Osama question

Dan Murphy

We are family.
Apr 20, 2000
We have been hunting this thug for going on two years with presumably the most sophisticated stuff in existence, along with trying to just plain kill him. My question is, 'where does this guy go to the bathroom?'
I mean, how does a guy live his life and elude all this for so long? He has to eat, drink, trim that scraggly beard of his, change the sheets he wears and so on. Where does he do all this? Sure has me puzzled!!!!!

Wish we could find him and do away with him.
Sounds like someone joining the ranks of HEH..:eek:
I think this guy is never in one place for more than a day, but you would think with that kind of bounty on his head that someone would give us a clue of his whereabouts...
I agree Dan....it does make me wonder.
....very low to 'no tech'....extrodinarily committed support group providing his 'needs'....exceptionally limited direct contact by even his own organization memebers (excepting those involved with his 'security')....a huge financial support system..partly funded by the sale of drugs (and suv's - JUST JOKING!).... all on a cash or barter basis.....so far...jmho....he's keeping the profile of a mostiquo ...and we're not going to get him using a sledgehammer....we need more human intelligence to 'finish' the job.
There was a guy on the news last night who is a former member of US Intelligence, whose specialty was Afghanastan, and who is one of the few people to have actully met bin Laden face-to-face. .

He was asked if he thought the tape released yesterday was authentic, and he said according to his sources in Afghanistan who he felt were 'extremely reliable', bin Laden is "dead and scattered in a thousand pieces over Afghanistan". . .

Perhaps bin Laden is still alive the tape is authentic, but it seems to me that the Bush administration was quick to alude to that they thought he was most likely dead when previous tapes were released and contained rhetoric they didn't like; and they were even quicker to claim this one was authentic because what was said supposedly supported thier claims that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks. . .

Whether he's dead or not, if someone can release a tape that's supposedly him and 30 minutes later our govenment with no more proof then "it sounds like him" are running around like chicken littles, then what difference does it really make?
Has me puzzled too.:confused: If that was Osama on the tape, he kept stressing to the Iraqis to stay in the trenches. Maybe Osama has been in the trenches all this time, living like a mole.
My belief right along has been that he is sitting back at some remote part of the world living like a king, and laughing at us:(
I hope I'm wrong.
Willy, I'm starting to think the way you do. I'm starting to wonder how much we hear is actually truth and how much is lies to further agendas. I've been avoiding the signs I've been seeing about the possibility of lies.

I'm so upset about all this stuff. Now we're going to go to war. IF and I repeat IF we are able to get rid of Saddam, will that be the only benefit??? Could it get worse???? There's not too much talk about after the war.

One thing I know for sure....We will have even more enemies than we do now. Dangerous, evil enemies. Ones that don't fight by the old rules of military engagement. And they're here. Where are they going to strike????

I so much want to be a loyal American and follow the wisdom of our government. I just have so many questions and doubts and no one is answering them.

Dan to answer your question, if he is alive, I believe he has completely changed his appearance in addition to many of the things Goofyposter said.
Originally posted by Lynn CC
My belief right along has been that he is sitting back at some remote part of the world living like a king, and laughing at us:(
I hope I'm wrong.

I am with you!!! I have thought this from the beginning.
Alot of good thoughts here of which I agree on. Also, don't you think if we had "gotten him" like we said we were going to, it would give us a little more credibility with the rest of the world?
Bin Laden needs kidney dialysis once every three days. Although he may have changed his appearance, how could someone who needs this treatment remain hidden for so long?
Originally posted by Towncrier
Bin Laden needs kidney dialysis once every three days. Although he may have changed his appearance, how could someone who needs this treatment remain hidden for so long?
Probably not so difficult if he's purchased his own dialysis machine and has a loyal medical staff. He certainly has the means to do just that.

When there's A LOT of money and a huge group of believers involved, it's probably not so difficult to stay hidden.

I truly believe that even if Bin Laden were dead or captured, nothing would change. We are dealing with a very large group of people who are committed to their cause and feel they have the backing of God.


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