Ongoing Wedding/Honeymoon Trip Log with Pics

You had a really awesome day- thanks for sharing with thousands of your closest friends ;)
ZPT1022 said:
You had a really awesome day- thanks for sharing with thousands of your closest friends ;)

Yeah--Strange how we do that, isn't it?? But it really helps you to enjoy and preserve it. Sometime in the next five years I hope to translate it all into one of those cool coffee table books! Hope to have more coming soon!
Codie said:
Yeah--Strange how we do that, isn't it?? But it really helps you to enjoy and preserve it. Sometime in the next five years I hope to translate it all into one of those cool coffee table books! Hope to have more coming soon!

I think it's neat. And what a great keepsake for you to be able print this all out and keep it tucked away to look at on future anniversaries or whenever you just want to smile. :goodvibes My husband and I honeymooned at WDW and would love to renew our vows there at some point in the future so I love reading these wedding trip reports and just making little mental notes of all the cool little things we could do. :wizard: It's so exciting!
Prior to the wedding day it had been explained to me, I don't know if I explained to dh, that the banquet captain would start dinner off by leading us through the buffet line and making our plates.


I'll be honest...the whole day I had really focused on dh and I and had pretty much let everyone else do whatever they wanted to do. I pretty much spent most of the time in this self-involved daze. Although, in my defense, it was hard not to when absolutely everyone is catering to you! So now as the banquet captain came toward us I told dh that we got to start the food line. As we approached the buffet, Chef Edwin and his staff including my favorite Tim were standing waiting to congratulate us and to explain the food. Chef Edwin told dh that he should not eat the potatos because he had a surprise for him waiting at the table. Dh looked at me quizzically and I smirked a little bit...I love surprising him and I could not believe that I had kept it a secret for so long. It was a dumb surprise but I had gotten him mashed potatoes. He is such a picky eater and I wanted him to have something at dinner that I knew for sure he would enjoy! The food was all presented beautifully. It was very awkward to have someone making my plate for me. I truly can't remember the last time (or any time since then) that anyone has done that for me. It was made even more awkward because someone started sending up other guests. Since we were not making our own plates and the captain was making both of our plates, we went a little slower than your average guest. Now this I didn't understand...I had been told by one of the Disney Wedding people when I was doing my planning (I don't remember if it was sales, temp wp, or wp) that if any child ate anything from the buffet line, we would be charged for a half price adult meal for that child. We were also told that the children's meals would be served before any of the parents came up for their food and that the parents would somehow politely be told that the children could not eat from the buffet. Well, call me cheap but I told them all ahead of time:) So imagine my complete confusion as my three flower girls and sil and bil come up and start all making plates. I imagine that someone directed them up there--I honestly never asked and have no idea. I also honestly never checked my bill to see what we paid for in that respect...but it made me very nervous while I finished getting my food. I have no idea how/why Disney thinks that the parents would go up without the kids...if they are young enough to eat a kids meal, they probably shouldn't be left alone at the table. Oh well...
So dh and I were escorted back to our seats. At this time we were asked what we wanted to drink. We had only had squirt (when was the last time you had squirt by the way?) in our toasting glasses. I wanted something clear because I was nervous about getting my dress dirty as it needed to be clean for the home reception one week later. So I asked for something clear. The captain asked if I wanted to try "Mike's Special Drink". What the heck? Why not try Mike's special drink that was being served at Jessica and Scott's wedding?? ERgh that still irks me now that the bartender made up his own special drink for my mostly beer/wine wedding. Anyway, the captain brought over the special drink...first of all it was pink and second of all it was really quite awful! I concentrated on my water and squirt.
Dh and I had opted for the Sweetheart head table. We LOVED it. For the most part we were able to sit and just talk to each other. About every three to four minutes someone would come up and we would CHEESE for a picture and then continue eating. The four cheese pasta that I had spent 5 months lusting for did not was SO delicious. I had also been looking forward to the asparagus, but was worried about getting pepper in my teeth, so I didn't eat a ton of it, even though it was yummy! I honestly don't remember anything else that I ate. Dh shared his mashed potatoes with his sister and my dad jokingly asked where his were. Dh went up to the bar to get another drink and asked the bartender to make me something clear...the drink of the night became gin and tonic. I have to tell you that prior to this event, I had NEVER had a gin and tonic. My first one was just plain awful...but frankly it was clear and alcoholic so I went with it. By the end of the evening, they just tasted like soda pop (or maybe the bartender stopped adding the alcohol!)
I am loving your TR! Its making me anxious for my DFTW. Im leaving in 2 weeks for my site visit, and Im sooo excited! :thumbsup2
With 99 guests and all 4 top tables, we had 27 tables. There were six tables on either side of the dance floor. These we set aside for family. Then on the outer rim of the dance floor (up a few stairs), there were three more tables on either side. These were used for our non-family wedding attendants and close family friends. The remaining 9 tables were on either side of the bar by the windows facing the porches. These were our friends and some more of dh’s family.

As everyone finished eating, the dj played some music that could be argued to be dance music. Some of our guests danced a bit…promising to be a good night. Dh and I began making rounds to the tables. Before we went around, I had made sure that I brought gum as I didn’t want to offend anyone with nervous breath. (Unfortunately it can now be seen in every single moment of our wedding video post dinner that I am chomping on my gum—VERY princess-like!) We hit the family on dh’s side first. His youngest niece was so cute. She was just so excited to be in the wedding and I think she was just plain in awe of my “princess” dress and me. Of course, it probably didn’t help that everyone kept referring to me as a princess. As we left her table to go see some of our friends, she insisted on joining us. She proceeded to go to all the tables with us. We made the rounds pretty quickly, especially with the aid of our then three-year-old niece. She didn’t let go of my hand the entire time!

I was in such awe that so many people had come. It made me feel so special and so good. My only regret is that I had no idea how to express to everyone how much their attendance meant to us.
Soon the dj was asking if I wanted to dance with my dad. I hadn’t cried yet (almost during moh speech but that doesn’t count cause it was only almost!) and was afraid that this is when I would lose it. I danced with my dad to Leanne Womack’s “I Hope You Dance.” My dad had always been one of the biggest proponents of my dancing…driving me half way across the country for performances of the Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, and Hansel and Gretel, that I thought it was very appropriate. He has always taught me to dream big and then make it come true—of course, he is usually there to help the dreams come true once I clue him in…but he has also taught me how to make them happen on my own. My dad just beamed through the whole dance. It is so nice to know how proud he is of me and my dh!

One of my favorite pictures that Randy took is of dh and his parents watching my dad and I dance.

The next dance was reserved for dh and his mom. They danced to “Have I told you Lately that I Love You?” by Rod Stewart. It is such an appropriate song for dh and his mom. He isn’t one to say I love you all the time…only when he really means it. So I thought it was perfect for him to share that with his mom!

The funniest thing happened while they started (and during most of) their dance. Dh’s one aunt was unable to attend because she is a very dedicated school teacher (not to say that the other teachers that did attend are not dedicated, but…) and could not be away that close to the beginning of the school year as she would miss meetings and stuff at the school. So her husband, dh’s uncle, had been piping in the ceremony and speeches and stuff all through the cell phone. Well, at this point he decided that he wanted to get a picture of dh and mil dancing to send via cell phone to his wife. Dh’s uncle is Dick. So Uncle Dick was circling around dh and his mom dancing trying to get the best angle, deciding he didn’t like it, trying again for like HALF the song! The funniest thing is when we got home we are watching the video and you hear mil saying, Enough Dick, OKAY Dick, that’s enough Dick. She finally in exasperation says, GO away Dick! It is really, really funny!
The next dance was supposed to be our wedding party dance. This had been really hard to figure out because normally, I think, you dance with the same person with whom you walked down the aisle. But this was tough as dh’s best man was married to one of my bm’s, one of dh’s groomsmen was his 10 month old nephew, and the rest of our attendants with the exception of one (the one getting over strep throat) had significant others present. At the last minute, in the interest of tradition and simplicity I had paired up all the attendants with the exception of my moh dancing with her husband. I had given these instructions really last minute and basically everyone was confused to begin with. WELL, as the Circle of Life from Lion King began to play, the deejay announced that the bride and groom would like to invite everyone out onto the dance floor. Ummmmm, not quite! So…it was like mass confusion. Lots of people came out onto the floor, which in itself was surprising and nice, but one of dh’s groomsmen kept dancing with my bm that had no date (her bf was starting a brand new medical job that day). I don’t really know what his date did…and everyone else kind of did their own thing. I couldn’t blame them since the deejay had just really confused my already confusing instructions.

It furthered the theme of the event…”or do whatever you want…” that by then I had made it a mantra!
One of our main requests on our music sheet for the deejay was to avoid any and all line dances. We both detested being dragged out onto the floor to move en masse with everyone at varying tempos and styles to do the same dance. We wanted the deejay to grant requests, but not those. As Circle of Life came to an end and dh and I began finishing visiting with the family tables, my thirteen year old cousin came up and demanded to know why the deejay would not play some new line dance song per his request. We told him that we just didn’t want line dances and that it was our prerogative. He wanted to know what prerogative meant and I told him, it just means that you can’t have a line dance tonight. Apparently he didn’t like my answer and went back to the deejay. Finally the deejay approached us and told us that the kid wouldn’t stop asking him. He told us others had requested line dances also. At that point I was getting tired and didn’t care, I said, “Fine, but just one!”
I then told my honey that I needed some quiet time.
I noticed then that the dessert had been put out next to the coffee.

It made me a bit sad. I had specifically asked, more than once and had it indicated in the BEO, for the dessert to be individually served to guests at their table. Following the lack of table settings when we arrived at the reception hall, I had been afraid that none of my other instructions would be followed either. However, I had sort of hoped that maybe the place setting issue had just been overlooked and everything else would be done correctly. Seeing the dessert set out on the coffee table, I knew that I should have gone with my first instinct and followed up with my event manager or banquet captain. However, I just hadn’t wanted to be concerned about that during my day—that is why I had been so specific before my day. Oh well…like the table settings, I couldn’t do anything about it now.
I’m not really sure where you get quiet time but he immediately took my hand and walked me over to the grand stair case that we had descended with great triumph just a couple hours earlier. It was now roped off. He removed one end of the rope and led me through. As we walked up the stairs we heard the line dancing starting with the deejay out on the dance floor.

It was much cooler upstairs and less stimulating. One thing I found is that EVERYone wants to talk to you and say something and after a while you feel like it is very difficult to focus on anything. It was very relaxing upstairs. My friend was also sitting up there by herself.

She had traveled from Maryland with her soon to be husband (they were wed that November) and I was so happy that she made the trip. We had been best friends for the two years we attended high school together and had tried to keep in touch ever since. It had been a long while since we had seen each other before 2005. We walked over to her and as we got near, her fiancé walked out of the rest room. I sat down with them and dh went back downstairs to get me a drink. My friend was eating the dessert and it made me realize that if I didn’t have some now, I might never get any. Her fiancé offered to get me one and I was so grateful to have an excuse to stay upstairs and be anti-social a little longer!
I was sad though. When he brought the dessert back up for me, complete with silverware and an extra napkin, I discovered that it was not the dessert that I had tried at my taste testing. Okay, I know this is unusual, but I do not love chocolate—white chocolate, yes, but not brown chocolate—and had been pleased at my taste testing to be surprised by Chef Edwin with a delicious custard shortbread-like tart with fruit on top. At my taste testing, the tart was secured by chocolate to the plate—but this was like a quarter sized chocolate so that the tart wouldn’t move. The tart in front of me had a chocolate lining inside the tart between the tart crust and the custard. Everyone else raved about how delicious it was and what a great alternative to cake it was. I think I mentioned before that I had nixed the cake due to the price and this had been an alternative to which I had really been looking forward. It was probably just the overall emotions of the day, but it made me so sad that I hardly even ate the custard and the fruit.
Bumping :Pinkbounc I'd like to see the rest of your pic's and I love the report!
My dh came back up with a drink and informed me that the deejay was looking for us again. We had scheduled three dedicated dances. I had asked the deejay, in lieu of the garter and bouquet toss tradition, to do a longest married couples dance. I had also asked him to do two song dedications, the first (not necessarily in any order) to our friends that had just been married the previous Saturday and the second was a combined dedication to dh’s brother and sil, celebrating their 10th anniversary the next day, and dh’s uncle and aunt, celebrating their 9th anniversary two days later. I couldn’t imagine what the deejay needed since I had written out fairly specific instructions and generally told him that, with the few exceptions written, he could just keep the dance floor moving. Reluctantly I headed back down to the party with my dh. It was nice to steal a little alone time.
We were happy to see the dance floor full as we came downstairs. We headed in the direction of the deejay.

(also a great picture for those of you worried about lighting at ADH)

It is amazing how long it takes to travel 25 feet in a room full of your own wedding guests! Eventually I, not sure where dh was at that point, made it to the deejay. I was surprised to find out that he had not done the dedications yet. He indicated that he had been waiting for us and that he had not known where we were. In retrospect, it was really nice of him to think that we would want to be there when he did the dedications, but at the time I found it annoying. There was maybe a little less than two hours left in the reception by this point. (Man, did time really fly!) The deejay asked me where dh was, telling me that he wanted to do the married couples dance. I told him to go ahead and I went to find dh. He announced for all married couples to come out on the dance floor. I found dh and we went out. As we started dancing, I awkwardly tried to instruct family and friends that were not on the dance floor –recruiting young cousins and others to go drag people onto the dance floor. While trying to do that, my new niece (the same little one that greeted all of our guests with us earlier) came running up and wanted to dance with us. It was quite endearing that she never wanted to leave our side the whole time and we could hardly refuse her. So we reached down and made our dance a group hug. It took about a whole song, but finally all the married couples were on the dance floor. It was cool to look around and see everyone.
As the deejay dismissed all those married less than one year, dh and I parted the dance floor. I noticed at that point my best friend’s mom sitting at her table, overlooking the dance floor. I immediately felt so awful. I know that this is not my responsibility, but my best friend’s father had passed away almost two years before my wedding. One of their favorite past times had been dancing together. It tore my heart to see her sitting there, with tears in her eyes, I am sure reminiscing about some of those dances. My best friend and I do not share a lot of friends and so her mom didn’t really know any of the people at the wedding other than my immediate family. I felt awful and ran over to her…but wasn’t really sure if she would prefer to have been left alone. So, I gave her a hug and then let her sit. The deejay was excusing the couples married under five years, so my best friend and her husband were on their way back. I found my way back to dh and we watched the couples dancing for a minute. We laughed as we noticed one of his groomsmen on the dance floor with his girlfriend. It was clear that he wanted to get off the dance floor, but she kept insisting they stay. We found it really funny since 1) obviously they weren’t married, but even more so because 2) he, like dh (before he proposed), never really seemed gung ho on the marriage thing! After the deejay dismissed the couples married under 10 years, dh’s friend and his gf lasted a few more seconds and then he won the battle.
Just then, Randy came up and said he was ready to go and was there any pictures that I wanted that he hadn’t gotten. Wow did that question confuse me! The first reason it confused me was that I had upgraded my package and my understanding was that then I would have him for a longer time. Since he hadn’t come any earlier in the day, I had assumed that he would stay later. The second reason it confused me was that I had no idea what pictures he had taken, how could I know what pictures he did or did not get?
****On a side note here, I would say do not trust that your photographer is an expert and therefore will get every picture that you would have thought was obvious. He is an expert and will take great pictures, but he is not a mind reader. I am very sad that I don’t have pictures of everyone that was at the wedding. I just assumed that he would make sure that he got a shot of everyone and that was my fault for assuming. Also, in my case, my siblings were not in the wedding party. I wish that I had made it more clear to both Randy and the videographer who the important family members were so that they were captured better.****
Assuming that Randy had gotten everything, and not really knowing at that point what more I wanted, I told Randy that if he think he got everything than I was sure he did. He assured me he had gotten almost 900 pictures (ended up being more) and so I said to go ahead and leave. I have to admit that not only was I high on the excitement of the event, but I had had a few drinks and honestly no one should have let me make that decision. In retrospect I should have had a list and should have quizzed him as to what he thought he had gotten and/or not gotten. Anyway, so he left.
The longest married couple dance (really several dances—I had no idea it would take so long) was finally coming to an end. Dh’s parents had never made it out there. My parents’ were dismissed when it got to 35 years or more (they would celebrate their 35th in about 7 months). It got narrowed down to my dad’s two sisters and their husbands. I had forgotten that they had been married longer than my parents and would therefore possibly be winners. Neither dh nor I had living full sets of grandparents. It was finally wittled down to my father’s oldest sister and her husband of 44 years…about a year and a half separating the two couples. It was surprising, I really hadn’t even realized that my aunt and uncle could be old enough to have been married for 44 years! This was the couple that I had been so worried about the night we tried to meet at Hurricane Hannas (only to remember that they hadn’t yet arrived in Orlando). The deejay went out on the dance floor to congratulate them. Like a chump, I hadn’t thought of a specific prize or reward for the longest married couple other than applause. The deejay had seemed shocked about this also but handled it well. He cheered for my aunt and uncle and then asked each of them for advice. My uncle is one of THE most shy people you have ever met and he was so embarrassed to be honored for such a thing. He thought for a second and said, “Just keep at it, day after day.” Everyone laughed a little (some I am sure took a more tawdry view of that statement). The deejay then went to my aunt who announced, “I’ll give it to them in private.” This elicited a bigger laugh. I don’t think I ever did get that advice!
The deejay then began to play some general dance music. At some point a swing-like song (not really—more of an At the Hop type song) came on and my brother began swing dancing with my sister.

It’s our thing…my brother and I learned how to swing dance with the group we used to hang out with at dance clubs when I was in high school (he’s five years older than me). We would learn at a club in Manhattan that we would go to visit a friend of his and also at an Italian Club near our house where the octogenarians would go to dance to Big Band live music. The octogenarians got a kick out of our group and took pride in tutoring us. We had managed to learn a number of lifts and throws(like flips?) My sister had eventually joined in with us, as she got old enough also. After they had danced for a bit, I intervened and took her place.


Before my brother moved to Taiwan, we used to dance a good bit and could really anticipate each other’s moves. Now that we only get to dance like once a year, it is a little tougher, but a little bit like riding a bike once you get back into the groove. I loved the way that my dress felt as it swished back and forth.


I love swing dancing but my husband doesn’t have the confidence in his dance ability to do it with me and as an “attached woman” it is sometimes hard to find a swing partner otherwise. It felt so cool to be out there in my grand dress swinging. My brother looked at me as the song was coming to an end and said, “You ready to flip?” It was always the highlight that made everyone cheer…but I wasn’t sure with the dress I was wearing and the slider shoes. He had flipped my sister at her wedding, so I knew it was possible, but I hesitated too long and the song came to an end. I was a little frustrated that I had chickened out and I would be more frustrated when I got home and got the wedding video with no flip (stay tuned...).

Shortly after that the deejay announced a special dedication for our recently married friends, calling them out on to the dance floor to dance to the song that they had danced to on their wedding night. They were a bit embarrassed—not being real lime light seekers.

After a couple minutes of dancing, deliberately trying to avoid the videographer, who was obviously trying to capture their dance. After the first minute, the deejay had announced for others to come out and join them. However, for some reason no one came out. My friend kept looking around him to see whom he might be able to drag out with him. But, still, no one joined them. Finally my brother and his wife came out onto the dance floor and you saw my friend visibly relax, thanking my brother most appreciatively for “saving” them.

Shortly after that more couples came out to dance.
That dance was followed by some more requests, including “Bad to the Bone” to which my newly acquired little 7-year old cousin and ring bearer, who had taken off his shoes, unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, began dancing and sliding on his knees all over the dance floor.

It was really a sight and will make great black mail when he grows up. Our final dedication was to his parents for their 9th anniversary, which they were celebrating two days later, and to my new brother-in-law (dh’s best man) and his wife for their 10th anniversary, which was the following day!

As the evening drew to a close we were able to get more of our friends and family out to the dance floor. This actually turned out to be very important because the videographer only taped individuals if they were on the dance floor or if they offered to give a speech to us on the video. There are many people, as a result, that are not in our video. But at this point we were able to get out dh’s sister and his friends that had traveled down for the event. I even got a little swing dancing out of dh to “our” song, “Beautiful”!!! Not only was it a really nice surprise, but it made for great video-footage. (It might have been a little better if either of us had put down our beverages;-). Another great moment was when my dad and my brother decided to dance (more like ‘jump around’) together. It was such a great moment…as I saw it start to unfold I tried to get the videographer’s attention but the camera was there unattended. I assume he was on a bathroom or cigarette break (I think the latter, but would rather give him the benefit of the doubt) and by the time I found him my dad had walked away, a little out of breath. No problem! I told the deejay to keep a close eye and went and told my dad and brother that they had to do it again to get it on video!! There was enough music left and it worked out perfectly.
After that, the deejay put on a traditional swing song and I was so excited. My brother was right there and we started dancing. It had been such a great day and now that we had had a warm up dance and now that the music was true big band swing music, we were much more in sync. I didn’t notice that the videographer had slipped away. My dad did and went out after him but he was doing speeches on video—one was one of the greatest surprises for me so it was good—but it’s too bad that he couldn’t just make them wait a minute. You can actually hear on the video as everyone cheers the two times that my brother flipped me on the dance floor. It was such great fun, spinning and flipping out there. After I was done swinging with my brother, the videographer came and found me and asked the same question that Randy had previously asked me. Once again I found it a bewildering question and told him if he thought he got everything he needed that I’m sure he did. In retrospect, once again, I wish that I had made a list (or kept and brought a copy of the list that I had filled out for Disney) of the things that I absolutely wanted on video. He left and the evening came to a quick close.
For those who don’t want to wait (I may never get that far), the greatest surprise I mentioned above was my husband. He went out and made a speech to the videographer, which they put at the end of our video. He was so cute, reiterating his love for me as he had the night he proposed! I was so touched when we watched our video together. I was also terribly embarrassed that I hadn’t thought to do something like that for him. His romantic moments are very limited in quantity, but when he does them they are always top notch!
As the wedding came to an end, the banquet captain came over and explained that we would need to usher our group upstairs so that the crew could clean up downstairs and prepare the venue to open to the public. We had previously been told that we would be able to watch the fireworks from upstairs at 9 and Disney was awesome about accommodating us. Our guests were helping themselves to our centerpiece/favors. The banquet captain told me that he had empty boxes and asked if we wanted them. I asked him to explain what they were and he said they were for the centerpieces and that they were big plastic containers. He said they were behind the bar and asked me to come look at them. I really didn’t want to go behind the bar. I had spent the whole day drinking clear beverages and being very careful not to spill anything on my dress so it would be clean to wear at my reception at home the following Friday. I imagined that behind Disney bars was cleaner than other bars I was used to at home, but I really didn’t want to take the risk. I suggested that he just put the boxes up on the counter and if people wanted them they could take them, or if we could use them we would take them. He said no and insisted I come look. As we approached behind the bar, I again told dh I didn’t want to go back there. All I could see were stainless steel appliances and was worried about my chiffon dress. The captain beckoned for me to come. I hadn’t gone more than 10 feet when I felt my dress get stuck on something and then heard a tear. I burst into tears, yelled to the captain to do whatever he thought best and ran out from behind the bar. I was SO mad. I know I was mostly just completely overtired, exhausted, and a tad under the influence, but it made me so mad that this guy that hadn’t followed any of my instructions had now taken me into an area that had ripped my dress just so I could look at empty boxes. It seemed absurd. NOW, I must say that the rip was only about the size of a silver dollar, or a little bigger, and way at the bottom of my dress and only noticed by one person at my at home reception. However, at that moment it just seemed like a culmination of a lot of errors by the banquet team.
Dh brought me a napkin and reminded me that it was not a big deal and that we were married, which was the most important thing. (That had been his mantra in keeping me sane for the whole summer). I relaxed and focused on finding centerpieces for family members. There were only 11 sand castles and their had been 27 tables, so the other tables and individuals received smaller gel sea-themed candles. Two of my aunts/uncles wanted the sandcastles and I was trying to find some extra ones. It was kind of funny to see everyone scrambling to get a sandcastle. I guess I should have anticipated that, but I just couldn’t afford (and they were discontinued by the time we knew we were going to do 4-tops at ADH AND have that many guests) to buy a sandcastle for every table. I had asked my girlfriend (moh) to be in charge of taking all the accessories to the room—guest book, any gifts and cards, signing pen, scrapbook, toasting flutes, etc. Disney provides this service if you request it, but I wasn’t sure how much extra that would be and felt my moh was most trustworthy. After we figured out who was taking what, I finally managed to get the majority of our guests (or at least the ones planning on staying) upstairs. Everyone else said goodbye if they weren’t staying.

(pics to be added later)
We got upstairs and stayed inside on the upper balcony as we waited for it to near 9 o’clock for the Epcot fireworks. It was still very humid and hot outside and the inside air conditioning felt much better. I had the opportunity to hang out with some of my friends that had traveled down and whom I hadn’t really gotten to see yet. I heard the first booms of the fireworks and we all ran out onto the balcony. The Illuminations show starts with fireworks and then does a lot of laser and lower fireworks and then ends with fireworks. So we watched the first set of fireworks and then had some time to wait. It was great fun and everyone kept joking that Disney had done these fireworks specifically for us and that they weren’t the “usual” Epcot fireworks.
Following the fireworks, we had indicated that we would either stay at the Dance Hall for a bit and continue the party, or we were going to see if anyone was interested in heading to Pleasure Island or out to the Boardwalk. I was at the point where I was actually ready to change out of my beautiful princess gown. I had contemplated wearing it for the whole evening but was nervous about any further damage happening before my home reception. A large contingency decided that me and some others were going to get changed, comfortable, and head over to Pleasure Island. Dh’s friend’s wife and I and my bm friend walked out of the Atlantic dance hall and headed back to my room at the Boardwalk. We were supposed to stay at the Beach Club, but Dh had decided that he wanted to stay in the room that I had gotten ready in as it was super nice with a Jacuzzi tub and we had it for one more night. This made it easier as we didn’t have to move all my stuff right then too. As we exited the dance hall, the Boardwalk cycling piano player was coming towards us. He turned and followed behind us and began playing the bridal march. It took a second for me to realize what he was doing and when I did realize it, I almost cried. It was SO cool and such a perfect way to exit our wedding. Stupidly, from this point on in the evening it seems that no one had a camera. My sister-in-law, thankfully, did catch a picture of the cyclist though and I am so pleased with that!
We got back to the room and changed into a dress that I had brought for the event. I left on my veil and makeup and updo and wedding shoes. I switched the Congratulations Disney pin on my purse to the Honeymooners pin and we headed out.
We all met up down in the lobby of the Boardwalk. My mom and dad and some of mom’s family were going to go rent one of the multi passenger bikes to go around the Boardwalk. Some of my dad’s family and my sister and her husband decided to go to play miniature golf at the Fantasia course. My moh and her husband and mom were going to relax as they had an early flight in the morning. Dh’s family headed home to rest as the little flower girls were all exhausted and half asleep. The rest of us boarded Disney transportation and headed to Pleasure Island to go to the Adventurer’s Club. Dh and I were so pleased as we headed to DownTown Disney. We couldn’t believe not only how much fun we had had that day, but now how many people were joining us to continue the fun. We had been so nervous that the whole event would just not be fun or exciting for our guests because it was pretty plain vanilla as Disney can be.
We got to Pleasure Island and we all got in line for tickets. Our Disney Dining Experience card allows for half priced PI tickets, so everyone shared our cards to get half priced entry. We then moved en masse to the Adventurer Club. There was about 18 of us total. I had only been in the Adventurer’s Club once before. It had been fun, but it had been a long time before this. I was hoping that it would fit our crowd. It definitely did. As we walked in, at first we wandered around, not sure where to go. Eventually we made our way downstairs and into a side room. The bar was rather slow, or maybe just overtaken by our group of 18 looking for beverages simultaneously. The Adventurer’s Club is known for their Kungaloosh Monkey punch and that is what most of us opted to drink.

(pics to be added later)
As we were waiting for our drinks and for some more seats to open in the side room, my dh calls me over and tells me to feel his boss’s stomach. Now, this is a very petite woman, who has always been in great shape. This request is quite a bit odd but I hesitatingly go along with it. As I place my hand on her stomach, without her objection, my husband says, “Doesn’t it feel fat?” At this point, I am no longer hesitating…either my husband is trying to get fired or he has had way more to drink than I thought. I respond, “Um, no, not really?,” utterly confused. My dh announces, “It looks like twins!” Now I’m really confused…twin what???? I clearly am not displaying the right emotion because my dh says a little commandingly, “Isn’t that great, they are pregnant?” I look confusingly at dh’s boss and he informs me that my husband is trying to share the news that they are finally pregnant with TWINS; they had been trying for a really long time. Now I am excited, but still have lingering agitation at having been put on the spot of commenting on whether or not my dh’s boss’s wife was fat! I congratulate them and stop asking her if she wants alcohol to drink. Some seats open up and we slip in and find seats, taking over the whole room with just our group.

(no pics--no one brought a camera to PI!!!!! :guilty: )
Your wedding looks like it was beautiful!

As someone else has said in the thread, I also bought the same exact dress!
It was the third one I tried on, and I knew it was "the one".

Cheers to our taste in dresses!
And congrats to you both!
I was excited to read through your trip report because we are doing a lot of similar things for our wedding in January (20 2007). We are having our ceremony at the WP and reception at ADH. We are passing out bubbles to everyone as we exit the WP and I was happy to see how great your pictures of this came out. We have just over 100 guests and I noticed you had 99 so I was wondering if either of these locations felt full or empty with that amount of guests?
Since we don't have a lot of single friends coming, we are also doing the Longest Married Couple. I think I am going to talk to the DJ about not dragging it out too long. Our florist suggested giving the couple a duplicate of my bouquet as their prize for winning.
And one other thing... we thought for a long time about which song to play for the father/daughter and mother/son dance (we are going to combine them) and we picked "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You". :rotfl2:
I was excited to read through your trip report because we are doing a lot of similar things for our wedding in January (20 2007). We are having our ceremony at the WP and reception at ADH. We are passing out bubbles to everyone as we exit the WP and I was happy to see how great your pictures of this came out. We have just over 100 guests and I noticed you had 99 so I was wondering if either of these locations felt full or empty with that amount of guests?
Since we don't have a lot of single friends coming, we are also doing the Longest Married Couple. I think I am going to talk to the DJ about not dragging it out too long. Our florist suggested giving the couple a duplicate of my bouquet as their prize for winning.
And one other thing... we thought for a long time about which song to play for the father/daughter and mother/son dance (we are going to combine them) and we picked "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You". :rotfl2:

I'm so sorry...I thought I had subscribed to this thread and that it would let me know if new people left messages...but I must not have, or it must have expired...but either way, I hope you had a wonderful wedding!!!

I didn't think the WP looked empty at the time, but in the video I sometimes think it looks very sparse...The ADH I thought was perfectly fine and never felt empty at did it work out for you? I love the song you went with for the parent dance. My dh wanted to combine, but I wanted my dad to have his moment alone. I'm a daddy's girl and he deserved it! How did the duplicate bouquet work out? That seems expensive (not to be cheap, but...) but much better than I who just plain forgot to bring any prize!!


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