***Official*** Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Information Thread *** Contains SPOILERS ***

Savi’s is my #1 thing I want to do when I’m there. That turnover is so tiny. I’m worried.

Also, I hope they have a little corner where I can immediately take myself away to to try that baby out (and not injure anyone in the process)
There is no way I could do this land in 4 hours! I take a thousand photos of my boys next to EVERYTHING (they are really good sports about my photo obsession) and that has nothing to do with rides, shops, or food. I'm going to have to try to get in at least 3 times on my Dec. trip to get a feel for the place. I can't even go into Tatooine Traders without getting 100 pics outside strategically taken to look like they are really there, lol. And that is every trip.
I have to wait until November to try to get into the one in Disney but I am obsessed with taking photos too. I told my nephew to just let me wander around
And I'd say it's not just about being a rule follower, but about being respectful and kind to other guests who would also love to experience the land and cannot when someone else hangs out there all day long. Not to mention the headache in crowds it will cause if everyone chooses to ignore the guidelines. It's just general good manners, IMO.

Not saying someone shouldn't spend a whole day there at some point, just wait 6 or 8 months until the crowds have died down to do that. Or, like you, go back several days in a row for a few hours each time. :)

I agree - to me it was more that one exec saying "four hours will be plenty for anyone" ... I disagree with that

If it was more like "we know there are fans that could spend countless hours in the land - and we want them to be able to eventually - but to enable the most amount of people to have a full experience as soon as possible we feel four hours is a sufficient time during these first weeks" I think it would be better
I hope they are able to keep it up - I am fearful people will complain there is nothing their kids will eat, etc and they wind up making it more typical


MY BF has asked many times why we HAVE to go so soon, and it's because "we have to go before they TOUCH things." Menus get simplified, items don't get restocked, interactive elements break and disappear. I want to experience Black Spire how Imagineering and the Story Group intended it first!

MY BF has asked many times why we HAVE to go so soon, and it's because "we have to go before they TOUCH things." Menus get simplified, items don't get restocked, interactive elements break and disappear. I want to experience Black Spire how Imagineering and the Story Group intended it first!

One thing that gives me hope is they haven't messed with the Satu'li Canteen menu too much since it opened. Hopefully they can do the same here (I am sure a few things will get adjusted but hopefully able to keep overall vibe)


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