Official JUNE 2008

Leaving in 9 days can't wait. 10 days at the Beach Club Villas and first time over the Fourth.:cool1:
Me- 37

Leaving in 9 days, driving from CT, staying at SSR. Leaving AROUND the 7th.

This is the mom/kids bonding trip, leaving hubby at home to work his butt of...

He is a bit of a work-a-holic....:confused:

can not wait!!
We are leaving this Saturday!:cool1:

I'm not too worried about the forecast since last time they predicted 90% chance of thunderstorms and it hardly did anything! I just figure it will probably rain a little every day, but hopefully not the entire day.

Packing is not too stressful this time as we are staying in a time share that has a washing machine & dryer;) Also it has been cool here in Ohio this week so I can go ahead and pack the shorts because we aren't wearing them!
We just got back late last night from WDW and had a great time. Don't worry too much about the weather. They had thunderstorms predicted every day for us too. Out of 6/13-6/17 we had showers for a couple of hours on Sunday at DHS, a few sprinkles Monday at MK and a few yesterday. Monday and yesterday it was very light rain and was over as quick as it started. I'd carry a poncho or umbrella just in case, and put a poncho over any stroller you might have when you go inside attractions.
We leave in 3 days..we just have to get through this wedding :rotfl: :scared1:

I also hope the weather is good. I don't mind the heat..but I hope its not a washout!
Thanks Hanover and DisneyJul, I hope they are the short passing over kind of storms and not a total wash out. I've been waiting to go back since 2004 and would kind bummed fro the weather to go sour for my two nieces. Oh well I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best always. Guess I'll be hitting up the dollar tree again for some more ponchos and cheap umbrellas.
We have only been back a few days now and already I am jealous of you guys going now. The depression has definitly set in with my family. Josh and I spent yesterday afternoon online picking out our resort for next year and now I am working on where we will eat. The weather was hot as heck but for you guys worried about rain I would not stress too much. The week we were there it rained almost half of the days but it did not last more than an hour or so any given day.

Have fun all you other Juners!
We leave Sunday for a week at the AKL. Can't wait. We've visted WDW before but only for 3 days. this time we are there for a full week. woo hoo. we are all excited. My dh has the whole week planned , or so he thinks he does.
now counting 8 hours until my plane leaves- i intend on giving a full report when I get back!!! See you all when i return:banana:
then I will be leaving WDW and heading back home! We have been having a wonderful time, and aside from the heat the weather has not been to bad at all! Full trip report to be posted soon!
then I will be leaving WDW and heading back home! We have been having a wonderful time, and aside from the heat the weather has not been to bad at all! Full trip report to be posted soon!

I hear ya, only a little longer for us. I am starting to feel the magic all the way in Maryland :yay: Just pre-purchased my Photopass CD!
Walked in the door about 30 minutes ago, and wow did we have a good time! It was pretty hot and crowded, but manageable.
Walked in the door about 30 minutes ago, and wow did we have a good time! It was pretty hot and crowded, but manageable.

So how was the weather? I'm just concerned about the forecasted thunderstorms and wanted to know your experience.
We stopped for dinner last night and just decided to stop for the night all together. We will be leaving here in a lil while and be back on the road on our way home. We had a great time but were beat and we will be glad to be home. The drive home is the worst part! I will start working on my trip report tomorrow! talk to you all then...
for all those still to go..have a safe and wonderful trip!


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