Plastic and duct tape our homes????

I will not live in fear. Am I a little scared? Yes of course. But when it's my time it's my time. Besides in the case of an emergency DH will be out in the field, so what's the point. And chances are if there is a disaster I will be out helping as well. I am as prepared for this as I am a hurricane, which is basically three days worth of food and water, but like I said chances are we wouldn't even be home.
This reminds me of the Millenium Scare. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think anything is going to happen. Make some preparations, but go on with your life. I scheduled a business trip yesterday to Hartford next Wednesday and really didn't think about it.
While some preparations make sense (I always try to keep a 3-day water/drink supply and we have a good amount of non-perishable food we keep stocked just by habit), some just doesn't make any sense. It's kinda like the duck-and-cover for a nuclear explosion. :confused: Uh...if you're close enough to need to duck and cover, you'll have much more problems and most likely will be dead. :rolleyes: For other attacks or earthquakes, it works, but not for a nuclear explosion.

And as for trying to evacuate? Shoot, unless we left 3 days before the big crowds, it'd be impossible to get out of where we live and to somewhere safe because of traffic. We'd probably be in more danger being stuck in our cars on the "evacuation routes" than we would in our homes. :(

I just try not to worry about it.
Having my 2 oldest away at college scares the heck out of me, so I just can't think about it. Kind of like Scarlet O'Hara - I'll worry about it tomorrow.
It is all very scary. My DH and I were discussing this last night.
I agree...duct tape and plastic will not keep out the toxins.

If it is our time to go, we will go. I don't want to die a lingering death. I feel so sad for our children.
I don't ever remember being this scared.

I think I will be spending time with the kids, my DH and GOD.

Life is short people, take care of each other.



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