OFFICIAL: In Honor of ROBERT "BAWB" VARLEY May 3, 2008

Got my Dole Whip pin a candle at 3 PM today as well....this is very hard for me. I can't imagine how the Podcasters and family are doing.
It's hard to know exactly what to do today in terms of a tribute (within the confines of being 1,000 miles away from Orlando and the usual ton of work to shift), and I'm not 100% sure Bob would have wanted anything particularly special in the circumstances. I just think it's important we remember him - and continue to send messages of support to his family - in our own way.

I guess I am just thinking of him more than usual and of the special Podcast meet going on at Gaylord Palms, hoping everyone is bearing up and finding a special place in their hearts for our very good friend, somewhere where his memory will truly live forever and we can call it to mind at an instant whenever we need to.

My first memory of Bob was (inevitably) online, way back when the DIS was still a relatively young and unknown entity, and I vividly recollect 'Sheriff" Wilderness riding on to the boards one day (in Pete's absence, I think) to 'clean up this town' and knock some sense into a few of the more obstinate posters. He did a grand job way back then and I remember thinking - 'Wow! This isn't a guy to mess with!"

Fast-forward a few years and we were all on the inaugural media sailing of the Disney Magic (I think; it might have been the Wonder, but it was all a bit hazy!). And there was Bob. Everywhere. Recording every cough and spit of the 83,000 ton ship; videoing things like a madman if they moved and photographing them if they didn't! What a human dynamo he was! And that's certainly how I will remember him - as an utterly dedicated, non-stop, whole-hearted, gives-his-all kind of human being. Keen to make sure the DIS was as good as we could possibly make it, and probably a bit more besides.

And that's how we felt about his friendship, too. Totally unconditional and heartfelt; a true trooper and always caring. We are certainly the richer for having known him.
I was out volunteering at a local triathlon yesterday, and wore my DIS WISH hat as a small memory of Bob. I was probably a sight in neon yellow cap and bright orange race shirt.
I wore my Disney cap today when I went grocery shopping with the family. It's not much, but every time my 15 month old daughter would reach for my hat (since she loves to take it off of me and put it back on), I would think of Bob and smile.

Someday when we are in Disney and she's old enough, I will tell her about this guy from Massachusetts who loved Disney and devoted his life to spreading that love to anyone who would lend an ear.

Man, Bob is going to be missed.
I am a recent follower of the podcasts, so feel I barely had a chance to get to know Bob, but paused and thought of him with a fellow co-worker and disser this morning at shift change. Will do like so many others in a few weeks when I am in Disney...will have a dole whip (my first) in his honour and sit on a bench and watch the world go by for a moment. My heart goes out to his family and thousands of friends on the disboards and around the world. We'll miss you Bob.:sad1:
I am not a regular to the boards and have never posted previously, however I was compelled to after reading many posts in Bob's memory.
I am a faithful listener to the podcast and was a bit miffed when lasts week show wasn't on ITunes and went to the site to see what was up.
Immediately seeing the video slowly loading I knew something was amiss.

Well it didn't take long to feel like someone had punched me in the stomach when I say the images Corey had put together and I found myself out of sorts the rest of the day, mourning a guy I never met, and knew little about.

What came through on the podcasts was Bob's genuine love for his co-workers and his effort to give 100% to the task he was given (you all do), so much so that I think that explains the frequent naps!

I will truly miss him on the Podcast as he was one of a kind. I hope you all can move on and keep putting out the excellent product that you do, evn though it won't be the will still be excellent.

And to put a positive spin on things, Bob is just taking the ultimate nap waiting for the next Shuttle launch, where he'll have the best view he's ever had...

Good luck all.
I lit a candle for a friend today
A friend I have never met
A friend that made me smile
A friend that made me think twice
A friend that cared
A friend that shared the same love as me

I lit a candle for a friend today
A friend I will never get the joy to meet
A friend I will never get the chance to make smile
A friend who didnt realise he made me think twice
A friend who didnt know I cared
A friend that didnt know we had the same love

I lit a candle for a friend today
A friend I will miss
A friend who came into my house a couple of times a week
A friend I will never forget
A friend who touched the life of a lot of people without knowing

I lit a candle for my friend today

Miss you Bob

Angie P


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