Our 3rd Annual Holiday Trip to DL in November - November 22nd - 25th, 2013 Post #3416

My old friends, the mysterious, mystical, mercurial Mardi Gras masks!:rotfl2: I know them well!:rotfl2: You probably remember, Bret, that I got in-depth and in detail with my 'mask coverage' last year (in my now-deceased former TR). I studied each one closely.

Well, I was kind of surveying the mask landscape in NOS this past week...and I think that some of last year's masks were missing this year. It seems to be that I saw more poles without masks this time around, whereas last year every pole was covered. It could be that the strong wind knocked a couple of them out (as it did to one of the helpless reindeer figures outside of the GCH:scared:), or it could be that the Enhancement Team just decided to cut down on the number of masks when they removed the crescent moon-headed jester -- and the wreath in which he sat -- who was suspended above NOS.

Did you notice there to be fewer masks this year than last year. or am I imagining it? I could be imagining it. It wouldn't be the first time.:rotfl2:
Sounds like you got a lot done during EMH.

Love the pictures of AiW. I'm sure that will be on your hit list again when you get back there soon.

Yes, we should have gotten on Ghost Galaxy together. Maybe next time. :thumbsup2
We had a fun time during EMH and we did get on a lot of rides that morning.

Thanks PiO. Definitely if the wait time is not that long as long as you go first thing in the morning.

That would have been great to go on Ghost Galaxy during the September trip. But we all had a great time.

My old friends, the mysterious, mystical, mercurial Mardi Gras masks!:rotfl2: I know them well!:rotfl2: You probably remember, Bret, that I got in-depth and in detail with my 'mask coverage' last year (in my now-deceased former TR). I studied each one closely.

Well, I was kind of surveying the mask landscape in NOS this past week...and I think that some of last year's masks were missing this year. It seems to be that I saw more poles without masks this time around, whereas last year every pole was covered. It could be that the strong wind knocked a couple of them out (as it did to one of the helpless reindeer figures outside of the GCH:scared:), or it could be that the Enhancement Team just decided to cut down on the number of masks when they removed the crescent moon-headed jester -- and the wreath in which he sat -- who was suspended above NOS.

Did you notice there to be fewer masks this year than last year. or am I imagining it? I could be imagining it. It wouldn't be the first time.:rotfl2:

I remembered quite well that you looked very closely at each Mardi Gras masks at NOS the last couple of years.

It did feel like there were less masks in NOS this year when compared to the last couple of years. It was sad that DL took out the wreath above NOS with the giant gold Mardi Gras masks. The theme of the mask above NOS does make sense but as we talked about it over the years that the wreath is always above the alley of NOS during the Holiday season.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 3

On our last update, Magic Morning/Extra Magic Hour was almost at an end and we were able to go on a lot of rides that morning from Snow White Scary Adventure’s, King Arthur Carousel, Alice in Wonderland, Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster. DD2 was scared from riding a few of the dark rides and DGM and DM were glad that she was able to go on the rides with us. Now that MM/EMH is over the park is now opened officially and we started to take advantage of the morning at DL. We are now heading on over to New Orleans Square to ride our next ride so let’s get back to the trip report.

After walking through New Orleans Square and I took some pictures of the Mardi Masks on the light poles, our next ride that morning was the Haunted Mansion Holiday.

It was nice to go on the HMH during the morning time since the wait time was a walk-on that morning where it can take some time to get on the ride later during the day. The FP system was not running during my visit just like back in September. I was surprised that DL isn’t using the FP system for the HMH this year while the previous years DL have used the FP system for the HMH. I can understand why they DL doesn’t use the FP system for the regular year when the regular version is going but for the Holiday’s it does get huge line where it could be used.

I wasn’t able to ride it during the September trip since the wait times in the afternoon and nighttime were just too long in the 30 minute wait time so this time I was determine to go on the ride during the this trip.

DGM and DM were a little concern that DD2 will be scared going on the HMH since she got scared on the dark rides that morning. Maybe this time she will not be scare of going on the HMH. They wanted to go on the ride that morning since they have never rode the HMH version where they have rode the regular version.

When we got to the HMH, the wait time was 5 minutes which is a walk-on.



DM wanted to get a picture in front of the entrance of the HMH and she asked my DA to be in it with her so they took a picture together.

They left the stroller on the side and we started to go through the queue of the HMH. For some reason, we didn’t just walk up to the walkway right by the carriage. But we walked through the queue towards the graveyard which is a surprise since it wasn’t busy that morning. But it was nice to go through it to get some pictures since I don’t go through that way a lot when I ride the HMH first thing in the morning.

The carriage

It is so nice to walk through the graveyard and I was trailing my group while I was taking pictures.





A lot of pumpkins on top of the tunnel of the DLRR



We entered the first room to which it goes to the elevators and while we were waiting, there are always Christmas decorations.


We entered the stretching room and waited to go down and see the stretch paintings.





There is Jack Skellington above the room which is quite new. This is a new addition to the HMH where it showed a giant Jack Skellington face while this new part of the show is using a video projection which is very neat.

DD2 was really crying badly during the scenes.



After the scene was over, we head on out of the stretching room to the portrait room with all the interesting pictures. But that will be on the next post. So stay tune for the ride experience on the HMH.
That's a shame that DD was crying. I hope she made it through the ride.

Nice pictures from the cemetery. Cool that you got to walk by and take them.
That's a shame that DD was crying. I hope she made it through the ride.

Nice pictures from the cemetery. Cool that you got to walk by and take them.

I can understand why she was scared during the stretching room where it got dark and the lightning scene where Jack made an appearance on top of the stretching room.

It was nice to walk through the cemetery to get some pictures. I was surprised that we didn't just go to the house directly from the queue since there was no one in the queue that morning.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 4

On the last update, we were all now about to ride the Haunted Mansion Holiday that morning where it didn’t took that long to go through the queue. Instead of going to the HM entrance, we went the long way towards the cemetery and it was nice to get some pictures when walking through the queue. When we were in the stretching room, the room was updated with a new projection above the ceiling. It was neat to see a new addition to the ride experience and it just made it even more fun to go on the ride. DD2 was scared in the stretching room and we were all hoping that she will be fine when riding the HMH. Back to the trip report.

After experiencing the new stretching room with the Jack Skellington projection on top of the ceiling, the doors open and now we are in the portrait room with all the pictures that change. During the holidays, it shows characters from the Nightyear Before Christmas.

I didn’t have a lot of time to get pictures of the portraits since the group was moving way ahead so I used as much time as I could to take the pictures of the portraits.

I always like this portrait of Jack Skellington in his coffin sled with Zero leading the reindeers.





We are now approaching the loading area which has a lot of Christmas and Halloween decorations.


DGM, DM, & DD2 went on together in one of the Doom Buggies while my DA and I went on one together. DD2 was scared earlier from the stretching room and now she started to settle down when we passed the portrait room to the loading area.

Now here are my pictures from the Haunted Mansion Holiday ride experience. I used the 17-50mm f/2.8 lens instead of the 35mm f/1.8 lens since I want to get the zoom in and out part of getting pictures. This was the first time using the lens and the Nikon D7100 body on the ride and I was excited to see how the pictures turned out when I got off the ride. The settings on the ride were set at f/2.8 and ISO-6400 which is very high but with little lighting it does make sense for this ride. The speed shutter was set at a lot of different settings.



We stopped right by the hallway which is where Zero is down. They must be getting some handicapped people off the ride so it was a good opportunity to adjust the settings while we were waiting.


We are now in the Madame Leota room with her crystal ball floating in the room.



Now we are in the ballroom which I pay attention to the gingerbread house on the table. The new Ginger-dead house is way bigger and unique this year when you compare to the other years. For the 13th Anniversary of the HMH at Disneyland, the Ginger-dead house has little doors with numbers 1-13. Leading up to the last 13 days, the doors on the house will open to reveal Jack Skellington’s facial expressions. I didn’t get to see it in September which was disappointing since I was hoping to see the numbers. During this ride experience, only 11, 12 & 13 were still showing while the other numbers were covered up with different face expressions of Jack. When I go back to the DLR next week, it will be neat to see all the numbers covered up with Jack face.




The attic with all different Christmas presents

Now we were in the graveyard where it is all white and snow.

There is Santa and Zero.




When we were approaching the crypt where the Oogie Boogie with the roulette machine is located and I adjusted the setting to match the lighting and when I looked at the pictures at the end of the ride and they were all very dark where I can barely see it. I was really disappointed that I changed the settings to a lower ISO and speed. Next time, I will get the settings right.

We exited the doom buggies and DD2 was scared a little where she didn’t cry and DGM and DM were glad that she wasn’t that scared during the ride.

Sally thanking Jack and telling the guests to hurry back which is classic during the holiday version of HMH.

We were now back outside of NOS and about to do our next activity. But that will be on the next post so stay tune what we have done next that morning at Disneyland.
Lovely Bret. Glad to see you're getting the shooting in. Shame about the Oogie Boogie room; but you'll know what to do next time.

Love the pictures you took inside HM.
Lovely Bret. Glad to see you're getting the shooting in. Shame about the Oogie Boogie room; but you'll know what to do next time.

Love the pictures you took inside HM.

Thank you PiO. The pictures are starting to get better. It was a shame that I didn't get good pictures of the Oogie Boogie scene. But I was able to do that later during the trip in which you will see later on.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 5

On the last update, we were on the doom buggies at the Haunted Mansion Holiday. It is fun to go on the HMH during the Halloween and Christmas seasons since it is decorated from the movie the Nightmare Before Christmas overlays. It was nice to see the Ginger-dead house in the dining room which is completely different every year and this one was a little more unique out of all of them since they add the Jack Skellington face expressions on it during certain times. I will look forward to seeing it next week when all the faces are covering the numbers. Everyone really enjoyed the ride and DD2 was a good girl that she didn’t scared too much during the ride.

We just got off the HMH that morning and now it was time for the part that DGM & DM were looking forward to the most. Breakfast. DM asked me before the trip if we can do a character breakfast for DD2 during the trip and she asked me what place is a good one to have a character breakfast. I was originally going to pick Goofy’s Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel but we had to walk all the way over to Downtown Disney and over to the DLH to get to GK. The best one was when we were in DL during Magic Morning/Extra Magic Hours was the Plaza Inn with Minnie and Friends. This was a perfect place to have it since we were in the park that morning and could just walk up. I made a reservation for 10am 60 days in advance so we can enjoy DL the first two hours of the morning and then have breakfast when the parks starts to get busy around that time. This was the first time in two years since I have ate at the Plaza Inn with Minnie and friends for breakfast. The last character breakfast was in early January with my other aunt, her DBF and her DD2.

So DD2 was put in the stroller and we all head on over to the Plaza Inn to have breakfast with Minnie and Friends. Now you know why DD2 was all dressed up in a Minnie dress that morning since she will be able to meet Minnie and friends at the Plaza Inn.

While we were walking down on MS, DM wanted to get FP’s for Indiana Jones Adventure. Since we didn’t have used our FP for Space Mountain that morning since DM and I rode it, it would be a good idea to get some FP’s and use it later after breakfast.

Adventureland didn’t look that busy that morning.

We got the FP’s and they didn’t start until 10:30am to 11:30am. So when we get out of the Plaza Inn, we could use the FP’s.

Just when we left, I had to get some pictures of the decorations of the Jingle Cruise. This is the first time that the Jungle Cruise is decorated for the Holiday season. At first, it was neat to see another attraction at DL all decorated for the Holiday season. Mostly the queue and the boats are all decorated. A while ago, I have read that DL have added some decorations during the ride experience which should be interesting to see when I go back next week. I really wanted to go on the ride since it was only a 10 minute wait but we had breakfast that morning.



We walked all the way to the Main Street Hub and the Plaza Inn was right next to the entrance of Tomorrowland. DGM and DM were excited to have a character breakfast at DL with DD2. My DA didn’t seem that too excited while it was nice for me to have breakfast at the Plaza Inn.

When we got to the Plaza Inn, there were quite some people trying to get in for breakfast. Good thing that I made the reservation so we won’t have to wait quite a while.

The menu

We had to pay for 4 adults at $27.99 each and DD2 was free but with my Premium AP discount, the discount price was at $22.39 and with four people with tax is $96.96 which is quite a lot for breakfast. At least the Plaza Inn wasn’t expensive as Goofy’s Kitchen.

When we were about to pay, DGM, DM and DD2 got a picture together with the CM photographer since they have the PhotoPass+ package where they can get as many pictures during the trip.

After that, we head on in for breakfast. Since it is during the holiday season, the Plaza Inn is decorated inside but I didn’t get too many pictures since our table was outside instead of inside which I haven’t done for quite some time.


We sat outside during our meal which is nice but I would still prefer the inside. I waited at the table while everyone else went to find something to eat.


When everyone got back, I went inside to get my breakfast. There were a lot of choices from sausage, bacon, Mickey waffles, pancakes, potatoes, etc. to choose from. The food was good but not outstanding for the price. But it is to see the characters which is nice. My DA told me that she didn’t feel it was worth the price of having breakfast and seeing the characters where we could get half the price of the food. If I had to choose Goofy’s Kitchen or the Plaza Inn with Minnie and Friends for breakfast, I would choose the Plaza Inn. I loved eating at GK back in January but it depends on which characters are at those restaurants where you will see certain ones. Just like Surf’s Up at the Paradise Pier Hotel, Storyteller’s Café at the Grand California Hotel and Ariel’s Grotto (where I will have breakfast during the upcoming trip next week).

Mickey shape waffles.

When I got back, the Fairy Godmother came by to our table and greeted DD2. DD2 also had her autograph book ready so she can get as many autographs from the Disney characters. She was happy to see her and the Fairy Godmother had a nice chat with her and she really liked DD2 Minnie dress where DD2 will get to see Minnie that morning.

Tigger sneak up to DD2 ad covered her face. DD2 got scared of who was touching her. Then she looked at her and was crying a little and Tigger was a little sad that she cried. DD2 and Tigger started to play a little and he signed her book as well.

After Tigger left, Minnie started to make her way to our table. DD2 was so happy to see her come up that she got out of her chair and went straight to her and give her a nice hug. DM was so excited that Minnie came in her Holiday clothes for breakfast. DD2 looked just like Minnie that morning with her dress on. Then Minnie signed her book.


After that, Chip showed up at the table. I was impressed that DD2 knew Chip & Dale as chipmunks.

Then all of a sudden, Dale approached the table and she got out of her chair and went straight to him while leaving Chip behind. Chip and Dale were playing around to see who would win DD2 over.

Then she asked them to get a picture together and it was an ice one to get both of them together.

They both left and the next character to approach the table was Suzy from Cinderella. It was neat to see Suzy where I have seen her during Fantasmic!. She came up to DD2 and gave her a nice greet.

Pooh made his appearance and signed DD2 book while he was here.

DGM and DM received their photopass pictures when we got to the Plaza Inn and it turned out really nice. They were glad that they got the PhotoPass+ package so they can get a lot of pictures during the trip.

We stayed at the Plaza Inn until 11pm so we can get our money’s worth of the food and the character meet & greet. My DA still doesn’t think that it was worth paying the extra to see the characters and she told me that she won’t want to do a character meet & greet for a while.

We finished eating breakfast at the Plaza Inn and started to do our next activity at DL. DD2 had a great time eating at the Plaza Inn and seeing all the different characters. DGM & DM had a great time and glad that I chose the Plaza Inn as the first character meet & greet restaurant. It was nice for me as well to eat at the Plaza Inn that day and it won’t be long for me to eat at the Plaza Inn with Minnie & Friends during the next week trip in which we will be eating there.

That’s it for this post and I will have more from DL that day.
Nice update of Minnie & Friends breakfast, the pics with DD2 and the characters are adorable.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 6

On the last update, we just had breakfast at the Plaza Inn with Minnie and Friends. It has been a while since I have ate at Minnie and Friends character breakfast. DD2 had a great time meeting all the different characters from Minnie, Chip, Dale, Tigger, Pooh, etc. The food was nice while it was nothing special but everyone had a great time eating at the Plaza Inn. Now back to the trip report.

After finishing breakfast at the Plaza Inn with Minnie and Friends, we were now back at the Hub in Main Street going on over to our next activity at the park. It was almost 11am and I remember that the Fantasyland Faire has the Royal Theatre which has a show at 11:05am. It was cutting it close and we won’t get a close up spot since we are coming at the last second but DM wanted to go on over to the Royal Theatre and see the show since she hasn’t seen it yet. For me, I haven’t seen it yet as well since I have been doing other activities ever since the Fantasyland Faire opened earlier this year.

We walked on over to the Fantasyland Faire and it wasn’t that busy around the Hub.

In front of Sleeping Beauty Winter Castle was the Disneyland Band playing.

When we got to the Fantasyland Faire and over to the Royal Theatre, the show was about to start and we all got some benches to see the show. It was in the middle where one of the columns was in the way but it wasn’t that bad. The show that was playing at that time was the “Tangled” show. There are two different shows which is Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. I was looking forward to seeing one of the two shows.

My first impressions of seeing this show that day was that it was a very nice storytelling show of Rapunzel or Belle with the help of Renaissance Vaudevillains, Mr. Smythe and Mr. Jones.






DD2 was so excited to see Rapunzel during the show that she wanted to see it again. But DM told her that we will see it later during the trip. I have heard that when my DA and I left on Monday the 25th, they went back to the Royal Theatre to watch the show but this time they got to see the Beauty and the Beast show which made her happy.

After the show was over, DD2 got a little grumpy that afternoon. DM thinks that it is almost time for them to go back to the room at the GCH to take a nap. We got up early this morning to take advantage of Magic Morning/Extra Magic Morning at DL which opened at 8am instead of 7am when DL opens at 8am to 12am.

Since we did a lot of activities at DL, it was time to head on over to the other park at Disney California Adventure so we can see the holiday decorations. I wasn’t able to in DCA on Friday since I was in DL getting a lot of the holiday decoration pictures. DGM, DM and DD2 were in the park on Friday when they got to SoCal. Since the GCH connects to DCA, they could use that entrance to go back to the room. We can use that time to walk around to see the decorations.

So we all started to walk on out of DL and head on over to DCA.

The Fire Department looks very nice during the Holiday season where you can see the Christmas tree in the window where originally the lamp is all light up. But for the Christmas season, the tree is in the window instead of the lamp.

A look at the stuff Disney character during the holiday season.

We exited DL and now back at the Esplanade and over to DCA. Luckily it wasn’t that busy at DCA where DL had a longer line to get in than DCA.

It is so amazing to see Buena Vista Street during the Christmas season which is the 2nd year of holiday season when it debut last year. The decorations mostly look the same as last year which wasn’t a downer for me but at least the DLR didn’t cut back on the decorations in BVS.

The BVS Christmas tree which is the tallest at DCA looks amazing

We now head on down towards Hollywood Land to look at more of the decorations.

Hollywood Land looks way more decorated this year than the previous years which they don’t have too much decorations ever since the nighttime events like Glow Fest, Electronica, and Mad T Party. The poles had the candy cane color garlands which is nice. The buildings had wreaths and garlands. This was very nice to see Hollywood Land with more decorations this year.


Close to the end of Hollywood Land was the Monsters University meet & greet area. Sullivan wasn’t there at this time.

Also new this year was Santa in his sled with his reindeers at the end of Hollywood Land. It was neat to see Santa and his reindeers in the background right next to the Hyperion Theater.

There is another Christmas tree for the tree quest

We walked towards the backside of Hollywood Land where we walked all the way to A Bug’s Land

When we got to ABL, it was all decorated with the giants Christmas lights as well as the giant ornaments. It is so nice to see both decorations during the holiday season.


The giant Christmas ornaments

We didn’t stay too long in ABL since DGM, DM and DD2 were about to go back to the GCH to take a nap. They followed us a long in DCA so we can see all the different holiday decorations and see if any of the good rides at DCA didn’t have wait long wait times. But for most of the day, they were all quite long.

We were now leaving ABL and seeing the front entrance which is all decorated for the Christmas season. The front entrance is a little bit different from years past which is quite new. The string of Christmas lights are up on the entrance like every other year but this time they added the Candy Cane pole along with a Santa holder on top of the pencil.


After that, we walked on out of ABL and over to our next land. That will be told on the next update.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 7

We just walked passed by A Bug’s Land and now close to the entrance of Cars Land. It is so amazing to see Cars Land when I am at Disney California Adventure but with the Holiday decorations up, it is even more amazing. This is the second year since Cars Land opened in 2012 and also the second year with its holiday overlay. I didn’t spend my first day at DCA with Buena Vista Street and CL with the Holiday decorations since I wanted to get some pictures of Jingle Jangle Jaboree, Mickey’s Toontown, etc. at DL.

DGM, DM and DD2 came with us to CL until they head back to the room at the GCH which they are staying at. It was nice that they get to stay at the GCH during our trip.

When we approached the entrance of CL, the first thing we see is the Snow Car.


Fillmore’s Taste-In Fuel sign with the garlands

Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree with the Santa hat and garlands


We went into some of the stores like Sarge’s Surplus Hut which had Cars toys. This was interesting was the Cars Tail Light glow necklaces.

We went inside and it was all decorated.

I love seeing those Christmas trees inside the store which are unique.

The sandbag trees are very interesting and the one with the horn on top of the sandbag tree is very neat

They had the Snow Car ornaments

After looking around Sarge’s Surplus Hut, we head on back outside and it was a little busy around the center of Cars Land.

DGM & DM were thinking of taking DD2 over the meet & greet area right in front of the Cozy Cone Motel to see Mater with his Santa hat but the queue was all the way to the street that they will want to do it another time.

The Cozy Cone Christmas tree at the Cozy Cone Motel.

I head on over to the Cozy Cone Motel area to look at the decorations. This year’s decorations on the Cozy Cone Motel is a little different from last year’s. This year’s there were garlands from the top of the Cozy Cone’s with Cone decorations which there wasn’t any last year. So it was nice that there was some new decorations at CL.


I went on over to the lobby of the Cozy Cone Motel to see the Gingerbread house of the Cozy Cone Motel. It is so nice to see the gingerbread of the Cozy Cone Motel in the lobby.

After looking at the Cozy Cone Motel, we head on over to the Radiator Springs Curios store which had all kind of holiday merchandise.


There were a lot of Cars Christmas merchandise.



Mater ornament

McQueen ornament

After looking at the Cars Christmas merchandise at the RS Curios store, we were back outside and saw that Red was out on the streets to meet the guests.

Be back with more from Cars Land during the Holiday season.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 8

While we were walking around Cars Land to look at all the different decorations and merchandise, we look at Flo’s V8 Café. DGM and DM were thinking of eating at Flo’s V8 during the trip but I have experience of eating at Flo’s V8 Café and the food is okay but not that outstanding where I got to go back and eat there again. They will think about eating at this restaurant during the trip and they told us that they didn’t eat at Flo’s V8 Cafe.


Motor Oil Can tree

Next we head on over to Ramone’s House of Body Art. This year, there was a light tree on top of the building which Ramone’s House of Body Art didn’t have last year which it still has its garlands.

We went inside to look at the merchandise and most of the merchandise is the same during the other times of the year when you visit Cars Land. Most of the Christmas merchandise is in the Curios store and Sarge’s Surplus Hut.



After looking around Ramone’s, we went to the front entrance of Radiator Springs Racers to see what the wait time was like. And with no surprised that the wait time to get on the ride is 120 minutes at 12:15pm.

We didn’t even bother going on RSR since there was no way we would wait 2 hours to get on that ride where we could go on it later during the trip.

DGM & DM told us that it was time that they went back to the GCH to give DD2 a nap since she was a little crabby. It was a good time for us to do some things before we meet up with them later that day. We thought about going back to our room to rest up. I was planning on going to Downtown Disney and the Disneyland Resort Hotels to look at the decorations. I asked my DA if she wanted to go back to the room and rest up until we head back to DL in the afternoon for a special lunch. She told me that she will stay with me until it is lunch time.

Since DGM, DM and DD2 were heading back to the GCH, we went with them straight to the GCH until they went back to their room. It was a good opportunity to see the Christmas decorations. I have heard that the Christmas tree in the GCH was up before my trip. I was kind of surprised to hear that the tree was up in the lobby before Thanksgiving day. In the past where I have been going to the DLR in November, the tree is not up during the first weekend of the Holiday season and only up on Thanksgiving Day. But this time since we are in the last weekend of November, the tree is up and I can’t wait to see it.

We all walked on out of DCA and to the GCH. But I had to get some pictures of the Christmas decorations before we left DCA.


Luigi’s tire Christmas tree


Mater’s tire Christmas tree

We walked all the way to Grizzly Peak land where the entrance/exit to the GCH is located. It took a while to walk since DGM & DM had to leave the stroller right at the entrance to the GCH. When they left the stroller, we walked in the GCH and they went straight to their room while my DA and I walked around to look at the decorations.

But first, my DA and I went in the Grand California Gift shop to look for the Mickey Macadamia Nut Cluster for my friend that she asked me to get. I know that it was a long shot but it was worth the try and maybe one of these stores has it.

I did get some pictures of the merchandise in the gift shop. Most of the Christmas merchandise is the same when we looked at all the other stores around the DLR.



There is a tree that I can cross out in the GCH.

We head on over to the lobby and it was so nice to see the decorations in the GCH during this trip. I haven’t been able to see the Christmas decorations in the GCH during my November trips these last few years since I have been going before Thanksgiving break. It feel so magical to see the GCH with the Christmas tree in the lobby along with the wreath, presents and garlands.


Christmas presents right by the piano

The Christmas tree is so amazing



When we looked at the Christmas decorations in the lobby of the GCH, we head straight on out of the hotel and to Downtown Disney which is our next place to go.

We left the GCH and in DTD where it is decorated with Christmas lights, wreaths and garlands. Before we head on down to the other side of DTD, we head straight on over to the World of Disney store to look and find the Mickey Macadamia Nut Clusters. This is one of the stores that I was hoping to find the treat. The other one was the Marceline’s Confectionary store in DTD. We weren’t planning on buying any stuff that day since we had other days to shop but it was nice to look around and see what is good to get before we left during the trip.

That will be it for this post and stay tune for more from the World of Disney store in DTD.
Great pictures from Carsland and the GCH. I never noticed the tree topper there and we were just there.

First day back to work from vacation. It was nice to see your posts to get a little Disney Christmas.

Great pictures from Carsland and the GCH. I never noticed the tree topper there and we were just there.

First day back to work from vacation. It was nice to see your posts to get a little Disney Christmas.


Thank you TK. The tree toppers are very nice to see when i look at a Christmas tree.

I'm glad that you and your family got back safely and that you had an amazing time during your trip. I got to read your updated posts on the Christmas Superthread and excited that you got to do a lot during your trip. I knew every time you and your family were in DCA that you would ride TSMM every time you had the chance.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 9

When my DA and I were finished looking around the GCH at all the different Holiday decorations, we head on out and into Downtown Disney. We head on over to the World of Disney store to look for the Mickey Macadamia Nut Clusters. We may get lucky for we haven’t had much luck at DL or any of the other stores so maybe this time we would get lucky.

My DA wanted to look at some of the stuff that the WoD had so she can buy for the family and work colleagues. She doesn’t do a lot of shopping like me when we are at the DLR during our trips but she wanted to get something unique at the store.

When we were in the WoD store, we went straight to the candy area where all the treats are located. When we looked for the Macadamia Nut Clusters, they didn’t have it and we asked the CM’s about it and told us that we should check out the Marceline’s Confectionary store in DTD. I was surprised that the WoD didn’t have the Macadamia Nut Clusters and the Marceline’s Confectionary store is the last place to look for it in DTD unless DCA Candy Palace had it along with Pooh’s Corner in DL.

After looking around for the macadamia nut clusters, we both browsed around the WoD store to look at what kind of interesting stuff they had that we had to buy.

There were a lot of “Frozen” merchandise in the toy section to promote the new movie. Sven and Olaf stuff toys.

There wasn’t too much of the Christmas merchandise in the toy section so we head on over to the other side of the WoD store which had the cloths and Christmas merchandise. So it was time to look around for any interesting Christmas merchandise and trees.

There was a lot of choices of Christmas merchandise from toys, ornaments, clothing, candy, Mickey Santa hat, etc.











Eeyore with his Christmas hat

I really like the Mickey Santa Hat with the Mickey gloves with it.



There was a lot of choices to buy at the WoD store which I wanted a few items. But we didn’t have time to buy them that day since we were going to be in the park for most of the day. Mostly, I take a break during the mid afternoon but we had something very special to do that day in the afternoon where we didn’t have time to go back and rest up.

My DA had some trouble of what to buy in the WoD store, but she did got an idea of what to get later on during the trip for Christmas presents. I on the other hand wanted to buy something later during the trip that I had to reframe myself from buying it right now which doesn’t happen too often.

So we left the WoD store and were back in DTD to head on over to see more Christmas decorations. So stay tune for the next update.
I'm sitting here salivating at the Christmas merchandise. I'm sure that's a very bad thing to do. :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing.
It won't be too long until my upcoming trip to DL on December 26th to the 29th.

I'm sitting here salivating at the Christmas merchandise. I'm sure that's a very bad thing to do. :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing.

Looking at all the Christmas merchandise can be intimidating where I want this and that.

Thank you PiO.

The next post will be up shortly.


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