Photoshop Elements

corel paint shop photo pro is another great program, I prefer it over photo shop
is this a good program for editing photos shot with SLR? Will it be fine for editing my first WDW photos? I have it, just want to know what everyone thinks.
I have it and use it all the time!! It should be just fine for you.
I have PSE 8 and it works well for the minimum of processing I do. My DW is the better PP and she was using PSE 6 until we recently upgraded to latest release. Since I'm not a professional it fills my need.
Photoshop Elements is considered to be the home user version of Photoshop. It is great for what many non-professional photographers, and some pros, need.
I seem to be unable to process images in Elements 7 if they were shot on my Nikon in Raw. How do I post process my raw images with this program?? I took a class and the teacher is really pushing me to get off JEPG and to raw but with no post processing, I'm stuck. He uses Cannon so he is unsure how to help.

Sounds like you just need the latest update that includes your camera model. I am not positive, but I think that Elements uses Adobe Camera Raw, so maybe that is what you need to update?
I seem to be unable to process images in Elements 7 if they were shot on my Nikon in Raw. How do I post process my raw images with this program?? I took a class and the teacher is really pushing me to get off JEPG and to raw but with no post processing, I'm stuck. He uses Cannon so he is unsure how to help.


Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) comes with Photoshop Elements. ACR is the program that allows you to edit RAW images from your camera.

Have you downloaded the latest update to Adobe Camera Raw? Here's the link to the Adobe Web site to download ACR 5.6:

Which Nikon camera do you have? Is your Nikon camera is newer than your Photoshop Elements? Adobe always provides free updates to its ACR program to handle new cameras that come out throughout the year. Your older Photoshop Elements program may not have recognized your newer Nikon camera's RAW files, so maybe that's why you can't view your RAW images.

See if that helps.
No offense to anyone... but if an instructor tells you to shoot RAW and can't tell you how to process your Nikon RAW files because he uses a Canon I'd seriously question that instructor's qualifications. You open the files the same way with a Canon as you do a Nikon, but like others pointed out you might need the latest update.

One thought.... Does Elements come with ACR out of the box now? When I put it on my daughter's PC a few years back I had to download the ACR plug in to start with.
Sounds like you just need the latest update that includes your camera model. I am not positive, but I think that Elements uses Adobe Camera Raw, so maybe that is what you need to update?

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) comes with Photoshop Elements. ACR is the program that allows you to edit RAW images from your camera.

Have you downloaded the latest update to Adobe Camera Raw? Here's the link to the Adobe Web site to download ACR 5.6:

Which Nikon camera do you have? Is your Nikon camera is newer than your Photoshop Elements? Adobe always provides free updates to its ACR program to handle new cameras that come out throughout the year. Your older Photoshop Elements program may not have recognized your newer Nikon camera's RAW files, so maybe that's why you can't view your RAW images.

See if that helps.

The plug in was it! That was simple! Elements will open I have to figure out what to do next!

Is version 6 good enough or would you upgrade to a later version?

I actually may have to upgrade as I have the disc but have lost the registration (it came with my scanner but I have no idea what I did with the registration! ARGH!)

But would like to know if I should bother to keep looking for the registration info or just buy a new one.


That's a question only you can answer. If it meets your needs and you don't feel like there are features in the newer version that you must have, then you may not want to upgrade. But if you have the budget and want the newer software then an upgrade might be what you want to do.
Yeah, I just can't play with it since I lost the registration!

I can download the free trial, but it won't be 6.0.

Did some searches and am considering Aperture too if I need to re-purchase anyway.

Keep in mind that Aperture is really more Apple's answer to Lightroom. It's like iPhoto on serious steroids. Where as Photshop Elements is Photoshop scaled down. They're 2 different types of software. They have some overlap, but htey also have some significant differences.

Which one is right for you depends on what you need to do.
I recently upgraded from 6 to 8 because it came free with my new laptop. For what I use it for (mainly color correction, levels, and basic retouching) I don't notice a single difference between 6 and 8.


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