DC area)


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