November W.I.S.H. - Thankful is as thankful does.

I'm the baker in the family so I always do the pie/dessert, but I don't know that anyone expects it of me, it's more my choice. Last year we were all bringing store bought things, I don't know why we thought that was safer than cooking for each other, and I ordered a pie from a local pie shop, but fortunately we ended canceling because the pie was in-edible. So no more store bought pumpkin pies for me.

The thing that people get hung up on is the stuffing/dressing... it has to be Stove Top. I always add extras, like apples and cranberries, but gosh darn the base has to be Stove Top. And since my Sister is hosting this year the cranberry sauce will be Ocean Spray from the can, plopped on a plate still in the can shape, just like Mom used to serve.
Here’s an appetizer from one of my favorite blogs I’m going to make Thursday. I love snacking while watching the football games so have come up with a few recipes I rely on for get togethers.

Do you have a favorite dish you make or buy for get togethers or bring to someone’s house?
I have such a sweet tooth. I always make homemade apple crumb pie for Thanksgiving, decorated sugar cookies for Christmas, and lemon bars for Easter.
DH just freaked out because someone said they could pop by Thanksgiving morning around 11 for a short visit. "I thought we were leaving mid morning so we could have as much time as possible to visit?!" We're spending the night so there's lots of time. Everyone else is arriving late afternoon, so no rush. Poor thing! I have tomorrow off so will fill up the gas tank and run to the market early in the morning. I may or may not cook tomorrow. Probably leave some for Thanksgiving morning. There's not too much to do. It's great having older kids who can bring side dishes!

DS2 is in the air right now on his way home. I was worried about the storm, but every time I checked NYC weather the wind was only 15 mph. Don't know how much we'll see of him since he really doesn't live here anymore, and he is so eager to see his sweetheart.

I tweaked a muscle so haven't done any yoga in a few days. Yesterday work was quiet so I took the afternoon off and sat on the couch until bedtime. I think that helped a lot. Today it's not great but definitely improved.
Woohoo... it's Friday!

Woohoo... I've been having cramps in my feet as I sleep and last night had a charley horse in a calf, and as I was laying there trying to stretch it out it occurred to me that I was low in potassium, woohoo #1 is for figuring that out because it is something I can correct. And this morning Starbuck's had some pretty nice bananas, which is woohoo #2. Not the best source of potassium but it'll help until I can get up to the pharmacy.

Woohoo... one of the benefits of work from home is that I can start baking pumpkin bread during the day, then tonight it is just the pie. I'm going to try the new pie recipe on the Libby's can of pumpkin puree... it looks like after 70 years of people accidently putting sweetened condensed milk in instead of evaporated milk, they came up with an option that uses sweetened condensed milk.

And I'll go right in to my thankful's, since I'll be off-line tomorrow.

I'm thankful for my work team. We're in the process of rolling out some new functionality that has high visibily/impact, and hit a blocking issue yesterday while the last cycle of validations was being done... it wasn't something missed by my team (sigh of relief) but we have to fix it on our side and had thought that would delay go-live till end of next week. But yesterday we figured out the solution and last night off-shore got it coded and tested and we should be back on track to turn things on Monday.

And I'm thankful for all of you. We've had another challenging year, and having this safe space where we can gather and navigate it together has been a true gift!

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The table is set with the family Haviland china. The pie is baked. We are nearly ready for tomorrow.

I am thankful to be home tomorrow. I am also thankful that we will be traveling to be with extended family for Christmas.

I am thankful for all of you. I agree with everything Oneanne said. You have all become an important part of my daily life.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
The table is set with the family Haviland china. The pie is baked. We are nearly ready for tomorrow.
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I am thankful to be home tomorrow. I am also thankful that we will be traveling to be with extended family for Christmas.

I am thankful for all of you. I agree with everything Oneanne said. You have all become an important part of my daily life.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Made both my desserts and half the cheese balls today (the ones with no nuts. I'll do the nut ones early tomorrow morning.)

I also put together the mac'n cheese to be baked tomorrow, so the only thing I have to start tomorrow is the pea casserole. I'm feeling pretty good about preparations.

And DS is home!! He's out with his high school friends at the moment, per "Thanksgiving Eve" tradition, but I got some quality time in this afternoon, and I have him at least 'til Friday morning (maybe through the weekend.)

Busy day today, worked on my contributions to Thanksgiving potluck. Sausage brea appetizer and honey glazed carrots are done. The individual pieces of the parmesan greenbeans are cooked just need to assemble them in the morning.
Brought the DSs to visit my parents in the nursing home today. Have to try to schedule our Christmas visit on Christmas eve so DH and DD can come. That way if she freaks he can take her outside. Being a toddler she is quite unpredictable and I dont want to have to cut a visit short, especially a holiday one.
And I had a bit of a weight related epiphany today at the nursing home...I have been trying to figure out what I was doing differently last year that was keeping me so small and it hit me, stress. I was in such a fight or flight place I was burning extra calories from being nervous. Looking at my heart rate on Fitbit last fall and winter, I was smaller but my resting rate was in the mid 90s and low 100s. Now, while I am a bit bigger my resting rate is in the 80s. The realization today was kind of a relief. I know I now have to work harder to keep weight down, but I think I am overall more healthy this year...moving my parents into the nursing home really did make a huge difference.
Anyway...tangent over. The boys helped me clean and snap the greenbeans today which cut down the time I had to spend on them. DS6 actually volunteered to help first. He asked what I was doing (I set up my clean/snap station in the living room so I could watch Garfield Thanksgiving with them) and after I showed him he asked to help. Then DS9 jumped in too. I ended up having to double check 6's but the fact he volunteered and was so excited to help warmed my heart.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, safe travels, enjoy the day and all those after.
Looks like we need someone to host next week-11/29-12/5. (and the rest of December). Any takers? Remember, whatever you do is just fine! We just need a prompt to get us going and are happy to follow along!

12/6-12/12 PollyannaMom
12/13-12/19 sjrec
12/20-12/26 (we can wing it this week since it’s the holiday week)
12/27-1/2 Summer2018
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