One pic out of a dozen..


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
I told Mary that I needed to take at least a dozen pics before I had one that I liked. I like this one! :)

One good thing about the cool weather we've been having, my icicle pansies are loving it!! :)

So you wondered were Angels went to hang out... Looks like in Kims flowers... At least those with blue wings.
It's lovely, I like it too. :)

Another rainy cool day here, so I off to the movies to see Finding Nemo with the 5-year old's. I hear it's a good movie, the last few Disney movies have been a disappointment. Maybe I won't dose off at this one.
Beautiful pic! Thanks, I needed to see something as pretty as your pansies on such a dreary day.
I was gonna write something about their happy faces or such. Then I read Nat's comment about the angels and took another look! How neat! There ARE angels hanging out in your garden. It's is so interesting how people look at the same thing so differently but one thing is agreed upon - they are lovely flowers to behold! Thanks for sharing with us.
Kewl, I see the angels now. I didn't at first but now I do. I saw a profusion of color and missed them. Very neat.
I missed it too, I thought Nat was letting loose with the poet in his soul...but I looked again...very observant of you Nat! :)

I had my niece and nephew for the day, and I showed them the angels. They saw them right away! :) :)
Beautiful flowers. The pansies here are great also.

Yes Nat, those angels are beautiful ;) ;) My mom loved them too. :smooth:

Hi Epcot Kilter Fan!! :)

I know there's something going on here......:) Are you and Nat brother and sister?

Curious Kim...:)
Only in our souls Kim... Hi MOM!!! I saw those angels and thought of you right away. Miss you guys :D


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