Park and line etiquette

@acarsme123 vent away, get it out. Sadly, no amount of venting will change the actions of some people though. Just don't let it get you down. I tried the kill 'em with kindness, that didn't work either. Now I just try to laugh it off. I will say not going to Disney does greatly resolve the issue 100% of the time ;)
@acarsme123 vent away, get it out. Sadly, no amount of venting will change the actions of some people though. Just don't let it get you down. I tried the kill 'em with kindness, that didn't work either. Now I just try to laugh it off. I will say not going to Disney does greatly resolve the issue 100% of the time ;)
I’m not going back for a long time. Not because of the issues I mentioned but for other reasons. It’s not the same feeling I got in previous trips with all the changes they’ve made. But that’s another discussion, many of which are happening in other forum threads.
I usually try to put it in perspective - the way people drive and act on the roads is going to be no different at Disney World - just a different mode of transportation and interaction.
It's funny, usually I find this board is recommending strollers for kids up to 6 and complaining about line cutters which aren't even mentioned (are they better?!!). We definitely found a stroller helpful for my 3 year old as it meant he could grab a quick nap in the park, but that the EVs were a menace when we let him walk.
One of the best things about being alone or in your small controlled groups is that ideas and expectations about how to behave and act can be quite predictable. I can never control how someone else is going to behave, only how I react to a situation. I agree with an earlier comment on this thread. If my park tolerance is getting low you can count on the fact that I'll head to my home resort pool and grab a drink at the bar =)

I can get annoyed at people who are generally unaware of their surroundings but this is a learned discipline that takes years to perfect and no one is perfect, most of all me! Hence going to get that drink =)
2. It's early entry, I get it it, you want to get to Seven Dwarfs quickly....but don't run over my damn wife's feet with your double stroller in the mad rush!

I've shared this before, but once during early entry I was off to the side of Main Street getting a photo of my daughter when a woman yelled at me "If you don't move, I'm going to hit you with my stroller!" Yet she still ended up behind us for 7DMT despite us not running over there.
Not sure if this is the right forum category for this rant but...

Just wanted to express some gripes about park etiquette that I saw last week on our trip...

1. You're not gonna get that wet on Splash Mountain! Quit holding up the line to put ponchos on your kids and yourself! Suck it up, move along, and let the front tip of your hair get a little wet! Geez! People act like they're gonna get absolutely drenched on this ride, and it's never happened once on the many times I've ridden!

2. It's early entry, I get it it, you want to get to Seven Dwarfs quickly....but don't run over my damn wife's feet with your double stroller in the mad rush! Speaking of these damn double's infuriating to see how many people have their kids in these things that are old enough to WALK! Disney busses also need to have dedicated racks/shelves for the strollers so they're not clogging up as much space on the bus....better yet, have a compartment that opens up below the bus where people can stash them so more people can actually ride the bus!

3. If you're in line....STAND IN LINE! I had a group in front of me that was in line....then leisurely moved off to the side as they were yacking about something....I asked one of the fathers if they were in line....he gave me a snotty "yes". I'm sorry, but your group moved off to the side so I couldn't tell!

4. If you're not in line, GET OUT OF THE WAY! We were trying to get through to the LL line for Rockin Rollercoaster and a group of teens were just standing there blocking our path. I asked if they were in line and they were like "".....GET OUT OF MY WAY THEN!

5. I'll admit my wife pulled kind of a crappy move on a family.....a family ahead of us for Rockin Rollercoaster was checking their daughter's height for the wife, having been fed up with people for the day, proceeded to walk past them. She was done with people holding up lines.....I felt this was kinda rude on her part....but it was done and over with and I could see the frustration on her I stayed quiet.

I feel like we are a really courteous family overall...more so than many others I saw at Disney.....but even our courtesy has its limits at points...especially when with your courtesy you feel like you get taken advantage of at times.

I'll play ~

1) Completely disagree. Not only have we all gotten wet consistently but we've seen most others get wet as well. I will continue to wear a poncho and a few seconds doesn't hold up the ride timing or experience.

2) Completely agree no one should push or run over others, especially if using an object to do so. BUT you can't judge which kids should be walking or not, there are many families with special children (even if you can't tell) that can only manage Disney with a stroller for a safe place. There are kids who can't walk for 10-12 hours a day - almost necessary to open/close parks with new crowds, lines and lack of FP+. Yes, it would be nice if buses had a better system, I agree, but not really sure that coach buses are somewhere I want Disney spending money. Hate it? don't ride the buses.

3) Lines are a difficult concept for some. I never ask if someone off to the side is riding, I just move on up into the space. Maybe after a couple times they'll understand what lines mean. No need to engage. If they say something to me, I just stare at them, no response.

4) EVERYWHERE at the parks people are now stopping and grouping in the way of others. Part of it is guests all nose deep in their phones probably trying to book a Genie+ that isn't the other side of park or 4 hours out, or maybe trying to find somewhere to eat where there is very little availability or just looking for a standby line under an hour. All this on Disney of course but maybe we just need a shoulder noted everywhere so folks stay out of the way. Yes, guests need to be more aware of their surroundings.

5) I'm with your wife, it is not a crappy move. Just like when folks can't get their LL to work on a scanner, we scan on the other one and walk on by. No one should expect the line to wait for them when they have other issues to be addressed. Let them do their thing and keep on moving. Used to be a CM would have told you to keep moving but there seems to be less of them keeping things orderly.
FWIW, I actually have gotten soaked on Splash Mountain. I guess OP has been luckier than me in that regard.

I got soaked a few times, and to be honest wasn't really expecting it. But I was sitting farther back and via "weight" prob made it worse... lol
What drives me crazy are the people who block (jump into) the photo pass photography shots for selfies. Like… ok all 15 of us in line on Main Street and the people that are in the middle of getting their photo taken by the photographer will stop and wait for you to take your selfie until you get out of the shot. Go ahead. take your time! We’re just standing around here for no reason lol

Also don’t like when large parties use the photographer for a pop-up photo “session” instead of a somewhat reasonably timed photo “opportunity.” There are no rules so I don’t know what the etiquette should be exactly. And sometimes photographers seem to encourage it because they get really into their job (with that family, not necessarily with everyone else on line). But, it’s annoying to be behind a family that’s taking 15-20 minutes of time for every different iteration of photos amongst different groups of family members (some with magic shots which take time to pose). When I see people dropping out of the line because a family is taking so long I feel like that should be a hint?

Then when following a group like that as a much smaller group - the photographer will typically do two quick shots (no magic photos) and off you go! I feel guilty to politely ask “hey is there a magic shot?” so sometimes I will, sometimes I won’t. It feels crappy to have to assert myself when I know everyone still in line is rolling their eyes from waiting.

I’m not against big groups. Just feel they could be a bit more cognizant sometimes not to hog one line? IDK. I really don’t know what the solution is except for practicing extreme patience?
I got soaked a few times, and to be honest wasn't really expecting it. But I was sitting farther back and via "weight" prob made it worse... lol
What’s the definition of “soaked”? Are we talking Kali River Rapids soaked….or…a 1/4 of your shirt or hair got wet as being “soaked”? Maybe my definition of being soaked is a lot different than others.
1) Completely disagree. Not only have we all gotten wet consistently but we've seen most others get wet as well. I will continue to wear a poncho and a few seconds doesn't hold up the ride timing or experience.
I just have to ask, why ride a ride that has a splash/getting wet element to it if you don’t want to get wet? And what are people’s definitions of getting soaked/drenched? I’ve never seen one person get off that ride being drenched as they would with Kali River. The ride isn’t designed to get you super wet.

i don’t really care if someone wants to wear panchos on the ride, as silly as it may seem to me. I do care when a mother is blocking the entrance to the ride, taking minutes to get panchos on her 3 kids, while blocking everyone else from being able to enter. Especially with the new system wear every minute can count when trying to knock out as many attractions as possible. That’s what my problem really is about.
I just have to ask, why ride a ride that has a splash/getting wet element to it if you don’t want to get wet? And what are people’s definitions of getting soaked/drenched? I’ve never seen one person get off that ride being drenched as they would with Kali River. The ride isn’t designed to get you super wet.

i don’t really care if someone wants to wear panchos on the ride, as silly as it may seem to me. I do care when a mother is blocking the entrance to the ride, taking minutes to get panchos on her 3 kids, while blocking everyone else from being able to enter. Especially with the new system wear every minute can count when trying to knock out as many attractions as possible. That’s what my problem really is about.

I didn't realize these people were blocking the entrance to the line, I would have worked my way around them. I thought they were just pulling them over while in line, stopping for a second to do so.

Why ride? Because the getting wet isn't the purpose of the ride. If it were there would be no scenery, nothing to look at, no music, no views ... just a log in water running you through a splash zone. Other than young children perhaps, I don't understand waiting in long line just because you are wanting to get wet. There are easier ways - head to Storybook Circus.

Well I guess you are very lucky. In the 33 years Splash Mountain has been there I have seen LOTS of folks getting off with their pants/shorts soaked, waddling along. Some look like a wet t-shirt contest or their hair and back are drenched. It is one of my DS favorite rides so we go often, and a large percentage of those around us are wet. Have we gotten lucky and been fairly dry, yes but we have also been more wet than is comfortable. The gift shop at the end has even sold towels ... one of the few places to find them for sale.

Now wet as Kali River - no, that is plain lucky or you took a shower in your clothes. I won't ride that one because I don't enjoy my underwear being wet the rest of the day.

NOTE: Splash Mountain and Pirates of Caribbean both have signs warning you about getting wet. And yes we have gotten wet on Pirates, soggy shoes, socks, wet shirts and shorts.
And yes we have gotten wet on Pirates, soggy shoes, socks, wet shirts and shorts.
I actually never realized you could get wet on Pirates until last week’s trip. During the pirate ship scene the cannon balls exploding in the water I actually got a little wet for the first time ever riding that ride.
Have we gotten lucky and been fairly dry, yes but we have also been more wet than is comfortable.
Maybe it just really depends on the total weight of all the people in your particular log, and the distribution of where that weight is. Maybe we’ve just always been lucky.
What’s the definition of “soaked”? Are we talking Kali River Rapids soaked….or…a 1/4 of your shirt or hair got wet as being “soaked”? Maybe my definition of being soaked is a lot different than others.

The last time I needed a towel, and ended up having to walk around for an hour with wet pants until they dried. It's all about where you sit, how much weight is in the log etc. So you probably got lucky, I have gotten lucky myself so I get why some people think a poncho is silly. BUT... ya people should have them on before they get to the front.
Last time I rode Splash at WDW, I was soaked almost completely, head to toe. My hair and my clothes were dripping wet. This was during an after hours even in March 2019, and I was so cold afterwards, I wished I had put on a poncho.

But if you're going to wear a poncho, put it one before you get to the loading area. You'll have plenty of time in line to do that.
I actually never realized you could get wet on Pirates until last week’s trip. During the pirate ship scene the cannon balls exploding in the water I actually got a little wet for the first time ever riding that ride.

Sometimes depending on weight when the boat hits the bottom of hill a wave comes in over side and leaves lots of wet feet and bottoms. It changed a few years ago after a "renovation". They even added a sign.



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