Pasta and Potatoes Conquer Orlando - October 2-10, 2013 (Updated 1/31)

Awww....what a sweet baby. Congrats to the graduate!

You've started a great stash of stuff to take to WDW.

I haven't got any DIY projects on the go right now. But I'm enjoying seeing what you're doing. :thumbsup2

Thank you! I'm off my 2nd job all week next week so I'm hoping to get the autograph book done.
This past week, I've discovered a new Disney channel on Live365 and in turn, have been exposed to Off Kilter and Mo-rockin'.

I :love: them!

I've also seen videos of The Jamitors on YouTube. Although they weren't my cup of tea, they are very good.

Any recommendations on entertainment around the World?
We have had one exciting thing and one VERY exciting thing happen this past week.

First, the VERY exciting thing because it's the best thing that's happened all year. After 7 loooooooong months of surgeries, blood tests, multiple stays in the hospital and 4 rounds of chemo, DH's mom is now considered a cancer survivor!!!

Now the optimist in me is saying :cool1::yay::dance3::cheer2:pixiedust::banana: :dancer: party::jumping1::jumping2: but the realist in me knows that pancreatic cancer is very aggressive and a real pain in the you-know-what. For right now, though, I'm going to let the optimist Tater prevail because I am so happy for MIL. :woohoo:

Now for the less exciting, but still really awesome, thing that happened this past week. About 2 months ago, St. Louis hosted the Color Run but unfortunately, by the time I found out about it, registration was already full. :mad: But lo and behold, a couple of weeks after that, I saw an advertisement for The Graffiti Run. It's the same premise at The Color Run, just put on by a different group. So DH and I got a couple of friends together and they got some family members together who then got some friends together and we formed a team for the race!

DH and I along with our friends V and Milo walked the race while the rest of the gang ran it. Let me tell you, I'm so glad we did because now I know how out of shape I am in for WDW! I was so exhausted, I had to take a hour long nap when we got home!

For those of you who aren't familiar with The Graffiti Run (or The Color Run), it is a 5K walk/run in which you get pelted with colored cornstarch! And afterward, they have a dance party. I know it sounds a little gross (and trust me, it is when you get it in your mouth!) but it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! I seriously can't wait to do it again next year. Next year, I will remember to bring towels for the ride home though:rotfl:

Here's some before & after pictures:

Throwing the colors at the start of our heat:
Unfortunately, I don't have anything really new and exciting to update. :guilty:
DH and I have been so busy that we have had very little time to do any trip planning. Usually our summers are pretty slow but for some reason, this year has been crazy busy.

First off, DH's cousin got married and he was an usher at the wedding. It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony at an old Catholic church in The Hill area of St. Louis (the old Italian neighborhoods).

Pasta's cousin and her handsome groom

Pasta and I with the in-laws

DH and I have also been trying to branch out and experience the sights and sounds of our lovely St. Louis are that we have never experienced before (which is kind of weird, considering that DH grew up here and I have been here for over 10 years).

I managed to get super, super cheap seats for the local farm-league baseball team. Neither DH nor I have been to a game but I grew up watching my local AAA league play in my hometown.

We had such a good time and had amazing seats! The weather wasn't too hot and the bugs weren't bad (my two irritations). It was something we would definitely do again.

Our seats right behind home plate!

To be continued....
One of the things I love about St. Louis is the endless opportunities to experience art in all forms, especially theater (my favorite). Every summer, The Muny in Forest Park hosts several musicals in their outdoor amphitheater. They have a section of seats at the very back of the amphitheater that are free on a first-come, first-serve basis.

And because DH and I are trying to save money for our trip, we decided to hit up the free seats for one of our absolute favorite musicals....

Starring John O'Hurley as King Arthur

The evening got off to a rocky start. St. Louis was experiencing one of its lovely summer thunderstorms so we were actually afraid that the show might be cancelled. But because the free seats are so limited, my friend V and I decided to brave the storm and camp out for seats.

We got there 90 minutes before show time and were the eighth and ninth persons in line. Unfortunately, the thunderstorm kept on trying to ruin our evening. By the time DH met us after he got off work (about 30 minutes before they opened out section), it was still raining and thundering!

By the way, have I mentioned that I have a thunder phobia? Yeah, so far the evening was a blast :crazy2:

Finally, the gods smiled upon us and about 10 minutes before show time, the sky cleared up and the rain stopped :cool1: The show was great! The only criticism I had was that they changed some of the lines to make the musical a little more PC.

My friend "V" and I thankful the weather cooperated.

Continued in next post...
Probably one of the best events this summer happened on June 30th. Not only was it my cousin-in-law's birthday and she was in town visiting myself and her SIL (my cousin), but we got to attend one of the best concerts I have ever attended.

That's right. We became tweens again and went to The Package Tour featuring Boyz II Men, 98 Degrees and NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!! I lost my voice by the end of the night, my CIL cried and we were dripping sweat by the time it was all over.

Just a little backstory....

My cousin "J" and I are a year apart and have loved New Kids since the late 80's. We both saw them in Iowa in 1990 (although we didn't go together). She later saw them in Kansas City a couple of years ago and I saw them last year in STL when they toured with Backstreet Boys. J's sister-in-law "A" has never seen them but is as big of a Blockhead as we are.

Because A's birthday was the day of the concert and J is such an amazing SIL, she bought A tickets for the concert as a push present for giving birth in March (to the beautiful little girl I posted pictures of earlier in this thread).

Fast forward to a week before the concert...J had originally bought tickets for herself, a co-worker, A and J's sister. Unfortunately , J's sister couldn't make it so J called me and asked if I would like to go instead.

Ummm....yes! :cool1:

But I didn't know if I could afford the tickets :sad1:

J: "You don't have to pay for them. I'm going to GIVE you the ticket because we want you to go with us!"

Me: "Holy...are you kidding me!!!! Yes, yes...a million times yes! Thank you!!!!" :yay:

Fast forward a bit further to concert night...

We met at restaurant for dinner and drinks and then took the Metrolink (our version of the subway) to head downtown. Because it was still really early, we headed to a little Irish pub close to the venue. The place was FULL of women going to the concert and the speakers were blaring New Kids on the Block! We had a few more drinks to celebrate the concert and the birthday girl until it was time to hop the shuttle bus that would take us to the venue.

As we were walking to the escalator to get to our seats (we were up in the upper deck area), a gentleman stopped A and asked her how many people were in her party. She tells him "4" and he asks to see our tickets. Immediately, the little voice in my head says "He's upgrading you!" He looks at our tickets and says "Those aren't very good seats for someone celebrating their birthday. Let's see if we can do better."

I literally almost hugged the man at this point.

"To get to your new seats, keep following this level until you get to section 110. Then you'll go down the stairs..."

...Holy moly, did he just say DOWN the stairs!!!

"...and your seats will be on your right"

By this point, I was jumping up and down like an idiot and was tearing up. We follow his directions and as we pull back the curtain to get to our new seats, the first thing we spot is the stage which was RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!!

Ladies and gents, we were now 11 rows off the floor in front of the second portion of the stage!!! :worship: I was shaking and jumping up and down, J couldn't quit laughing and A was screaming like a teenager.

Me and J

A, the birthday girl

Boyz II Men was the first act and was great! They only did a few songs but sounded just as good as they did back in the day, even minus one member.

Handing out roses during "I'll Make Love to You"

98 Degrees was next and I will admit, I am not a big fan of theirs. They were good, though, but I was ready for New Kids!!

98 Degrees

In between acts, they had a DJ planning all kinds of songs from the 80's and 90's. It was great and really kept the crowd entertained. You could hear people singing along all throughout the arena.

Finally came the time we were looking forward to. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!! (And yes, I realize that they are no longer "new" or "kids" but hey, neither were we!). I don't have too many pictures because my camera's battery died but I will say that I have been to lots of concerts in my time and this ranks up there in my top 5! They sang new songs, old songs, cover songs. They had confetti fall from the ceiling, they had fan was so amazing, I don't even have enough words to describe it.

Opening song "We Own Tonight" off their new album

Joe McIntyre in the audience in the section next to us during "Tonight"

It was truly one of the best nights of my life and it was made more special because I got to spend it with two of my closest cousins.

To round out our summer so far....

Fourth of July - DH and I are bad Americans and didn't really celebrate it this year. I'm not a fan of fireworks (and we had enough going off all around our neighbor all week long) and DH had to work so we just went out to eat after he got home from work.

MIL's celebration - Because MIL was so sick for her actual birthday (which happened to be her 60th), we didn't have the big party we were planning. Instead, we waited until she was feeling better and had a HUGE celebration. She had approximately 50-60 people come to help celebrate her birthday and being a cancer survivor.

My birthday - I decided I just wanted to have something small this year so my birthday just consisted of a bunch of friends, dinner, several games of laser tag, and drinks in that order. DH and I have some of the best friends on the planet and they definitely made me feel special.

FIL's birthday and another belated birthday for me - DFIL's birthday is 3 days after mine so we decided to join the family at their friend's lake house. It was so relaxing. We spent 5 hours that Saturday on the lake and then went out for dinner. Most of the day on Sunday was spent playing canasta. Loved it!

The most recent activity was a murder mystery dinner with SIL, my friend E and my other friend C. The dinner was held at Lemp Mansion. :scared1: If you are not that familiar with the Lemp family history, I definitely suggest Googling them. It is a very interesting story indeed. E, C, myself and our other friend R spent the night in Lemp Mansion last year for my birthday and it was an experience I'll never forget.

Back to the was the first time any of us had done a murder mystery dinner but I have a feeling it won't be our last. The cast was very engaging and we all had a different character that we had to play. The food was delicious and none of us left hungry! My only complaint was that they were doing the same performance in 2 separate dining rooms so they would perform part of the show in our room then serve one course. Then there would be this big gap of time before they came back for another bit of the performance then another course was served and so on. It just really drug out the evening and the storyline just never really came to fruition.

Who killed the 100-year-old unscrupulous birthday boy? Was it for money or his pickle empire?

SIL and E


Salad course...Italian salad with homemade garlic butter croutons and a Caesar-like dressing

Main course...Baked chicken with a cilantro lime cream sauce, steamed broccoli, buttered red potatoes, pretzel roll with butter, and a glass of wine. velvet cake with cheesecake on top, white chocolate shavings around the edges, and drizzled with chocolate sauce.

So as you can see, DH and I have been busy little beavers. And it looks like it will be continuing for the foreseeable future. This coming weekend, DMIL and I are having a garage sale (with all proceeds going to our trip :thumbsup2) and that evening, I am going to another concert with some friends. Things slow a bit until September when my dad and stepmom are planning a visit, DH and I have a wedding to go to, and we will attend the annual Taste of St. Louis with our friends (which has become a yearly tradition).

In between all that, we still have our list of WDW to-dos and I am hosting a baby shower for sister in October that I have to organize too. I promise, promise, promise I will do better about updating this thread.
2. Organizing - I've started a Disney box with all the supplies we're planning on taking with us or more than likely sending down earlier. I have a feeling we're going to need a bigger box eventually because there's a lot more I think we're going to need.

I have just been throwing the supplies/stuff I have bought in my larger suitcase for now.
Some of the things in there already:
New Tink Tshirt
Disney Pins & Lanyards
Dr. Scholls inserts
Sunscreen wipes
Single Serve PB cups (and other snacks)
Some Toiletries
My new Cross Body Purse

I would pack my clothes if I could but still need some of them for summer wear.:lmao:
Nice reading along your plans. Don't feel bad about visiting the dark side. We have one of our fall visits dedicated to it ;)

We'll be at Disney at the same time. If you see us, feel free to say hi!
WOW! Wow! WOW! I'm screaming like a geeky teen here.........

What great seats at the baseball.


Okay. I really mean....what great seats at the concert! :lmao:
Nice reading along your plans. Don't feel bad about visiting the dark side. We have one of our fall visits dedicated to it ;)

We'll be at Disney at the same time. If you see us, feel free to say hi!

I just read your trip report. Thanks for stopping by:wave2:

I have made a special Halloween LGMH to attach to our backpack so if you see it, stop us! LOL I know it's hard to pick out people in a sea of bodies sometimes, especially when you're distracted by all the Disney magic! :wizard:

I'll post a picture of our LGMH later on so everyone will know what to look for.
I have just been throwing the supplies/stuff I have bought in my larger suitcase for now.
Some of the things in there already:
New Tink Tshirt
Disney Pins & Lanyards
Dr. Scholls inserts
Sunscreen wipes
Single Serve PB cups (and other snacks)
Some Toiletries
My new Cross Body Purse

I would pack my clothes if I could but still need some of them for summer wear.:lmao:

We still need to order our snacks and I keep forgetting about the ponchos! I just received my new camera bag and a box of bonine to help with my motion sickness.

I would love to be able to pack some of our clothes but we're in the same boat, although this week we could almost get by with fall clothing! I have realized that I need to buy more shorts. I don't want to wear denim shorts all week so I need to get some lightweight cotton ones or something along those lines.
WOW! Wow! WOW! I'm screaming like a geeky teen here.........

What great seats at the baseball.


Okay. I really mean....what great seats at the concert! :lmao:

:rotfl2::lmao: I'm glad I'm not the only one. Nothing like that has EVER happened to me and I'm pretty sure it will never happen again!
Thanks to the new discounts that came out yesterday, we have awesome news......(we really need a drum roll smiley)

Not only did get get FD but we also saved about $200 AND we get to spend a whole extra day in WDW!! :cool1:

So our new travel dates are October 2-10, which also means that we will be there for our 3rd wedding anniversary, our 9th dating anniversary, and DH's *cough* 38th *cough* birthday!!!!

As far as it stands right now, we are not going to change any of our ADRs but I'm sure that won't stick. Plus now we get 2 more snack credits for F&W. :thumbsup2

Speaking of F&W, can you believe that I haven't even had a chance to check out the menus since they've posted them?? That's on my Disney agenda for this weekend but unfortunately, I have another busy weekend so I'm not sure it will get done or not.

What about you all? Did you get to partake in any of the discounts yesterday?
Just joining in...

It's fun to find another Iowa girl on here. I grew up near Des Moines, but we're in Bettendorf now. :)

We're not going back for another year :sad2: so I'm following along to get my Disney fix.
Just joining in...

It's fun to find another Iowa girl on here. I grew up near Des Moines, but we're in Bettendorf now. :)

We're not going back for another year :sad2: so I'm following along to get my Disney fix.

I am familiar with Bettendorf. I grew up in Burlington so we would go to Bettendorf every once in awhile to shop. :)

:welcome: and thanks for joining in!
I haven't had time to check out the menu's yet. On my list of things to weekend.
We've had another couple of busy weeks.

Between working and sprucing up our house, we had a garage sale ($130 towards the trip fund), Pasta's uncle had a 50th birthday party, and I attended another concert.

This time, it was the Backstreet Boys! My friend bought the tickets for myself and her sister. We had a blast!

My friend, me, friend's sister (as you can tell by my face, it was very humid that night)

Opening act DJ Pauly D (yes, the one from "Jersey Shore". He was surprisingly really good. He picked lots of really good songs and was great at engaging the crowd.

Second opening act: Jesse McCartney. He was "eh". I only know about 3-4 of his songs and luckily he sang all of them. LOL

Great seats and a great concert. They played a bunch of new songs, which was a tad annoying because I like to sing along when I go to concerts but they also did several acoustically with the guys playing their own instruments! I won't bore you with as many details as I did with the previous concert at the risk of driving everyone away from this PTR.

I finally had a chance to sit down and drool....I mean, peruse...the menus for F&W. Pasta hasn't looked yet but since he's so gosh darned picky, I would imagine he'll mainly be either tasting my choices or eating from the regular food booths.

So what is on my "must sample list"? I'll lay it all out for you in the next post. :woohoo:
Hi. My names is Taters and I'm a food-aholic. I am one of those people who live to eat as opposed to eat to live. I love trying new things and ogling over food porn. This is why F&W is so exciting to me (and let me preface by saying that our Taste of St. Louis is the weekend before we head to WDW so I will be doing A LOT of sampling for those two weeks.

When the F&W menus were release, I could feel my taste buds dancing with joy :dance3: There are so many choices! How ever was I going to decide which ones to indulge in? My solution...invite my good friends who live in Bradenton to join us! :thumbsup2 That way we can share and hopefully not fill up too quickly.

Below is my list of "must/want to eat".


Spinach and Paneer Cheese Pocket - I have never had any "African" food but this just looks delicious!


Shakin’ Jamaican Coffee – Made with Kāhlua, Vanilla and Caramel. Served Hot or Frozen

I absolutely love Kahlua. Whether I get it hot or frozen will depend on the weather at time of consumption.


Garlic Shrimp with Roasted Tomatoes, Lemon Myrtle and Rapini - I will be totally honest. I have no idea what lemon myrtle or rapini is but I'm a big fan of seafood and I don't get to have it that often.


Belgian Waffle with Warm Chocolate Ganache and Whipped Cream - Chocolate Ganache. Good enough reason for me.

Chilled Coffee featuring Godiva Chocolate Liqueur - I consider this a more grown-up version of the iced mocha I get once a week.


Crispy Pork Belly with Black Beans, Onions, Avocado and Cilantro - I am not 100% sold on this one yet. I've never had pork belly but from what I've read, it's very similar to bacon.

Carnaval Moscato White - I usually enjoy Moscato but this will be one of my maybes. I am not a huge drinker so I don't want to overdo it with adult beverages.


Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup - Oh Canada! Our home and native land! Okay, so it's not my native land but for cheese soup, I'll pretend it is.

“Le Cellier” Wild Mushroom Beef Filet Mignon with Truffle Butter Sauce - I am really looking forward to this since we aren't eating at Le Cellier this trip. I've heard nothing but rave reviews for this dish.

La Face Neige Apple Ice Wine - Nothing says fall to me more than anything apple flavored. I'm not a big wine drinker, though, so this one is just a maybe for right now.


Silky Spun Ice with Toppings (three flavors: Coconut, Strawberry, Chocolate)

Kung Fu Punch with Vodka


Hazelnut Chocolate Cheesecake

I imagine Pasta might light to try either the frozen s'mores or the Belgian chocolate truffles.


Boeuf Bourguignon (Braised Short Ribs in Cabernet with Mashed Potatoes) - I've always wanted to try this and now I can without spending 3 days in the kitchen making it.


Apple Strudel with Werther’s Original Karamel and Vanilla Sauce


Griddled Greek Cheese with Pistachios and Honey

Taste of Greece: Grilled & Marinated Calamari, Hitipiti, Eggplant Dip, Olives and Pita Bread - I love Greek food; however, I'm not sold on the calamari. I may see if I can substitute more olives or something. If not, then I'll suck it up and try it.


Kālua Pork Slider with Sweet and Sour Dole® Pineapple Chutney and Spicy Mayonnaise

Aulani Sunrise featuring Ocean Vodka


Lobster Roll with Lemon Herb Mayonnaise

New England Clam Chowder with a side of Tabasco®

Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat® - I'm not a beer drinker by nature but I do like some of the "fruity" beers so I may give this one a shot.


Ith, Ól agus Bí sásta! I've tried lots of different Irish dishes so I'm looking forward to trying some new ones.

Lobster and Seafood Fisherman’s Pie

Warm Chocolate Pudding with Bailey’s® Custard - Remember how I said that I love Kalua. Well, don't tell Kalua this but I love Bailey's more. :rolleyes1


Ravioli de formaggio all’emiliana


The Brown Elephant featuring Amarula Cream Liqueur


Scottish Banoffee Tart with Bananas, Scottish Whisky Toffee, Walkers Shortbread Crumbles and Sweet Cream

So there's my list. Yes, I'm aware that there is a ton of food on there and yes, I'm aware that I'm not hitting every booth and yes, I'm aware that I will probably not be able to get everything that I want. I'm hoping the fact that we are spending more than one day at F&W (and taking in some attractions between hitting the food booths) and the fact that hopefully our friends will be joining us that I will be able to accomplish most of it.

What dishes are you most looking forward to?


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