Ordering off Childrens Menu ??

Mich Mouse

Poly Loving Disney Bride
Jul 6, 2002
Hi All,

DD (13) marches to the beat of her own drummer...Especially when it comes to food. She also eats in smaller meals, more frequently. Will there be a problem in her ordering off the childrens menu if that is what she requests? There will be three adults with her, ordering off the regular menu.

This has never been as issue in WDW, they really go out of their way to accomodate their guests. Will we find a similar response at DL?

Thanks ! :sunny:
I would just order and not mention her age - I can't imagine them questioning if it looks that close.
I ordered off the kids menu at Blue Bayou a year or so ago, and they just gave me a full size portion of some Mickey spaghetti-os. They wouldn't let me get the small size. I was fourteen or fifteen then, though. I agree with the person above me, I just wouldn't mention age.
Most places in the park are walk up / counter service. They will not care if you all order childrens meals. I usually order the kids meal for myself at Pizza port. You might be questioned at a sit down place Blue Bayou or Cafe New Orleans.
We order off the Childs menu a lot at most CS and TS and I don’t look anywhere near the appropriate age.
I think walk up windows will be no problem .........I often order for the kids while they are sitting down , so I show no proof they are really for kids. Mine are at the kids meals are too small stage, I envy you!
I think the only place where you will be expected to pay the adult price would be the character meals and possibly BB. They do ask the age at the character meals because you pay 1st. Right now until the end of this year, the cutoff is 13. January 1st they are moving the cutoff to 10 and under to be inline with the tickets I guess-grrr don't know many 10 year olds that eat like an adult. I guess if they question the child's age, you will have to show their ticket to prove they are indeed a child.
i seen adults come up to buy churros with a child voucher from me. Im a bit skeptical to accept it but i just kinda figure that he is just buying it for his kids, but if he is buying it for himself, thats kinda lame...
fidoprincess said:
January 1st they are moving the cutoff to 10 and under to be inline with the tickets I guess-grrr don't know many 10 year olds that eat like an adult. I guess if they question the child's age, you will have to show their ticket to prove they are indeed a child.

They did this at WDW as well, over a year ago.

Thanks for the replies. :sunny:
i'm 23 right now, and i still buy food off the children's menu. i went last year for my wedding and ordered a kids meal at BB... (don't know if they charged me full price, though) i have a small stomach, and so kids meals are just the right amount of food for me.
I always order kids' meals for me. I have two kids but have never had a problem when I order three kids' meals. I have also ordered kids' meals when I'm by myself. Not once has someone questioned what I ordered. I'm trying to watch portions so kids' meals work well!
Wouldn't you have to have purchaced a childs ticket to have a childrens voucher for a churro? They don't usually sell the dining package for kids to adults.
I order off the kids menu all the time at counter service and buffeteria's. I haven't tried it at a sit down though.
I wonder if I could pass for 5 years old :rotfl2:
fidoprincess said:
Right now until the end of this year, the cutoff is 13. January 1st they are moving the cutoff to 10 and under to be inline with the tickets

Is it really 12 until the end of this year??? WooHoo! Not that my 12 year olds want the kids menu, but if they do, they will qualify! :thumbsup2
Feeling slow...what's BB??
I would imagine that the TS ordering kids may be completely dependant upon your CM helping you. If they challenged it, or said "only for kids", there's not really any way out for you. As others have said, wouldn't be an issue for CS.
I don't mind paying more if, as an adult, I order off the kid menu, but I don't get why it matters. The food portion is a kid portion. Does it get more expensive to serve if an adult eats it? :confused3


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