OMG- Zhu Zhu Pets are they the new Cabbage Patch Kids????

If anyone is looking for the new colored Zhu Zhu's, TRU has them on their website and they are letting you add them to your cart! GOOD LUCK!
We're not impressed with the ball. I just can't get the stabilizer to stay attached. It falls off in the ball & then they just get stuck in there.

Other than the ball - it's been a big hit for DD8 :thumbsup2

When we push the stabilizer on enough to make it stick, the back wheels stop moving. :confused3
We also had to tape the 2 halves of the ball together, otherwise it just kept coming apart everytime the kids used it.
If anyone is looking for the new colored Zhu Zhu's, TRU has them on their website and they are letting you add them to your cart! GOOD LUCK!

Thanks! I just ordered the 3 new colors my kids wanted including Jilly!!:thumbsup2
When we push the stabilizer on enough to make it stick, the back wheels stop moving. :confused3
We also had to tape the 2 halves of the ball together, otherwise it just kept coming apart everytime the kids used it.

Our ball actually works great and the hamster looks adorable rolling around the floor. Our wheel also works really well. Actually, the whole giant city works well for us and we haven't had the problems that others have talked about. I think my dd15 likes this toy the best out of everyone!
Christmas day I noticed my DD10 had one small bang thing going. I said, "did you cut your hair?????" She said the Zhu Zhu did it. It had gotten stuck in the wheel and she pulled it out and it ripped her hair.

Beofre Christmas all we could get was one pet, the car and the carry bag thing. My DD10 saw it when she saw in DH's trunk and told me she was sorry but she saw something she shoudl not have. Glad she told me because it was going to be from Santa and thankfully she still believed for another year. I told her it was in the car because I was debating keeping it because I could only get one. She said I shoudl give it to her little sister since she wanted one so bad. So Christmas morning I gave the pet to her sister and the stuff to them to share figuring I would be able to get her a pet after Christmas. As the day went on here sister could not stop playing with it and DD10 looked sad. I asked her if she was jealous and she said she was trying not to be, she knows she shouldn't be but that yes she was. I told her sister how she got it and she right away said it was theirs to share and they have been since. That was my best gift, they do share well anyway, but that made my day. Anyway, the day after Christmas we went to Target and someone returned the wheel and they house. They each bought one witht heir Christmas money. The wheels is awesome! They are loving it!

Last night I ran to get ice and thought I'd take a peek in toys. There was one of each of the original 4 sitting on the shelf. :woohoo: I was so excited! :yay: I grabbed them but last night we were having a fun night and forgot about them. So DD10 will get hers today (she was hoping for brown) and in 13 days DD7 may get another for her b-day if she seems to want another. Then we have a couple for upcoming b-days.

Personally, I thought they were going to be junk, but the are cute and the kids are really loving them still. :thumbsup2
The Toys R Us in Burnsville, MN had TONS of the new colors hamsters when I was there yesterday...that was the most I had EVER seen. They also had some pieces to the fun house, they have the fun house and that big set. It was like I had seen the light...though I already had all the pieces that they did.

But then I was at Walmart in Saint Anthony, MN and they had all six of the outfits! They were $5 each and so cute!
Just got home from the TRU in Westminster CO. They had alot of the new color hamsters. But of course, I just ordered online a few days ago. Hope they show up!! No accessories were there tho, in case anyone is looking.
I just found the new Zhu Zhu Pets at Build a Bear. They had a big display with the pets and accessories. I bought the black and white, pink and white hamsters and the ball.
I just went onto and they had some of the accessories that I haven't been able to find, like the Speed Boat & Dock, Convertible Sports Car, Woody Wagon & Surfboard and the Stroller. No babies though. Hopefully that will help someone!
I was in Toysrus last weekend... They had EVERYTHING...and TONS of it...They had to have atleast a 100 zhu zhus... in all colors... I was tempted to by Jilly but I did not. Lots and lots of accessories too...I am in Maryland... if anyone is still looking...check ur Baltimore County Toysrus stores!
I went to the outlets in Wrentham, MA yesterday. I went into Justice and right when you walked in, there was a display of the zhu zhu babies. I grabbed 2, 2 for each of my daughters. In front of the register they had accessories. I was able to get 2 strollers. Again, one for each daughter. The best part, I was able to use my Justice Fun Cards on the purchase.
Today my Walmart had 3 outfits, the hula skirt, scuba gear and the sailor/captains set. I bought the sailor and scuba gear. They were $5 each :)
Today my Walmart had 3 outfits, the hula skirt, scuba gear and the sailor/captains set. I bought the sailor and scuba gear. They were $5 each :)

Ours had those and a few more outfits out last week i think 3 outfits and they also had the extra rooms now, so my daughter has the swimming pool room...ours is also starting to get out the babies, they had a bunch of them but we only got 1 to see if they were worth it and in my opinion totally NOT worth the money for them.. .and we were FINALLY able to get all 4 new Zhu Zhu's between 2 Toys R Us pretty sure i can safely say we are DONE now lol
I found some outfits at walmart this weekend for $5. She got the sailor suite...she has all the hammies...I got the 2010 set on toys r us just before Xmas and they arrived just in time...
Anyone know where I can find a list and/or pictures of all the babies? We have Peanut and BabyCakes now, but I'm wondering what the rest look like!
Does anyone have any pix of the new babies and the accessories...or a link to them?


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