Pixie Dust, or Pixie MOUNTAIN? A Grand (Roy) Disney TR *NEW TR LINK 8/11!*

Ok, I'm going to admit it. I HAVE A MOUSE EAR ADDICTION. I posted a picture on IG when I was packing for my last trip and it was a tad shocking to see them all laid out. So, I wholeheartedly support your purchase of the tightrope walker ears! However, I will say that very few pairs of my ears are official Disney ears. They hurt my head too much, so I spend tons of money on custom or handmade ears through Etsy or independent sellers. SO much more comfy, and I can get them to match whatever outfit I'm wearing. (And also, DH says I like having so many ears because I'm "extra"...he's not wrong! :rotfl2:)

And also, your hair and my hair are spirit hair animals. I look like Bob Ross took a jungle trek if my hair gets wet in Florida, so most of my trips are spent trying to protect my hair from getting wet. However, on this last trip it was SO hot I honestly gave up and put it in a braid most days because it was a losing battle.

Oh, and, it's breakfast time and now I really want a Disney danish and don't have one, and that is entirely your fault. And you made me tear up at the sweet blind girl getting a special happy birthday sung to her.
We're only 30 days away from our Thanksgiving trip!!!
YEAH!!! But that does give me a little anxiety because that means Thanksgiving will be here soon! Eeek!

Do you see the hamper?? A hamper! When we travel with the boys I bring a couple $ store pop up hampers. I didn't bring one this trip but I most certainly used this hamper!
I would be afraid I would leave my dirty clothes in it!

They got us a new pair every morning, so while Steve wore one pair while there we brought a pair home for each of the boys, plus gave one away.
That is the ultimate take home items from a hotel room!


1. yes, I'm wearing a poncho
2. yes, I'm holding it over my bangs. Do you have ANY IDEA what water will do to my bangs????? They'll curl up into my skull and I'll look ridiculous!
3. however I probably look more ridiculous wearing a poncho on a water ride on a day the heat index was 450.
4. yes, Steve has his hands in a position as if to say, "what the heck is she doing???"
Everything about this is hilarious! The people behind add to it.

It was so sweet, there was a blind girl up front with her parents listening to them; she also noticeably had other issues going on. When they finished she went up to them and her parents told them it was her 17th birthday. The girl then asked if she could feel their instruments (I do know what I just wrote, and you're welcome) and their hands, and they let her. Then they broke out into "happy birthday Helen", her name, OMG I had tears in my eyes. I know they'll sing HB regularly but this was very touching. It's moments like that you have to keep in mind when you read threads here with people complaining about the absence of the magic.
Sometimes the magic goes to the people who really deserve it. I teared up just reading about it.
First of all, how ridiculous is it that I didn't find this TR until today!!! Secondly, lucky for me my class was in their Computer class, so I was able to get all caught up before they came back :)


Back to the greeter: as soon as he said this my heart started pumping because I KNEW. I knew we'd been upgraded to club level!
What an incredible feeling and you didn't even know the best part yet!!!!

Loaded Mac 'n' Cheese-Served with Neuske's Pepper Bacon, Cheddar, Peppers, and Green Onions

It wasn't bad but it wasn't good enough that I wanted more than a couple bites. The pepper bacon was kind of overpowering too and while I like spicy and hot, this was more "peppery" than spicy.
That sure looked delish; what a bummer that it wasn't as awesome as it looked!

Mr. and Mrs. DeVizio you are in suite 4311, the

That's 10 pillows for a room that sleeps 4..............
Ah, perfection!!!!

Now that I'm all caught up, I can't wait for more!!! :)
As a sidenote I found these ears super comfortable and wore than very often during this trip, so now I believe I need to buy myself more.
Yeah, I feel like it can be hit or miss with how tight the headbands are. When I'm buying one from the shop I usually try on a couple just to see if any are looser than the others! But I want to get one of those displays like they have in the shops just to help stretch out some of my tighter ones!
Love, love, love that story! I read it out loud to Bill and I totally have tears in my eyes. THIS is exactly why I love Disney so much. Thanks for sharing!
I love the tight rope girl ears and your shirt, so cute. I am the same way with ears, usually can’t stand them after about 1/2 hour! Glad to hear these were comfortable.

Very nice when the park is not real crowded.

We love the Dapper Dan’s and so sweet of them to let the girl touch their instruments :woohoo:and sing Happy Birthday to her!
And those honey pecan rolls were the most heavenly pastry I've had there besides #disneydanish and my WL magic bars, if you consider that a pastry. Which it's not, it's a baked good. I like my carbs in their own categories.

Haha this is very true!!


We didn't have a FP for 7DMT today, we had one later in the week. However the posted wait time around 10am was 40 minutes WHAT?? so we got in line. The line took all of 23 minutes. This was a party day - not our party day but a party day nonetheless - and crowds were awesomely low.

You guys look agreat!


I don't know why my teeth look like a chipmunks, but someone knew right where the camera is! Not the same look Ricky has in ride photos for sure.

aww Steve was in his element! Look how happy he is! You look so happy too! Great pic!


1. yes, I'm wearing a poncho
2. yes, I'm holding it over my bangs. Do you have ANY IDEA what water will do to my bangs????? They'll curl up into my skull and I'll look ridiculous!
3. however I probably look more ridiculous wearing a poncho on a water ride on a day the heat index was 450.
4. yes, Steve has his hands in a position as if to say, "what the heck is she doing???"

HAha this is the funniest photo. I like our captioning too!


Tightrope girl ears!! And if you notice, they match my shirt!

Soooo cute!!! I love it!!
One thing I loved about the GF lounge over the WL lounge was the amount of light in here, it was always so bright and fun! I also love the WL lounge but it's darker, doesn't have as many windows and the ones it does have don't let in that much light.
I know that I would prefer the RPC lounge over the WL lounge because of the windows and the orchestra at night. When we were at the WL lounge last month we usually grabbed a table near the big window that faced Bay Lake because I love that view. But most of the tables are in a dimly lit section.

I didn't try anything in this picture but I thought the deviled eggs in the little spoons were adorable.
I love deviled eggs and those look really good.

Tightrope girl ears!! And if you notice, they match my shirt! Now I'm not an ear-wearer; they normally bother my head after a short period of time. But these were so cute and they MATCHED MY SHIRT! Indirectly, not color-wise but that's her on my shirt, also purchased from Memento Mori. As a sidenote I found these ears super comfortable and wore than very often during this trip, so now I believe I need to buy myself more.
You looked really good in the ears that you were wearing when we met you at the International Gateway. Are these the same ears? It looked like you had planned that outfit before you left home because it all coordinated so well. :)
Your Master bath looks wonderful and your dressing room is heaven.
I want fresh slippers every morning so indulging.
Congrats on scoring WL that will make it even easier to get together now that we're at the same resort 8-)
I remember being so excited having a hamper at the CR it's the little things that get us excited :D
Great picture of you and Steve
As a girl with bangs I totally understand the need for ponchos and holding the bangs
I plan on doing the same thing next month when Kathy drags me on the Jurassic Park River Adventure
I love your ears and shirt!
How cool. Yes I still believe in the magic. Part of the reason we stay in the bubble during our trips.
My trip was filled with so much magic but this kind was extra special :goodvibes

You are my favorite human ever right now! :rotfl2:
You made my day :love:

I snorted. Husband trying to sleep. I don’t feel too bad.
:laughing: Happens often here too and I never feel bad lol

Anything is more comfortable than the damn “alive with magic ears” I bought (in 2014?) that weigh 500 lbs. although my friend bought me the rose gold ears and I am not a fan, they pinch!
That sucks! Well I'll tell you this; if my ears continue to be comfortable I may have to get me some special "Melinda" ears :D

I literally cried. So so sweet! Disney continues to melt my heart and this story was just... yeesh! :sad:
I honestly did cry as I watched and walked away, you know they didn't have to do this. Is it the type of people that Disney employs? Is it the ethic, the "feels" that Disney instills in their employees once they've worked there awhile? I don't know but they definitely have a special something. Well not all of them lol but enough of them :)

One day I hope to be able to write a trip report where it takes multiple posts just to show off the room pictures! :-)
I hope that for you too :thumbsup2

My August trip was the first time I've been there since it opened! I thought it was a cool store too. I only bought something small though. A deck of playing cards. The box is a coffin and the pictures on the cards are the stretching room portraits. They're so cool I don't even want to use them!
I've seen the cards, they're cool and I think a nice "memento" of your trip :P

It's things like this that make me appreciate your trip report even more :P
I try to make all my readers happy :rotfl2:

Ok, I'm going to admit it. I HAVE A MOUSE EAR ADDICTION. I posted a picture on IG when I was packing for my last trip and it was a tad shocking to see them all laid out
I want to see that picture now! I know a few others on here who suffer that same addiction.....I wouldn't mind having it if I keep finding comfy ones! And actually, my other DIS friends who collect ears also seem to have mostly non-Disney park ones and they are so cool! I do love the idea of being able to get any character or even attraction you want. I just never ordered any since I felt they were uncomfortable so I may try another pair next month and then if those are good, buy some for my 2019 trips :laughing:

I look like Bob Ross took a jungle trek if my hair gets wet in Florida, so most of my trips are spent trying to protect my hair from getting wet. However, on this last trip it was SO hot I honestly gave up and put it in a braid most days because it was a losing battle.
We should totally compare pictures and see who's head is more Mr. Ross-ish :rotfl: Speaking of, I was in our Halloween store (Spirit of Halloween, you may have one by you it's a chain) and they have a Bob Ross costume! Anyway I did the same thing last month since I thought that trip was hotter than our freakin' Aug. trips. I even slicked back my bangs most days which I never do because my forehead is huge but it was no time for looking beautiful lol

The pic of you and Steve in front of the pumpkin is too cute for words!!!! I miss you guys!!!!:love:
:thanks: miss you too, can't wait for May!!!!! Wish you were going next month!
YEAH!!! But that does give me a little anxiety because that means Thanksgiving will be here soon! Eeek!
OMG I know! Do I decorate before we leave? No? I didn't do that the last couple times we went over Thanksgiving and then when we came back I was going crazy, so I may try to do some of that before we leave. Plus I want to paint our one bathroom before we go too, and of course I just recently came up with a plan for that trip :rolleyes: and once Thanksgiving happens it's like Christmas is the next day lol!
Speaking of the holidays are you guys coming up this way in the next couple months?

I would be afraid I would leave my dirty clothes in it!
:laughing: I checked every night to see if they'd emptied the towels lol

Sometimes the magic goes to the people who really deserve it.
I love this line :love:

First of all, how ridiculous is it that I didn't find this TR until today!!
Pretty ridiculous, I mean, what else do you have to do with your time besides search the DIS for important TR's???? :D

Secondly, lucky for me my class was in their Computer class, so I was able to get all caught up before they came back :)

What an incredible feeling and you didn't even know the best part yet!!!!
I know, it was a wonderful start to a wonderful trip!

Now that I'm all caught up, I can't wait for more!!! :)
I'm really glad you're here and I hope you enjoy the rest :goodvibes

When I'm buying one from the shop I usually try on a couple just to see if any are looser than the others!
You know I never even thought to do that but it's a good idea.....

But I want to get one of those displays like they have in the shops just to help stretch out some of my tighter ones!
And this is an even better one!

I think the headbands are so cute, but never have bought some for that reason--scared they'll hurt too much! Might have to check out etsy or something....
There are so many cute ones on Etsy, and as @areno79 said you can pretty much get any type you want. I'm sure if you asked here you'd get some good suggestions as far as which sellers are more comfortable!

Love, love, love that story! I read it out loud to Bill and I totally have tears in my eyes. THIS is exactly why I love Disney so much. Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome, it's the kind of story I love when other people share :goodvibes
We love the Dapper Dan’s and so sweet of them to let the girl touch their instruments :woohoo:and sing Happy Birthday to her!
It was such a wonderful thing to see!

Love the story of the Dapper Dan's. So heartwarming! And yes, so hot! :furious:
I couldn't believe how much hotter it was than our Aug. trips! I knew to expect hot; I knew it was comparable to August. But WORSE? Nope, didn't think about that!

You guys look agreat!

aww Steve was in his element! Look how happy he is! You look so happy too! Great pic!
Well it is his favorite ride lol so he should look happy!

Soooo cute!!! I love it!!
I'm just happy I can join the EARnation now!

I know that I would prefer the RPC lounge over the WL lounge because of the windows and the orchestra at night.
I forgot about the orchestra, we were there one evening when they started to play and it was so nice! Even on trips to the GF when we're eating at Citricos or Narcoossee's, hearing the band is a treat.

You looked really good in the ears that you were wearing when we met you at the International Gateway. Are these the same ears? It looked like you had planned that outfit before you left home because it all coordinated so well.
They were the same ears, and than you! The particular outfit I was wearing that day was a 2-piece so I didn't have to think much to match lol, but the ears were lucky.

Congrats on scoring WL that will make it even easier to get together now that we're at the same resort 8-)
That's right!! What are your dates again? We're there the 17-25th but only at WL the 22-25th.

I plan on doing the same thing next month when Kathy drags me on the Jurassic Park River Adventure
:laughing: And I think the Universal rides get you SO much wetter!
That sucks! Well I'll tell you this; if my ears continue to be comfortable I may have to get me some special "Melinda" ears :D
You name a theme or an attraction and I will hook you up in November. If you don’t name a theme or an attraction you get “wine and ears stress relief roulette” ears :p

Thinking of such themes as “festival garbage can”, and “too many human bodies inside Cosmic Rays,” but unsure how to translate those into florals so your inspiration is guaranteed to be better!

(Though the whole “Mother of teens” theme makes me think of an opulent crown theme with maybe one or three black roses to symbolize Chris sitting with strangers on a resort launch when things get too angsty)

I honestly did cry as I watched and walked away, you know they didn't have to do this. Is it the type of people that Disney employs? Is it the ethic, the "feels" that Disney instills in their employees once they've worked there awhile? I don't know but they definitely have a special something. Well not all of them lol but enough of them
Well your drunk friend... uhhh... let’s call her.... Felinda... might have been foisting limited edition pins on strangers kids so I think it’s in the water. If this isn’t your one and only magical once in a lifetime trip it’s hard not to pay the pixie dust forward.
:rotfl2:Did Casey eat any of them???? That's so weird, a pepper flavored gummy for kids??
Oddly she did but it was one and done for her. Definitely W-E-I-R-D!!!!

Well! A little more pissy than me, aren't you? But I get it and fully agree. However if they do want to turn more sigs into character meals, at least I have some ideas to give them now :rotfl2:
You know me full of piss and vinegar! I can't believe some people are seriously excited about this. NO chance we'll ever eat there.

Maybe I can get enough :drinking1 in you to get you to try a spoonful!!!
No chance, no way, no how.

Hello friends! You know what I realized? We're only 30 days away from our Thanksgiving trip!!! I can't wait, especially now that our last 3 nights are at WL instead of CSR :cloud9:
I can't believe it is so close and more importantly I had no idea you had moved to WL. Awesome all the way around.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Not as fancy as our "The Pirate" room but I guess The Roy will do


Do you see the hamper??
What an awesome thing to have in the room. We just stuff everything back in the suitcase. You can guess how good that smells by weeks end :-)



And those honey pecan rolls were the most heavenly pastry I've had there besides #disneydanish and my WL magic bars, if you consider that a pastry. Which it's not, it's a baked good. I like my carbs in their own categories.
This may be my favorite Disney food photo of all time. I love how the honey pecan is written so neatly across the top of the paper and the intricate border around it. You're making me so hungry :-)


1. yes, I'm wearing a poncho
2. yes, I'm holding it over my bangs. Do you have ANY IDEA what water will do to my bangs????? They'll curl up into my skull and I'll look ridiculous!
3. however I probably look more ridiculous wearing a poncho on a water ride on a day the heat index was 450.
4. yes, Steve has his hands in a position as if to say, "what the heck is she doing???"
The things you do in the name of your bangs!

It was so sweet, there was a blind girl up front with her parents listening to them; she also noticeably had other issues going on. When they finished she went up to them and her parents told them it was her 17th birthday. The girl then asked if she could feel their instruments (I do know what I just wrote, and you're welcome) and their hands, and they let her. Then they broke out into "happy birthday Helen", her name, OMG I had tears in my eyes. I know they'll sing HB regularly but this was very touching. It's moments like that you have to keep in mind when you read threads here with people complaining about the absence of the magic.
How touching. I think my frozen heart may have melted a bit :love:
Although some of you out there are probably cursing me, like when I see reports of people who got to stay in the castle and I'm excited to read those stories but mad that they got to stay there :snooty:
You caught us... there's definitely a mixture of both... :laughing: but mostly excitement!!! :goodvibes

Tightrope girl ears!! And if you notice, they match my shirt!
YAY!!!!!! I love tightrope girl! And your shirt and ears are amazing!

Then they broke out into "happy birthday Helen", her name, OMG I had tears in my eyes.
Amazing. This is one of the many reasons I love Disney so much :wizard:

Really enjoying your room photos - keep 'em coming!


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