Now I REALLY Need a Cruise!

Barb & Tony, I am so sorry to read about losing Muse. It is such a hard thing to have to do, but just know she's in a good place now and we're all thinking of you.

Jeanny :D
I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how you feel. We had 2 cats (Phil and Lil). They were brother and sister and about 6 years old. Well the day before my birthday I heard a thud in the kitchen and Phil was laying on the floor crying. About 15 seconds later he was gone.

Since then we have adopted 2 more kittens (for a total of 3:rolleyes: ). I think it's best to have 2 so they can keep each other company. So our family now consists of DS (age 10), 3 cats and 1 dog. Am I crazy:confused: :confused:
Barb and Tony I am so sorry to have read about your lost. Yes, I think a cruise is a must do while you are experiencing these trying times.
I had to put my best buddie down after 17 years, that was 6 years ago, I am still not over it.
I hope you have a wonderful cruise next week.
I do have a happy postscript...although I still miss Muse so much, Tony and I went to the shelter this weekend and found a new family member. We were just intending to look, since we are cruising next week...we thought it would cheer us up to see some kitties. But there was one who bonded instantly with Tony. It reminded him of Vinnie, our "old man" who we had to put to sleep a couple of years ago (like Muse, he was 16 and in failing health). Now "Stitch" is a member of our family, and we're just hoping that Toonces, our "special" kitty (i.e. vicious & wild!) will accept him. We will have them in separate parts of the house while we are gone, but where they can sniff at each other under the door (we have a petsitter to visit twice a day too), so I'm hoping that will give them some quiet time to get to know each other.
Again, thanks to everyone for the kind words. It really helps to know that other people understand.
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Sorry Barb, our little dog is gone five years and we still miss him everyday. We had him 17 years. Our kids grew up with him. It is not the same without him.
I'm so sorry to hear about Muse. My elderly cat of 20-something passed away in January and the house still doesn't seem the same. I have a 23 yr old horse that I know will not live forever but I am dreading that day. After all the pets I've had, I've never had to put one down. I admire you for being able to do what was right for Muse because I don't know if I would have that strength. At the same time I think it's admirable that you were able to adopt another cat and give it a second chance at a good life and being loved. Best wishes to you and your new family member.


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