"One Day You might Ask Yourself, Self? How Did We Get Here?" This is Our Story...


Apr 26, 2004
Who We Are...

So our family consists of myself, my DW (the actual jkjjhuddle on the Dis) and our two DS's (10,6). But our family unexpectedly grew in 2009 and no, not in the way you might assume. You see, my sister and her husband are going through a bitter divorce and my two beautiful neices were being left in the fray. It wasn't too long before, my DW and I asked their parents if we might be able to take them in until things settled down and living situations became more concrete. Well, we got half of what we requested when our oldest neice (15) came to live with us in May. Her younger sister (10) is with us part-time (after school and some school holidays).

DW and I have been long-time WDW fans. My first trip was in 1987, when I was 13. However, I did not return until 2004, when DW and I came with our sons (then 4 and 1). Our neices were also along for that trip with their parents (then ages 9 and 4).

That trip was followed my an anniversary trip (no kids) the following year and another with the boys in 2008.

Then, late this past summer, the bug bit us again...
The Plan...
Like, I said, late this past summer, DW and I started to get the urge to return to the World, but, being business owners and now having extra mouths to feed, funds were a little tight.

We decided to wait until October when we were pretty sure WDW would announce a 4/3 deal for 2010. Thanks to the Dis, we found out about its emminent announcement just in time!

This decision came with its own perils, however, as we first decided that the only way to go was to take the boys and not our neices. It was a tough call to make but, financially, we just couldn't afford all of us. So, we booked a resi at AKL and decided not to tell the kids yet...all the while dreading the conversation with our neice to tell her she wasn't going.

At the same time we were very excited. DW has always wanted to stay at AKL and I was thrilled whe was finally going to get her chance. But our neices were becoming more and more a part of our family and one day, I spoke up and told DW that I REALLY wanted to take the girls too. "It's so wierd you just said that," she said. "I've been thing the same thing!"

That was it. The decision was made. But now what? The funds still were what they were and as most of you know, WDW accomodations are not condusive for families with more than four people. We had to figure out a Plan B and fast!
Plan B...

Calling all Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc....We Need Your Help! The cry went out!

We knew that the decision to take the girls ruled out AKL, and I so admired DW for making that sacrifice, but without a doubt there will be other trips to the World and this one was about giving these girls something to smile about and those instances have been few and far between over the past 18 months.

Unbelievably, within 24 hours we had a reservation at Bonnet Creek Resort for a week and a promise of any and all funds needed to make the trip special. We even got a stern warning not to sacrifice any of our dining plans for the sake of taking the girls, which we were perfectly willing to do.

DW, who is an obsessive planner when it comes to WDW trips, had already thrown out her spread sheet for the week and started a new one (listing new ADR's and all)!

So now, we had to decide how to tell the kids. Christmas was right around the corner...

Here's the big reveal on Christmas morning...(click to see it)
So here's Our Plans...

On January 15, our oldest neice will finish her final exam and we will promptly head to the other three kids' school to yank them out and be on our way to the World by noon!

8 - 9 hours later we will arrive at the Holiday Inn Sun Spree resort and bunk for a night in one of their family suites.

The next morning, after our complimentary breakfast, it's off to AK until we can check in to Bonnet Creek (We've been told they have us in building 5 with a fireworks view! :yay:)

After check-In and a quick grocery run, it'll be off to MK to catch Spectro and Wishes. We're only planning on CS for lunch and dinner.

Sunday (1/17) we have an entire day at Epcot planned with dinner at CR that evening.

Monday morning we'll hit rope drop at DHS and will probably head to DTD that afternoon. I think, by then, we'll be ready for some retail therapy. That evening, we are very excited to be trying out Texas de Brasil. When DW told me they come to your table with skewers of filet mingon and ask how many you want, I was all in!

On Tuesday (if we can roll out of bed having gorged ourselves the night before), DW wants to hit rope drop at MK. After the whole day there, DW will finally get to see AKL when we have dinner at Boma (we literally just dropped Konas, so we could get this ADR).

On Wednesday, it's back to Epcot. We won't be there at rope drop, but we have plans to join in some Kim Possible missions and wear out Test Track (which will have been closed when we visited earlier in the week). That evening we'll enjoy Illuminations over dinner at R&C - our favorite restaurant at WDW.

Thursday will begin with a character breakfast at Tusker House in AK and we'll head back over to DHS that afternoon, where we'll catch Fantasmic that night. The last time the girls were there, it began to pour in the middle of Fantasmic, so they have yet to see the whole thing. Since we're having the big breakfast, we'll just have CS later.

Friday, our last day in the parks, we're going to leave it up to the kids to decide our destination. That evening, we'll cap off the week with dinner at T-Rex.

The next morning, we'll begin our journey back to reality - hopefully with a few more things to remember and smile about later.

Be on the look out for our trip report and dining reviews (including food porn from our oldest neice). She got a camera with a food setting, so she's ready to photograph some dinners, no doubt. Until then!
I love the idea of them getting a small present each day until the trip. I'm dying to know what they've gotten so far! I was cracking up when your oldest niece said something about food porn on the video :) I'm glad that the kids are so excited to go! I was watching some of the other suprise videos on you tube the other day and there were several that the parents were so excited to suprise their kids and the kids were just like, oh we're going to Disney so what.

You guys are awesome for taking the girls with you and taking them in while the parents get things settled. The surprise was absolutely beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope you guys have a great trip. :goodvibes
I love the idea of them getting a small present each day until the trip. I'm dying to know what they've gotten so far! I was cracking up when your oldest niece said something about food porn on the video :) I'm glad that the kids are so excited to go! I was watching some of the other suprise videos on you tube the other day and there were several that the parents were so excited to suprise their kids and the kids were just like, oh we're going to Disney so what.


The gifts are pretty simple for the most part. It has been things like trading pins, various Mickey items (from the dollar spot at Target), Disney trivia books, Games that are related to Disney, electronic games for the trip down, if I could some how connect it I got it. The hardest part was the 15 yo. She has received items such as make up, nail polish, gloves, itunes cards, etc.

When they opened up the gifts Christmas morning we knew we had made the right decision. (not that we had any doubt before) I think our boys are even more excited because the girls are coming along. The 10 year olds are very close and this will be a great experience to share. They can show off their favorite places.
You guys are awesome for taking the girls with you and taking them in while the parents get things settled. The surprise was absolutely beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope you guys have a great trip. :goodvibes

We are even more excited about this trip. Their last trip to WDW was less than magical so this trip will be focused on all the kids and we can not wait to see their reactions and hear their stories!
11 days to go!!!!

Must keep the kids focused on school.....

Need to get a list of things that my younger DN needs for the trip to send to her mom.

The weather on accuweather is all over ther place so far for the days we will be there. Thank goodness we have a washer and dryer!

So much to do so little time!!!

By the way the anticipation of the trip is so much fun for me! Need to go update the spreadsheets!


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