OT -How to deal with comments from strangers?

I will say this. My son is almost 10. He is very literal. He sees things, he makes comments on them. Not like "Ew", but he may ask a question like why does your lip look like that. Even though it is not said in a mean way, but I get embarressed by it.

I have been reading on these boards and then went to so other web sites. I think he may have Asberger's. We have a doctor's appointment this coming week and I am going to talk to his doctor about it.

While being literal is a "symptom" of AS, there are much more telling signs, ie : perseveration, minimal to no eye contact, poor social skills, many have sensory integration issues, not knowing "personal space" boundaries, stimming, difficulty with transitions, usually food sensitivity issues, poorer coordination/centering. Enjoy activities like swings, trampoline, rocking, etc....When Aspies say and do things it is not meant maliciously but rather a genuine question or response based on the way THEY see and feel. As difficult as it may "feel" to you, don't be embarrassed!

Good Luck to you. While I hope that the diagnosis is not AS, know that there are many support groups and services and it is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!!! God Bless!

As far as the original question posted goes, I think it is more important to instill kindness, embrace differences, encourage respect and self confidence rather than trying to come up with an "answer" for all the q's/scenarios that may arise. If all parents instilled these type values in their children the world would be an easier place for those that may be a bit different.
Each child is a gift and each gift is PERFECTLY unique! :grouphug:

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
I have the pleasure of working with children on the autism spectrum. One common trait that I have found with my very diverse group of personalities is the honesty. If I am having a bad hair day, I can be sure to have one of my little friends comment that "Your hair looks bad today!" This is not intended as an insult, but is merely an observation. From their comments, we can talk about how sometimes we have thoughts that we should keep in our heads instead of saying out loud. We practice scenarios to have the children decide when it is a time to share or keep our thoughts. Some days can be quite entertaining! These are intelligent and unique individuals who have so much to offer.:)
My daughter (6) found her "own" way of handling strangers questions/comments. She knows when people ask questions she has the choice of answering or not. She can say "God Made me that way" or "none of your business". I guess one day she got tired of the questions and when an older child (who should have known better) asked horrified "EEEW WHAT happened to your hand?" My daughter looked and her and said "EEEW what happened to your manners?":rotfl:

Oh I love "EEEW what happened to your manners?" WOW! THAT IS GREAT! Both of my kids have a repaired cleft lip and palate. We have also heard it all. I will be sharing this with my kids. You go girl! :woohoo:
When I use my cane (which is all the time now) or my chair, i get a lot of questions. i do not mind answers questions for kids, since they really just want to know. i think it is important to answer young children's questions so they see a person in a wheelchair as a person, and the wheelchair simply as a tool. however, if it is an adult or a kid who should know better, i am sometimes a little more abrupt or i just ignore them.
Oh I love "EEEW what happened to your manners?" WOW! THAT IS GREAT! Both of my kids have a repaired cleft lip and palate. We have also heard it all. I will be sharing this with my kids. You go girl! :woohoo:

I agree that is a great come back. Unfortunately I'm sure it would be lost on anyone you use it on.

My fav was when two of my best friends where going thru chemo and sporting their sexy turbans, how many adults would stare. DUH!!! can't figure out what the terry cloth turban means?

They didn't become ignorant with old age. They where "EEEW kids" at one time too.
Probably still EEEWing today.:scared:


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