Peter Pan & Tinkerbell


DIS Veteran
Jan 3, 2003
Hi All, For those of you with kiddies I was wondering if Peter Pan or Tinkerbell are characters that walk around the park? My children are really into Peter Pan right now and I know my daughter would love to see tinkerbell, but I don't ever remember seeing her before.

Also, they like the movie the Aristocrats. Is there anything at Disney with these Characters??

Thanks for any info. Just want to make their first time at Disney a little more magical!!:D
PeterPan can be seen at various places, you would have to check with the information desk as to where he can be seen and when. Tinkerbell can only be seen at the Magic Kingdom during the fireworks when she flits from the castle. She is too small to wander around the park grounds!
Peter Pan can often be seen chasing Captian Hook around the outside of Cinderella's castle. They don't stop to talk but it's real cool to see them.Peter Pan is SOMETIMES at Cindy's breakfast.

Jordan's mom
We saw Peter Pan, Wendy, Captain Hook, and Mr. Smee outside Pirates of the Carribean last summer. We got autographs and pictures of the kids with them. It was funny, as we were walking away Captain Hook came up behind my husband and hooked him around the waist. The kids still talk about how Hook tried to get Daddy! :D
Originally posted by The Disney Bunch
Tinkerbell can only be seen at the Magic Kingdom during the fireworks when she flits from the castle.

I have a Disneyland special on tape, and it showed a woman (Tinkerbell) "flying" through the air on a line. Now that is one job that I would <I>not</I> want to have! Do they still have a woman do that, or is Tinkerbell just a light now???

I have a Disneyland special on tape, and it showed a woman (Tinkerbell) "flying" through the air on a line. Now that is one job that I would not want to have! Do they still have a woman do that, or is Tinkerbell just a light now???
Its still a real woman!! I wouldn't get on the wire for anything!! We just got back from WDW a few days ago, and we saw Peter, Wendy, Capt. Hook and Smee all in Adventureland. We've also seen Peter at Cindy's breakfast in past years, but not this time.
We had the coolest experience with Peter Pan! My ds is 4. We were at the parade, and Peter Pan is one of the last to come by. He is holding a lantern, talking to "Tink" inside. He made a comment, and said "Tink, do you think THAT BOY dreams?" and he pointed straight at ds! Talk about a magic moment. Of course ds didn't even notice but I made sure to tell him, and remind him. Now he proudly says "Peter Pan thinks *I* dream!"

Before we left WDW, I mailed a postcard to ds "from Peter Pan", mentioning all those things. Hopefully it will arrive today. I can't wait to see ds' reaction.


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