Opinions on Disney Movie Club?


DIS Veteran
Apr 18, 2006
I'm sure there's a DISer who's done a cost breakdown on the Disney Movie Club (where you get 4 DVD's for $1.99 each and then you have to buy ___ more movies at their full price to fulfill your membership commitment).

Any opinions either way? Is it a great deal? Do they have some rare or unusual titles that might be hard to find anywhere else? Anything they omit from their catalog? Do they ever have sales that don't count toward your commitment?

What do their shipping costs end up being on regular DVD shipments? I know when I was in BMG CD club, their discs were priced well, but the cost of shipping made them almost as expensive as buying at the store. But sometimes they'd have a great sale.


:hippie: Peace
Believe it or not, my family actually hold 2 DMC accounts. I think it is great!! I think that the costs of the movies are very, very comparable to purchasing the movies at a regualar store even when you consider the shipping. They do frequently offer great specials in many cases where one movie will count towards your commitment while the rest of the discount group will not. They also offer a double feature every month where if you choose, you can get a 2nd movie with your feature movie for a substancially discounted price. I like that the DMC keeps you informed easily about the coming ins and going outs of the vault. I also like that you have 2 years to complete your commitment. (Not that it ever takes me that long :) Also, once you complete your commitment, you get additional discounts on movies offered through the club, and when you refer friends, you get free movies!! Hope this helps :D
I'm a member of DMC. I actually joined because I wanted to DVD set that I wasn't able to find in stores or online, which is cool about this because it offers so many different types of movies, tv shows and dvd sets. I think it's fair pricing, I mean it's practically the same price as in stores, and they have sells which you can get a movie for 50% off. The only things that don't count for a purchase are CD's, Memorbilla, basically anything other than dvd's. You have to purchase them within a year, I believe, so it counts, but once your a member you are allowed to cancel you membership. Every 4 weeks they send you a catalog and ask if you want to order a movie new to the club, if you don't you send it back saying you don't want it but you have to do it before a certain date or the movie will be sent and you'll have to pay for it.
The offer I saw via MyPoints has a separate club for Blu-Rays. The cost is higher, but the # of DVDs you're obligated to purchase is smaller.
You can also sign up for the regular club and still get blu rays. After being a member for 1 year I got an email saying if i change my perfered format to blu ray I got a blu ray for $10. But just becuase perferred is blu ray doesn't mean I have to buy all blu ray. I like the club, but w/ the $10 off blu ray coupons that disney has been issuing for new releases, i don't use it much. I think it's worth it.
I love DMC. The cost of a DVD + shipping is $25.90. I have paid this a few times - know the price by heart. That seems high, but the great thing is when they offer the $10 deal. I have stocked up on all my Disney movies this way! And they have some great deals on getting your collection updated to Blu-Ray.

Now if they would just offer Song of the South. :( But that is not going to happen.
Do they have some rare or unusual titles that might be hard to find anywhere else?
I'm not a member (I have often considered it and may join eventually), but I know they do, in fact, offer some exclusive titles that aren't available anywhere else. These are usually less well-known films from the company's catalog, and they're usually bare-bones releases -- but if they happen to offer something you really want, that might make you happy.
I just finished my blue ray commitment and plan to stay on. I like it and they give alot of good deals if you buy more than 1. Its a great way to get a Disney Collection going. I also pay to have the online option as well. You get a website where you can watch all your movies. Sometimes the movie comes with it or you pay $2.99. Its great for my netbook.
The majority of the combo packs are availible: UP, Snow White, Toy Story 1 &2 to name a few
I love DMC, I am currently deployed an have been for 10 months now. When I get the email saying 60% off which happens a decent amount of times through out the year I inform our 20 guys out here. We then all pretty much buy everything aha. It's addicting but great saving we all chip in the pay the most expensive one then we all proceed to each get what we want and either send them to our families back home or watch them out here. I love DMC. Never had any problems with them.
I just finished my blue ray commitment and plan to stay on. I like it and they give alot of good deals if you buy more than 1. Its a great way to get a Disney Collection going. I also pay to have the online option as well. You get a website where you can watch all your movies. Sometimes the movie comes with it or you pay $2.99. Its great for my netbook.

When you finish your commitment do you have to keep getting the 4-week mailings and opt of of them, or can you 'quit' the club once you buy all 4 DVD's at full price?

I'm pretty sure I can justify the 4-DVD commitment since at $80+shipping (and $3.99 shipping is nothing to Hawaii) considering we'll be getting 9 movies for that price, but the having to opt out of every 'featured item' for two years is daunting. I figure we'll fulfill our commitment in 6 mos to a year, and I'd like to just quit after that since we have a dozen Disney movies already, probably want about a dozen more, and then won't buy for awhile (it took me 10 years to build this collection I already have bc we don't watch television or movies very much - just spend lots of time on the comp, and a little on the Xbox, and a lot of time on books). It will probably take us about a year to watch all the movies we buy if we join. DS4 only gets one movie per week, if not every other week, we're just too busy to sit in front of the tv.
I haven't finished my comittment, but I usually just repsond online. It seems like I receive an email with the featured dvd before I receive the catalog in the mail.
I have been a member for quite a few years now and i think it is fairly decent.
It is great if you are a member of the disneymovierewards.com website since all the ones from the club should have a code and you can refer friends to get a few free movies.

If anyone is looking to join use this code of mine: 3427d
It will get you 5 movies for $1 and if you get another one at a discounted price it also comes with free shipping and then you only need 3 more over 2 years.

I think now they are getting better with new releases and their prices.


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