People waiting in line say the darndest things!

I was in line for the boat at POR and overheard a woman saying: "Life's too short to live in Illinois, that's for sure." Apparently she doesn't like Illinois. :confused3

:lmao::lmao::lmao: I have lived in Illinois my entire life and would completely agree with her!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
On DCL there's a comedian who comes on called Heath Hyche who does the Circle of Life song like this:

Aaaaahhhhhh Pennsylvaniaaaaa konechiwaaaaaaa
pink pajamas penguins on the bottom, pink pajamas penguins on the bottom

We were crying we were laughing so hard!!!! :lmao:

That is HILARIOUS!!!!! :lmao::lmao:
I was afraid that would be an issue for DD on our first trip - she was 3 and had tons of toilet issues -- she was afraid of toilets that weren't white (the IMAX has black ones), Port-a-Potties (ok - I'm a little afraid of those) and yes, the self-flushing kind.

So on our first experience with the self-flush toilet at 'ohaha, I told her to pay attention, "Mickey Mouse would magically flush the toilet for us." And whatdaya know? He did! From then on out, whenever the toiled flushed automatically, she would chime "Mickey did it!:rotfl:
LOVE it! :thumbsup2
•Random old guy-*points to Liberty Belle Riverboat* That's the ferry that takes you to the parking lot.

•Child #1-*hits brother*
Child #2- *hits sister back*
Child #1- "Dad, he hit me!
Dad- You hit him first.
not waiting in line but in the japanese store in epcot we heard a lady say very excitedly, 'hello Kitty in Disney? thats like Jesus meets magic',!
While not in line I did hear a guy at EPCOT say "Look we're in Germany" while standing in the Canada Pavilion.
This past Saturday on the monorail:

Woman pointing to Grand Floridian: "What resort is that?!?!"

Husband (with authority): "That's the Carribean Beach Resort"

Wife: "Why aren't we staying there?"

Husband: "It's a timeshare. You have to pay about $10,000 to buy in. Anyway, our room at Orleans is nicer."

Me: *biting my tongue*

I just wanted to say "DISBoards-google it!"
While not in line I did hear a guy at EPCOT say "Look we're in Germany" while standing in the Canada Pavilion.

Oh no way!! :rotfl2: There are a few countries where MAYBE he could have got away with being a little 'confused' .. but Canada and Germany? :lmao:
On Kilimanjaro Safari, when our driver informed us that we would be heading on a 2 week long safari, a little boy in the row in front of me looks at his mom in a panic and says, "But mom I only have one pair of underwear!" To which his brother responds, "You can just turn them inside out like dad does". :rotfl:
On Kilimanjaro Safari, when our driver informed us that we would be heading on a 2 week long safari, a little boy in the row in front of me looks at his mom in a panic and says, "But mom I only have one pair of underwear!" To which his brother responds, "You can just turn them inside out like dad does". :rotfl:

I was waiting in a long line crammed into the very small bathroom at Blue Bayou in Disneyland. One stall would be used and the person would come out , but the other stall door remained closed. A mother was standing outside the stall and every 30 seconds or so would ask, "Are you o.k? Do you need anything?"

A bright little voice would chirp, "I am just getting all the poopy out of me mommy!"

This went on very several minutes and finally the mother demanded to be allowed into the stall with her daughter. As soon as she got into the stall we heard a horrible gasp and then an exclamation....


The happy chipper little voice replied, "Mommmmmmm, I told you, I am NOT playing with my poopy, I am just getting it out of my butt.":rotfl2:

All of the women waiting in line got the giggles, it was just too funny.

The mother then appeared with a little girl dressed in full princess gear whose hands were covered in the aforementioned poopy. She also had gotten a little bit on her dress and a smear in her hair.

It would seem she was a little constipated and decided to take matters into her own hands, literally.

That little poop covered princess was so happy and filthy. It was beyond hilarious.

Several of us offered up wet wipes and the Mother finally got her daughter somewhat presentable. I donated a two gallon ziplock bag to hold the princess dress that was now accidentally decorated with poop.

Oh my goodness! That has got to be the smallest bathroom at any disney park and to have to deal with a poopy mess there? You can hardly turn around or squeeze past other people. And it's even worse when the line is out the door. That poor mom! (Actually, the tiki room bathroom at DL is probably smaller but no one seems to ever be in there compared to BB bathroom.)
On Kilimanjaro Safari, when our driver informed us that we would be heading on a 2 week long safari, a little boy in the row in front of me looks at his mom in a panic and says, "But mom I only have one pair of underwear!" To which his brother responds, "You can just turn them inside out like dad does". :rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I was in line for the boat at POR and overheard a woman saying: "Life's too short to live in Illinois, that's for sure." Apparently she doesn't like Illinois. :confused3

Illinois gets a bad rap in Disney world... My mom and I were taking the boat to the Grand Floridian one day, it was hot out and we were wearing sun dresses. A very talkative little girl about 7 or 8 years old started talking to us and asked us where we were from. When we told her Chicago she responded, "You wear skirts in Chicago??" :confused3 Guess she thinks Chicago is in the arctic?
Ha ha, this is actually my mom's story...

When I was about 6 or 7 years old I got to meet Mickey. I got his autograph and had my mom took our picture. After the picture Mickey gave me a kiss on the cheek. After we walked out I put my hand over the spot where he kissed me and said "Wait until I get back to school and tell everyone that Mickey Mouse kissed me, they are going to be so jealous."

20 years later and my mom says that is still her favorite memory and I might just still have a small crush on Mickey. ;-)
My cousin recently came back from Disney with his wife and two daughters. His oldest we thrilled to be riding all the big rides and went with her mom on the Twilight zone Tower of Terror. Well the stuff in the line alone had her freaked out and the ride left her just scarred to death of the ride.

A few weeks after their trip they were at a play where a person was on stage interacting with the people and asked "what scares you" well she jumps up and screams "TWILIGHT ZONE TOWER OF TERROR" which brought a loud laugh from everyone in the audience.

They just commented to eachother "guess she's not really over it"
This wasn't in line it was DURING Hall of Presidents. This &%#@$* was on his cellphone during the whoooole show. seriously. No cm came, nothing, I tried loud shushes, followed by... well, everyone in the theater. then people started shouting... Finally, an older gentleman got up, furious, and stood nose to nose with him, and told him he was disturbing everyone in the theater and to take it somewhere else... the guy on the phone starts talking LOUDER "Yeah, some guy is in my face" and then telling the guy to 'get out of" his face, louder and louder. I seriously freaked. thought my kids first ever Hall of presidents would end in bloodshed.
Hopefully, this year, we'll actually get to hear some of the show. :mad:


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