Our first family vacation - POFQ - 1/26/10-2/2/10

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I've actually read your PTR, but I still feel a little awkward just popping in. I'll have to stop by again and out myself. I think your wedding plans are awesome. I love the vintage theme and your dress is gorgeous. Your wedding is coming up FAST!

Thanks for the advice, we'll see how the 27th goes, but I worry that I'll obsess too much about it being the *perfect* vacation and getting *exactly* what I want if I don't end up getting the ADRS I want, I'll end up not enjoying it for what it is. It's awesome that you got everything you wanted!

Please feel free to say hey when I post my next installment!! Hopefully I'll post sometime this week or after the weekend when I have a second shower ;) I wish you much luck in ADR acquiring! You can do it!
Please feel free to say hey when I post my next installment!! Hopefully I'll post sometime this week or after the weekend when I have a second shower ;) I wish you much luck in ADR acquiring! You can do it!

I will! I can't believe ADR day is less than a week away!
Hello Everyone!

Man, it's only Tuesday and I'm already excited for the weekend! Let's see, what have I been up to?

Well, the whole family has the flu. I ended up missing work Friday, which I almost never do, and today Brynn had a fever so I guess it's just going to continue going around our house until we've all had it a couple of times. One of my biggest concerns about going in January is the prospect of being sick. Yikes. We all just need to focus on being healthy for the next few months.

Last night was my night to go out while Ty stayed with the kids, so my good friend Danielle and I went to the pub by my work for a couple of beers and then came back to the school's restaurant for an oustanding dinner. It's a 4 course meal for $18, and we split a bottle of Syrah from down under. I had the venison hazelnut terrine, roasted pumpkin salad, huter style braised rabbit with barley and creme brulee. Delish! She also let me tell her all about our Disney plans, which was awesome because I feel like an obsessive compulsive nut when I talk about it, so I try to keep my mouth shut most of the time.

Now the big question between Ty and I is if we should cancel DDP and re-add it closer to the beginning of our trip. Our final payment is due December 12th and we're expecting a big bonus check at the beginning of January, so we might cancel it off our reservation and then add it back on when the check comes. I don't think it makes a huge difference either way, it's just a mental thing I suppose about dishing out the whole amount right before Christmas. What to do what to do? If I remove dining from the reservation after I make ADRs will it cancel them or are they totally seperate?
Hi Sarah, I linked over when you posted on my PTR... How exciting for you guys!!!! Especially the onsite/TS dining part!!! IMHO, it's SO great to be "captive" to all things Disney! We've never stayed at POFQ, but I'm super excited about it. Have you seen Andre Willey's site? www.portorleans.org. Lots of cool info and pics there!

A couple thoughts -- while Fantasmic! is a must for us, you might do just as well to skip it (this time!) and wait till Ezra is a little bigger. I think between being tired and it being on the scary side, it might just not be worth it this time.

As far as the ADR thing goes, if you do decide to take the dining plan off for now, that won't affect your ADRs, because you could make those with or without the dining plan (and whether or not you are staying onsite, for that matter), so however that works best. I just hope you have a meal at Disney as good as the one you had at your school's restaurant! ;)

Best of luck on getting those ADRs. I bet you'll do fine! :wizard:
Thanks for the great tips Shannon! Every now and again I think maybe we should save the money and stay somewhere offsite, but I just don't think I'd enjoy it as much. I love that I'll have no reason to leave Disneyworld for almost 8 days.

I think my husband is on to something. The other day he accused me of wanting to switch some of our plans around for no other reason than because I have nothing left to plan at this point. I adamantly denied the accusation, but last night I decided that instead of planning on 2 days at AK and 3 days at MK, we should plan on one at AK, 2 at MK and play the other two by ear, or squeeze in a full second day at EPCOT and while all he heard was "blahblahblahIhavesomeplanningideasblahblahblahblahDisneyworldblahblah", he might be right. I just feel the itch to change all of our plans around just so I can work out some new logistics. I feel like once we have our ADRs I'll be trapped into whatever plan we have and apparently I'm having some commitment issues. Surely I'm not the only one to ever go through that?

In other news, I showered out of order today. I always wash my hair first and then my body. When I was done washing my body I thought "Crap. Did I wash my hair? I don't remember washing my hair? Should I wash it again just in case?" Ugh. It's like waking up on the wrong side of the bed. My morning routine was all out of whack and I'm still recovering. I feel like I'm going to need to quadruple check everything that leaves my desk today. I might also need to admit exactly how neurotic I am. :rolleyes1
HAHA! I do the same thing. ANy free moment I get, I play around to figure out all the possibilities. It's fun and part of the planninig. Just keep doing it.

I hate when I get so caught up in the moment that I can't remember what I have done already.
HAHA! I do the same thing. ANy free moment I get, I play around to figure out all the possibilities. It's fun and part of the planninig. Just keep doing it.

Awesome! I'm so glad that my disease is shared. It's kind of contagious on this here website.

I'm interrupting this PTR for Halloween pictures. We love super heroes and comic books in this house, so Brynn requested none other than Hawk Girl. In the spirit on congruency, Ezra is Baby Flash:


And here they are by day, before they fight evil:


I was just looking for a picture on one of my online photo hosting sites and I found some from our last Disney vacation. It really got me excited about our upcoming trip (hell, breathing makes me excited for our upcoming trip):







Well, tonight is the big night! Disney gets flooded by a million people trying to make dining reservations, and I'm one of them.

I've been considering our plan and how I can adjust things for maximum flexibility on the days where we aren't 100% sure we know which park we'll be at. I'm all about planning and itinerary, but after we go to every park once, it's hard to say where we'll be some days. What if my kids don't want to spend a second day at Ak? What if they LOVE Epcot and we need to spend another full day there, what about DHS?

So this was the original plan:

Tuesday the 26th:

Plane lands at 6amish, head to POFQ for check-in, grab breakfast at the resort, then AK, dinner at Boma (ideal time: 5:45).

I think we'll leave this day the way it is. After travelling all night, I like the idea of going to AK because the park closes at 5 and without PH we'll be forced to have dinner and then relax.

Back up ideas for dinner? I'm not sure yet.

Wednesday the 27th:

Magic Kingdom. I'd like to get Brynn a BBB appointment before rope drop in the castle. Then all day at MK with dinner at LTT, ideally around 5pm so we can watch Spectro at 7, then Wishes at 8.

My parents are going to join us this day, so I'll need reservations for 6. That's important to remember. I'd like to keep this day as planned too. Last time we did BBB, Brynn wanted to wear her Princess dress again and again, so I want to go there early in the week. Also, I wanted to do MK the first day we were there but it isn't a Specro night and I just don't like the idea of not even going to MK until the third or fourth day when we have little kids.

Back up dinner ideas? This day I want to stay in the park all day if we can, so probably Tony's. CP will be down for the time we're there so we don't have a ton of options. If LTT doesn't work out, I'll probably go for a resort dinner on the monorail so we can minimize the busses. I may be entirely too ambitious, but we're used to staying off-site, so we've never really left the park in the middle of the day even when Brynn was little like Ez. I guess we'll just have to play that element by ear.

Thursday the 28th:

EPCOT. My parents will be with us again, but this time they're taking the kids in the early evening so Ty and I can have some adult time. We're hoping for dinner at Le Cellier, then we'll either ride some things on our own or maybe even go over to the Boardwalk, which I've never seen before. We'll see how we feel after dinner. We won't be using a TS credit for Brynn that night, which means later in the week when we have breakfast at Kona, we'll only be paying OOP for two of us.

Again, I'd like for this day to stay as is if possible. Mom, Brynn and I are going ti pick a pearl in Japan and it would be nice to have dinner at LC without the kids.

Back up dinner ideas? I would probably try for Teppan Edo or Chefs de France.

Friday the 29th:

DHS. Hopefully breakfast for 6 at Chef Mickey's.

Again, stay the same, we want to hit each of the 4 parks in the first 4 days. Actually, I think we switched EPCOT and DHS from our initial plans because we've decided against Fantasmic this vacation so we're going to avoid DHS on Fantasmic night hoping that it'll be a little quieter. Back up dining? I have no idea.

Saturday the 30th:

We've been planning on MK this day because we know for sure that we want to spend at least 2, probably 3 days at MK, so we were trying to spread them out.

I'm getting the feeling that Saturday is a bad day to go to MK. I could use thoughts and expertise here. If we do MK, we'll try for dinner at O'Hana.

Sunday the 31st:

Animal Kingdom, dinner at WCC.

If we switch MK from Saturday we'd probably flip-flop AK and do AK on Saturday, MK on Sunday. Of course, there's always the chance that the kids don't even want to go to AK this day, but I think I'll try for WCC either way and we can just play the park by ear. Decisions Decisions.

Monday the 1st:

Magic Kingdom, Breakfast at Kona Cafe.

Egads, I have mixed feelings about this. I wanted our last full day to be at Magic Kingdom, because I know the kids will like it most there. But Monday is never a great day to go. Despite that, I think I'll keep it the way it is.

Our plane leaves at 3:30 pm on this day, so we'll have just a couple of hours in the park. Our plan is EPCOT with breakfast at Askerhaus. We wants to leave WDW with a bang and since our daughter is 5, it doesn't get much better than the Princess breakfast.

So I guess I'm not switching a lot, we flip-flopped a couple of days, but it's harder to plan without Park Hoppers, those ADRs make each day a bigger commitment.
Sweet! Do you have a PTR? I want to follow along if you do.

Not Yet! :) Thinking of starting one once we get the whole ADRs mess out of the way! We have all been sick with the flu/nasty head cold this last week so I haven't been motivated to do much typing. Maybe next weekend! :surfweb:

Thanks for the great tips Shannon! Every now and again I think maybe we should save the money and stay somewhere offsite, but I just don't think I'd enjoy it as much. I love that I'll have no reason to leave Disneyworld for almost 8 days.

In other news, I showered out of order today. I always wash my hair first and then my body. When I was done washing my body I thought "Crap. Did I wash my hair? I don't remember washing my hair? Should I wash it again just in case?" Ugh. It's like waking up on the wrong side of the bed. My morning routine was all out of whack and I'm still recovering. I feel like I'm going to need to quadruple check everything that leaves my desk today. I might also need to admit exactly how neurotic I am. :rolleyes1

I totally did the same thing the other day! :rotfl: Had a rough night with one of the girls and was so exhausted getting into the shower I forgot what it was I was supposed to do! :lmao: I just kept kind of turning around looking at stuff trying to figure out what was going on! :rotfl2:

Hope we get a chance to bump into each other at POFQ cause it doesnt look like our park days will line up much! January is a great time to "play it by ear" We had such a great time last year! :cool1:
Not Yet! :) Thinking of starting one once we get the whole ADRs mess out of the way! We have all been sick with the flu/nasty head cold this last week so I haven't been motivated to do much typing. Maybe next weekend! :surfweb:

Make sure to pop in and let me know when it's up and running!

Well, I bought into the hysteria and spent half the night trying to make dining reservations. I woke up at 2:45 am, to find the online booking system totally crashed, but stayed up until 4am for the phones to open.

Now, when I realized that booking reservations this morning was going to be crazy, I never imagined I wouldn't even be able to get through for HOURS! I figured I'd spend an hour or two on hold and be done with it. Yikes. I finally made my reservations at 10 am. I was up for 7 hours, and now I'm exhausted and at work trying to stay focused. It seems like a lot of people got really angry, and I can certainly understand the frustration, but the CMs were awesome, and aside from some restaurants not even being in the system yet, it appears that most people got what they were looking for. I felt bad for the CMs, they probably had a lot of grouchy people.

One funny thing did happen. So, I get though the lines and am told that the system is down, but they can put me back in the call queue if I would prefer that to calling back (Yes! After 6 hours of busy signal, I'll take hold!). Then another 20-30 minutes pass and I get Merci (who was awesome). Right as we were trying to book my first reservation I accidentally put my new phone on MUTE, and she thought I hung up on her. So she's all "Hello? Sarah? Hello? Are you there?" And I'm in a full on panic trying to figure out how to turn mute off! Gah! I must have looked hilarious as I fumbled my phone around while yelling into it: "I'm here! I'm here! Don't hang up!" It took me probably 20-30 seconds to figure it out, but luckily she didn't give up on me and I was able to unmute the phone before she hung up. Whew!

So, reservations:

Tuesday - Boma at 5:30 for 4

Wednesday - LTT at 5:00 for 6 (my parents will be joining us for 3 meals) and BBB makeover at 9:30 am in the castle

Thursday - Le Cellier at 6:30 for 6 (my parents might join us for this meal, I'll know for sure tonight and may be able to bring it down to dinner for 2 because they've offered to take the kids for the night one night. I just need to confirm this with them).

Friday - Chef Mickey's 7:30 am for 6

Saturday - O'Hana's 5:00 for 4

Sunday - Whispering Canyon Cafe 5:25 for 4

Monday - Kona 7:30am for 4 (There is talk about changing this to O'Hana's if we can, but I'm not even going to bother for a few days. Needless to say, I have no desire to try and call in to make a single change to an ADR that I would like either way)

Tuesday - Princess Storybook breakfast at 8:05 am for 4
I can't decide if I should swap Kona for OHana. Yes? No? Advice from my fellow Disers?
Everything looks great! I would only switch Kona to Ohana if you want the character breakfast.

Hmm. That's such a hard call. We're already doing three character meals, and it looks like Ty and I will be paying OOP for wherever we go, but we'll have 1 TS credit left for Brynn since she won't be joining us at Le Cellier. However, when I looked at the menus, it seemed like once you bought a drink at Kona there was much of a price difference. Initially I really wanted Tonga toast, but I can also make pretty awesome stuffed-french toast at home, so I think its hould be more about the kids. And if it's about the kids, then it should be a character meal, so I think I'll see if we can get OHana, and let that be the deciding factor.
Plans look Great, Sarah! :thumbsup2 We will definitely have to make a point of trying to meet up at the POFQ playground for a few moments to say hello! :goodvibes


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