NYC w/wheelchair


Dec 29, 2005
We are going to be in NYC July 30th-August 4th. One member of our party has MS (multiple sclerosis) and can not walk long distances- her limit is approximately a short block. We called the hotel, and they have given us a handicapped accessible room, and a free wheelchair to use for our stay, similar to what the Disney resorts do.

Although this is our 5th trip to NYC, this is the first time that we have needed a wheelchair, so we have a few questions. Has anyone had any experience with using cabs with a wheelchair involved? Is it easy to push a wheelchair on those sidewalks? Do you think it's way too crowded? TIA!
I was hoping someone with experience would respond but I will take a stab at it since your trip is so close.

I have lived right outside of the city for my whole life. I have no experience negotiating the city with a wheelchair but I do have experience with a stroller. while I recognize their differences, there are similarities.

As long as the wheelchair folds up, it *should* fit in the trunk of a cab. Make sure that the cab driver does not lock his keys in the car if he helps you load the wheelchair (it was a random singular experience! :rotfl: ). I've seen luggage and strollers fit in cabs so I can't see it being much of a problem. The only thing I would consider is where you are catching the cab. Frequently, you jump in and out of a cab at a light or on the side of the street, blocking traffic. With a wheelchair, your group will not be moving all that fast so take that into consideration when catching a cab. You can use the subway system, there are elevators available and I would suggest that the member with MS get out of the wheelchair and another person lift it over the gap. It's a little tricky to manuver.

I don't know how easy it will be to push the wheelchair- I would avoid the subway grates which are difficult to roll over. The sidewalks are maintained fairly well due to the sheer number of pedestrians. I don't think you will have a problem from that end.

In terms of crowds, it depends on where you are. Some areas are always crowded and unavoidable. Some avenues are easier to walk up and then walk the block over (ie broadway).

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful- Have a great trip and hopefully the weather will cooperate.
I also have MS and did NYC in April this year with my chair. The sidewalks for the most part are very well maintained with a very few exceptions of some wild curbs where DH had to pop quite the wheelie with me to get up and over the curb! Which was quite the fun trip for me in such a crowded city!! Luckily he is strong and I've lost a lot of weight since I've been sick so it was easier to do. We didn't use cabs or the subway so I can't help you there just walked everywhere as we were only there 2 nights and one night was a Broadway show (B&B). I hope this info helps a bit and if you have specific questions just ask.
I can comment on the sidewalks. They were fine except for the wet spots. Having your wheels go through a puddle in NYC when your hands push your wheels can be abit gross. I just make sure I'm on the handrims and not the wheels themselves. There were plenty of ramps and the sidewalks are fairly level. Overall it's not bad at all.

I've always just driven into NYC, parked my car and walked wherever I wanted to go. I always figured it was easier to walk 10-15 blocks instead of trying to figure out how to use a cab or the subway.
We were in NYC a few weeks ago and as you probably well know, some of the sidewalks can be VERY crowded. We ate lunch in Chinatown...just a normal summer Wednesday....the sidewalks were SO crowded that it was extremely stressful trying to keep our family of 5 together, so we left right after lunch. It was difficult to walk, and I imagine that the view from a wheelchair wouldn't be too great. Also, of course, Times Square at night, after the shows are over... what a mob! Many of the Broadway theatres are not on Broadway, so it is often possible to totally avoid the Times Square mob. Again, not a great view of wall to wall behinds from a chair. I'd let your friend decide how many huge crowds she wants to face.


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