Pensioners, Pirates and Princesses DAY 1


Hey There Hi There Ho There Its A Disney Kind Of D
Sep 19, 2007
The cast:

Diane - my lovely Mum - not too fond of rides but loves just looking around and people watching - aka Pensioner #1
Helen - my friend - former CM - worked as ::MickeyMo in the parades and shows. Fantasy AP holder and Shareholder.
Elle - Aged 7 - pirate in training and professional tomboy. Fantasy AP holder.
Lucy - Aged 4 - princess obsessed - as girly as Elle is tomboy.
Bex - Elle and Lucys cousin - nearly 16 but still not too cool to come with us and have a fab time.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaan - The 3 girls Nan - answers to Nan when anyone calls her it - aka shortly to be a Pensioner #2.
Auntie Vix - friend of mine and Helens - and we don't do Disney without her (or there would be trouble). Fantasy AP holder and Shareholder.
Me (obv) - also known as Auntie Ruth to Elle and Lucy. Fantasy AP holder and Shareholder.

4am - the alarm went off and having not gone to bed till 11.30 the previous night I was a little tired but as always excited. Woke my Mum up and got ourselves ready for Helen to pick us up.

As I mentioned in our pre-trip report Elle and Lucy did not know they were coming till they were woken up so there was much screaming and giggles when they arrived in the car (apologies to the neighbours for that). Lucy had been poorly during the night and was sat clutching a cereal bowl in case she felt sick :sick: .

Round to pick up Naaaaaaaaaan and we were on our way. Arrived at Liverpool airport at 5.45 and met up with Auntie Vix. As we parked and got out of the car I put Lucy in her buggy and popped the bowl in her hands. It caused much amusement when her mum spotted it as apparently it was for the car only however it was now on its way to Disney! A quick check in with Easyjet and it was off for some breakfast.

There was a new food place called Go Pizza which was before passport control but we had some time to kill so we popped in there and thats where Flik made his first appearance.

I had put a little note in addressed to them explaining who he was and that he needed looking after. Elle immediately took control and he was hung round her neck where he pretty much remained for the next 3 days.

Flight was pretty uneventful. As soon as the seatbelt signs were off Flik was wiggling around.

We landed on time and went out to meet our shuttle bus. With there being 8 of us we went with We use them a lot for business and have always found them to be on time and cheap - 200 euros return for 8 of us.

We arrived at the Adagio within 25 minutes...did I mention the shuttle was also fast! I've done a review for that here

Our room was ready so we dumped our bags and headed off to grab some lunch in the shopping centre. We then headed through to Auchan to grab some supplies and caught the train to the park (we'd picked up a bus timetable for our return journey).

Straight to the parks - half of us had AP's and half didn't so we had to buy tickets. Now if you buy 3 day 2 park hoppers via the Disney site they are currently offering them at £94 for an adult. At the window they were 134 euros which we got 15% off with our shareholders pass but that still made them over £94 with the current rotten exchange rate so unless the rate improves its as cheap to buy them in advance where you can. Left a bit of a sour taste in our mouths there as the 15% discount didn't really save us anything.

Anyway that soon disappeared as we entered the magic and spotted the Christmas tree all decorated.

We walked down Main Street and posed for a group pic (Helen took the pic so she isn't in it)

From left to right we have Me, My Mum, Elle (in front of my Mum), Auntie Vix, Lucy (in buggy), Naaaaaaan and Bex.

We then headed through the castle to Fantasyland where there were only 5 minute waits for Snow White and Pinnochio so we quickly went on those. A fastpass for Peter Pan was obtained and we then headed to the Carousel.

From there it seemed rude not to hop round onto sign of Captain Jack pirate: although he will appear in another report......yummy :love: !

We then decided to get our spots for the parade. We stood close to where it came out near the gates by IASW and one of the highlights was when we saw Captain Hook we waved Flik at him only for him to shake his hook at us. Peter Pan spotted Flik and made a crocodile movement with his arms (its a bit dark on the photo but hope you can still see it). Santa was there which surprised the girls but his reindeer were not...perhaps they do not come till later on in the month.

We decided after the parade it was time to warm up with some hot chocs so we went to Victorias to pick them up...boy the service was slow in there that day - took about 25 mins to get 7 hot chocs :headache:

Refreshed and revitalised we headed off to defeat the Evil Emperor Zurg on Buzz - my Mum insisted her gun wasn't working but it was her first time ever on the ride so we let her off. Flik thought the green on Buzz was a perfect shade of croc.

Then it was time for the enchanted Candelabration. My camera despite having many different shoot options does not seem to take good nighttime photos so I cannot begin to do justice to how fantastic the castle looked. It was breathtaking when it was lit up and the use of Chante C'est Noel in the ceremony made it all seem so perfect and Christmassy.

By this time we were all flagging a little so we headed out of the park to Planet Hollywood for our tea. Not that we are creatures of habit but we had chicken crunch, bruschetta, potato skins, fajhitas and all just shared. A few Desperados were drunk (Flik took a liking to them) and also a few WooWoo cocktails. We have a few friends who work in the restaurant so we had a quick catch up with them too.

By this time it was past 9 and the girls were really tired so we caught the free shuttle back to the hotel - less than ten minutes and it stopped outside the door.

Back to the apartment and it was time for bed ready to dream about the following day......
What a lovely day, and you have very good taste in fortwear! (I have the same ugg boots :rotfl: )
Great start to the trip, looks like Flik had a great time too - how cute of Peter Pan!


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