Planes, Trains & Antitussives, Alaksan Wonder Cruise - All done! Complete 11/21

When I left off, we were having wine with my parents in the suite and Fran was taking a nap.

Waking Fran was about the same trouble as usual, but eventually she did get up. The restaurant was only 10 minutes away according to Google, but we're not used to Downtown city driving. By the time we arrived we were already late for our reservation. Plus, we had no idea what to do with Canadian parking meters. We had no change, but there was a "pay by phone" option. We sent my parents ahead to check in while I paid for the parking. I had to "register" our rental car and credit card, but it turned out to be handy for the rest of the weekend. By the end of the night, we all agreed that none of us like "city living", we all prefer the burbs.

When we were finally seated we all perused the menu. Fran asked me, "Did I see this menu in advance?" I thought she did, otherwise I wouldn't have made a reservation. "The menu has changed then. I wouldn't have chosen to eat here with this menu." Oops again on my part!

Despite her complaints she was able to find enough to eat. Here is a link to the menu.

Since they have it online, I didn't feel that I needed to take pictures. I started with my Belvedere Gibson Up.

They brought us bread service right off. The butter was a seaweed butter and the other spread was a carrot or sweet potato something spread.

They had a huge list of oysters but only about a half dozen of them were in stock. However, they did have my beloved Malpeques! I went with half a dozen.

My parents also got assortments of half a dozen oysters. The guys at the sushi bar were hard at work.

In the meantime Fran went with a Kani Salad, crab, cucumber and wakame seaweed in a broth.

Since we were mostly ordering Asian food, we had decided to go with sake. Normally if we were at a sushi bar, each of us would have ordered one of these bottles and poured them into our sake cups as we pleased. There is an interesting wine dynamic in my family. My father drinks faster than my mother and I, hence he starts pouring refills first. There have been times that he has finished off a coveted bottle before my mom and I get seconds (or maybe thirds). My mom has called him on it and his answer is, "You snooze you lose!"

We all thought having our own bottle of the sake would work out this problem and everyone could drink at their own pace. Our waiter wasn't on board with this. He brought the little bottle and three glasses and then poured the bottle between the three. My Dad got a little more than Mom did and she complained. When the second bottle came, my Dad said he would take care of pouring. I do have to say that on holidays and we have champagne, he is meticulous about making the glasses even in their pours. At least the first round.

I had a double order of Ahi Maguro, it was some of the freshest and best tuna that I've had in a long long time.

While I ate this my mom got one piece of Hamachi (yellowtail). No pictures of Mom and Dad's food. I didn't order anything else for me but just nibbled off of the rest of Fran's food. I had some of the Kani salad, and then she got this Dynamite Roll. Tempura Shrimp with tobiko, cucumber and spicy mayonnaise. I had two pieces of this one.

My parents split the Kani Salad while we had this. Fran and I finished with Bay Scallops baked in parmesan and bread crumbs over a bed of spinach. I could have used a few more Scallops in this one, but even the bites without them were really good. This had a lot of butter!

My Dad had an Ahi Carpaccio for his last plate. It was about this time that my Mom declared she didn't want any more Sake. The waiter asked if we wanted that third bottle. My Dad replied, "No, she doesn't want to play anymore."

Instead we ordered dessert. Fran and my Dad went for the Anjou Pear Bread Pudding.

I had the Chocolate Cake with Molten Center and had a Merlot Ice Wine to go with it. We traded plates halfway through. I thought this was by far the best. Fran liked her original choice.

As we waited for the check, Fran was falling asleep at the table sitting up. She was exhausted and I felt bad for making her go out to dinner. They gave us these little biscuits with the check. My family are heathens and don’t know to wait for the picture before digging in, so there are only three.

By this point I was absolutely stuffed! But we had one more stop to make. I didn't want to spend a huge amount of time eating breakfast (and paying for it). Our hotel did have a breakfast for pay, but we had plenty of time on the ship for sit down breakfasts and that didn't cost any extra either. So we stopped at the IGA down the street from our hotel. Again I used that pay by phone thing for parking, but since I was registered it took about one quarter the time.

We got some English Muffins, V8, fruit and my Dad got his Greek Yogurt. Then we headed back to the hotel and up to my room where they pilfered some utensils to eat their breakfast and split up the groceries. I went right to bed. It was before 11PM.

Day 2

I woke up around 2AM. Something I forgot to mention earlier was that the day before we left, I started to develop a cough. Immediately I started to load up on Vitamin C and started taking Zicam (zinc). It seemed to be working for the most part, but my sinuses were fairly plugged and I couldn't breathe. After about an hour and a sudafed, I fell back asleep for a few more hours. Finally at 6AM I couldn't sleep anymore. Fran was sawing logs, so I let her sleep. I got out my phone and wrote up the day before from when we got off the plane. Then I got dressed and went downstairs to the coffee place to get a cup of coffee.

We have these pills that we call “coughing pills”, they are little pearls that are supposed to suppress your cough. The night before we left, Fran asked if I had enough of them and I answered “yes”, another bad move on my part. When I checked my purse, I had 18 of them. I prayed that would be enough, knowing full well that I had screwed up royally. These are the elusive antitussives that are referenced in the title of the TR, but stay tuned, the plot thickens.

I made an English muffin, grabbed a can of V8 and decided to work on the computer for a while.

Fran showed no sign of waking up anytime soon. Around 8:30, I Said that she should start rising and shining if we were going to get going. She told me that she felt really awful and thought if she stayed in the room she would hopefully feel better by the cruise. I gave her the Zicam, Vitamin C and hoped it would kick in and make her feel better.

My parents were ready pretty soon after that and we were on our way to Stanley Park by 10AM. We made our first stop at the guest information center, there we picked up a map and paid for parking.

For all parking in this city, it seems that you pay at kiosks using apps or inserted credit cards. You need your license plate to do so and it appears that it is put in some database to record you have paid and when it expires. I explain this because if I can help someone out with my mistake here I hope you can benefit. If you plan to remain in Stanley Park for 4 hours or more, just pay for the whole day up front, it's $11 and it's good all day in the park. I didn't realize this and only paid $3.25 for the first hour thinking that each lot was separate. Once the 1st hour was up, I ended up shelling out $3.25 each hour for four more hours, because the $11 per day option was no longer available to me.

We walked out to the sea wall, took some pictures and looked at birds through the binoculars, then we got back in the car and headed to the next stop. If you’re following along on the Map, we were at Yellow Oval number 1. We drove along the edge of the water on the road closest to the ocean. It was a one way road that takes you all around the peninsula.

There was a steady stream of bicyclists, runners and walkers coming through on the path.

The Horse drawn trolley also looked like a nice way to see the park.

The next stop was the totem poles. In addition to the totems, they had a tourist trap here that we briefly browsed through but didn't purchase anything. If you’re still counting this is yellow oval number 2.

Our next stop was the Port of Vancouver lookout point and lighthouse. On the map this is white circle number 5 at the very right bottom tip of the peninsula.

See what I mean about all the people riding bikes here?

I couldn't believe all the lush greenery. I missed being a passenger so that I could take pictures, but then again I was driving slowly enough that I did anyways.

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[Continued from Previous Post]

Next stop was Prospect Point. This is Yellow Oval number 5 at the very top of the map. You can see the Lion’s gate bridge at the top of the peninsula which connects Vancouver with North Vancouver.

This guy was out there playing for us on an Ehru, it's an Asian instrument. He was playing Pachelbel’s canon. I wished that I had some little monies on me that I could have dropped in his till, but I left them all in the room.

The gardens here in the park were just spectacular.

They had a tourist trap here as well, but nothing that we really wanted to buy.

I bought more parking time here and that's when I realized you only get one chance to buy the day for $11, because I had to buy my remaining hours at $3.25 each.

Next stop was the Hollowed Out Tree, which has been an attraction since the 1890's. It began to decay and started leaning in (80's/90's) and was almost demolished, but some activists got together and raised enough money to have it reinforced and uprighted.

We walked around the meadow near the tree trying to kill some time as we still had another 90 minutes until our lunch reservation and we were approaching that stop fairly rapidly. Note: It’s the Red Diamond 4 at Ferguson Point.

My mom and I thought that this might be Poison Oak. Growing up in the SF Bay Area, I had my share of run ins with Poison Oak, mostly in the later season when the leaves had fallen off and hiking through branches in the hills behind our house we were unaware that we were hiking through fields of it. I remember going to school in the 5th grade covered in a nasty rash of Poison Oak and having to apply Calamine lotion every hour or so to soothe the itching. Somehow, I’m not sure that they would allow kids in that state in schools today, I may be wrong, but my friend and I were covered from head to ankle with the rash. Of course we were hiking in shorts and a tank top!

However in more close examination of the picture, I see that this plant has five leaves, not three, so it was probably OK. Nonetheless we didn’t want to find out!

Since we traversed the park much more quickly than we expected, we decided to visit the Rose Garden. We found it easily enough, but finding a place to park was another matter.

We drove up a small road past the Rose Garden, past the Stanley Park Restaurant, past the Pavillion House and the Armed Forces Memorial Garden and finally found some parking!

We walked to the Rose Garden through various other beautiful garden locations.

This picture of the Pavillion house really doesn't do it justice, the flowers were so much more beautiful in person.

Eventually we made our way to the Rose Garden, which was definitely past its prime.

My mom went on down to take pictures of this tree that we had seen from the main road, but my Dad and I were too tired to keep going, so we just sat down on a bench and waited. When Mom came back we thought that with the walk back to the car and the remaining drive back around the park we would be in time for our reservation.

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It took a bit to walk back to the car, but we made it and decided to head off to our lunch reservation. We tried to stretch out our time, but even so we ended up being half an hour early for our lunch reservation. We dawdled on the point (there had been a wedding had been going on during our first go around) before heading inside the restaurant.

Luckily they were able to seat us.

We had a great view and it was a beautiful day.

I didn't take pictures of the menu since they have a copy online here.

We ordered the crab and shrimp stuffed mushrooms to split.

As well as a Margherita Flat Bread.

For my entree, I had the Tomatoes with Burrata.

Mom had the Manhattan Clam Chowder and a Caesar Salad.

Dad had the Shrimp and Scallion omelet.

Everything was very good, but the waiter didn't seem to want to bring our bread. It became a running joke. We had to ask for it three times. In the end I forgot to take a picture, but you can see it in the corner of the picture of my tomato salad.

After lunch we had a few tasks. The first was to buy wine for the cruise. We could bring on a total of eight bottles between the four of us. Whether or not we needed it, we decided to purchase enough for our limit. There was a liquor store on Davie street which was only a couple blocks from our hotel. Right next door to the liquor store was a Safeway.

We had planned to buy groceries so that we could cook us dinner in the room and let Fran rest. I had no idea that she was going to feel as bad as she did. I called her from the store and she felt like crap. She didn’t want any dinner, but asked me to buy PB (and honey) and bread for sammiches. I also bought her some cough syrup and more cough drops.

When we got back to the hotel, I tried to rest. But between Fran feeling really bad and not having enough coughing pills, I was starting to worry. We had brought a Z-pack along and I decided that she should probably start taking it. We also called our Doctor only to get her voice mail and find out that she was on vacation until July 4.

I did get her notice of vacation a couple months ago, but I could have sworn that it was in early June not late June. She had a doctor covering for her and we gave her a call and asked her if she could call in a prescription for an inhaler as well as the coughing pills and she said that she would do it. However later when I called the pharmacy, I was informed that they could only fill a prescription from a Canadian doctor. Several years ago Fran had a prescription filled at a pharmacy in British Columbia, but now that I think about it our doctor had a Canadian colleague write the actual prescription. So much for solving the problem easily!

At the grocery store we had picked up several 100 gram pieces of halibut and some broccoli. I cooked them, and I do have to say that they came out quite nice. I ended up making a Beurre Noisette (which pretty much means “brown butter”) sauce for it and we had a simple dinner in the room and polished off a couple of our bottles of wine that we had purchased.

When I went to bed, Fran was hacking and coughing like a Sea lion.
I'm finally here! Thanks for the bat signal! I will try to keep up on this one.

You guys should sign up for Global Entry instead of TSA PreCheck. Global Entry is $100 and you get TSA PreCheck included instead of paying $85 for just PreCheck.

I can't believe all those people remembered you at LAX! I agree LAX is a nightmare...I would not want to drive there at all! Ugh, another trip where you guys get sick! Not fun! Vancouver looks fantastic. I really need to get up there some of these days.

Jill in CO
I can't believe you didn't go talk to Michael Weatherby, what was he waving at?

Enjoyed the old Alaska cruise pics and Stanley Park.

Sorry to hear you both weren't feel well.
Will come back later to read the intro et al.
But... I'm here!
Oh Vancouver, how I love thee!

Carmana Plaza, please whisper that in Fran's ear. What did she not like about the Century, Alison? It's late, maybe I missed it. Sorry (put in for Canadian content). I love the location of Carmana, central like Century but closer to the park and to Coal Harbour, which is heavenly to me. Also, can easily walk the opposite way down to the ferry to Granville Market. I can taste the pot pies! Onion please.

I was looking at the Stanley Park pictures, knowing exactly where you were, and I went "holy crap, you walked far Alison!". And then I realized you had the car. Laughing.

I'm the idiotic tourist that walks and walks and walks and walks in that beloved park. Well I have tons of company. It just kills me you walk and you're in love, and then you realize "oh yeah I have to walk the same distance back!". One could spend days in that place and not see everything.

Stanley Park - Central Park - the two great loves of my life.

Yes, I just made your time in Vancouver all about me!!!! Laughing. Loving it all, Alison.
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Oh no, I hope that Fran made a quick recovery! Not a good start to your trip :(

I love seeing Stanley Park through the eyes of those who travel here; growing up it was my favourite place in the whole city, we used to go there all the time. I remember when parking was FREE! Then they put in parking and it was $1 for the entire DAY. Now, as you have found out, it's very different. Grrr.....

Your photos of the Rose Garden and area bring back lots of memories, my husband and I had most of our wedding photos taken there 12 (!) years ago as we were married at the Chapel at Stanley Park (which isn't actually IN Stanley Park but just a couple of blocks outside of the park). Living in the 'burbs we don't get to Stanley Park very often now *sniff*

It's good that you were able to make some meals back at your hotel; saves some money and lets you all have a more casual night in. Mmmm....Yellow Tail :drinking1
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So sorry Fran is feeling bad bad bad...I hope that she perks up. The sushi looks good and it is funny the dynamics between your parents and their wine/drink bottle antics. How similar to my dear parents they are!

Good to see Stanley Park and learn tips about the parking, you are brave to drive in this city. Do they have good public transport?

That horsedrawn carriage so cute! Well captured I bet you were frantically getting your camera out there.
We had no change, but there was a "pay by phone" option. We sent my parents ahead to check in while I paid for the parking. I had to "register" our rental car and credit card, but it turned out to be handy for the rest of the weekend.

That sounds like a bit of a pain, but I am glad that it worked out.

Here is a link to the menu.

This actually looks rather nice. Even though it is quite heavy on the seafood, there are a few things on there that I would love.

The butter was a seaweed butter and the other spread was a carrot or sweet potato something spread.

This sounds rather too fancy for me.

We all thought having our own bottle of the sake would work out this problem and everyone could drink at their own pace. Our waiter wasn't on board with this.

What a shame that the waiter did not get the message.

Instead we ordered dessert. Fran and my Dad went for the Anjou Pear Bread Pudding.

I had the Chocolate Cake with Molten Center and had a Merlot Ice Wine to go with it. We traded plates halfway through. I thought this was by far the best. Fran liked her original choice.

The desserts look amazing.

Something I forgot to mention earlier was that the day before we left, I started to develop a cough.

I am so sorry that you were feeling unwell.

She told me that she felt really awful and thought if she stayed in the room she would hopefully feel better by the cruise.

That is not good at all. I hope that she did feel better by the time you got on the ship.

My parents were ready pretty soon after that and we were on our way to Stanley Park by 10AM.

Stanley Park was one of the highlights on our visit to Vancouver.

The next stop was the totem poles.

I loved the area. I cannot remember the tourist trap though. We were there early in the season so maybe it was not open yet.

We had a great view and it was a beautiful day.

The view was stunning.

We ordered the crab and shrimp stuffed mushrooms to split.

Graham would have been in his element there.

As well as a Margherita Flat Bread.

Whereas this would have been right up my street. All the food looks delicious.

However later when I called the pharmacy, I was informed that they could only fill a prescription from a Canadian doctor.

What a shame that this did not work out.

I went right to bed. It was before 11PM.

I woke up around 2AM.

After about an hour and a sudafed, I fell back asleep for a few more hours. Finally at 6AM I couldn't sleep anymore.
Yikes! Not a good start to a vacation. I don't know how you managed to pack in such a full day after that.
When I went to bed, Fran was hacking and coughing like a Sea lion.
Bummer. I hope you were both well enough to enjoy the cruise. I guess it makes sense that the pharmacy needed a Canadian doctor to prescribe. When I went on the cruise, I brought a bag full of over the counter stuff. Most of it we never touched, but it's so easy to pick up germs and stuff in airports, hotels, etc.

Stanley Park looked awesome. We didn't have enough time to visit there. We only saw it while we were on the bus coming and going. I'd love to go back to Vancouver, even without a cruise, and spend some time visiting Stanley Park and some other places. I think vancouver might be the overall best city I've seen. I love how clean downtown is, that you are right on the waterfront and can see snow capped mountains, there are trees on tops of big buildings, you don't go far and soon you are in a forest, the weather was was a nice combo of so many things.
Loving this trip report!! First-time Alaskan cruiser coming up in August 2017 so I'm anxiously reading along!
[Continued from Previous Post]

My mom and I thought that this might be Poison Oak. Growing up in the SF Bay Area, I had my share of run ins with Poison Oak, mostly in the later season when the leaves had fallen off and hiking through branches in the hills behind our house we were unaware that we were hiking through fields of it. I remember going to school in the 5th grade covered in a nasty rash of Poison Oak and having to apply Calamine lotion every hour or so to soothe the itching. Somehow, I’m not sure that they would allow kids in that state in schools today, I may be wrong, but my friend and I were covered from head to ankle with the rash. Of course we were hiking in shorts and a tank top!

However in more close examination of the picture, I see that this plant has five leaves, not three, so it was probably OK. Nonetheless we didn’t want to find out!

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Possibly Virginia Creeper, we have it all over the place here in Michigan. When we visited Vancouver in 2015, we walked alllllll theeeee wayyyyyy around Stanley Park, ending up at Tour de Butts. It was great fun! but very tiring.

OH man! Does that ever look heavenly! I've never heard of seaweed butter, but I am highly intrigued!

we had decided to go with sake

What a cool place! Those are really nice and make such a great photo! You could get this one framed.

We also called our Doctor only to get her voice mail and find out that she was on vacation until July 4.

This is a bad sign of things not going to go well....

When I went to bed, Fran was hacking and coughing like a Sea lion.

And this is a worse one.
We go today to finish the paperwork, I wonder if we got it because our application had been submitted? :confused3

It was pretty long, but we had good food coming so I was OK.

That's funny because when you used to write TRs, I loved hearing about your travels!

We got our KTN less than 8 hours after our fingerprinting. Whoop! First thing I did was go update all my profiles with the airlines.

I wish I had time to write my TRs I keep thinking I should do one for the France trip, especially the planning part so I have it all in one place, but there just never seems to be enough time. I don't think I finished the last TR either.
Stanley park looks lovely, and what a fun time and memories made with your parents. Your meals look down right wonderful, making me hungry at 9:57 in the morning....

I sure hope Fran and you feel better quickly, I hate travelling when I don't feel great.
Uh oh about Fran not feeling well :( and you don't sound good either. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day.

The sushi dinner looks quite yummy!

I'm worried about the pharmacy issue now.

Stanley Park is beautiful!
I'm finally here! Thanks for the bat signal! I will try to keep up on this one.

On this one the updates will be shorter, but more often. Although until we get on the ship, I'm covering one full day at a time as we had a lot of non-photogenic time while in Vancouver.

You guys should sign up for Global Entry instead of TSA PreCheck. Global Entry is $100 and you get TSA PreCheck included instead of paying $85 for just PreCheck.

Too late. We paid our $85 about 5 hours before you posted this. Besides, I'm not sure we're going to be doing much International travel. In fact I'm not even talking about any more travel until the De Soto house is cleaned out and under renovation.

I can't believe all those people remembered you at LAX! I agree LAX is a nightmare...I would not want to drive there at all! Ugh, another trip where you guys get sick! Not fun! Vancouver looks fantastic. I really need to get up there some of these days.

I know, they see thousands of people per day! It scares me that we can be so memorable!

I can't believe you didn't go talk to Michael Weatherby, what was he waving at?

I think he was waving to all the poor saps that didn't get TSA-Precheck after you go through the scans in the precheck room, there are big windows looking in on the lines for all the folks who are having to wait, take off their shoes, and computers out of their cases. I wonder if some folks in there had recognized him and he was responding to them waving at him. I couldn't see them as I was sitting on a bench in the hallway that takes you out of the scanning area.

Enjoyed the old Alaska cruise pics and Stanley Park.

Sorry to hear you both weren't feel well.

Thanks. I am actually still coughing, but not as bad. It's really annoying!

Will come back later to read the intro et al.
But... I'm here!

:welcome: I hope that you make it back soon! At least before I do the next update!

Oh Vancouver, how I love thee!

Carmana Plaza, please whisper that in Fran's ear. What did she not like about the Century, Alison? It's late, maybe I missed it.

I'm not sure when we will be back to Vancouver, but I will definitely try to remember or if nothing else ask you before booking. What she didn't like was no airflow in the bedroom, no light on her side of the bed, no nightstand and the bed was right up against the wall so she hit her head getting out of it.

Sorry (put in for Canadian content). I love the location of Carmana, central like Century but closer to the park and to Coal Harbour, which is heavenly to me. Also, can easily walk the opposite way down to the ferry to Granville Market. I can taste the pot pies! Onion please.

Hmmm. She is not big on walking (scooting in her case). If she had felt better our time would have probably been very different.

I was looking at the Stanley Park pictures, knowing exactly where you were, and I went "holy crap, you walked far Alison!". And then I realized you had the car. Laughing.

Yeah, there was no way that I would walk that far. As it is I walked much farther on this trip than I ever expected!

I'm the idiotic tourist that walks and walks and walks and walks in that beloved park. Well I have tons of company. It just kills me you walk and you're in love, and then you realize "oh yeah I have to walk the same distance back!". One could spend days in that place and not see everything.

Although if you walk far enough there are all kinds of round trip paths, they are just really long round trips!

Stanley Park - Central Park - the two great loves of my life.

Yes, I just made your time in Vancouver all about me!!!! Laughing. Loving it all, Alison.

I don't remember Central Park. I know I went in there briefly, but it wasn't in my picture taking days. Probably back when we used film, so I was quite sparing with pictures being that I broke and pictures were a big expense. In fact now that I think about it, when Fran and I got together pictures were all taken with film. That first Alaska trip I took pictures on film cameras, we had one of those panoramic jobs. I just threw out an unused roll of that film last year when we got our secondary apartment ready to rent.

Oh no, I hope that Fran made a quick recovery! Not a good start to your trip :(

Nothing with Fran is quick. We are both still annoyed with the lingering cough.

I love seeing Stanley Park through the eyes of those who travel here; growing up it was my favourite place in the whole city, we used to go there all the time. I remember when parking was FREE! Then they put in parking and it was $1 for the entire DAY. Now, as you have found out, it's very different. Grrr.....

I don't remember how we got around there the last few times we visited. I never remember having to pay for parking like that. In fact the last time we were there was possibly the cruise (1998), but we could have been there on business up until 2002 because that's when I left my Day Job where I was a "Canadian specialist" and attended many of the Music Educators Conferences in the various provinces.

Your photos of the Rose Garden and area bring back lots of memories, my husband and I had most of our wedding photos taken there 12 (!) years ago as we were married at the Chapel at Stanley Park (which isn't actually IN Stanley Park but just a couple of blocks outside of the park). Living in the 'burbs we don't get to Stanley Park very often now *sniff*

That's too bad you don't get there very often. Our wedding photos have the Queen Mary in the background since we did our wedding by the waterfront in Long Beach.

It's good that you were able to make some meals back at your hotel; saves some money and lets you all have a more casual night in. Mmmm....Yellow Tail :drinking1

That was part of the reason for booking the room with the kitchen, however, had I booked the regular room like my parents, Fran would have probably been more comfortable, but then we would have had to go out for dinner. Trade offs I guess.

So sorry Fran is feeling bad bad bad...I hope that she perks up. The sushi looks good and it is funny the dynamics between your parents and their wine/drink bottle antics. How similar to my dear parents they are!

Luckily this was the only night that we had any weird wine dynamics. On holidays we have to keep an eye on my Dad, or at least I do. My mom can't drink red wine anymore, so she doesn't care, but when I have a really nice and aged bottle of wine, I don't want him finishing it off, especially since I'm the one who has the patience to age it and keep track of it!

Good to see Stanley Park and learn tips about the parking, you are brave to drive in this city. Do they have good public transport?

They have pretty good public transport, but Fran really doesn't like using it. It was her idea to rent the car. You'll see in the next update that without Fran we do brave some public transport.

That horsedrawn carriage so cute! Well captured I bet you were frantically getting your camera out there.

Actually, if you look at the picture before the carriage one, you will see it in the background. I had the camera around my neck the whole time that I was out of the car. I just happened to turn around when it was passing by!
Ok just posting for now so it will show up in my threads. Alaska fascinates me so I'm looking forward to this. I'll be back later!


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