Planes, Trains & Antitussives, Alaksan Wonder Cruise - All done! Complete 11/21

The Melon Vine looks like an amazing drink!
I hope that you eventually got to see Finding Dory. much as the food looks amazing at Palo.....but how cute is Minnie in her winter outfit???
Glad you sorted out some drugs in Juneau.
Stunning, stunning shots from the plane at Juneau. LOVE it all.
Sorry that Fran ended up feeling sore from that excursion. Hope she recovered quickly.
Gorgeous pics of you, Remy and Emilie....and Sully!
The towel animals are amazing. Thanks for taking the pictures of them.
I have to admit that I've been amused by the ''advertising'' of Diamonds on the Navigators. I guess it must be one of those souvenirs that people want in Alaska?
Ketchican. I will show my age now. Remember the Love Boat TV show of the 80's? I remember they went on a cruise up to Alaska once. Reading your TR, it sure feels like I'm on the Love Boat!! LOL
Smaller planes? Fran made a good call then. Hope she enjoyed the shopping time.
What an awesome excursion at Ketchican. That would have been such an amazing experience. Well done!
Ok, just tying up loose ends here and getting as caught up as I could with everyone's threads before really signing off for a while- a long while. I'll still host mine until departure, but wanted to say just how excited I am to finally meet you IRL and toss one back with you. Should be a hot-diggity time, Lady!
Loooove your report and all the pictures!! :flower1: What adventures! And to see all those glaciers too. What an opportunity! Can't wait to read more.

I read on another trip report that the cruise industry invested in these jewelry places, and that the poor folks who agreed to sell them gets a minimal profit, and the cruise industry gets most of the profit. Additionally, because these arrangements have been made at most ports, the real "made in Alaska" merchandise and shops have a harder time competing with the cruise industry related items which are usually made in China.:rolleyes1

We are going to Alaska on our first cruise in May, and will purposefully avoid the cruise industry related shops as much as we can, so we can help the locals and see what they have to offer... (So, mostly avoiding all the suggestions on the Disney provided shopping suggestions)
And the two of you screaming at them "Get out!!" had nothing to do with it.

I would never do that!

I didn't say WHAT I took pictures of!

There's only Canadians around. One crewman has a slingshot.

It's enough.

Does this imply that Canadians are easily taken out? Or that the guy with the slingshot is that good.

This sounds like the lead in to a joke.
"How many were there?"

What is our fascination with waterfalls? Everyone (including moi) loves them.

They're just so mesmerizing.

Ditto. I'll do it occasionally for a TR, but otherwise........

I just like having the pictures for FB or my "wall" at home.

I think this is the first time I can recall seeing Fran solo in a character shot.

Oh no, we have a system, I go up first and get solo shots, then she joins me and then I let her go solo. It might have been that on the Dream Cruise she was in a pouty mood for several days so she didn't get in some of the shots.

And what a smile!

I love that picture, it's her profile pic on FB right now.

Whoa, Alison. What are you doing with your hand.... there?

I wasn't doin' nuttin'!

Love that napkin fold.
We bought a book on fancy napkin folds years ago.
You know where it is now? Neither do I.

We rarely have a dinner where the table is set with normal place settings, our napkins are used for chair cushion covers to gather the cat hair when the cats sleep on them.

Was it local?

I have no idea. Supposedly they take on all their food at the beginning of the voyage and stock up with enough for the whole week.

Phew! Moment of absolute panic?


One of the nicer towel animals I've seen.

I like the ones made with towels best, the blanket animals are not my favorite.

:faint: Go back to bed! It's too early!

Glad you listened to me.

For once you were the voice of reason.

Want that waffle.
But no matter how much I scratch at the monitor, I can't get it.

Next time, do your TR in 3D.

I don't think the DIS platform supports that currently. :scratchin

Nice of them. Or did you feel it was unnecessary?

I think they were almost done, plus too much togetherness can be an awkward thing.

I think I saw a video for that.

It was circulating the interwebs for a while when it happened.

Good for her!

And good for you too! :laughing:

We are a formidable shopping team!

You just can't leave us for that long.

And here I have been doing it again. I have no idea why I have been so darned busy!

Steepness again?

No it was the sharp right angle and the funky ramp.

How was the price on that, there?

I believe that they were $9.99 for about 5 oz, but with Fran's coupon the price was $6.99.

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Nope and once they get you inside, you don't get out for under $100, if you're lucky.

mmm.... looks good.

It was. And now I want Fish and Chips again.
What???? They have a Harley store there?!?!??!?

They didn't have bikes, just gifts and T-shirts.

Sounds mysterious. Misty Fjords.

I know doesn't it?

Still. I'd be wondering what was going on too.

I even went up to the counter and asked. For ME that's a bold step. I'm usually the one who just waits and finds out.

Higher tide?

I just think the land was not as high above the water as it was in Juneau.

de havilland beaver. That's what I flew out on when they evacuated our town.

OK, there's got to be a story about that. Could you take anything with you? I can't imagine anything fitting in there, but the clothes on your back.

Looks tight! I seem to remember going in through the back. It was a while ago... about 20+ years.

The back back, or the side back?

Nice! What would you have done if he'd swung the yolk over to you?
(notice how it pivots?)

I did not notice it until you mentioned it. I wouldn't have known what he was doing. I would have probably thought it was a fancy seat belt.

Have to take off into the wind.

Huh, that's interesting.

::yes:: You can easily see it, can't you.


That's what I figured they were. Glad to hear I was correct in my assumption.

Have you had a geology class or five?

Makes you wonder how the pilot sees it.
You would be "Wow!"
Would he be "Yawn. Been here, done that"?

I can't imagine how someone could feel that way.

You're lucky. If that was much lower, you might not have gone anywhere.

That would have sucked.

Oh! I'm really quite surprised that you landed.
Every aerial tour I've been on has one take off and one landing.

This was one of the selling points on the tour description. We did the same thing 15 or so years ago, and I really wanted to do it again. This was the only excursion that I repeated from the last cruise.

I would think so.
Because if you were standing on water, they'd still be talking about you 2,000 years from now.



It really stands out from everything else.

They told us a story about some lady who wanted her ashes buried there or something like that, I don't remember the details.

Makes sense.

This surprises me not at all.

Yeah, pretty remote country up there!

Love that shot. Great souvenir.

I'm surprised that you didn't comment on my crappy photoshop job....

I guess he knew what they were. No way I'm grabbing a jellyfish with my bare hand!

I thought he was crazy too, but evidently he knew what he was doing.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I respect the creativity!

Thanks, I couldn't think of much else to do! :laughing:

Whew! I'm glad you finally got the meds you needed.

The trip got way better after that.

Good call.

The pictures were beautiful! I'm glad that Fran was able to get to and from the plane so you could both go on the tour! It looks like a lot of fun!

She did make it on this one, but I'm not sure she thought it was worth the effort.

Well, in California and Florida, you have more issues with drug runners and other smaller scale wrong doers. A big gun works. None of them are crazy enough to go to Alaska. All they have to worry about is the Russians. A big gun is pointless. That's why you can't see the nuclear sub underneath it. :thumbsup2 :rolleyes1

That's the best answer to that one so far!!!!!!

This is kind of disappointing. It kind of goes against the illusion of what we'd expect Alaska to be and sounds more like the touristy shops you'd find near the cruise ships in the Bahamas or someplace like that.

I know, it does doesn't it?

Just don't fall in! That's gotta be some cold water!

I thought about just reaching down to see how cold it was, but I was scared I would lose my footing.

Well, I mean I've seen so many highways in these pictures you've taken...

I never thought about it that way!

Whoa! So I take it they don't sting? Or he just doesn't care and is a badass?

I'm guessing they don't sting, maybe it's a baby, but he obviously knew what he was getting into.

Well.... here, yeah.
Still have your other TR, plus about 3 others I think.

And now I'm playing catch up. I was caught up with everyone's TRs and then you posted an IRL update and @Captain_Oblivious posted a new chapter.

Now you know why I am the way I am.

Did you grow up in Churchill?

I'm surprised she'd do both.
I guess I imagined that you'd either go wholly into one or the other.

Well she was just doing the holistic thing and that's why we stopped calling her for anything. I think she realized that people aren't quite ready to completely embrace the whole new age lifestyle. Especially since her specialty is geriatrics. And before I get any comments on that, we met her when Fran's mother's doc dropped her like a hot potato at the ripe age of 82 or so.

You'd think I'd know that. I lived in a coastal... well, Churchill's a town... for 4 years.

I actually pulled up maps as I wasn't familiar with the provinces that I haven't visited. I had no idea that the Hudson Bay was right there in the top of Canada, as I had only been to the US borderish locations.

You realize that you've just made it sound.... weirder.

That's OK, it is kind of weird.

I will be darned.

And still no more nightmares about the old job. Which is nice because I've been gone for 15 years, longer than I worked there!

This trip report is incredible! Your pictures are amazing! I hope to make it on an Alaskan Disney Cruise someday and this is really inspiring me to want to go even more!

Thank you!!! Alaskan cruises are fantastic and I think being on Disney just makes it even more so!

This is a great pic of you both! Remy & Emile are so cute too how neat to have them on the cruise! :love:

I love the idea of the more obscure characters on the cruises.

Love Fran's smile!

Infecctious, isn't it?

This is also super cool! I love seeing that they had some more unusual characters out!

I know, I'm spoiled on the Cruises and don't like to wait in the long lines for character meets in the parks.

ok oops sorry those came out so large I must've deleted the quotes but they are great pics! :flower1:

Happens all the time!
I hope Fran managed to get the purchases she wanted.

Oh yeah she did!

That excursion was something else! Good job Fran decided to sit that one out as the plane was even less accessible. What a treat riding shotgun.

It was great fun for me. You may see me going out more on my own in future trips based on some of our experiences.

Amazing photos. I love when you can see your cruise ship from air. Those striations are amazing and those waterfalls. Wow.

I know! It was all incredible!

That is wonderful the pilot made full use of his float plane landing on the water and allowing photographs.

Well it was also mentioned in the brochure on the excursion, so I would have been pissed if they didn't do it.

Sounds like a great day!

It was!
I would never do that!

Are you sure????

I didn't say WHAT I took pictures of!


Does this imply that Canadians are easily taken out? Or that the guy with the slingshot is that good.

It implies that we are minimally armed.

They're just so mesmerizing.


Oh no, we have a system, I go up first and get solo shots, then she joins me and then I let her go solo. It might have been that on the Dream Cruise she was in a pouty mood for several days so she didn't get in some of the shots.

Oh! Well, now I know.

I love that picture, it's her profile pic on FB right now.

That's a really great pic of her.

I wasn't doin' nuttin'!

The photo says otherwise!

I like the ones made with towels best, the blanket animals are not my favorite.

Never even knew that happened.

For once you were the voice of reason.

Whadaya mean "for once"!?!?!?

I don't think the DIS platform supports that currently. :scratchin

Too bad.

We are a formidable shopping team!

This I believe.

Nope and once they get you inside, you don't get out for under $100, if you're lucky.

No kidding. They're very well versed, I'm sure.

They didn't have bikes, just gifts and T-shirts.

That's okay. Still counts. And they'd have poker chips.

I even went up to the counter and asked. For ME that's a bold step. I'm usually the one who just waits and finds out.

Look at you all coming out of your shell and everything.

OK, there's got to be a story about that. Could you take anything with you? I can't imagine anything fitting in there, but the clothes on your back.

It's when we lived in Lynn Lake, MB before we had chilluns. There was a huge forest fire that was getting a wee bit too close to town. (Somewhere I have amazing sun photos shot through smoke) When the fire burned out the power lines, the entire town went dark. That's when they evacuated. I had to stay because I was part of the essential services. Ruby drove out on her own... in the middle of the night. After a couple of days, I had 6 days off. I had been up for about 24 hours straight by then and was hoping to catch a lift with a Department of Natural Resources plane (the same kind you were in.) But while I was off work at 8am, the plane wasn't leaving until later. So I went to get some food. The only hotel in town was kept open to feed people. I had a greasy hot dog. So without sleep, and a gross hot dog in my tummy, I boarded the plane. The weather was marginal at best. Very low clouds and strong gusty winds. The plane had no seats... except a fold down piece of l at the rear. Between me and the pilot were hundreds of yards of stinky, smelly, smoke saturated fire hoses. We took off and the plane moved up, down, side to side and backwards about as much as it moved forward.

It was the perfect storm.
No sleep. Bad food. Smelly cargo. Rollercoaster ride.
The one and only time I've lost my cookies on a plane.

The back back, or the side back?

Side back.

I did not notice it until you mentioned it. I wouldn't have known what he was doing. I would have probably thought it was a fancy seat belt.


Have you had a geology class or five?

Just one.

I can't imagine how someone could feel that way.

They say you can get used to hanging if you hang long enough.

This was one of the selling points on the tour description. We did the same thing 15 or so years ago, and I really wanted to do it again. This was the only excursion that I repeated from the last cruise.

I can see why?

I'm surprised that you didn't comment on my crappy photoshop job....

I liked the photo!

And now I'm playing catch up. I was caught up with everyone's TRs and then you posted an IRL update and @Captain_Oblivious posted a new chapter.

Sorry! :laughing:

Did you grow up in Churchill?

No. Only spent 4 years there with Ruby.

One of the coolest places I've been.

Especially since her specialty is geriatrics. And before I get any comments on that, we met her when Fran's mother's doc dropped her like a hot potato at the ripe age of 82 or so.


I actually pulled up maps as I wasn't familiar with the provinces that I haven't visited. I had no idea that the Hudson Bay was right there in the top of Canada, as I had only been to the US borderish locations.

The Melon Vine looks like an amazing drink!
I hope that you eventually got to see Finding Dory. much as the food looks amazing at Palo.....but how cute is Minnie in her winter outfit???
Glad you sorted out some drugs in Juneau.
Stunning, stunning shots from the plane at Juneau. LOVE it all.
Sorry that Fran ended up feeling sore from that excursion. Hope she recovered quickly.
Gorgeous pics of you, Remy and Emilie....and Sully!
The towel animals are amazing. Thanks for taking the pictures of them.
I have to admit that I've been amused by the ''advertising'' of Diamonds on the Navigators. I guess it must be one of those souvenirs that people want in Alaska?
Ketchican. I will show my age now. Remember the Love Boat TV show of the 80's? I remember they went on a cruise up to Alaska once. Reading your TR, it sure feels like I'm on the Love Boat!! LOL
Smaller planes? Fran made a good call then. Hope she enjoyed the shopping time.
What an awesome excursion at Ketchican. That would have been such an amazing experience. Well done!

You were definitely behind. I'm glad you cane by and got caught up. I hope you're able to drop by more often.
The cords and cutting them sounds fascinating. Glad you're feeling better.

It's very similar to the psychic healing sort of stuff that my Mom has been doing for over 20 years. Not that I put a lot of stake in it, but I find it plausible, and easier to execute than the holistic eating and crap.

Ok, just tying up loose ends here and getting as caught up as I could with everyone's threads before really signing off for a while- a long while. I'll still host mine until departure, but wanted to say just how excited I am to finally meet you IRL and toss one back with you. Should be a hot-diggity time, Lady!

Well I hope you have a fabulous trip and I'll meet you there!

Loooove your report and all the pictures!! :flower1: What adventures! And to see all those glaciers too. What an opportunity! Can't wait to read more.

:welcome: I hate to tell you, but the most exciting parts of the trip have happened. We have a sea day and a land day left.

Then I'm goin' to Disneyworld!

I read on another trip report that the cruise industry invested in these jewelry places, and that the poor folks who agreed to sell them gets a minimal profit, and the cruise industry gets most of the profit. Additionally, because these arrangements have been made at most ports, the real "made in Alaska" merchandise and shops have a harder time competing with the cruise industry related items which are usually made in China.:rolleyes1

I had heard something similar to that as well.

We are going to Alaska on our first cruise in May, and will purposefully avoid the cruise industry related shops as much as we can, so we can help the locals and see what they have to offer... (So, mostly avoiding all the suggestions on the Disney provided shopping suggestions)

We also tried to patronize the Alaskan owned shops.

The photo says otherwise!

OK, I was pulling a Trump, and grabbing him by the....

Whadaya mean "for once"!?!?!?


That's okay. Still counts. And they'd have poker chips.

She likes to collect T-shirts.

Look at you all coming out of your shell and everything.

With the cost of this excursion I didn't want to be left out.

It's when we lived in Lynn Lake, MB before we had chilluns. There was a huge forest fire that was getting a wee bit too close to town. (Somewhere I have amazing sun photos shot through smoke) When the fire burned out the power lines, the entire town went dark. That's when they evacuated. I had to stay because I was part of the essential services. Ruby drove out on her own... in the middle of the night. After a couple of days, I had 6 days off. I had been up for about 24 hours straight by then and was hoping to catch a lift with a Department of Natural Resources plane (the same kind you were in.) But while I was off work at 8am, the plane wasn't leaving until later. So I went to get some food. The only hotel in town was kept open to feed people. I had a greasy hot dog. So without sleep, and a gross hot dog in my tummy, I boarded the plane. The weather was marginal at best. Very low clouds and strong gusty winds. The plane had no seats... except a fold down piece of l at the rear. Between me and the pilot were hundreds of yards of stinky, smelly, smoke saturated fire hoses. We took off and the plane moved up, down, side to side and backwards about as much as it moved forward.

It was the perfect storm.
No sleep. Bad food. Smelly cargo. Rollercoaster ride.
The one and only time I've lost my cookies on a plane.

That's quite a story!!!!

No. Only spent 4 years there with Ruby.

One of the coolest places I've been.

Somehow I doubt I'll make it there.
OK, I was pulling a Trump, and grabbing him by the....

I knew it!!!

She likes to collect T-shirts.

I do too... but I'm picky and don't always get a shirt.

That's quite a story!!!!

The puking part left a little to be desired.

Somehow I doubt I'll make it there.

Too bad. It's a big eco-tourist hot spot. Either for the Polar Bears in the fall or the thousands of Beluga whales in the summer.
(Or birds in the spring if you're an avid birder.)
I do too... but I'm picky and don't always get a shirt.

I don't either. I have so many T-shirts, it has to be a good one!

Too bad. It's a big eco-tourist hot spot. Either for the Polar Bears in the fall or the thousands of Beluga whales in the summer.
(Or birds in the spring if you're an avid birder.)

I'll keep that in mind. My mom is the avid birder. But I don't see Fran putting it on our top 10 list.

I'm determined to do so. ::yes::

Hopefully with Summer coming you'll have more time. :)
Once I was on the bus back to the ship, Fran was texting me. About a week after we got back from the trip, the band had a fundraiser, Drag Queen Bingo. As band members, our job was to come up with prizes for the night, gift baskets that people could win. They wanted folks to go out and solicit businesses to donate prizes, but that’s not what Fran and I do. We don’t have “connections” with local businesses who would donate a prize and don’t know people we can ask for favors. Until now Fran and I were unable to offer anything. We don't work for Starbucks, Disney or any other large corporation that would normally donate a gift basket for something like this.

She came up with the idea of making a "Taste of Alaska" basket, with, you guessed it, all the items she could buy with her coupons she found in the free booklets. She met me on the dock when I got back and I tried to tag along, but clearly, with my bum knee and being tired from the adrenaline of the plane, I was just going to slow her down and she told me to go back to the room and take my shower and relax.

This is what she ended up buying for our Taste of Alaska Baskets. There were the Contents for two baskets

2 packages Wild Alaska Smoked Salmon
2 Ulu Alaskan Knives with Display Stand
4 Packs Hand Warmers
4 Alaska Chocolate Bars
2 Hat/T-shirt Combos, 1 XL one 1 L
2 shot glasses
2 King Salmon Jerky
2 Baby Seal Plush
2 Whale Tale Necklaces
2 bags of Wild Huckleberry candies
1 wild huckleberry jam
2 Hematite Necklace/bracelet/earring sets
2 Alaska Knit Caps (1 bear, 1 eagle)
2 Alaska hand crafted mining pans
2 Alaska Baseball Caps (1 dark with Eagle, 1 light with a seaplane)
1 XL Shirt

After my shower, I poured a glass of wine and went out on the Verandah. Soon I saw Fran on her way back from the Tongass Trading Company.

She has no idea I’m watching her.

Finally I called down to her.

We have these Lidocaine pain patches that are leftover from before Fran had her hip and knees replaced, we always bring some along just in case. I put one on my knee and it really helped. We napped and kicked back for a bit until it was time to go down and meet characters.

First we got Woody.

His line was so short, and we had almost half an hour to kill until the next characters came out, so we decided to go meet Jack Sparrow.

I had put on my new jewelry and since I’m too lazy to go dig it out of the closet and take a picture I just enlarged this one of me and zoomed in. I got a gold nugget pendant, and two dangly gold nuggets for my main earrings and then four gold nugget posts for the remaining earrings. Not sure if you can see them all.

Then we went back for Jesse.

After we met with Jack, I realized that I had not taken any pictures of the shopping corridor on this trip and this was the last time that I would potentially see it like this. Who knows what they will do to it in the dry dock!

And finally Mrs. Incredible.

Dinner tonight was in Animator’s Palate. They didn’t play the show while we were there. The menu was the Prince and Princess menu.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

I got an Enchanted Cocktail, Absolut Vanilla, Orange Passion Juice, fresh Lemon and Grapefruit Juice.

My mom and Fran started with the Mushroom Soup.

Dad and I got the bacon cheese tart, which to me was more like mushroom quiche.

Dad got the mushroom soup while i had the spinach soup.

Fran and Mom had the lobster salad.

We all got the Halibut. It was a bit bland but the sauce was good. There was just way too large a portion.

Except Mom got the Turkey.

Then we were handed the dessert menus.

For dessert Fran got the Mickey Bar.

I got the tiramisu, it wasn't a real tiramisu but it was OK.

Mom got the lemon cheesecake.

Dad got the chocolate cake.

Our drink server made us these flowers. I didn't see any of her other tables with them.

I went right back to the room, Fran stopped by shutters to see about purchasing a digital copy of one of the portraits of my parents, and if you could buy just one picture. You couldn’t.

So I just took this picture of the towel animal and went to bed. So not only will they be throwing us off the ship in two mornings, but now they’re taking away an hour of our sleep tonight!

And here is tomorrow’s Navigator, our last one for the cruise.

She came up with the idea of making a "Taste of Alaska" basket, with, you guessed it, all the items she could buy with her coupons she found in the free booklets.

That is a really lovely idea.

Dinner and the character photos looked great. I love the one with Mrs Incredible.

I went right back to the room, Fran stopped by shutters to see about purchasing a digital copy of one of the portraits of my parents, and if you could buy just one picture. You couldn’t.

That stinks. I supposed they are getting greedy.

I can't believe that this trip is already coming to an end.

That is an impressive list for a gift basket! I hope they were successful.

Cute to catch Fran on her way back from shopping.

Great character pictures :) Did Captain Jack try to pilfer your gold?

I don't like that they skip the show in AP. At least do the color changes, even if Mickey isn't going to come out.

I didn't know you went through a time change on the Alaska cruises?
What an Alaskan list! And I bet Fran enjoyed her shopping for the items.
I loved the pictures of Fran on her way back as well. Great spotting.

Ooh! What an awesome line-up for the Meet and Greets!

I really hate when I lose an hour.
I don't either. I have so many T-shirts, it has to be a good one!


I'll keep that in mind. My mom is the avid birder. But I don't see Fran putting it on our top 10 list.

It's definitely not the easiest place in the world to get to.

About a week after we got back from the trip, the band had a fundraiser, Drag Queen Bingo.

I remember that!

She came up with the idea of making a "Taste of Alaska" basket, with, you guessed it, all the items she could buy with her coupons she found in the free booklets.

Not bad... no.... smart!

2 packages Wild Alaska Smoked Salmon
2 Ulu Alaskan Knives with Display Stand
4 Packs Hand Warmers
4 Alaska Chocolate Bars
2 Hat/T-shirt Combos, 1 XL one 1 L
2 shot glasses
2 King Salmon Jerky
2 Baby Seal Plush
2 Whale Tale Necklaces
2 bags of Wild Huckleberry candies
1 wild huckleberry jam
2 Hematite Necklace/bracelet/earring sets
2 Alaska Knit Caps (1 bear, 1 eagle)
2 Alaska hand crafted mining pans
2 Alaska Baseball Caps (1 dark with Eagle, 1 light with a seaplane)
1 XL Shirt

Nice haul!

Soon I saw Fran on her way back from the Tongass Trading Company.

Love that shot.

Happy shopper!

I got a gold nugget pendant, and two dangly gold nuggets for my main earrings and then four gold nugget posts for the remaining earrings. Not sure if you can see them all.

Can't see your left ear, but assuming they're matched with the ones on your right ear, then ::yes:: we can see them all.

Awww... you're so cute in that shot.

And "Two super heroes in one photo!"

I got an Enchanted Cocktail, Absolut Vanilla, Orange Passion Juice, fresh Lemon and Grapefruit Juice.


I got the tiramisu, it wasn't a real tiramisu but it was OK.

Thanks for saying that. I took one look and immediately thought "That's not tiramisu."

Our drink server made us these flowers. I didn't see any of her other tables with them.

Special favours from the staff. The sky's the limit now.

So not only will they be throwing us off the ship in two mornings, but now they’re taking away an hour of our sleep tonight!

Well that's just plain rude.
I'd be interested to hear if your father has been fishing in Ketchikan, that sounds very interesting.

I talked to my dad and he has been to Ketchikan but they go there for a stop to their next destination in Alaska.

That is a lot of Alaska stuff that Fran bought that day. That is nice that you were able to get a picture of Fran from the top.

Very nice meet and greet pictures with the characters.

Dinner looks good as always.


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