

Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Did you watch them? I did. Sunday night is ironing night, so I ironed while watching the tube. What did you think of Michael Moores speech? Did you read Suzanne Saradan (sp?) and Barbara Streisdans (sp? lol) sub-text? Shouldn't the OSCARS have been like the USO ~ an entertaining diversion not an politic forum. By the way ~ I picked 5 out of 5 right for the top awards! LOL! S
I actually made it through the whole show this year. I was disgusted with Michael Moores speech, and it seemd that most of the audience there was also judging by there reaction. I was kind of hoping the Rene Zelwegger (sp) would win best actress, but Nicole Kidman was very deserving also.
I sat up through it all as well. I was embarrassed by Michael Moores speech actually. Micheal Donovan from Halifax also shared the Oscar for "Bowling for Columbine" and at that point I wasn't sure of where Moore was actually from and was hoping he wasn't Canadian. He is from Flint, Michigan & I guess its not unusual for him to behave in such a manner.
I was out Sunday night and turn the show on just as Michael Moore's speach and was not impressed. If this is what the whole show is and was like I am not watching it. So I changed channel.


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