Paid FP options coming soon to WDW?

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Maybe, but why pick? We do both (US and WDW) most every trip.

That said, we can do WDW only trips, no way we would do a US only trip.

As for WDW offering EP for all hotel guests "not being bat all"...not so sure about that.

Because the tickets are front loaded. It's makes more financial sense to pick one or the other. We enjoyed 2 great weeks at Universal last trip.
Agreed. It will be just like EMH. When Disney first opened Port Orleans, the draw was EMH at a park every morning.

The wording of the SWGE set up for paid FP. My guess: Due to "galactic interest in SWGE," they will announce the creation of a new paid pass with a different name. All new headliners will go in the new category. If the money flows in, they may announce "Due to the popularity of the new pass," they will expand it to FOP, etc.

Ah, the ‘ol “Due to Guest Demand” ... nice!
Would depend on the exact language - but that might be why they start with a structure that is you still get your first 3 free and then any beyond that you pay for

As long as they don’t take away my promised 3 on this trip. I’m already dealing with the “late fall” = August GE drama.
So Disney has increased their entrance prices to get into the parks by over $100 for a day, increasing the cost twice a year AND now, they are going to start charging people to go onto the rides??? (unless they want to wait hours for a ride). The only thing I have to say about this, is I am so glad my family has enjoyed Disney for the last 12 years straight because with this and so many other undesirable changes Disney has made (for the worse), we will find new vacation destinations. It was nice while it lasted.
Nothing will stop them until a recession hits and people stop paying. People keep paying for add ons and what not so why should disney stop monetizing everything?
This is what ive been saying to all of this. Disney adds EMM, people go nuts and buy into it. Disney adds paid spots for watching something in the sky, people go nuts and buy into it. They add paid FP to two of their resorts, people buy into it. Until customers teach them differently they will push the envelope. It is going to take a recession to even begin peeling this all back, and I don't wish for a recession for some stupid reason to visit a theme park. My kids have visited twice, that is 2 more than most. We can vacation elsewhere and have a great time.
It could be that they roll out a paid FP model for SWGE, then continue as other super-headliners come on line over the next couple of years (Guardians, Tron). If FoP stays uber-popular, they could add that as well -- that would give them one paid FP attraction at each park.
I think it's a great idea. Right now the FP+ lines are sorta fast but not really. We purchase the CL FP+ which does make the stand by line for others a longer wait. The more in the FP+ line, the slower the standby line. But, we use our extra FP+ for what some consider silly or a waste of a FP+. I always book Barnstormer for my little one and Dumbo at MK. I even use one for Figment at EP. But, if Disney does this right, say they let you purchase a FP+ package. They could include the 3 like they do now and still let you book at 60+ length of stay. But instead of the CL FP+ they could have packages available to all guest. Maybe a 3 FP+ for $50, a 5 FP+ for $75 and a 8 FP+ for $100. That would actually make for less FP+ being used since people would no longer be able to use refresh to get 12-14 FP+ after their initial 3. This way Disney would not be taking anything away from anyone and at the same time offering some thing to everyone. I think it could work.
Just read the entire thread. I really don't know how to take it all in. I'm not shocked that its going to happen. The number of up-charge events have become insane. I remember being annoyed about DAH when the first few were released in 2016, and since then I've attended one and have another booked so I guess I am also part of the problem. I love staying in WDW resorts, but the price with little to no "perks" left will certainly make it easier for guests to want to stay off-site.

I can imagine Disney's current FP+ tiers would be a great start for what FP+ would be free/paid (although if Character Spot in Epcot requires payment I would really laugh! :rotfl:). I doubt Disney will increase the window past 60 days for resort guests or even tier the "free" FP+ based on value, moderate, and deluxe like Universal does considering there have been tons of rumors about the resort categories going away and just becoming park resort areas. If the price is anything like CL FP+ I think it will be very hard for the majority to purchase for their length of stay. Disney really encourages guests to stay for longer trips and at $50 a guest per day would be $200 for a family of four which is more than a value resort can run for the same number of guests after tax. I couldn't fathom paying $1,400 just to get the same essential FP+ I was getting for free a few months ago.

I am approaching the possible change with caution because its been hard to see Disney strip things that were once free and now monetize them on top of all the other price increases. I guess I will just have to wait and see what actually happens. I'm not going to say boycott Disney or I will never go again. Thats extreme and I enjoy it too much. I do think I will have to make some changes about the extras I purchase and what my park touring plans look like.
Because the tickets are front loaded. It's makes more financial sense to pick one or the other. We enjoyed 2 great weeks at Universal last trip.

I can see that, we have AP to both though.

Staying at US one trip, and WDW another trip is also picking both IMO.
I can see that, we have AP to both though.

Staying at US one trip, and WDW another trip is also picking both IMO.

We have enjoyed both. We aren't in the pick a side camp.

We come all the way from western Canada once a year for 2 weeks. The best deal at Universal for that is the 14 day explorer ticket that comes with their pkg deal, combined with the Stay More Save More discount.

At WDW the 10 day tickets are still cheaper than an AP. If you live closer and go enough for the AP's to make sense than that does work out great.
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