Plastic and duct tape our homes????


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
Am I the only one who thinks that this would be ineffective? You'd have to shut off the heat and seal all the ducts. You'd have to go on your roof and seal the little chimney vent for the heater. I just don't think sealing the doors and windows is going to help anything.
Why is the US government giving us instructions to do something that wouldn't help?
I won't be rushing out to buy any plastic, will you?:confused:
I think I missed something... :confused: :confused: I better go check out CNN.;)
but on my local TV news this morning. It said we should have a 3 day supply of food and water, and to have plastic and duct tape to seal our homes. They said this comes from the government.
Denise, I saw this too and its in my paper. They also said to have a 3 day supply of canned food and water on hand.
I'd like to think sealing my windows would work, but deep down, I know its ineffective.
Im less than 10 miles from Oyster Creek nuclear plant and my stomach is in knots.
Department of Homeland Security website has a LONG page of things they suggest Americans do to prepare for all sorts of possible Terror Attacks. Having the pre cut sheets of plastic and duct tape are one of the many things. They said that the room should be at least 10 sq ft (floor space) per person and this will hold enough oxygen for at least 5 hours -- during the immediate danger.

Quoted from the Homeland Security Website:
2. If you are instructed to remain in your home, the building where you are, or other shelter during a chemical or biological attack:

Turn off all ventilation, including furnaces, air conditioners, vents and fans.
Seek shelter in an internal room, preferably one without windows. Seal the room with duct tape and plastic sheeting. Ten square feet of floor space per person will provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide build-up for up to five hours. (See "Shelter" chapter.)
Remain in protected areas where toxic vapors are reduced or eliminated, and be sure to take your battery-operated radio with you.
And also to prepare for another type of attack that would require you to be in your home longer -
2. Assemble and maintain a disaster supply kit with food, water, medications, fuel and personal items adequate for up to 2 weeks-the more the better. (See the "Emergency Planning and Disaster Supplies" chapter for more information).
It is scarey but something I will do. When I visited my mother this weekend she already planned where we would meet, if needed. These are things that I will prepare for but will hope I'll never have to put to use.
Is this just general "in case" stuff or were they alluding to the fact of danger if/when we attack Iraq??? Hmmmmm.....
I'll have to check it out. My local news has said nothing. I watch news everyday and haven't heard this mentioned. Is this a recent thing they are talking about?
I'll go to that site but I am afraid to do it. I'll go shopping and my dh will think I have lost my mind.
Some other soccer mom's were talking about this at a game last night...I hadn't heard anything before that, altho I tend to avoid the news (not good, I know). Today on the Today Show they were discussing all of this info.
Having a place to meet, having food and supplies, batteries, radio, etc. are all reasonable and good ideas. Putting up plastic and duct tape -- if it comes to that, making peace with God and spending time with family seem like they will be the more likely option. I heard one Colonel saying the sealing is ineffective if you don't have a clean air supply to begin with. The NBC reporter, Mike Michlazeski (how do you spell that?), is based at the Pentagon. He said they know they are a target and his plan for is to have wine and his favorite CDs rather than plastic and duct tape.

These are very, very scary days. But, we can either quake in fear or live life and enjoy every day we are given.
I couldn't find the list of supplies you are supposed to have on hand?
The only room in my home with out a window is my master walk in closet. I have 2 AC units on the roof, in the event of an attack, I will be subjected to whatever when I go up on my roof to cover the units with plastic. Sorry, but as bad as this sounds, when it happens, I guess I will be unprepared. I will not stockpile food in my car, non perishable meaning? Canned goods in my trunk at 80 degrees, I think not. I have food in my house, I have fire extinguishers for my kitchen and the other end of the house. When it's my time to go, I will be gone. I hate all this "prepare for your doom", the more I hear about it, the less I believe it, and I know I am not the only one who feels this way. I am not saying that anyone should follow my lead, we all have to do what ever we feel is the best for ourselves.
I agree with you MickeyFan . . .I was discussing this with my DH last night . . . .

I cannot see stockpiling 3 days of food and water in our cars . . .or sealing up our windows, etc . . .If the time has come that we are supposed to go, then I'm going . . .along with everyone else . . .I refuse to live the rest of my life preparing for the end . . .if it comes, it comes . . .
I vote with the NBC reporter... a bottle of wine, some great food, my kids, dh and a rosary... that is what my disaster plan will include
Ten square feet of floor space per person will provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide build-up for up to five hours.

Just curious since science was never my strong suit but wouldnt having houseplants in this room help convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen?

Personally I dont think sealing things up for a mere 5 hours will help if something major happened anyway. Say if something happens whats to prevent the same thing from happening again after 5 hours?
All of this is so scary! I can't imagine having to worry about these things forever but I guess this is our new reality. I also can't decide how much of this do I really decide to do.

What upsets me the most is DS. I was actually up late last night worrying about what kind of a world my DS is going to grow up in. Worrying about terror alerts, etc. and having a Mom that can't decide if she should stockpile food and water doesn't sound like much fun. :(

I will probably make a few basic arrangements that make sense in the case of any disaster be it a terrorist attack or an earthquake, etc. It would be smart for us to have some food, water, medicine, diapers, formula, radio, batteries, flashlight, blankets, etc. stocked away in a closet where they can be easily accessed but I just can't imagine storing materials to seal up our house. It would also be smart for us to make emergency contact plans, meeting places, make sure our paperwork is stored away properly, etc.

I just hope that if something happens that we are all together at home.
if there was a biochemical attack and you did seal up vents, have food supplies, etc. would you really want to survive if everyone else died? the safety measures they say to do may help for a short time but what about the long-term effects?

i think in my opinion, i would rather die quickly.sorry if you feel differently.


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