Parents of Class of 2018 thread

We opted against our daughter having a car at school for at least the first semester. She's living on campus. There's an amtrak station one block from campus that makes the roundtrip to our home area (and her boyfriend) for $40. There's NO way to drive it for that, if you value your time at all. The campus has an "hour car" that you can rent for $9 an hour. Way cheaper to get that a few times a month than pay $100 for a parking permit, PLUS the higher insurance rates. She's not happy with that decision, but that's the way life goes sometimes. LOL. My son will be attending the U of M. Lots of public transit options. Plus, he can take the train directly to our town for $5. Another no brainer.
My son isn't allowed a car at school first year, and we read most kids never have a car after that anyway. They walk, bike, and use public transportation. So we have his car up for sale. We may end up keeping it for my youngest, but he doesn't have his license yet.
DD won't have a car either. It will be used by her brother as soon as he gets his license.

DD#1 did not take a car her first year either. Our thinking is that you need to learn the area and campus on foot before trying to drive around a new area. Plus most campuses are made for walking anyway.
Her bus ride is 8 minutes away or walking 25 mins. She will only need the car for groceries and going to church. She probably use the bus for those two things too or there are places all over to rent a bike.

Her second year she will need a car for her clinical placement.

Not paying for a parking pass at the school and she has a parking spot with her apartment. Still up in the air what to do.
DD not allowed to have a car freshman year. She's too far away from home to drive home for breaks anyway - needs to fly. DS had his car all 4 years, but was closer, and it was great that he could get himself back and forth (helped out a friend from HS too who always drove w/ him instead of taking the bus or train).

Cannot believe the nest will be empty in just over a month!
The college updated dd's credits and officially gave her credit for all 19 of her dual enrollment classes so she is officially a junior but as I said before she is really a freshman and treated like one other than not having to take freshman seminar (non credit class). She can't have a car on campus and doesn't have one anyway. Some of the parking is over a mile a way so I'm glad she doesn't. I'm assuming there is a shuttle to get there/back but depending on your timing it doesn't sound like fun.

There is a campus shuttle that goes off campus to some places like the movie theater, grocerty store etc. There is a train station about 2 miles a way that she could take if needed to get home in a round about long way. Dh actually works about 6 miles away so with a bit of planning dh can pick her up to come home on a Friday or for breaks. She is about 45 minutes away (easily more with traffic) so holidays are easy but there is no intention of coming home routinely. We have tickets to see Hamilton on a Friday night so she may come home that night and spend the night. She is seeing if her friend who is going to another college can get home that Friday since they like going to shows together otherwise it is my ticket. She may also come home in October for a day for my mother's 90th birthday but no plans are made.

We went shopping today at bed bath and beyond and got 20% off the order. We didn't really get much but it added up quickly. We got a lightweight quilt but still want to get a comforter for colder weather. I doubt dh will be thrilled when he hears the prices though he knows we need to get the stuff (bedding, shower shoes, shower caddy). Other items may not be bad. Two of her 3 suitemates thing they have refrigerators (probably older siblings) so they will start with 2 for the 4 of them. One may have a microwave (only 1 allowed) and 1 had a keurig. For now dd will offer to bring a printer since I have Walgreens points and can get a free one. They get free printing on campus but may want one for late night procrastination work. The girls are in freshman honors suite - 2 bedrooms (2 people each) with a shared living room/bathroom - no kitchen. DD is meeting her actual roommate this weekend and actually met the other two at orientation.
I hear you on the cost of stuff they need, we went shopping today too.

I have 4 bins filled and labeled ,ready to go in August. Lots of odds and ends that she is still using.

She had me print 50 pictures of her friends to hang with string and mini clothes pins when she gets there.

This month is going fast.....
Help! So DD has started the back to school freak out. She's signed up for classes at the University about an hour from home. The past several days she has said, "Maybe I'll just stay home and take classses at CC-it's cheaper." Oof! I don't really care, but I'm not sure she really knows what she wants right now. Things seem to be a bit rocky with the boyfriend, and I think that's playing into it since he's also going there. Any wisdom from anyone who's been there, done that? What's the best way to counsel her at this point? She's very young and won't turn 18 until November. I don't think a "gap year" would hurt her a whole lot, and maybe she'd find herself a little bit. DH thinks she should go and do at least one year in the dorms.
Help! So DD has started the back to school freak out. She's signed up for classes at the University about an hour from home. The past several days she has said, "Maybe I'll just stay home and take classses at CC-it's cheaper." Oof! I don't really care, but I'm not sure she really knows what she wants right now. Things seem to be a bit rocky with the boyfriend, and I think that's playing into it since he's also going there. Any wisdom from anyone who's been there, done that? What's the best way to counsel her at this point? She's very young and won't turn 18 until November. I don't think a "gap year" would hurt her a whole lot, and maybe she'd find herself a little bit. DH thinks she should go and do at least one year in the dorms.

That's difficult! I don't have any advice. My kid is young too. He won't turn 18 until mid December, but he knows he wants to go away to school. I know a kid who didn't want to go, but went because his parents insisted. That didn't go well so I don't think I'd insist. It has to be her choice. I would think community college is a good start if she's not ready to go away.
There's nothing wrong with community college IF she needs generals. Those are pretty much the same everywhere, and generally, LOADS cheaper. She won't be the only one doing that, that's for sure. DD's boyfriend has done two years at CC because he has to pay for college entirely himself (he was raised by a single mother who has no spare cash), and he quite rightly determined he can save a boatload before going away to finish his last two years.

My kids both have all (or in the case of DD, nearly all) their generals done between AP and the last year attending college instead of high school. They need to go on to a 4 year college, so community is not an option.
There's nothing wrong with community college IF she needs generals. Those are pretty much the same everywhere, and generally, LOADS cheaper. She won't be the only one doing that, that's for sure. DD's boyfriend has done two years at CC because he has to pay for college entirely himself (he was raised by a single mother who has no spare cash), and he quite rightly determined he can save a boatload before going away to finish his last two years.

My kids both have all (or in the case of DD, nearly all) their generals done between AP and the last year attending college instead of high school. They need to go on to a 4 year college, so community is not an option.
She's got about 19 credits total going in, so just over a semester's worth. She's definitely still got generals she could work on. She's just been so ready to go (and truly, I am ready for her to spread her wings, too) and I'm concerned that she's not thinking through it all clearly.
She's got about 19 credits total going in, so just over a semester's worth. She's definitely still got generals she could work on. She's just been so ready to go (and truly, I am ready for her to spread her wings, too) and I'm concerned that she's not thinking through it all clearly.
Well, it is clear to me that the whole "going away to college" thing is stressful for them, even when they are happy about going. It's just plain hard. The closer it gets, the worse. I can sense it building in my daughter. Her fuse is super short.
Well, it is clear to me that the whole "going away to college" thing is stressful for them, even when they are happy about going. It's just plain hard. The closer it gets, the worse. I can sense it building in my daughter. Her fuse is super short.

Boy, did I need to read this! I'm currently exhausted from her meltdown this morning. No, we have no idea what the actual thing that set her off was.
Clori-how did your DD like her roommate?

Mickeyplanner08-oh that is tough! If she has been looking forward to it and is a solid student, do you think it's just normal jitters or cold feet? If so, I'd be tempted to gently encourage her to go and try it out. She can keep withdrawal/drop dates in mind if she feels she needs a safety net. If she truly isn't ready, then she's smart to stay local.

Can you pick a good time to go for a drive or walk to see if she'll tell you more about why she feels that way? I think of those situations as times my kids are calmer and more willing to open up.

DD seems to be pretty good at avoiding all talk of college at the moment. She says she's not nervous but doesn't want to shop, pack, or talk about it. I think it will hit home when her buddies move a few hours away to their new place for college in a week.

I'm not ready!!!!! It makes me sad just writing about it but I'm really excited for her. I loved college life and hope she will too.
Mickeyplanner08-oh that is tough! If she has been looking forward to it and is a solid student, do you think it's just normal jitters or cold feet? If so, I'd be tempted to gently encourage her to go and try it out. She can keep withdrawal/drop dates in mind if she feels she needs a safety net. If she truly isn't ready, then she's smart to stay local.

Can you pick a good time to go for a drive or walk to see if she'll tell you more about why she feels that way? I think of those situations as times my kids are calmer and more willing to open up.

DD seems to be pretty good at avoiding all talk of college at the moment. She says she's not nervous but doesn't want to shop, pack, or talk about it. I think it will hit home when her buddies move a few hours away to their new place for college in a week.

I'm not ready!!!!! It makes me sad just writing about it but I'm really excited for her. I loved college life and hope she will too.

It's so hard. She's been out of the house, or we've been out of the house continuously since Thursday when she first started talking this way. DH and I were talking about it and she's always so much more rational with him than with me, so he's going to see if he can find a time to talk more with her. We're wondering if the boyfriend has changed plans, too, but so far she's not saying that.

Like you, I loved my college experience, and I keep praying she will have a fun, safe time-wherever she lands.

So many changes for all of them. Growing up is hard. I remember leaving for college and shedding a few tears, but my mom and mother-in-law both shared that they cried all the way home after dropping us off. Good luck to all our students :)
How is everyone doing? I would guess students are getting ready to go if they haven't left yet.

Mickeyplanner- what happened with your DD?

I took DD18 to the airport on Tuesday. She did not start putting stuff in her suitcase until after 9 PM Monday night! Luckily, we had taken her dorm stuff out over the summer so she was just taking her clothes.

She had been chatting with some fellow incoming freshmen through IG during the last several months. In a nice coincidence, she ran into one of her first friends at the connecting city and sat with this girl and her family on the second flight.

It was hard and we both got teary a few times in the days before. She's been hanging with DD24/SIL and they will move her in tomorrow. I started a new school year on Wed. so that has helped keep me busy. DS started his senior year and it's weird just having one at home!

I hate not being there but DD feels "cooler" having her sis there instead. Plus she knows I'm a crier and she hates attention. Lol
We take DD on Monday and move her in Tuesday. I'm totally cool with it, and excited for her! I will miss her, of course, but it's the way the world is supposed to work. We had our test run over the summer with her in Germany for 6 weeks, and it was fine for both of us. We texted constantly, and facetimed quite a bit. She is an awesome daughter, and I can't wait to see what she does in this world.

We take my son one week later. Since he's done zip to prepare, I'm pretty sure we will have a busy week getting him ready. One at a time!

Good luck to all the other moms and dads!
We moved all her stuff in her apartment over the last two days. Very hot building ikea furniture in this heat with no air. We had one fan but have to get her another so she doesn’t have to move on from living room to bedroom. It was fun watching her put her touch on things.

She came back with us for another week , 2 - 3 hour drive depending on traffic. Made a list of things we missed.

So much paperwork and stuff for the school, found out she has to get her booster and tetnus shot again because she is 18. Wasn’t impressed about that. Nursing makes you do a lot before you start.

Even went on the bus route with her while there... she has only been on a school bus or driven places. I haven’t been on a public bus in over 30

Hope every one is having a great summer it is going so fast!
We go and drop off my daughter next Tuesday. She made it into the marching band so she gets to move in 8 days early. Her roommate is coming from Texas. I can't wait to find out how those two hit it off. My daughter is fluent in Spanish and her roommate is from Mexico (born there), so that should be interesting! I feel like we have spent a ton of money buying all the odds and ends she may or may not need. She is going to be super busy with marching band practice, I hope she finds it fun and not overwhelming. I would love to go to the football games and see her march but it is so cost prohibitive, definitely not a family outing. May just go tailgate and watch the band perform a couple of songs before they march into the stadium. It is so weird how it is all about football and there is no performances outside of the games where we can go and see her. I hate that. I am so used to the high school band having bandarama and all that stuff.

A friend shared this today. Don't watch it if you don't want to cry. I'm so not a crier, but this got to me. Really got to me.
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