Petals & Pixie Dust Planning Journal 11/30/2009/2010

Welcome Back!!! :) Everything sounds wonderful so far!!! Will definitely be staying tuned!!! popcorn::Haha... 16 days... no pressure! At least it will make those days go by super quick before your next trip!!
And so this TR begins! I'm going to stat with the day before. Let' see it started with a mad dash to the bank to cash checks, get money, blah blah blah...and then it was off to the spa for a mani and pedi. I decided to get the shellac manicure and let me tell you it was worth it's weight in gold! Of course I did ding it up before two weeks time-but it wasn't noticeable for the wedding (I picked up a brand new razor and luck would have it it caught a nail...leave it to me! :rotfl:)



Now let me remind you...where we live-it is COLD! and snowy...So, it would only be appropriate to wear the spa flip flops home right? No way could we actually wear socks and shoes home!!!

After that, it was a quick run home to finish packing and get everything in order.

I also had a gift to finish for Polynesian Bride (Adelia). She was coming to help me get ready...and keep me sane! And for that I couldn't thank her enough. So, since jewelry making is a hobby of mine, I made her a bracelet with her wedding colors and a cute tag to go along with it....



Now, we had a 7AM flight out. DH got home as usual at like 7PM...and it was a quick dinner (pizza) and we did our best to will ourselves to sleep. Yeah...that didn't happen...At all...we tossed and turned that point I just went out on the couch (for some reason when I can't sleep I can there...) and then it was up at 2:30 AM :scared1:...My mother-who doesn't travel often was afraid of being detained, pat down, and questioned going through security...So, DH and I throw our things into the car...and take this point probably about 4AM...about 1/2 way down the street I think-out loud-UM...I THINK I FORGOT THE BOARDING PASSES! DH promptly turns the car around...speeds home...and before we know it...we turn the computer back on and I'm tearing through everything...come to find out there were in another compartment in my bag...not where I usually put them :headache: Luckily we were still way ahead of schedule and got back in the car..laughed it off...and drove to my parents house.
My kidding were in the garage-bags in hand and ready to go! We designated all appropriate carry-ons and we were off (wonder what the TSA guy thought when they ran my dad's carry on thru and it had heels in it! :rotfl:)
Once we got to the airport...The boys dropped off the us and the luggage...went to park the car. Mom left me so she could have one last cigarette...and we finally checked in...ONLY FOR THEM TO REPRINT OUR BOARDING PASSES ANYWAY!@ :rotfl2: Figures right??? :rolleyes:
We made it through TSA with no problem and had ridiculous amounts of time to kill...So, it was off to grab something to eat and sat at our gate....Now, you can always tell that you're at a Disney bound were wearing their mouse ears...and by golly! I was going to wear mine...much to DH's dismay...(I do have a photo of this somewhere...but for some reason can't find it this second...:mad:)
We finally boarded the plane...just a tip...JetBlue boards from the back to the front of the plane..the first set of rows they call are 20-25...We were in row 22...just made it easier that way. JetBlue didn't do much in terms of pixie dust...ok they didn't do anything...HOWEVER, DH said it was helpful to have my bridal ears on when he went to the bathroom and had to come back and find the seat...:earsgirl:

The flight was no problem...We landed and got onto the ME...We were almost there...Check in was a breeze..We got our "happily ever after" buttons and dropped our luggage at luggage services...Our rooms weren't ready...So we had to wait until we got a text message saying they were ready...Which I thought was pretty helpful.
We ate at the POP-we were one the dining plan so it made things easy. Then there was some debate about what park to go to..DH wanted to go ride RNR. I had planned to go to MK-since we had reservations at WCC...I got over-ruled...and was slightly annoyed...but went with it since I was out numbered...Here is the tree from DHS

We got to DHS. Busses seemed really slow...but it was a bit busier...Everyone went on RNR...

I stayed behind...I'm not a fan of roller coasters that go upside headed off on my own adventure...Where I stumbled upon the animation class...I missed the first class...which was ok..I talked to a CM named Lewey...My first question was whether or not he forgot his name tag..he said no..his name was really Lewey...We talked for a bit on how he started working at Disney. He was still really young-like 19...started working there when he was 15. Then, people started coming in and the cue was getting crowded. Our turn was up and we all filed in...The group before us drew Pooh...not that I have anything against Pooh...but he isn't my favorite...The class I ended up in drew MICKEY! I was super excited! It was kind of nice to be by myself for a little bit...I worked on my drawing...and wrote down the directions...I'm gonna have to practice!
By the time we had all gotten together and started to head toward the exit...time was ticking away...then we had to wait for a bus...and were going to go back to the POP to put our luggage away...Since we didn't know what time luggage closed (which we now know is 11PM :rolleyes:) We finally got a bus...Got our luggage to our room (at least our carry ons) and then...had to get another bus to get a bus to WL...and we had like 20 minutes to do this...:furious: I ran to concierge at the POP and asked them to call WL to tell them we would be late for our WCC ADR and was told "They will hold your table for 20 minutes..make a run for it!" SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I'm beyond mad at this point b/c had we gone to MK we would have only needed to trip back to WL...and we would have been fine...So, I say to the group "I don't think I'm going to bother planning trips anymore. You're all on your own." My MOTHER...who had been all "what are we doing this day and that day and what about this..." says "We never go with a plan and we never have a problem." ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I juggled all these ADR's b/c she is diabetic and tried to keep her on her schedule and you tell me it doesn't matter!!! :mad: I just got wasn't worth it at that point. I spent sometime texting a friend to keep myself calm...DH text messaged me and asked what was wrong...and I told him that it was obvious that people didn't appreciate my hard work and if that was the case then I wasn't doing it any more :sad2: DH tells me how much he appreciated all the work and that they just don't understand...He must have said something to them while I was in the bathroom or something b/c my parents tune changed DRASTICALLY...and they remarked how wonderful the resort great it was that i found this place...I wasn't looking for compliments...just to stick to the makes everything easier. :rolleyes:
We were an hour late for our ressie...but we got in in a few minutes (thank goodness!) There weren't a ton of was busy...they did bring a kid a HUGE glass of lemonade...our waitress dropped a whole bunch of silverware and plates and then screamed "sorry first day!" There were some good laughs...but nothing as wild and crazy...the table next to us did have to run ketchup....meal was decent and at that point...I was too tired to really care. (Pics of the resort...)



We got back to our resort and our luggage that we had our yellow tags on and checked weren't there :scared1:Are you kidding me! I called luggage mind's 9:00-we've been up since 2:30AM...we're tired...I explained this to the woman who said "We have them and will bring them to you." When I asked how long she said in the half hour." :guilty: All I wanted to do was sleep...sleep was good..and now I waited...for a full 30 minutes...and nothing...Great. I was at least thankful that our luggage made it...but really...please...I just wanted a nap...that's all...after 30 minutes and no luggage-I called back...and appeared in minutes...Thank you to the CM that brought it to us...I pulled out my toothbrush and my pajamas and it was bed time!
Sounds like quite a first day! Glad you finally got your luggage!! It's good that your DH talked to your family about all the hard work you put in... sounds like a great guy! :)

Can't wait to hear more :)
(wonder what the TSA guy thought when they ran my dad's carry on thru and it had heels in it! :rotfl:)

HOWEVER, DH said it was helpful to have my bridal ears on when he went to the bathroom and had to come back and find the seat...:earsgirl:

Hahaha.. these two moments of your story had me laughing :rotfl:I can picture the little bride ears peeking up over the seats...

Sorry your day sounded a bit stressed but glad you finally got your bags and some much needed rest!!

Can't wait to hear more!!!! :goodvibes
Sounds like quite a first day! Glad you finally got your luggage!! It's good that your DH talked to your family about all the hard work you put in... sounds like a great guy! :)

Can't wait to hear more :)

He is a great guy! I'm very lucky to have him! :lovestruc

Wowee! What a day! :laughing:

Yeah tell me about it...I was exhausted by the end of the day...all I wanted was sleep!!!

Hahaha.. these two moments of your story had me laughing :rotfl:I can picture the little bride ears peeking up over the seats...

Sorry your day sounded a bit stressed but glad you finally got your bags and some much needed rest!!

Can't wait to hear more!!!! :goodvibes

yeah..Poor TSA guy! I wish DH could have taken a pic of my ears over the head rest...would have made a cute pic!

I forgot to mention a little pixie dust that happened the first day...A good friend of mine was in Disney the week before...her inlaws are CMs...Sometime the week before, she text messaged me and asked what hotel I was staying in...So, thinking nothing of it I told her. When we got to our room when it was ready...There was a white bag waiting for us. Inside the white bag was the wedding pin and the Groom Mickey & Bride Minnie salt and pepper shakers! She said she just wanted to make sure that there was something in the room when we got there...a little pixie dust :wizard:...(I'm tired and I don't have the pic uploaded...I'll have to do that tomorrow...) Needless to say it was a little bright spot in my day! I couldn't thank her enough! I love pixie dust!!!

The bag that was in the room!

The Pin

The Salt & Pepper Shakers
...To tell you how unbelievably sweet the people that I work with are!!!
Today I came into work and my nurse manager came up to me and asked me to follow her...I thought I was in trouble , but couldn't possibly think of anything I could have done wrong in the 12 hours I had been there this week...So, I follow her and she says "We forgot that you come in at 11:00...but we brought you breakfast....Um...but I guess it's now brunch! Happy Wedding!" Then the rest of my nursing staff came in and they brought be a gift! It was a recipe box full of recipes!!! Everyone in clinic contributed their family favorites. I was so touched it was awesome! The recipe on the recipe box is a Recipe For A Happy Marriage
1 cup consideration
2 cups praise
1 small pinch of in-laws (DH wants to change this to taste :rotfl:)
1 Gallon of Patience
2 Tablespoons Flattery
1 Cup Encouragement
A dash of faith and trust

Blend well. Sweeten with generous portions of love. Keep warm with a stead flame of passion. Serves 2

It was so sweet of them to think of me! And brunch was yummy! I spent a lot of time grazing today...Good thing I don't have to worry about getting into a dress! :laughing: Oh week back to the gym for me....gotta work on the endurance for our trip to Alaska...if there are good hikes or something I don't want to be the last in line...:rolleyes1

Also...I'm having some issues with photobucket...For some reason it won't find my photos so that I can upload them...:mad: More to come as soon as I figure it out or change to flicker...

Now back to your regularly scheduled TR...
Ok I got some photos uploaded into photobucket...and posts 1228 and 1232 now have photos in them!!! Hopefully from here on out it won't be so difficult!
The story of going so early to the airport reminds me of my dad. We live about 15 minutes from the airport we use for most flights and there have been times where my mom and I would drop my dad off early, so he could get through security. We would go run a few last minute errands and still get checked in with over an hour to spare. He worries so much about air travel.

I totally understand your frustrations about the dinner reservations. Thankfully, they were able to get you in without too much delay. Also, what a great surprise from your friend. How sweet to leave the gift for you when you arrived.
The story of going so early to the airport reminds me of my dad. We live about 15 minutes from the airport we use for most flights and there have been times where my mom and I would drop my dad off early, so he could get through security. We would go run a few last minute errands and still get checked in with over an hour to spare. He worries so much about air travel.

I totally understand your frustrations about the dinner reservations. Thankfully, they were able to get you in without too much delay. Also, what a great surprise from your friend. How sweet to leave the gift for you when you arrived.

It's nice to know that my parents aren't the only ones! :laughing:
I was almost hoping for a longer delay...but they ended up getting us in quickly. AT that point I just wanted to eat...and didn't care much about the shennanigans that take place in the restaurant...which is why I picked the restaurant in the first place! Oh well...DH says "next time we are going alone!" I think by the end of the trip we were both just tired of being with people..We travel well together...throw others in the mix and we would rather be alone...LOL
Nothing like sinus headache to keep you home and keep the TR moving! :sick::laughing:

We set the alarm for 9...but were up at 7 anyway...:rolleyes1Figures right??/When ever you WANT to sleep in on vacation it doesn't happen! However, it was a slow to get moving kind of morning...We eventually got breakfast at the POP...which is a bit like a cattle call...Everyone was in there! (or at least so it seemed) my parents were going off on their own...and we had ADR's at Le Cellier at 1215...So, we got ourselves ready and were off...Along with waiting for the bus...again (this becomes a regular thing...) Our first stop was Soarin'...which is my ultimate favorite...and of course has the ultimate wait...So, we waited...and waited...and you get the point. We played the games on the screens that they had...they were pretty fun...whether or not we got them to really work is another story...but eventually we got in. Like I said it is absolutely my favorite ride in all the parks, but I felt bad that DH was waiting..this was really the first time we have really had to wait for rides. We usually go during value season...and every thing we read said this was value season...but really not so also could have been that it was the end of a holiday weekend...Anyway...Thanks to DH for being patient and knowing that I love the ride so much that he waited in line...:banana:

Our next stop was mission space. Dh if you remember was getting over a he didn't want to do the orange team with his sinuses being what they were...So, the green team had a 5 minute wait time. Our ADR for Le Cellier was in 20 or 30 minutes-So, what harm could we do riding it???? So, we got in the cue...
One thing I love do to when we go to Disney is mail stuff back home...that way the magic always continues -even if it is just a little bit...We got some cool stuff on this trip...and it all got to the door TODAY! I just wish they could have spaced it out some...:3dglasses


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