Pics of Character in rare form

This is from our trip in Dec. 2010. It was the 1st trip for our DS, who was just a few months shy of 3 at the time. He met Pluto, took his picture with him & went to walk off. But then, Pluto ran & walked him back to where they had been & turned him to look down Main St towards the castle. The show was ending at the castle & Pluto wanted to show DS the fireworks. He stood there watching the fireworks with DS until they were over! I'm sure the other people in line weren't too thrilled by this but I thought it was very magical!

That made me tear up...:love:
That made me tear up...:love:

OMG me too! :rotfl2:

It makes me tear up as well, when I look back at this picture. But, I'm not going to lie, when I first realized that Pluto had run over & was taking my child away from me, I was like, "Where is he going with my child?" :lmao: I guess it was a "mama-bear" instinct coming out. The photopass photographer must've read my mind from my confused expression & he told me about the fireworks (I hadn't even noticed them)!
Number one rule: Always tip your hat to the pirate captains!

Unfortunately the photo that goes with my story didn't turn out all that well. DH and I were on our honeymoon, and attending the MNSSHP dressed as pirates. We thought it would be fun to get our pictures taken with Captain Hook. When we got to the front of the line, I stepped forward and swept off my hat and bowed to the Captain. DH did not. So Hook wasn't going to let him in the picture. He pulled me to one side, and kept trying to push DH out of the shot. Finally DH tipped his hat and Hook relented, and that's when we got our picture.


The other story was at the same party a couple of years later, but I didn't get pictures. We were watching the Boo To You parade near the start of the parade route, and there was a gentleman dressed as Mister Smee in front of us. When the real Smee on the parade float saw him, he got all excited. He started waving and pointing to himself. Then he got Hook's attention and was pointing to the guest and pointing back to himself. It was just so cute!
My BFF (disneydreamerk) and I were at Goofy's Kitchen, I'm fixing my ears and had no idea he was behind me, I was trying to figure out why Kristina was taking a picture of me fixing my ears. I wonder what he was going to do :rotfl:


Guess who..
One morning we caught Baloo and Louie playing around at a character spot. Baloo was spinning around as fast as he could. Then all of a sudden he stopped and looked like he was going to be sick...that's when I snapped the picture!


June was crying because nobody was in line to see her:sad1:


When ds went to get his picture taken June wouldn't let him go because he was the only one there. Quincy was trying to make her let go!

This is at Ohana...Here comes trouble....:rolleyes1

Then he starts messing with my DH, trying to mess up his hair (which you can't move)

This battle went on for several minutes..:rotfl:

This, makes me so excited to go! DH and I have ADRs for the Ohana breakfast!!!
Going to bump this thread- Don't get me wrong, i love the "Best Character Pics" thread, but these are so entertaining!

Anyone have any more they'd like to add?
Here is Baloo after he stole my DDs pirate hat

Tarzan checking out my sleeping DD

Tarzan asking my DW if those were fireflys around her neck he said he liked fireflies.

My DD didnt make to see Mulan but on her way out she stopped for a special visit.

Stitch being........



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