November to Remember: W.I.S.H November 2022

Now they are looking at party busses because hotels are already sold out. :rolleyes:

Yep, it's almost impossible! There was a big news story up here right after she announced the tour dates because hotels were canceling on previous contracts (blocks of rooms for weddings) so they could rent those rooms at higher rates to the concert-goers instead. :mad:
Yep, it's almost impossible! There was a big news story up here right after she announced the tour dates because hotels were canceling on previous contracts (blocks of rooms for weddings) so they could rent those rooms at higher rates to the concert-goers instead. :mad:

Outrageous. They are now looking at rooms in Boston rather than rooms on their way home. If they can find 3 rooms and double up, they will make a weekend of it in Boston.
WOO HOO!!! I am one step closer to my student who is dangerous to others being placed in a more appropriate setting where he can get the psychiatric treatment he needs. I have worked tirelessly to protect my littles from injury and trauma. Unfortunately I wasn’t always successful. It’s outrageous that it took this long given the fact that my documentation began on August 31st. Thank God we won’t have to endure this unsafe situation much longer.

WOO HOO!!! My Thanksgiving break begins one week from today!!! I’m ready for family time, baking apple pies, and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in my pajamas.
Piglet- DD was in the same position today. They got tickets at Gillette Stadium for $209 including fees each. Now we have to get hotel rooms for her friends and her since it’s a long ride from our home.
We didn't get tickets yet. They pushed back the Capital One pre-sale to today. Hopefully this will be a woohoo today.

Now they are looking at party busses because hotels are already sold out. :rolleyes:
I was shocked that last week the hotels in Pittsburg were sold out. The ones in Cincy and Detroit were over $300 for the night. Thankfully I have friends in Pitt the area that told me about other hotels that are right outside the city and I found one for about $100 and a $15 Uber drive away. I haven't booked it yet but will as soon as we get tickets. Worst case DH said as long as I find him something to do in the area he will drive us there and back since the drive is very doable for a day trip.
Woohoo... it is now just 16 days until I head "home" to WDW. In my mind I keep clumping Thanksgiving and vacation together, which results in a bit of panic with "all the stuff" I have to do to get ready. But really it is two full weeks away including two weekends, so plenty of time. And "all the stuff" is the usual list of household things, for vacation itself all that is left is to book the pet nanny, pack and get on a plane... oh and the usual buff and polish. Pedicure appt has been made but I need to book brow waxing.

Woohoo... for a pretty good mid-month check-in against goals: -4 pounds has been met and I'm -1 pound away from my stretch goal: I've only managed 10,000 steps two days per week, but that is an improvement: I can't get my right foot up to my left knee yet, but getting better there as well.
Whoooohooooo-this week is flying by for me! Work is busy but not terrible, DD just started a new quarter with homeschool classes so not in a crunch to get anything done and I am looking forward to a 3 day work week next week!!

I also have to say with all the hectic stories of the Taylor Shift concert I am glad DD is just out of Taylor Swift being her favorite, because there is so much going on surrounding these concerts!! We did get to go to a concert of hers in 2019 and it was amazing…even more amazing because my sister got free tickets from one of her advertisers!!!!


Going to share a link to this delightful little earworm the teachers on here probably already know.

Thankful today for my kids overall good health. They are passing around a headcold after all just getting over a stomach thing. And the fact that I can say headcold and stomach thing without stressing about those inconveniences becoming major health issues is truly a blessing.
What are you excited about as we head into the second half of November?

My first thought was: How are we halfway through November already? :laughing:

Nothing really thread-related, but I'm juuuust starting to get excited for Christmastime. (I think it was just too warm here for a while for me to realize it's almost here.)

And we bought some new furniture this week to replace some "make-do" stuff we've had for far too long, and I really love the upgrade!


My DH, who is amazing.
I got to see a friend I haven't seen in a while yesterday.
It's sunny out, in spite of the cold.
My DS has been playing along when I text him the daily categories in the gratitude thread.
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We're having a very dry November and I am thankful for being able to see clear blue skies and sunshine most days... a real gift at this time of year.

I am thankful that my reaction to my boosted booster has been mild, just feeling tired and cranky. And I'm thankful that I'm able to get it and that it will be in full force during vacation.

And I'm thankful for another short work week next week. And that prep for Thanksgiving is so simplified, even tho I keep trying to make it a bigger deal than it is. This weekend I'll make the cranberry sauce and salad dressing, Wednesday I'll do the chocolate Chia pudding and then Thursday it all gets packed up and I hit the road to my Sister's.
No luck on Taylor Swift tickets yesterday. I will try again tomorrow. DD knows about it now too. I finally got in a que when DD got in the car from school. She is super excited but I had to lower her expectations. We may still not get tickets and she understands that.

Today, I am thankful that I have a train station close to me that can take me to my office. The roads were really bad this morning so I took the train instead of driving. The roads were fine when I left to drop off the kids at school. By the time I dropped them of 10-20 minutes later the snow started and it got bad quickly. No time for salt trucks. I got about 2 cities away and they had nothing. Not even wet roads. It was bad timing and location for me. Also, thankful DH made it to work ok. He was going 10mph most of the way and said his traction control and antilock brakes kept going off.
Oh Friday, Friday, Friday, thank you for showing up today.

This hasn't been a great food week, somehow I've been living mostly on bread, so need to make a course correction to get back to protein. I've also slacked off on doing my yoga nightly. Last night was the first time in a while, and I could really feel it. I did manage to get my right foot up onto my left knee during one of the positions, and now I'll be able to tell my Rolfing gal where the tightness is, when I see her later today.

Big plans for the weekend: I have to go to the fancy mall on the east side to return something to JJill. I'll also pop in at Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and Williams and Sonoma which are not at the mall that is closer to home. After that it's cleaning house so I can start putting up Christmas decor, it's a bit early but I want the house decorated when I get back from vacation.


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