One Short Day In The Magic Kingdom! May 2014 TR **NEW X3 7/19 FINAL UPDATES**

“Rover Don’t Interrupt While Sarah’s Interrupting!”

May 29, 2014: Part VII

We entered Tomorrowland and still had time before Space Mountain so we hoped in line for The Laugh Floor!

Helen thought this was awesome and I was so glad she enjoyed it!

She sent in a joke under my name and it got chosen!

What do you get from a pampered cow?!?!?!

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Yup. Everyone thought it was hilarious! Or at least pretended to…

We filled the laugh cans and we set free! Hooray!

Finally it was time to use our final FP+ for the day so we ran on over (and by ran I mean walked at a Disney approved pace) to Space Mountain!

We had such a good ride! It felt long, it was fun, we loved the turns! It was dark enough to not know what was going to happen next! Ah so much fun!

We headed over to Buzz and jumped inline at our chance to defeat the Evil Emperor Zurg!

Which we did cause we’re awesome! My laser stopped… lasing (?)… about half way through so I was kicking Helen’s hiney but she made a comeback and beat me.

We briefly left Tomorrowland with the hopes of meeting Tiana and Naveen because I adore them and watch Princess and the Frog like every night and would die if I met them, but their line was already cut off and they had a full line already formed and we had things to do and other songs to sing so we passed on T and N for today. So day I will meet them I promise!

We headed back to Tomorrowland for a nice little journey through the past.

I am aware that there are a lot of people don’t appreciate Carousel of Progress as I do, but I think y’all are crazy! It’s amazing!

I would sing the song, Helen would get embarrassed it was golden! How can you not love that!

At this point our phones were dying and so were our energy levels so we stopped in Cosmic Ray’s so Helen could grab a bite to nibble on and I could charge my phone.

After recharging and nibbling we left and went to Main Street!

Up Next: Oh So Many Castle Pictures! And Meeting My New Favorite Aussie!
A Main Street Love Affair… With The Castle!

May 29, 2014: Part VIII

So we exited Tomorrowland and made our way down Main Street towards the Confectionary. We had no real interest in watching the MSEP we were more concerned with Mickey shaped Rice Krispy Treats. Prioritize people!

I have no idea what this is, but I made this kind patient man stop so I could take a picture of it! It was huge and I wanted to eat it.

We continued on towards the confectionary, retrieved our beloved rice krispies and made our way back up Main Street. Wishes was the main attraction for us so we found a stop tucked to the side but behind the white tape so the CMs would stop yelling at us for loitering. Sir I am sorry but I can’t go anywhere else

I did get to play with the settings on my camera and figure it out before Wishes which made me very happier and much calmer!


Once MSEP commenced and we were allowed in the street I took Helen’s hand and walked into the middle of the bridge area between MS and the hub and found us a nice little spot and just let people move around us. I didn’t want to be tooo close or too far but we found a happy medium!


A few minutes before Celebrate the Magic started the sugar and the sleep deprivation were starting to mix in Helen and she was jumping in front of the camera and being silly and said to me “What accents should we use tomorrow.” She started speaking in a British accent then I said southern and she said “No not southern” in a southern accent. Then to my left I hear, in an Australian accent, “Have you seen this show before?” and my jaw just dropped. We thoroughly embarrassed ourselves in front of such a kind stranger from Australia and we couldn’t do anything but laugh.

I professed to him my love of the show and how amazing it is and not to leave cause some crazy people seem to think CtM is Wishes and want to leave before Wishes even starts, etc. etc.

Long story, not so short – We all talked and chatted before the shows and he told us how this was his first Disney trip and he was all by himself! And he showed us some awesome pictures of him meeting the characters and it was all fabulous and a few days later we were talking about how fantastic and cool he was and we were able to track him down on Facebook – the power of the internet, people – and now we’re Disney friends! Woo yay for Disney friends! Hey Josh!

Anyway the show started and I was in awe.

I tweeted:
Wishes makes me happier than anyone could ever understand.

I really don’t think most people understand the happiness that this show and just being on Main Street watching it brings to me!

At this point Josh, our Aussie friend, just blurts out “Oh My Gosh I CANT!” I knew it was true friendship!

If you don’t love Tangled we can’t be friends. Just kidding we totally can but it might put a damper on the relationship.

The gasps for Elsa were unreal and I think mine might’ve been the loudest!

Good job Imagineers, you win this one, and all of the other ones.

I tweeted:
“Celebrate The Magic got me feeling all sorts of feels”

I also tweeted:
“Helen and I made a cool friend and naturally he’s from Australia and we will never see him again.”

Hey Josh!

Up Next: “Wishes, DREAM A DREAM!”
“When You Wish Upon A Star”
May 29, 2014: Part IX

In the event that you would like to listen to Wishes while reading along here you go:


Okay and I apologize in advance but I took so many pictures and narrowing it down was hard enough so theirs still a coppice amount, but can there ever be tooooo many Wishes pictures?



I posted this on Instagram:

As Wishes drew to a close I tweeted:
“I feel as though I should be embarrasses by the fact that I know every single word to Wishes, but I’m not in the slightest bit.”

I tweeted the next day:
“Took over 200 pictures of Celebrate the Magic and almost 500 of Wishes”

But I think that’s just a little bit of understanding on how excited and in love with this show I really am.

It is so amazing! Like I LOVE everything about it!

Ugh so fantastic!

Up Next: Wrapping up the Kingdom
So cool to have your joke chosen!!!!! It's actually been a while since I've been there so I can't remember if they identify the joke sender or not. Either way, still really cool. And a good joke at that.

:rotfl2: at the Zurg photo. You could not be more opposite each other.

That's awesome you found him on FB. Disney friends are the best.

Oh man, I don't understand anyone who doesn't think Wishes is the best thing ever. Not just in Disney, but EVER. And WOW, 500 pictures??? THAT is impressive.
So cool to have your joke chosen!!!!! It's actually been a while since I've been there so I can't remember if they identify the joke sender or not. Either way, still really cool. And a good joke at that.

:rotfl2: at the Zurg photo. You could not be more opposite each other.

That's awesome you found him on FB. Disney friends are the best.

Oh man, I don't understand anyone who doesn't think Wishes is the best thing ever. Not just in Disney, but EVER. And WOW, 500 pictures??? THAT is impressive.

The Zurg photo is so funny and I didn't notice it until the next day when I was uploading the photos!

I completely agree! Wishes is the greatest thing EVER and I don't see how anyone can possibly disagree!
Some Final Orders of Business

May 29, 2014: Part X

As Wishes ended, we, along with everyone else on Main Street, departed from Main Street. We headed straight for Fantasyland seeing what else we could squeeze in before it was time to leave.

We walked around Fantasyland trying to figure out what to do. We didn’t want to wait too long for anything so…

Prince Charming’s Carrousel was a must.

Next we paid another visit to Ariel but in a different manner.

Eric looking as chiseled as ever


They lived happily ever after, Ursula was defeated and it was drawing that awful time.. Closing time.

We slowly made our way back down Main Street reflecting on our amazing day, but it wasn’t over yet!

Everyone was lining up for another showing of MSEP but we had something better in mind!

Up Next: A Final Shebang!
Meeting the Boss Man!

May 29, 2014: Part XI

As we got to the foot of Main Street we decided we check and see how long the line for the Big Man himself was! It was a mere 15 minutes so we hoped in line!

We talked with a lovely CM who was living in Orlando but originally from our hometown of Boston! Such lovely people work in Walt Disney World! I love getting to talk to them!

Tink’s line was no existent so naturally we had to go see her too!

I’m pretty sure Jess’s (yes the Jess, queen of the Frumps) friend Bobby was one of our CMs but it may have just been the delirium and the excitement of meeting Tink.

Tink loved our bows also! She told me I was a tinker talent since I made them! I was flattered.

She also loved Helen’s cat purse!

Such a curious fairy, she was asking about the “berry juice” on my toes and asked if she should try some on hers, we said green definitely!

After meeting Mickey and Tink we headed into the Emporium to shop around briefly but we were so tired we ended up passing on the shopping and just heading out.

Goodbye beautiful, I promise I’ll be back soon!

I held back the tears, just kidding… only a little.

We headed back towards the bus stop, we had to wait for a bus to come, completely fill and then another to come. And we were utterly delirious and people were staring. It was great!

Once the bus came we got on and found seats. I felt awful, I normally would offer my seat to any woman with a sleeping child but this was just not one of those days. We’d been up for 22 hours and we were singing. Yes singing loud for all to hear. Buddy the Elf would have been proud. Everyone else would’ve been appreciative if we had stopped but we just couldn’t.

Eventually we arrived back at All Star Movies and attempted to make our way to our room. We got lost. Twice. I had to abandon my shoes at one point too because they were so uncomfortable I couldn’t take on more step.

Thankfully we found our room, or at least on that opened to our MagicBands (no worries it was indeed ours). I washed my feet off in the tub and then we found our way to dreamland. All in all it was an amazing day that may very well never be topped.

If you remember from earlier, my package of pins was supposed to have been delivered to the room at some point during the day and when we got to the room guess what wasn’t there? My Pins! Woo! Go you! So I called down to the front desk and tried to see if there was something they could do since we were checking out in the morning and we sort of figured it out so more on that in the morning!

We did so much in such a short amount it was amazing! And it wasn’t completely over yet!

Up Next: Day after adventures!
What’s A Disney Trip Without A Mickey Waffle?

May 30, 2014: Part I

The next morning we woke up at a reasonable hour for having absolutely nothing planned.

I was awaken by some people loudly walking by the window at about 8 am, but hey I get it it’s Disney you’re excited and I’ve definitely woken my fair share of Disney guests over my years.

Then at about 9:30 someone came and knocked on our door. Ugh. So I got up and no one was there. Not coollll. So this time I was as up as I was going to get and Helen was awake now too. So we changed and got ready/packed and packed the car. We got everything out of the room and drove the car over to the main building to get some food.

Can you really even consider it a Disney trip if nobody ate a Mickey waffle? Or any Mickey shaped food for that matter? Answer: NO!

After eating we stopped at concierge to try to retrieve my pins. Which were still nowhere to be found. Ugh. I started freaking out that they’d lost them and feeling bad that my mom had spent the extra money to over night them to the hotel. So we went to look around the gift shop as one of the concierges tried to sort things out, about 20 minutes later she came and found me with my package in hand! Woo! Stress relieved!

So we bought what we wanted and headed out. It was Downtown Disney time!

First stop! Basin!

Basin is awesome! I highly recommend it to everyone that bathes! I got a lovely coconut soap, bath bombs, and bath bombs, and I got my mom a really nice bar of soap with turtles and fish shapes in it!

Next we just poked around all of the different stores

When did Ghirardelli’s chocolates get so small?

I did a project on this poster for school last semester so it was really cool seeing it in person!

After shopping we stopped in Wolfgang Puck Express and got some delicious lunch!

Bath Salts from Basin

Our last stop was Goofy’s. We headed out, after putting major dents in our bank accounts and decided we were tired and it was time to hit the road!

We hopped in the car and sadly said goodbye to Orlando.

Helen drove about forty five minutes to an hour, we stopped for gas/bathroom break and decided to switch there and I drop the rest of the way home. It was a long, boring ride. Not nearly as much fun/exciting as actually going TO Disney, but still it was all worth it in the end and we had such an amazing time!

We got back to Savannah and quickly changed because we had to go meet friends for a concert, as much as I would have rather slept for a few days! It was such a lovely too days though! And I was so glad I got to spend that time in Walt Disney World with my best friend, and so happy to meet and converse with all the people we did throughout the day!

Over the next few days we moved Helen into her new apartment and got things settled there and then come Tuesday it was time for me to leave. I was so sad to be going but I had had such a lovely time I really couldn’t complain.

A final airport “goodbye” selfie

Thank you all for reading along and being part of my fun journey! Thank you Rob for actively participating and for all who have been lurking in the shadows! I’m away at camp with little time to use the Internet until August so I promise I will catch up on everyone’s TRs when I get back and hopefully I’ll have plenty more to read and report on! Thank you so much again!

Also I am glad to report that I will be returning to World with my amazing mother in August! :cool1:

And to leave you all on an even happier note:

“Josh as Olaf”- A Snapchat Masterpiece

Thank you!!​


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