Parents of the Class of 2019

Our big weekend is done! Friday we headed down to DD with trailer in tow. Worked on loading up her stuff, and went to a cookout her friend arranged. Before going to bed, we went to the bar and watched her and BF do their country swing dance thing! So fun! Back to packing up Saturday morning, then over to BF's to finish there.

Graduation was 1:00 Saturday. We were pleasantly surprised to see DD's name in the program, along with the marking for Summa Cum Laude. (The website said summer grads wouldn't be listed in the program since they aren't completely done with class. She didn't get to wear the cord but that's fine.)

Went home Saturday evening and to church Sunday morning. Then headed out to move DD and BF into internship apartment. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend when they made the plan to live together this summer, just best friends, but here we are. But they are SO happy and we are too. Makes it easier for her to leave college too, when the most important one comes with you.

The apartment is great, they are just two miles from older DD and they are all going to have a blast this summer. I'm really glad we weren't just leaving her alone in a strange city.
Saturday she leaves for Ireland and then she'll be back to start internship at the end of the month.
It is incredible how the time is flying by. It is hard to believe our kids are all doing housing and class selection for their last year of school!

We got to see DD last month for a bit, though I wish it had been under better circumstances. She flew home to chaperone DD13's winter camp and we'd added on a few days to the trip so she could spend some time with my mom, because DD was worried Grandma wouldn't make it until the end of the school year after her cancer diagnosis last fall. Instead, we used one of those days for my mother's funeral mass because she passed at the end of January, just a couple weeks after DD went back to campus for the semester. My mom wanted to be cremated and made me promise when she got the diagnosis that I wouldn't make DD come home from school/miss class for a funeral, so it ended up being a really hectic week and not much of a break for her, though she did enjoy being back at camp with the younger kids.

In happier news, with covid waning again DD did get her approval to study abroad over the summer so she's headed to Ireland in mid-June for the summer semester. And of course, we're taking on a family trip ahead of her program start to spend a few days at Disneyland Paris and sightseeing in Paris and London. So that'll be a fun way to spend her last summer before she has to join the real world. And we're meeting up in Vegas this weekend to head out into the desert for spring break, which should be a nice, peaceful escape from everything.
I'm so sorry about your mom, Colleen. :grouphug:
Our big weekend is done! Friday we headed down to DD with trailer in tow. Worked on loading up her stuff, and went to a cookout her friend arranged. Before going to bed, we went to the bar and watched her and BF do their country swing dance thing! So fun! Back to packing up Saturday morning, then over to BF's to finish there.

Graduation was 1:00 Saturday. We were pleasantly surprised to see DD's name in the program, along with the marking for Summa Cum Laude. (The website said summer grads wouldn't be listed in the program since they aren't completely done with class. She didn't get to wear the cord but that's fine.)

Went home Saturday evening and to church Sunday morning. Then headed out to move DD and BF into internship apartment. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend when they made the plan to live together this summer, just best friends, but here we are. But they are SO happy and we are too. Makes it easier for her to leave college too, when the most important one comes with you.

The apartment is great, they are just two miles from older DD and they are all going to have a blast this summer. I'm really glad we weren't just leaving her alone in a strange city.
Saturday she leaves for Ireland and then she'll be back to start internship at the end of the month.
Congrats to your daughter! :flower1::daisy::love:
My Dd has been having a tough time securing a journalism internship this summer and is very frustrated. She only needs to complete one more for her degree and wanted it out of the way before senior year begins. Congrats to everyone who’s students are doing well and best wishes to those who may be having struggles
My Dd has been having a tough time securing a journalism internship this summer and is very frustrated. She only needs to complete one more for her degree and wanted it out of the way before senior year begins. Congrats to everyone who’s students are doing well and best wishes to those who may be having struggles

Shoot, I hope something works out. It's hard.
Shoot, I hope something works out. It's hard.
Thank you she still has the fall to complete this last one . Last summer she interned at our local t.v. station the response she is getting this year is we want to give it to someone who has not had an internship which is understandable but frustrating.
I hope your daughter can find an internship sooner rather than later.

My son is finished with his junior year. We will pick him up tomorrow. He had some tough classes this semester. He thinks he'll still make Deans List, but last semester he made President's List (top 3%). He was aiming for that again but doesn't think he'll make it.

My daughter graduates from high school next weekend, then the following weekend (memorial day) we're headed to NYC to drop my son off for his summer internship. I've never been to NYC so this will definitely be an experience for all of us.
DS took his last finals Tuesday, but won't be home until Sunday, when his lease is up. He and his roommates are deep cleaning the rental today because they want every penny of their security deposit back.
My DS and his roommates re-upped for the same unit next year. As such, they're allowed to leave some stuff in the apartment over the summer which is nice. However, I am worried about the cleaning. I have drilled it into his head that he needs to CLEAN, but I'm a little worried about what we'll find when we go to pick him up. (We pay his rent, but I have already told him -- from the beginning -- that he's paying any damage/cleaning fees, not us!)
My DD is also one who is not graduating May 2023. Stanford was virtual for 6 quarters and she took a gap quarter in the middle. She is a Product Design major in the mechanical engineering school and was juggling classes to take what she could that did not require you to be creating hands on in the labs.

Otherwise she is thriving. She doesn’t like for me to tell too much, so I won’t other than to say she loves it there and has been selected for some really outstanding opportunities in the campus community. She is working in a research lab this summer on a project that is really exciting to her. Still another month until she is finished with Spring Quarter, so are not yet in the move out/start summer job phase yet. Her dorm is going to Disneyland for two days soon, and I am a tad jealous!

In looking at how some of your kiddos were able to graduate early, it made me reflect on the fact that none of her AP exams and none of her 38 hours of dual credit college classes counted for anything at Stanford (ironically, some of the classes that might have been ok to use like Spanish—Stanford requires one year of language for all majors—could not be because Stanford would not accept it if the college class was virtual/ on-line). If she had stayed home and gone to our flagship, she’d have already graduated. But in the end, it has all worked out.

I went out to see her last weekend and we spent Mother’s Day weekend in San Francisco. The weather was glorious, Dim Sum delicious, and we had so much fun. She won’t be home this summer except one week the last week of August, so it was really nice to go see her.
I agree not to worry about it. A couple of weeks ago I offered DS not to graduate with his class.

His last semester to be: I thought would be horrible 3 physics classes and 1 math class (but that is me) He met with his advisor. He decided to take 2 classes this summer - 8 credits. Which I still think is not fun. But now the last semester will be 2 physics classes by themselves.

Ironically, years ago, in Disney world waiting in a line - a husband and wife shared their son was at the college U of I studying physics engineering and he was not going to graduate with his class. He was going to graduate one semester later and the last semester he was going to take 2 classes. They shared it was a hard curriculum, he had followed the colleges recommended program and they were fine with it. I had said good for him. Sounds hard.

I told my DS do not look at other students or classmates or friends. You focus on you. My focus is you. My job is what is best for you and your education.
Thanks for the encouragement. I should have mentioned that I am not concerned at all about her not graduating in May 2023. She has classmates in her original cohort that are all over the place in how much gap time they did or did not take off. Stanford was virtual for so long. They missed so many “Stanford” experiences and traditions. If we knew then what would eventually happen, I would have have encouraged her to take a whole gap year. There were so many quarters when they were told “come back to campus” and then right before move in, that changed. It was so hard to gauge and much was beyond the control of the university—Santa Clara county COVID restrictions were among the earliest, most restrictive, and longest lasting in the country.

There is only one graduation ceremony each year, but it is not uncommon to finish in an off quarter. It is not uncommon for Stanford undergrads to take time off during undergrad in non-COVID times to go do something else and come back—for example, one of her close friends is doing a 9 month internship at one of the tech giants in the Silicon Valley. Also co-terming, where you work on a masters at the same time as your undergrad, is very popular, so people stretch out undergrad to get In as many masters units as possible while still getting your undergrad financial aid.

@yeahdisney —I agree with you—those last 4 classes would have been rough in one semester!!! Congrats to your son for not rushing it and doing it in a way that is best for him!
I thought most students had 1 1/2 years virtual, but I’m in the northeast, my daughter is still having to mask up in class. Masking requirements were dropped a couple of months ago at my other daughter’s southern school, but they were also virtual for 1 1/2 years too.
I thought most students had 1 1/2 years virtual, but I’m in the northeast, my daughter is still having to mask up in class. Masking requirements were dropped a couple of months ago at my other daughter’s southern school, but they were also virtual for 1 1/2 years too.
We're in the Midwest. My son only had a partial semester that was fully virtual (Spring semester of Freshman year when they sent everyone home.) Fall semester of sophomore year was about half and half virtual vs. in-person. The on-campus experience was definitely not normal (masking, distancing, carry-out only at the dining hall, etc -- but he was on campus for the full year (or most of it -- they did the first month virtually for everyone and phased dorm move-in.)
Grades come out today.

I saw DS had a summer class last year. I forgot he had one. So I guess this kid really didn’t ever get a school l o n g break.

I am stuck at home with Covid - so cruising the internet.

I know I write about DD on this thread too, She graduated:) So one down and one to go. She is the one who brought home COVID- so we did not go to the ceremony.
DD's short term study abroad was successful, she had a good time but 12 days was long enough. Good thing she passed her Covid test!

She's on her 3rd day at internship and it's going really well. The last two summer jobs were rough so this is a relief. She's also having a blast living with her BF and near her sister.

She believes the next step is getting a cat, lol. Not the worst idea because her apartment doesn't charge pet rent, and she doesn't want to be completely alone when BF leaves for grad school. But we don't know her next step after this lease. I don't imagine I can stop her though 😸
DD's short term study abroad was successful, she had a good time but 12 days was long enough. Good thing she passed her Covid test!

She's on her 3rd day at internship and it's going really well. The last two summer jobs were rough so this is a relief. She's also having a blast living with her BF and near her sister.

She believes the next step is getting a cat, lol. Not the worst idea because her apartment doesn't charge pet rent, and she doesn't want to be completely alone when BF leaves for grad school. But we don't know her next step after this lease. I don't imagine I can stop her though 😸
I’ve told my kids a zillion times not to get a pet without home ownership, it just makes it harder to find a place to rent. I do know many parent pet owners thanks to their kids dumping their college pets on them.

Graduation weekend was crazy with ceremonies, parties, and bar crawls, Dd got home Sunday afternoon, big party here, Boston Monday morning, class Tuesday morning. Her sight unseen Boston apartment is really nice, train across the street, although she has been looking everywhere for quarters for laundry (even her own bank).


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