OT-is Crystal Light ok for kids?

If your children like it then give it to them but try adding the pack to a larger bottle of water. I drink all of them out of a litre bottle and fine them still really tasteful! I am HOOKED on all the singles pack, if it comes in a single pack then I have tried it!!!
thanks for all the replise, as PP stated, i do water them down more then what is recommended. So i probalby use 1-2 single per day. I wish we had the variety of flavors as they do in the US. I have gone to Target and they have an awesome selection. They also have a few other brands that we don't carry with different flavors. Too bad they don't bring them up here too! :goodvibes
I want to keep as much artificial anything out of my kids' bodies as I possibly can, including artificial sweetners. I'd much rather they had real sugar than man-made chemicals with uncertain side effects.

Although I doesn't pertain to Crystal Light, there is a natural sweetner for other uses called Stevia.

Ask about this and you'll get a wide variety of responses. As with anything, moderation is key. That said, I waited until my dd was over 3 before giving her any artificial sweetners. Now that I know she's ok with them, I'd much prefer her having a sugarfree drink over something full of sugar.
I want to keep as much artificial anything out of my kids' bodies as I possibly can, including artificial sweetners. I'd much rather they had real sugar than man-made chemicals with uncertain side effects.

Although I doesn't pertain to Crystal Light, there is a natural sweetner for other uses called Stevia.



Took the words right out of my mouth. Artificial ANYTHING does not do a body good.
ADHD children react severely to anything artificial (colours, preservatives, flavourings). I KNOW, because my DS8 is ADHD. He has severe reactions to artificial 'anythings'.

Give your kids natural juices, and plenty of water each day. They do not need all the extra garbage food companies put in our daily diet.

I do not buy anything artificial....ED Smith Strawberry jam has artificial colours in it? WHY?????? not red enough???
I am always interested in the artificial versus natural debate, did someone say aspartame is a chemical? Well good news, everything is made up of chemicals! Even that apple you just picked off the tree, yup, just a bunch of chemicals.

Look at any food label for the list of additives, that is, "chemicals" added to your favorite 'natural' product. Think that peanut butter just has peanuts?

Sure some people are sensitive to certain foods, however it doesn't mean we must all avoid them. These days someone is usually allergic to something somewhere.

Nitrates in the meat
Mercury in the fish
MSG in the Chinese food
Trans fat in the chips and crackers

Maybe some things are not the same Canada wide. Here in Ontario, there are laws in what is in food. Montreal still has trans fat in the chips and MSG in the Chinese food? Wow, now that is amazing!

I think there is a difference between a chemical and an additive. Everything is environmental these days. Of course, foods are made up of chemicals, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, proteins, enzymes, starches, carbs, etc......., but is it really necessary to add colour, flavourings, preservatives to food? For a lot of people, these really make them sick...just like the previous posts say.

This works for us. I guess it is a matter of choice.

Consumers are questioning what is in the food...ya know, like the Maple Leaf scandal happening now where 50+ people have died.

And, just to make you laugh at me...I do not buy organic!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Inconclusive research on stevia and toxicity would prescribe caution on its use as well, especially for diabetics from what I have read. Being a natural product doesn't mean it is by virtue a healthy product.

Just like previous posters have said moderation is key. Stevia is 300x the sweetness of sugar, so you would obviously be using very small amounts.
I am always interested in the artificial versus natural debate, did someone say aspartame is a chemical? Well good news, everything is made up of chemicals! Even that apple you just picked off the tree, yup, just a bunch of chemicals.

Nope, I said man-made chemicals with uncertain side effects.
I won't touch any product containing artificial sweeteners. If sugary drinks are an issue how about real juice product and limit the amounts per day. I've explained to my daughter the possible hazards of these synthetic products and now she will even read the labels of gum packages and drinks to ensure there is no sweetener other than real sugar in what she is consuming. She is allowed one juice product per day and the rest is water and milk only.

Although there are some out there who claim results are inconclusive, the fact that tests have been done and are still being done to see if it can cause cancer make me want to steer clear.

I always say keep it natural and these products have nothing to do with nature!
Just my 2cents.


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