Our Stay at the Disneyland Hotel........Day 3..........completed


<font color=magenta>I'm a really really scaredy sc
Jan 23, 2007
Weds 29 October

This morning we had decided to go into EMH first and then have breakfast later. Of course a big advantage of the DLH is that you are right there when you leave the hotel - no clearing security, no walk down the hill, so of course you are the very first into the Park.:thumbsup2

But look what happened during the night - somebody stole the Castle!


We blamed those Pumpkinmen.





We went first on Buzz and Dtr was thrilled to get her best-ever score (without a stop to help) of 206,700. She beat me, which added to he pleasure. :rolleyes:
We did Buzz again, then Peter Pan twice, Pinocchio twice and then Space Mountain. They must work hard through the night there - we didn’t leave the Park until 11 - but even so they had cleared up after the Party - the sign had gone and the funny lanterns in Fantasyland.

We headed back to the Hotel for breakfast and some autographs - Dtr had to go into the shop there first to get a new autograph book.




When we went to wait to be seated for breakfast the maitre d’ asked us to follow him, but took us away from Inventions and the California Grill, to another room further down the corridor, but on the same side as Café Fantasia. This, apparently is where the people in suites have their breakfast. As California Grill and Inventions were full, they were redirecting people to here. The food was the same but it was a bit more swanky. :rotfl:



We decided to go to Studios after breakfast - the Pumpkinmen had been busy here, obviously, having stolen the TOT!


We decided to watch Stitch Live first - as did most other English speaking people it seems - the next show was in French but had loads of empty seats, while the queue was already very long for the English presentation after that. :confused3 Dtr and I laughed as much as the first time we saw it, I think. Even though you know what is coming, it still tickles the funny bone. We went into Animation Gallery for Dtr to have a lesson on drawing Mickey and then decided to leave the Studios. It is so much busier in there nowadays - not so many years ago it could be like a ghost town in there at times.

We went into the Village for a wander - and Dtr decided to investigate the inside of this coffin.


Then we went back to the Hotel for a swim. There were only 2 other families in the pool and they left after a short while, so Dtr and I had the place to ourselves. I said “This must be what it is like to be rich” - as we floated in the middle of the empty pool, listening to the gentle plinky-plonky music being played. Sigh…..it was lovely. :cloud9:

It was very relaxing and we were ready for a little sleep after our swim - we had had a very late night after all.
More later..
After our nap we went to Walt’s for our meal.


I reviewed our meal on the Walt’s thread, but we had a lovely time and a fantastic view of the parade.





We wanted a ride on Casey Jr after our meal, but unfortunately it had already closed for the night. We went on LPDCDF, as we guessed that may close as well, but after our first ride round the CM asked if we wanted to stay on so we did. Then she asked again, so we went on a 3rd time. Then she asked again, but this time we got off. I rather think we could have stayed there all night, as far as she was concerned! It wasn’t very busy so we were able to go on Snow White, IASW and POTC (twice) with minimal queues.
Dtr decided her meal had gone down enough to allow her on Indiana Jones, so that was our next stop and then we went into Frontierland to have a look at the Halloween Village and the trees where the pumpkins grow.



I visited that old reprobate Stinky Pete


and then we both went on Phantom Manor and Dtr rode BTM twice.

We went to the top of the castle to look at the tapestry and take a photo of Fantasyland at night - you can see how few people there are around.


We decided it would be a shame to turn down the opportunity for some rides while it was so quiet, so we finished the night with 3 rides on Snow White, one on Peter Pan and a final go on Pinocchio before leaving Fantasyland.


It was 10 o’clock and the Park was closing so we made our way down Main Street


and back to our room to dump our stuff. The night was not over - we had a bit of last-night shopping to do in the shop in the Hotel. As we finished there, I asked Dtr if she fancied a cocktail in Café Fantasia - did she ever?!
I finally got to see that bit of wall that featured in Ware Bears quiz……. and caused me so much trouble. :headache:


We had a bowl of savoury nibbles brought over and some sweeter ones for Dtr


and then her Pinocchio cocktail


And my Cendrillon


There was a very convivial atmosphere in there, what with the chap on the grand piano. I relaxed and caught up with writing the TR in my notebook - prize from Pooh Mad Mum’s quiz - as was the pen I was writing with.


Finally we made our way to our room for our last night in this wonderful place.
PS: I found a couple of other photos of the hotel itself - the lift


and the little area at the top of the stairs, where there is a TV playing and sofas, in case you need to relax on the way to your room, presumably. :laughing:


It really is a lovely place. :love:
i would love to stay there!!!! what a great trip report. it must be great looking back at all your pics and see your dd growing bigger and bigger in between each trip to disney. thanks for sharing!!
Great report :goodvibes
I would love to stay at the DLH one day..........if i will have some spare euros to spend LOL :rotfl:
What a great trip. I love the night time photos :goodvibes
Another busy day. Lovely photos:goodvibes
It looks wonderful! The hotel looks amazing!!! :cloud9:

Bob xoxoxox
Aww what a lovely day - and those cocktails and nibbles look fantastic!:)
What a lovely day. Those cocktails sound amazing and unfortunatly that's as close as I'll get to staying there for the forseable future
Aww I loved reading your report, thank you so much for sharing it with us and your photos are lovely!!!

thank you again xxx
I very much enjoyed reading your report and seeing your photos, thank you. :)

I particularly appreciated two photos - the misty scene of the Studios, and the nighttime scene of the Park (with DLH in the background) - these two photos speak volumes to me, and very much remind me of our two trips earlier this year. It is amazing what a photo can do...

I can't quite place where the nighttime shot (with DLH) was taken from - can anyone put me out of my misery?
Your photos are great, are you pleased with your new camera?

I Looooooooove my new camera ......and my sister for giving it to me. :lovestruc

The first picture with DLH in the background is taken from the 'drawbridge' of the Castle - I was standing on the little benches built in to the bridge.

The second one is just in Main Street.
wow the park was empty on your evening

where did you find stinky pete DFi would love to see him x


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