OK, Let Me Have It!!!


Apr 28, 2001
I'm starting to assemble things to pack, we leave for WDW Saturday. What should I absolutely NOT forget?? :D :bounce: :pinkbounc
The absolute best thing I packed on my last trip was light weight folding stools. They weigh less than a pound each. Aluminum tripod stools. They had a handy strap for carrying over your shoulder. Had no trouble with them on rides, some rides have lockers just before you get on and no trouble fitting them in the locker. We used them while waiting in lines and just to sit and watch people when we got tired - and for watching parades. They really were not heavy. I think you could get them from any camping store. Here in Canada I paid $18 each, but in the states they are only about $10. We sure got a lot of comments - most common 'where did you get those?':wave: Have fun!!! Wish I was going again too!
OK, I'll try...
Comfortable shoes and good socks
Sweatshirts and long pants
Shout wipes or stain stick to pretreat laundry stains
all your toiletries you usually use
A fanny pack or backpack
Camera, film and batteries
lots of money
your sense of humor (make sure you bring extra because some people forget theirs):D
What more do you need??? Have a great time !!!
and credit cards
all pre-purchased tickets
and I totally agree with figment95 - a sense of humor is a must!
if you have little ones(or even not so little ones) be sure to back individually wrapped handi-wipes! these were invaluable to us with our kids....and the youngest is 7! and if your kids are about 4 or older, let each one wear their own fanny pack....you can pack more snacks and they will have easy access to them w/o harassing you every time they are hungry!;)
Extension cords with thetra plugs - seems there aren't enough in the rooms
Zip lock bags come in handy
Night light for the bathroom
Extra bags to bring back all the stuff you buy

Pack lighter than you think except for the humor best tip i have seen
Those little individual Shout stain remover wipes! They're wonderful. Especially after an early morning "bird bombing" incident...if not for those, we would have had to do the 30min bus trip back to the resort to change, etc. I always keep a couple in my fanny pack now, along with those individual wet wipes.
Zip Lock baggies... various sizes. Sandwich size for keeping things in fanny pack dry, gallon size for holding shampoo and other items that may spill - averts a disaster.

Change - both for the laundry machines and for the penny presses. I also bring an empty film canister to carry some quarters and a few pennies in... to the parks for the penny presses.

Individual packets of laundry soap and dryer sheets (zip lock baggies work great for this too!). A laundry bag is useful too. Doing laundry is very easy during afternoon swim breaks (as the facilities are adjacent to the pools)... and keeps everyone in their favorite clothes - while reducing what you need to pack.

A fully stocked "family medicine cabinet" bag. I have a small nylon bag I keep these supplies in... and it is kept stocked... so I take it with us on every trip. Items included are:
Antiseptic spray
Aloe Gel for sunburns
Small sewing kit with scissors
Moleskin and foot soak packets
Cortisone Cream
Pepto Bismol Tablets
Insect repellent
Safe Sea w/Sunscreen (cruise)

Small sport wallet with only the essentials. Drivers License, cash, travelers checks, credit cards I plan to use, medical insurance info, and emergency phone numbers. Everything else - STAYS HOME.

In a separate bag... a copy of all the important documents in your wallet... the travelers checks, the drivers license, medical cards etc. Front and back... as you would need this info if anything were stolen or lost.

Small collapsible cooler for your room - get ice in one of the Gallon sized ziplock baggies and use this to hold small cartons of milk and fruit etc... for quick breakfast's on your early morning schedules.

Two pairs of very comfortable walking shoes. Rotate shoes every day.

More money then you budget to spend. You will invariably need it.

Your sense of wonder and excitement! Have a great trip!


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