Now I REALLY Need a Cruise!


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
Thank goodness we are going on a cruise next week...I really need it now, as I had to have my cat put to sleep today. Poor little Muse was almost 17 years old, but it's still so hard. Since we don't had kids, the critters are like our children. Thankfully only one out of my remaining animals is old horse Cochise is going to be 26 next month. But fortunately my other horse and cat are youngsters, and my bird is only halfway through his quoted lifespan, so hopefully I won't have to go through this again for a while! Besides our trip next week, I did have one more thing to cheer me up when I returned home from the vet...our 4/17 docs. were waiting by the door. I miss Muse so badly, but I know she had a good life and now some other little kitty waif will join our family...not to replace her, but to share in the love.
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I'm so sorry:(
Hey my furbabies are kids #3 #4 and #5! I know what it's like to have to put down an older did the right thing, and sometimes the right thing is very very hard.
You have our sympathy Barb. Dave and I have 5 dogs, all little ones, and a very spoiled African Grey Parrot, Gracie. We have our 4 children but with pets they never talk back! The unconditional love of pets is wonderful. Kathy
We don't have any cats but we have our beautiful lab Daisy...and I don't know what I will do when her times comes....all my sympathy to you.

:( So sorry to hear the news, we were in that same situation just before we adpoted our daughter in 1990. Our dog, Bear, was 10 years old and got very sick. We had to have him put to sleep a few days before we had to fly to Mexico to get our daughter's adoption paperwork started. Bear was our baby, and I laid on the vet's floor next to him until he took his last breath. Bear was a 95 lb. German Shepherd. My wife and I cried for days, it was like saying goodbye to a child, and we've buried two infants, so we know how that feels, as well.

I wish you well, and try and have a good time, on your cruise.
My sympathies are with you on the loss of your cat. Our 17-year-old Misty died two weeks before our WDW trip two years ago. I would have felt worse if she had died while we were away and my mom was watching her - but it was still hard. We have not replaced her yet - although my kids are ready for another cat. It is always hard - even though we had children, our Misty was like our first kid.

I hope you have a wonderful cruise - with wonderful weather - and some wonderful experiences.
So sorry to hear about your loss Barb. We have had dogs, guinea pigs, horses, cats... They all have a special place in our hearts and I know how tough that decision can be.

I lost my old horse (he was 25 and had been in our family since he was 2) to colic a year ago in October and I swear he waited until I was out of town for a couple of days to finally go. Now I only have my younger horses left - they are 21 and 20! Presently they farmed out to DixieDreamer for her daughter to do Pony Club with. This is a big adjustment since we've have horses in the back yard for years!

Well, I'm sure a new kitty waif that needs love will find you soon. Much pixie dust coming your way!
I am so sorry Barb. That is bad news and I am sure you are so very sad. I am glad you have the cruise next week to lift your spirits. Our family cat of 15 plus years got outside last Friday night and was attacked by 3 stray dogs, thankfully he will live but they messed him up good physically and mentally.

Once again, sorry for your loss and have a good cruise next week.
Much sympathy to you Barb. I too lost a cat at the age of 16. It's sad and is part of your family. After I lost my Cat, I said I'd never get another and go through the pain of another loss like that but since Kitty passed, I now have 2 great cats. No cat can replace her but like you said, share the love. I love my little felines!{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}

Have a nice Cruise next week!

Sorry to hear that, Barb. We just got our first pet in Sept and she is so much a part of our family, I would be devastated to lose her ......and it has only been 6 months.
Hugs to you.
Barb, I just wanted to say I am so sorry to hear about Muse. I am a huge cat lover, and even though I am highly allergic I have managed to share my life with a few very special felines in the past. I still miss them. I am glad you have something happy to look forward to soon. :)
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our westie thinks she is a cat and is my best friend next to DH.. Pets are so wonderful.. they never judge you always forgive you and think you are perfect. I wish more people were like pets..
My deepest sympathy! Hugss Ann
Oh Barb, I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers & Pixie Dust on the way to you and Tony!!!!
Awww, I'm so sorry about Muse, Barb. :( I know your four-legged friends are members of the family. It sounds like she had a long and happy life with you guys.

Hope your cruise next week puts a smile on your face!
I'm very sorry for your loss. I had to put my beloved poodle to sleep that I had had since I was 7, fifteen years later. That has been long ago, and I'm still not entirely over it. On top of the actual death, it's so heartbreaking to have to make that very hard decision yourself. :(
Sorry Barb, that is always a tough decision to make. What's best for a pet is not always what feels best in our hearts. I know we feel the same about our dogs, they are definitely an extension of our family.
Things will pass and like you said, a new little kitty will find a new home and family to love it.....good luck.

Sorry to hear about your loss. It is so hard to lose them isnt it
?Although it will not replace the one you lost, I'm sure there is another little waif out there just for you. Take care
Thank you so much to everyone for all the kind really helps to know that so many people understand! Tony and I appreciate all of the expressions of sympathy.
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My dear Barb and Tony,
I am so sorry luv about your loss - it is always a hurt when someone or something leaves our lives that has brought us much good things into our lives - Anyhow know that I am thinking about you guys and sure do hope that we get to see you this time when you are here - if not give me a call - I will be leaving for Key West next Friday - my last uncle passed away a week ago and I need to get down there to do some "stuff" that is always so hard to do after a loss - I will be back sometime Sunday - if I miss you and Tony, please keep in touch.
I care sweetie.
Love ya
I am truly sorry - a loss is a loss, no matter if the object of our affection is furry or human. Those who do not share their homes with "pets" think we are a bit odd in our devotion. We currently live with two kitties - brothers named Duke and Stevo.
And I believe that I actually stayed in a highly dysfunctional marriage longer because I knew that my former would get custody of our beloved dogs - Ben and Emma (my daughters and I would be moving into a rental house and he would be buying a new home).
My parents became "pet-owners" again after a five year grieving period when the family dog, Sam moved on. Now they live with two Schnauzers whom they refer to as "the girls" (my sister and I have been replaced). Last week , they announced they were thinking of getting "the girls" a pony......
Is there any wonder why I must run off to Disney on a regular basis????
Have some restful healing time and enjoy a bowl of the avocado soup for me and my (human) girls,
Dawn Hope


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