Oh Amazing Race fans.....

YES! I am so glad to see this, and it starts just three weeks after Survivor so I won't have to go through too bad of a withdrawl ;)
Like Grog, I will be in reality TV withdrawal once Survivor ends, so this is very good news. I love this show!
Survivor- I have a problem. The season finale airs on Sunday (why?), the day I arrive at WDW! We weren't planning on being in our room at 8 o'clock... does anyone have any suggestions of places in the World we could watch? I know, I know, what a wonderful problem to have to deal with!
Thanks for posting this! The Amazing Race is my favorite of the reality shows. I just did a search for this myself a couple of days ago, and there was nothing on the CBS website. I can't wait!
Woo Hoo!!!!! I can't wait! The Amazing Race is one of my very favorite TV shows! :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thanks so much for the info. Just a few more weeks till my TV addiction begins again...

I couldn't be happier!:bounce: :Pinkbounc This is the best kept secret on TV. The best part of the show is that it changes leads everyweek. No one has to be physically fit to win, it actually takes brains. Who would have thought that about a reality show.:)
I only watched a few episodes of this with DD last season. I think I'll watch it this time around. It certainly will help with my Survivor withdrawal.

YES! I have been waiting forever for the show to start again. Dorothy - is there an on-line Amazing Race fantasy challenge that we DISers could get involved with?
I'm so excited to see this!:bounce: :Pinkbounc So I guess this means it will be on Thurs. nights this season?? We will get to see the premiere, and then we'll have to tape the next week since we will be at Hilton Head.
Originally posted by thelk4
YES! I have been waiting forever for the show to start again. Dorothy - is there an on-line Amazing Race fantasy challenge that we DISers could get involved with?

Well....we will just have to look into that, huh?? The Survivor Fantasy has been fun!
I will have to get in on the next round of Survivor with you. I didn't realize there was a on-line game for that until I saw it in your signature.:(
I am so glad I decided to stop in tonight to read the boards! I LOVE this show! Thanks for posting it. :) :bounce: :bounce:
Thanks for posting this! With 24 and American Idol winding down, I needed a new series to watch. I can't wait! :bounce:


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